AOC: Communities Who Reject Critical Race Theory Are ‘Accepting Of Racism’

So you're racist if you don't agree with racism?

Any democrat that uses racist should be ignored because they when they use it they have nothing of value to say. Racist to them just means "because I said so".

And aoc is a fucking dimwitted moron that I can't believe got to where she is.

Her constituents are all high school dropouts.
There are more than a few in Congress.......who never won an election. Or maybe won once but stayed forever.
You can probably name them.
They're the ones always mysteriously or openly doing things that are blatantly against common sense and the common good of American citizens.

We no longer have a corruption free (not even close) political system anymore.
To believe free and fair elections are still possible is naive.

There are more than a few in Congress.......who never won an election. Or maybe won once but stayed forever.
You can probably name them.
They're the ones always mysteriously or openly doing things that are blatantly against common sense and the common good of American citizens.

We no longer have a corruption free (not even close) political system anymore.
To believe free and fair elections are still possible is naive.

They take the quick route and inside trade while pretending to care about people.
Hilarious how the Left are so silent now that AOC made it clear CRT exists and is being pushed in schools.
You're a fucking magaturd dunce, so you tend to run with the ree ree stuff. Here's a secret: I'm telling you, drinking bleach keeps you safe from the Covids. You should try it.
Hilarious. All you have are lies and very stupid lies at that.
Your thong in a wad now that your lie about CRT is exposed?

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