AOC Can’t Define Capitalism

If America is not capitalism, then why are you Leftards so busy attacking capitalism demanding capitalism be changed?

And again, you Leftards refuse to name a nation with a better economic system and tell us why you refuse to move there.

Me? I'm the one that gets hammered for arguing for free trade. Like when I condemn things like trade embargo's on countries.

A "better system" is not actually arguing we have a system of Capitalism. No where in Capitalism do we find a chapter that explains the taxpayers being on the hook to prop up a failing business.

I'm the one that argues to end that.
countries dont,, people do,, and as I stated, its brought more people out of poverty than any other system known to mankind,,

now prove me wrong??

People do? What in the heck is that supposed to mean? People didn't take the thousands of dollars the government handed out in the stimulus checks? There was some big uproar to NOT give them the money?

People didn't readily grab up all the PPP money?
People do? What in the heck is that supposed to mean? People didn't take the thousands of dollars the government handed out in the stimulus checks? There was some big uproar to NOT give them the money?

People didn't readily grab up all the PPP money?
youre confusing cronyism with capitalism,,,

common mistake for dishonest people pushing an agenda,,
You are defending something that does NOT exist and just making lame excuses in trying to do so.
maybe if you addressed my points instead of ignoring them you would see I have defended it very well,,

capitalism has brought more people out of poverty than any other system known to mankind,,

now prove that wrong without turning to cronyism,,
And you can’t define communism or socialism. And don’t understand science.

and feel free to let us know when your orange sociopath defined anything properly.

in other words no one cares what you think

Until you can tell us the difference between a man and a woman, I don't believe we need to hear from you about "understanding science".

And until you can write a post that isn't, "Well, TRUMP . . . so there!" I don't believe we need to hear from you. Period.
maybe if you addressed my points instead of ignoring them you would see I have defended it very well,,

capitalism has brought more people out of poverty than any other system known to mankind,,

now prove that wrong without turning to cronyism,,

NO ONE practices Capitalism. Capitalism is a theory. You can't argue "well Jane goes to the market and buys a loaf of bread from Jack and that's Capitalism".

Jane got the money to buy that loaf of bread from money the government sent her.
NO ONE practices Capitalism. Capitalism is a theory. You can't argue "well Jane goes to the market and buys a loaf of bread from Jack and that's Capitalism".

Jane got the money to buy that loaf of bread from money the government sent her.
so youre going to keep dodging the topic,, figures,,

might be because you know you cant support what ever it is youre claiming,,,

just more outbursts from the retarded kid in the back of the bus
so youre going to keep dodging the topic,, figures,,

might be because you know you cant support what ever it is youre claiming,,,

just more outbursts from the retarded kid in the back of the bus

I am addressing it. You can claim all the benefits you see from "capitalism" but then the question is why is there not a single country that actually practices it?

At best we are a quasi capitalist/socialist society.

You even state that the things we do aren't capitalism but still argue that is who we are.
If America is not capitalism, then why are you Leftards so busy attacking capitalism demanding capitalism be changed?

And again, you Leftards refuse to name a nation with a better economic system and tell us why you refuse to move there.
What is capitalist about our police and fire departments? What about our schools? Infrastructure? Military? Exactly which companies privately run those for profit?
I've asked over and over how what we do can be defined as Capitalism and no one can answer. She is young, she probably shouldn't be able to speak on something she has never experienced.
Of course she has had experience, and experience in capitalism...benefit quite a bit from it, she just doesn't know it.

Capitalism is an economic system, in which trade and industry are owned by private ownership, not the state. Where the production of good is based on supply and demand, via the market economy, not via the state.
I am addressing it. You can claim all the benefits you see from "capitalism" but then the question is why is there not a single country that actually practices it?

At best we are a quasi capitalist/socialist society.

You even state that the things we do aren't capitalism but still argue that is who we are.
its practiced in every country by people.,, I know thats hard for you to understand because it negates your narrative,, but thats the facts,,

and I only claimed one benefit,,

it has brought more people pout of poverty than any other system known to mankind,, prove me wrong??

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