AOC asks the bankers "why aren't more of you in jail ?"

When cortez gets excited she looks like she just got a 12 wennie jammed up her rear end .
Her teeth and eyes really bug out
"They're very musical and animated people aren't they Randolph ? Indeed Mortimer, indeed they are. "

Typical antisemitic Leftist brings everything back to race when he loses an argument.
I weep for my nation.
Typical antisemitic Leftist brings everything back to race when he loses an argument.
:icon_rolleyes: :th_spinspin:

You brought it up, at least own it. Coward. And Again you never answered me, how is she protecting the "little guy" here? Big banks DGAF about the "little guy" they don't advertise or cater to them. That is what local banks and CUs do. So stick to the topic, Angela.
Jail the Bankers (and the Jews). It's Stalinism all over again if democrats ever hijack the government.
She's right. They should all be in prison...Big Ears not only saved their worthless asses from prison time, he made sure they got even more wealthy and powerful.
I wish she would call Pelosi out on
the amount of money her district is awarded
in federal funds for homelessness
and the how the more money her district gets
the more homeless people increase
and how they are shitting and shooting up
Yes, yes, you did it all, gave it all whatever. Anarchist who collects social security. Spells loser to me. Lacks integrity to. Can’t even live by your ideals. You are even bragging about it for fuck sake. Typing away while sucking on the teet.
Another generalization from a nitwit who jumps into a thread throwing around insults, without having the courtesy or even intellectual curiosity to watch the 5-minute video in the OP..

Blah, blah, blah, intellectual curiosity, yet you can’t name one bit of work the dumb twit had her name on that’s been taken seriously. And stop being a fag. You toss your own insults to, you just think your doing it in a superior way because you are so smart. Be honest, you saw the dance video and got wood. I can respect that, but this 56 year old counter culture hipster bull shit is just gay. So other then a promise of “what she will do” explain why this dumb bitch is any better then “Longview Louie” up there in Congress? You can’t.
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How about she go before the banksters at the Fed and ask the same questions?

What she's doing is going after the street peddler and ignoring the cartel at the top....But she excels at saying and doing stupid shit that creates more buzz than solutions.
Billionaire CEOs are street peddlers. WTF! Really?

Lol, Libertarian anarchist! Lol! That’s a fucking shoot! You have GOT to still be living with your parents! Bet your an old school 90’ goth fag. That’s funny shit. Never mind.
LOL...all wrong...not even close. Conservatives like you are so silly.

Retired and living a great life, after many years of toil. I have educated myself to overcome the Statist indoctrination we all suffer from the government schools.

Yes, yes, you did it all, gave it all whatever. Anarchist who collects social security. Spells loser to me. Lacks integrity to. Can’t even live by your ideals. You are even bragging about it for fuck sake. Typing away while sucking on the teet.

Truth hurts.
Typical antisemitic Leftist brings everything back to race when he loses an argument.
:icon_rolleyes: :th_spinspin:

You brought it up, at least own it. Coward. And Again you never answered me, how is she protecting the "little guy" here? Big banks DGAF about the "little guy" they don't advertise or cater to them. That is what local banks and CUs do. So stick to the topic, Angela.

It’s because you are beneath his superior intellect. Only the “woke” understand.
She’s not exactly wrong on this one
She's not wrong at all...period

The thing is, Congress had and has
a hand in all of this....

Why aren't politicians held accountable

ALL of congress. All of them. Especially the republicans. Maybe more so then democrats. Democrats at least tell the truth about where they stand. Republicans been lying about this all along.
Exxon Mobil, Wall Street and Big Pharma ....nobody is safe from this terrible young woman's wrath.

AOC GRILLS Jamie Dimon & Bank Executives On Jailing Law Breaking Bankers.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez questions Chase CEO Jamie Dimon and other megabuck executives on their behavior since the 2008 mortgage crisis.

She is to stupid to have that job.

Not at all true. She accurately represents those who voted her into office.
If anyone is watching MSM reporting on the new progressives in Congress, you are witnessing a slandering of these people. It is clear to me what is going on. We know Fox and right wing talk radio will slander them, because they are Ds. However, the slander doesn't end there. The typically leftist organs on TV and print are slandering them too...yet another proof the MSM is controlled by the wealthy Ruling Class.
I have totally noticed media reports being 'kinder'
or totally agreeing with Trump,
and backlashes, negative reporting
totally aimed at Democrats

I love how backlash, towards Michelle's comparison
of divorced dads to the Trump presidency
was a result of their own reconditioning
of what is acceptably and reasonably offensive
She’s not exactly wrong on this one
She's not wrong at all...period

The thing is, Congress had and has
a hand in all of this....

Why aren't politicians held accountable

ALL of congress. All of them. Especially the republicans. Maybe more so then democrats. Democrats at least tell the truth about where they stand. Republicans been lying about this all along.
I disagree, Democrats have been lying all along too

All of Congress...TOTALLY AGREE
She's right. They should all be in prison...Big Ears not only saved their worthless asses from prison time, he made sure they got even more wealthy and powerful.

But then turns right around and gives her boyfriend all kinds of money from her campaign finances even though he does little more know.

Being in Congress, you would think that she would be asking why all of her fellow Congressmen are not in jail, but now that she is wealthy I reckon she wants to join the party.
Exxon Mobil, Wall Street and Big Pharma ....nobody is safe from this terrible young woman's wrath.

AOC GRILLS Jamie Dimon & Bank Executives On Jailing Law Breaking Bankers.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez questions Chase CEO Jamie Dimon and other megabuck executives on their behavior since the 2008 mortgage crisis.

Shouldn't she be asking the Elite Democrats who made the law?


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