AOC: Classic Democrat. Funneled $1 million to Boyfriend.

sounds like he was embezzling her campaign money
This is like Jimmy Swaggart getting caught with a prostitute. I'm expecting an "I have SINNED!" speech some day soon.

Don't you Trumpflakes ever get tired of being played?

Apparently not. Whenever a lie is revealed, you run back to the people who lied to you, drop to your knees, lick their boots, and beg for more lies.

I'd tell you to enjoy life on your knees, but it's already clear that you do.
^ A Cohen quote as a signature? ^ That's special.
This shows ya whole Congress needs investigating when new members jump right into serving themselves illegal riches. No need to wait cause everyone is doing it so who will snitch,,,,,and we know press is uninterested
Well, that did not take long....

The Socialist Princess has not been in office 3 months yet and gas already been exposed as a criminal.

"Ocasio-Cortez and Chakrabarti, according to the complaint, appeared to have "orchestrated an extensive off-the-books operation to make hundreds of thousands of dollars of expenditures in support of multiple candidates for federal office."

"These are not minor or technical violations," Tom Anderson, director of NLPC’s Government Integrity Project, said in a statement. "We are talking about real money here. In all my years of studying FEC reports, I’ve never seen a more ambitious operation to circumvent reporting requirements.

Representative Ocasio-Cortez has been quite vocal in condemning so-called dark money, but her own campaign went to great lengths to avoid the sunlight of disclosure.”

AOC, according to the FEC, now face fines and possible jail time.

So, it turns out the little Socialist Princess is a hypocrite, a scam artist, and a thief ...

Hell, if the Democratic Party can just protect her from indictment and prison like they did for Hillary, the DNC may have their 2020 Presidential nominee...she has every qualification so far Hillary had in 2016!


I can't wait to read what the snowflakes who rush to defend her post...

Ocasio-Cortez, chief of staff illegally moved $885K in campaign contributions 'off the books,' FEC complaint alleges

sounds like he was embezzling her campaign money


"Ocasio-Cortez and Chakrabarti, according to the complaint, appeared to have "orchestrated an extensive off-the-books operation to make hundreds of thousands of dollars of expenditures in support of multiple candidates for federal office."

Oh, GG...don't tell me you are working hard to convince everyone ... and yourself ... that the little Socialist Princess is nothing more than a 'victim'?!

Ocasio-Cortez's Top Aide Funneled $1+ Million In Political Donations To His Own Private Business

She's turning out to be a Textbook Democrat. A complaint has been filed with the Federal Election Commission.
This is like the third time I've seen someone trying to push this story. It has yet to be verified and the amount has doubled every time it's posted.
Yeah, hearing about the Socialist darling's crime after her skyrocket flight to stardom sucks, doesn't it?

Ocasio-Cortez's Top Aide Funneled $1+ Million In Political Donations To His Own Private Business

She's turning out to be a Textbook Democrat. A complaint has been filed with the Federal Election Commission.
This is like the third time I've seen someone trying to push this story. It has yet to be verified and the amount has doubled every time it's posted.
Yeah, hearing about the Socialist darling's crime after her skyrocket flight to stardom sucks, doesn't it?

What crime? Some RWNJ group filed a complaint. There has been no investigation, not indictments, no charges, just a narrative the conservitard media ran with on zero evidence.
They believe their cause is so great that they don’t have to play by the rules. They believe that they are above campaign finance law." He charged that Ocasio-Cortez “has been quite vocal in condemning so-called dark money, but her own campaign went to great lengths to avoid the sunlight of disclosure."

Gee, where have we seen / heard that before...oh yeah... Recently AOC was called out for hypocrisy as she demonstrated her Green New Deal and restrictions proposed for fighting Global Warming are for OTHERS, not for her.

Sound familiar?

"They believe that they are above campaign finance law."

What crime? Some RWNJ group filed a complaint. There has been no investigation, not indictments, no charges, just a narrative the conservitard media ran with on zero evidence.


What crime?

I guess if you can convince yourself that taking more than $100 million from the Russians and paying foreign spies and Russians for their help in trying to win the 2016 election were not colluding with Russians / breaking the law then I can see how you can convince yourself violating Campaign Finance laws and attempting to steal more than $800k isn't illegal either...


There has been no investigation, not indictments, no charges, just a narrative the conservitard media ran with on zero evidence.

Based on NO CRIME and NO EVIDENCE, Democrats have carried out a fruitless witch hunt for over 2 years...and have declared they continue to investigate every fiber of the President's life.

Based on that standard of 'Justice', AOC should be investigated for the next 2 years...but it does not sound like the pending investigation will last that long.

To add to AOC's misfortune is the fact that she has pissed off a lot of her fellow Democrats in a very short time....I wonder how many will be in an awful rush to run to her aide now.

Rumor has it they were already considering Primarying they may not have to - just let the legal process run its course without putting their thumb on the scale to help her out.


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