AOC defends prostitution

Soft porn, no sex, not the same. But you know that, you're just being a useless dick. Have another hit off your bong and pass the day away.

Obviously I said I support legal prostitution too. So my question to you is why can't you be right without still lying and being a dick?
I had to learn and practice not blaming women for being female under our form of Capitalism.
Thank you, yes. The left lies about EVERYTHING. You're not capable of not lying. You couldn't do it to save your life
Like drawing make believe paths for a hurricane with a sharpie because the weather didn't cooperate with a statement some dipshit president made? All politicians lie mostly because they are people and people lie but some assholes take it to an entirely new level.
Incels are incapable of having a grown up conversation about sex workers.
lol. Simply because You say so? Nobody takes right-wingers seriously about economics. You need a valid argument for that.
You've been given multiple valid arguments repeatedly. You choose to ignore them so this is what you get. You have no credibility on the subject.
Incels are incapable of having a grown up conversation about sex workers.
1) Sex is not a right.

2) For most married and single men, sex is an interest.

3) Any sane men would strongly support any politician who supports Legalization -- see 2)

4) I do not blame any woman for opposing legalization -- see 1). Everyone should vote for their best interests.
You've been given multiple valid arguments repeatedly. You choose to ignore them so this is what you get. You have no credibility on the subject.
lol. I ignore nothing. I don't even report right-wingers for being trolls instead of having valid arguments. Right-wingers have no valid arguments only fallacy and prove it every time they post.
lol. I ignore nothing. I don't even report right-wingers for being trolls instead of having valid arguments. Right-wingers have no valid arguments only fallacy and prove it every time they post.
And the pigeon takes another lap around the board.
Like drawing make believe paths for a hurricane with a sharpie because the weather didn't cooperate with a statement some dipshit president made? All politicians lie mostly because they are people and people lie but some assholes take it to an entirely new level.

LOL, thanks for the memory. Trump triggering you with the sharpie was hysterical.

Democrats are so angry it's so easy to play you. That was fucking funny, Trump is a riot.

How do you fall for something that obvious? My God, hate does strange things to people
LOL, thanks for the memory. Trump triggering you with the sharpie was hysterical.

Democrats are so angry it's so easy to play you. That was fucking funny, Trump is a riot.

How do you fall for something that obvious? My God, hate does strange things to people
If it makes you feel better to be reminded that dumbass who could never win the will of the people, fine by me.
If it makes you feel better to be reminded that dumbass who could never win the will of the people, fine by me.

It was obvious to anyone with a half a brain Trump was playing you. It was hysterical. Years later and you're still triggered by it.

It's funny as shit. Thanks for admitting that
It was obvious to anyone with a half a brain Trump was playing you. It was hysterical. Years later and you're still triggered by it.

It's funny as shit. Thanks for admitting that
Yeah, he played me right out of the Whitehouse I guess. Darn.
Yeah, he played me right out of the Whitehouse I guess. Darn.

He played you into the white house. It was amazing. Host of the Apprentice was President, for four years. He took out 16 Republicans and the Clinton machine. Then you had to steal an election or it would have been four more.

If you weren't so emotionally invested in this, Trump wouldn't totally pwn you. He was a troll on TV for years doing this to people. But now you're like, no YOU KNOW that Trump didn't do to you what he has done to other people for all those years.

He didn't, he didn't he didn't, right stupid fuck? LOL, my God you're stupid
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tries to legitimize, promote prostitution: 'Sex work is work' - TheBlaze

After all, she is one along with the rest of her democrat cohorts.

So for the record, AOC is for shutting down schools, churches, and restaurants, all to prevent the spread of Covid, while supporting prostitutes having sex with strangers?.

I reckon it is far more dangerous to eat with other people in the room than have sex with them

Who knew?

The vacuous and amoral nature of the mind of a secular democrat is a conundrum. Were they so stupid they became socialists or are they socialists because they are so stupid?
You can bet every last dollar that she has had many sexual partners that promised many things other than love and affection.

Which is how I define prostitution.

So, it would make some sense.
He played you into the white house. It was amazing. Host of the Apprentice was President, for four years. He took out 16 Republicans and the Clinton machine. Then you had to steal an election or it would have been four more.

If you weren't so emotionally invested in this, Trump wouldn't totally pwn you. He was a troll on TV for years doing this to people. But now you're like, no YOU KNOW that Trump didn't do to you what he has done to other people for all those years.

He didn't, he didn't he didn't, right stupid fuck? LOL, my God you're stupid
When you play Barbie, is Trump the Ken doll? I'm not sure why you soft headed babies are so emotionally attached to the guy.
When you play Barbie, is Trump the Ken doll? I'm not sure why you soft headed babies are so emotionally attached to the guy.

Fact one: Trump is a troll

Fact two: Trump trolled you

Dipshit HappyJoe: Trump was upset, after he spent a career of trolling ... I ... know that he was serious! He didn't troll me! I know what he thought, I read minds. And that he did WHAT HE ALWAYS DOES means nothing! He was serious! After a lifetime of trolling, I know that when I got upset over what he said, he wasn't trolling me!

My God you're stupid and a total sap.

So after a career of trolling, you read minds and figured out that the troll didn't troll you. And that you read minds is your only evidence. What a total boob you are
Fact one: Trump is a troll

He sure looks like one.

Fact two: Trump trolled you

By losing?

Dipshit HappyJoe: Trump was upset, after a career of trolling ... I ... know that he was serious! He didn't troll me! I know what he thought, and that he did WHAT HE ALWAYS DOES means nothing!

You believe the election was stolen. Your life is spent mining in the troll shit cave now. :puke:

My God you're stupid and a total sap

I'm also not the president, just like Trump. I am however a total sap for your emotionally unstable posts. Thank you.

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