AOC claims US's immigration crisis is 'nothing' compared to Ellis Island's immigration


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
She's right, the organized, legal, timely, and with reasonable #'s of immigrants going through Ellis Island, is nothing like the, chaotic, catastrophic, out of control #'s we are seeing flooding in now after Joe's invitation invasion.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) claimed in a recent social media post that the current influx of immigrants illegally entering the country is "nothing" compared to the number of people who have come to America throughout history.

The New York representative shared her thoughts online about her state's struggle with immigration after New York Democrats called on the Biden administration for help in dealing with the influx of immigrants arriving in New York City. Ocasio-Cortez compared New York's immigration to Ellis Island, which helped process immigrants in the late 19th century and early 20th century.

Representatives, congressmen / women, represent their constituencies. What does this say about the individuals who vote for her? What about her resonates with them? Do they know more about sports / pop culture than AOC and her challenger backgrounds?
She's right, the organized, legal, timely, and with reasonable #'s of immigrants going through Ellis Island, is nothing like the, chaotic, catastrophic, out of control #'s we are seeing flooding in now after Joe's invitation invasion.

AOC is the dumbass person in Congress. It's not to say that immigrants during the late 1800's and early 1900's didn't come across boarders other than Ellis Island. They did! And, doing so was illegal. Therefore, she cannot justify what's happening now at the Southern boarder because of illegal immigration back in history. As far as Ellis Island, she needs to take some courses about Ellis Island. People didn't just get off the island or go around it. There were strict procedures primarily because of health reasons keeping those with TB and other deadly diseases out of America. That is not happening at the boarder now.
That twat is nothing more than a social media wannabe influencer masquerading as a member of congress.
I remember back when illegal crossings were a fraction of what they are now ol Bubblehead went down there to fake cry outside a parking lot to protest.

My how her standards have changed.
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She's right, the organized, legal, timely, and with reasonable #'s of immigrants going through Ellis Island, is nothing like the, chaotic, catastrophic, out of control #'s we are seeing flooding in now after Joe's invitation invasion.

She and the rest of her Squad ( the Gang of Four ) are a marvelous advertisement for Conservativism...
Ellis Island checked people's health and took down their name...........and they rejected some people
Not to mention that back then we were a nation of 80 millions with land and jobs and room enough for all.

We are now a nation of 350 millions, the land is all parceled out and we can't feed and house our own people.

We don't need any more newcomers for a generation or two.

If we can't find what we need amongst 350,000,000 of our own souls, we don't need it.

Close the frigging border.
Not to mention that back then we were a nation of 80 millions with land and jobs and room enough for all.

We are now a nation of 350 millions, the land is all parceled out and we can't feed and house our own people.

We don't need any more newcomers for a generation or two.

If we can't find what we need amongst 350,000,000 of our own souls, we don't need it.

Close the frigging border.
back then we didn't give welfare to immigrants
She's right, the organized, legal, timely, and with reasonable #'s of immigrants going through Ellis Island, is nothing like the, chaotic, catastrophic, out of control #'s we are seeing flooding in now after Joe's invitation invasion.

Not to mention they were almost entirely white people that wanted to work and be a part of the American society and integrate into our country.

All these brown leeches and criminals were seeing today just want to suck on America's tit. There are probably 12 good ones per 1500 bad ones.

She is a moron... does she ever get embarrassed?....

Obviously not.

Either she is so damned stupid that she believes in most pure and absolute way possible everything she thinks and says is without a doubt absolutely correct.

Or she simply does not care at all and just says whatever she thinks sounds good at the moment and then just moves on.
When you have the welfare system that we have today, it's no wonder we are being invaded the way we are.

Dimocrats, even want to give them more:

All Democrats At Main Debate Agree Illegal Immigrants Should Get Health Care Coverage​


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