AOC defends prostitution

If that's not text book over compensating then I don't know what is.

I don't read text books. As far a I'm concerned, those are for making nice bonfires out of.

Hate to tell ya, hillbilly, but your silly "reverse psychology" is bullshit. I adamantly love guns too. So by your silly logic, my steadfast fondness for guns really means that I don't like them?

How about liver and onions? I hate that shit. So by your 2+2=5 logic, I actually like liver and onions because I stated that I hated it?

Guess it's true. Liberalism truly is a bizarro world mental disorder, ain't it? Check yerself into a psych ward before you hurt yerself, ok?
I don't read text books.

No shit.

As far a I'm concerned, those are for making nice bonfires out of.

Hate to tell ya, hillbilly, but your silly "reverse psychology" is bullshit. I adamantly love guns too. So by your silly logic, my steadfast fondness for guns really means that I don't like them?

It's not reverse psychology. You're literally overcompensating. And by your response I can see you still are.

How about liver and onions? I hate that shit. So by your 2+2=5 logic, I actually like liver and onions because I stated that I hated it?

This is where the "I don't read textbooks" comes into play. You have an obvious deficiency in reading comprehension.

Guess it's true. Liberalism truly is a bizarro world mental disorder, ain't it? Check yerself into a psych ward before you hurt yerself, ok?

You really don't like to be reminded that you're overcompensating about how straight you are. That's one sensitive nerve you got there, he man.
No shit.

It's not reverse psychology. You're literally overcompensating. And by your response I can see you still are.

This is where the "I don't read textbooks" comes into play. You have an obvious deficiency in reading comprehension.

You really don't like to be reminded that you're overcompensating about how straight you are. That's one sensitive nerve you got there, he man.

What ever.
Equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States could render that dilemma under our form of Capitalism, less of an issue. It could merely and rationally be, about opportunity costs under our form of Capitalism.
In my opinion, prostitution should be legal.
Take the Las Vegas approach. Law enforcement definitely should not be burdened with keeping men away from women in general.

To express a religious opinion or preach a sermon on it, that's fine, but enforcement is going one step too far.

Prostitution is a general societal problem, there are specific crimes including pickpocketing and shoplifting, drug dealing, burglary, adulteration of foods and beverages, that are very often committed by prostitutes — but to directly offer sex for money as a "deal" — is not really believable on its face as a crime to prosecute.

There are panhandlers who happen to be female, someone gives money is accused of pimping or pandering, perhaps there are other ways to discourage that than to treat it as a criminal offense.

Are women required to have a certain net worth or minimum income in order to date men?
Take the Las Vegas approach. Law enforcement definitely should not be burdened with keeping men away from women in general.

To express a religious opinion or preach a sermon on it, that's fine, but enforcement is going one step too far.

Prostitution is a general societal problem, there are specific crimes including pickpocketing and shoplifting, drug dealing, burglary, adulteration of foods and beverages, that are very often committed by prostitutes — but to directly offer sex for money as a "deal" — is not really believable on its face as a crime to prosecute.

There are panhandlers who happen to be female, someone gives money is accused of pimping or pandering, perhaps there are other ways to discourage that than to treat it as a criminal offense.

Are women required to have a certain net worth or minimum income in order to date men?

Agree 100%.

Consenting adult sexual activity should not be regulated by the State.

I do not advice anyone to break the law by selling or buying sex where it is illegal. I do not blame those who oppose Legalization. Everyone can vote for his/her best interests.
Consenting adult sexual activity should not be regulated by the State.
Fine. Then just get it off my property. I don't want to hear about it or see it or know about, but I don't want that abortion mill in operation downtown either because those doctors harm and hurt the children so much if they don't manage to kill them like King Herod, who slaughtered the children of Bethlehem two years old and under.
Because the right and left are different.
This is not about not liking people. This is not about hate. This is about agendas pushed and passed and forced on a society. That means the people will act the same with all of these things through bad times. Through good times at this point in our history we have terrible demographics in a high tax civilization paying people off. All of this with the Fiat Currency printing greenbacks to kingdom come. Housing and Apartment living is getting way out of whack. Food and products need to live are rising with some being forced to stay more manageable as loss leaders so the general population can live a bit easier as it gets harder. Somewhere at dome time something is going to happen. Artificially keeping interest rates at lower levels when they may be needed at double digits to squash terrible bad debts can only last for so long. People somewhere in this world are suffering for what we are doing, including here.
She posed for soft porn are you just daft? The story you people are using to call every female you know a whore, slut and anything else your prude minds can conjure up is about a paramedic who was doing internet soft porn...Damn you are a vindictive hypocrite...As far as the escort thingy I am well aware it was a phony baloney story.

So, wait, let me get this straight, you advocate for hairy man butt love as being normal and acceptable in society, agree that children should be exposed to homosexuality at an early age, think the Government should be able to shut down churches, and also are down with California's prostitution laws which allows 13 year old children to sell their bodies to creepy old Democrats and you advocate for the murder of innocent minority children at Planned Parenthood Extermination Camps, yet you recoil in horror at a beautiful woman showing some side boob?

Some kind of morality you have there.
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I do not advise anyone to break the law by selling or buying sex where it is illegal. I do not blame those who oppose Legalization. Everyone can vote for his/her best interests.
All people are by nature free and independent and have inalienable rights. Among these are enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety, happiness, and privacy. (California State Constitution)

Our Legislators merely need the morals they would project onto others.

Equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States is one example.

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
This is not about not liking people. This is not about hate. This is about agendas pushed and passed and forced on a society. That means the people will act the same with all of these things through bad times. Through good times at this point in our history we have terrible demographics in a high tax civilization paying people off. All of this with the Fiat Currency printing greenbacks to kingdom come. Housing and Apartment living is getting way out of whack. Food and products need to live are rising with some being forced to stay more manageable as loss leaders so the general population can live a bit easier as it gets harder. Somewhere at dome time something is going to happen. Artificially keeping interest rates at lower levels when they may be needed at double digits to squash terrible bad debts can only last for so long. People somewhere in this world are suffering for what we are doing, including here.
None of your whining has anything to do with my post. Lil bitch.
Equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States could render that dilemma under our form of Capitalism, less of an issue. It could merely and rationally be, about opportunity costs under our form of Capitalism.
Not paying people who can but won't work is a lot simpler to do and more effective.
Nobody takes right-wingers seriously about being Legal to the Law, just in being Hypocrites in border threads.
This is not a border thread, therefore you have no need to fear that. This is about working and getting paid for working. It's not even about getting paid for not working.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tries to legitimize, promote prostitution: 'Sex work is work' - TheBlaze

After all, she is one along with the rest of her democrat cohorts.

So for the record, AOC is for shutting down schools, churches, and restaurants, all to prevent the spread of Covid, while supporting prostitutes having sex with strangers?.

I reckon it is far more dangerous to eat with other people in the room than have sex with them

Who knew?

The vacuous and amoral nature of the mind of a secular democrat is a conundrum. Were they so stupid they became socialists or are they socialists because they are so stupid?

Wow, I agree with AOC on something. Just the narrow point that prostitution should be legal. Morality laws are absurd and should be abolished
She posed for soft porn are you just daft? The story you people are using to call every female you know a whore, slut and anything else your prude minds can conjure up is about a paramedic who was doing internet soft porn...Damn you are a vindictive hypocrite...As far as the escort thingy I am well aware it was a phony baloney story.

Soft porn, no sex, not the same. But you know that, you're just being a useless dick. Have another hit off your bong and pass the day away.

Obviously I said I support legal prostitution too. So my question to you is why can't you be right without still lying and being a dick?

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