AOC Flunks Economics 101

Marc Thiessen: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an economic illiterate -- And that's bad news for America

"The left complains that conservatives are "obsessing" over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Well, there is a reason for that: Ocasio-Cortez is driving the agenda of today's Democratic Party -- and her economic illiteracy is dangerous.

Case in point: Last week, Ocasio-Cortez celebrated the tanking of a deal negotiated by her fellow Democrats in which Amazonpromised to build a new headquarters in Long Island City, New York, right next to her congressional district. Amazon's departure cost the city between 25,000 and 40,000 new jobs. Forget the tech workers whom Amazon would have employed. Gone are all the unionized construction jobs to build the headquarters, as well as thousands of jobs created by all the small businesses -- restaurants, bodegas, dry cleaners and food carts -- that were preparing to open or expand to serve Amazon employees. They are devastated by Amazon's withdrawal.

Ocasio-Cortez was not disturbed at all. "We were subsidizing those jobs," she said. "Frankly, if we were willing to give away $3 billion for this deal, we could invest those $3 billion in our district, ourselves, if we wanted to. We could hire out more teachers. We can fix our subways. We can put a lot of people to work for that amount of money if we wanted to."

No, you can't. Ocasio-Cortez does not seem to realize that New York does not have $3 billion in cash sitting around waiting to be spent on her socialist dreams. The subsidies to Amazon were tax incentives, not cash payouts. It is Amazon's money, which New York agreed to make tax-exempt, so the company would invest it in building its new headquarters, hiring new workers and generating tens of billions in new tax revenue.

You can't fix her Socialist type of 'stupid'.

First, nobody who thinks tariffs are a good idea has a leg to stand on criticising anyone else's understanding of economics, and don't even get me started on the trickle down myth.

Second, NYC was gonna give them $3 billion in tax breaks. It would have taken them many decades to recoup that investment if they ever did.

It was a bad deal. You can't buy jobs, just like you can't spend your way outta debt.

Second, NYC was gonna give them $3 billion in tax breaks. It would have taken them many decades to recoup that investment if they ever did.

$3 billion out of how many billions in revenue?
You tell me.

I've heard $24-$27 billion.
How many decades will it take NY to recoup that?

This reminds me of the Standard Oil Trust.

Rockefeller made backdoor deals with the railroads. In the public view, Standard Oil was paying the same freight rates as every other oil company. But in reality, Rockefeller was getting a kickback from the railroad. This meant he was actually paying less for transportation.

This enabled Rockefeller to lower his oil prices below what his competitors could and thus run them out of business.

Amazon was going to receive a massive $3 billion kickback from New York which would put them at a competitive advantage over their smaller competitors.

It's bullshit.

Total. Bullshit.

Amazon is already bullshit. It has been bullshit, and, it is the number one purveyor of the Deep State conspiracy of the fake news and "Russia Collusion" fantasy.

I've already told all my friends and neighbors to boycott them, but, nobody listens.

I am surprised you folks on the left are just now starting to wise up.

You gobble lies that WaPo feeds you like it is the Gospel truth, yet most of it is propaganda is meant to increase the bottom line of Amazon, and the military-industrial-complex, a la the CIA.

Why Amazon's Collaboration With the CIA Is So Ominous -- and Vulnerable | HuffPost

The whole reason it can undercut retail stores, with no shipping costs is because it own nearly a third of web services.

Keyword Research, Competitor Analysis, & Website Ranking | Alexa

For all we know, USMB is using Alexa web services. THEY OWN EVERYTHING, that is how they subsidize consumers products and put everyone out of business. Pretty much the nightmare Walmart was in the nineties.

/——-/ I published and sell about 450 books a month on KDP Amazon.

And? This stops you from having the integrity to say that, "yes" Amazon has predatory business practices? It's practices are monopolistic and you might, in the end, be safer and have a better business if it had some competition?

Or what?

I am sorry I if this information is disturbing.

I know you are a Trump supporter, but your business is helping to destroy him. Glad the information could help.

Personally, I think, along with the many other flaws and oversights the founders had when the wrote they Constitution, not placing a wall between the government and business, (like it guaranteed by not endorsing any particular religion,) IOW, outlawing Dirigisme, was among them. Not outlawing the economic model that is used by fascism is probably the greatest oversight. It is one thing to give corporations the protections of a person, but it was a bridge too far giving them the RIGHTS of a person, this is destroying our society. You know they don't want you to know about something, when the word is not even in the spell checkers. . . :71:

Folks never acknowledge that Hitler and Mussolini admired the economic reforms that FDR made. And BIG government wants to continue to emulate big government Dirigismists, IOW, FDR and the fascists. LIKE THIS IS A GOOD THING?


You know why no one on the left, and why Bernie and AOC herself can't, OR WON'T, precisely tell you what the difference between socialism and "democratic-socialism" is? Because they don't want to come out and say it. . .


Dirigisme - Wikipedia

". . . Economic dirigisme has been described as an inherent aspect of fascist economies by Hungarian author, Iván T. Berend in his book An Economic History of Twentieth-Century Europe.[4] However, the Fascist systems created by Benito Mussolini (Italy), António Salazar (Portugal), Francisco Franco (Spain) Emperor Hirohito (Japan), and Adolf Hitler (Germany) are a varied mix of elements from numerous philosophies, including: nationalism, authoritarianism, militarism, corporatism, collectivism, totalitarianism, and anti-communism.[5]

Dirigisme has been brought up as a politico-economic scheme at odds with laissez-faire capitalism in the context of French overseas holdings. Countries such as Lebanon and Syria have been influenced by this motif[6] to varying degrees throughout the post-colonial period.

The economies of the East Asian tigers are sometimes characterised as being "dirigiste" due to the strong role played by the state in development planning and guiding investment.[citation needed]. Dirigisme is also seen in India. The state has complete control and ownership of railways; majority control and stake in banking, insurance, electricity, and oil and gas industries; and has substantial control over telecommunication, port and shipping industries.[7][8][9][10]"

Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez Are Not Socialists — What Are They?

". . . .It is unlikely that the rather arcane term “dirigisme” will catch on anytime soon as a description for the set of policies being offered by the so-called socialist wing of the Democratic Party. But it is important to understand those policies are not, in fact, socialist but represent an approach to economic policy that has been adopted, historically, by both far-left progressives and far-right governments, albeit with differing goals in mind. Nor can these policies be defined as capitalist, despite the fact that they maintain the institutional infrastructure of private property.

When it comes to private property, dirigisme separates control of property from its legal title. While legal title to the means of production may remain in private hands, use of that property, particularly when it comes to what and how goods and services are produced, distributed, and paid for, is directed by the state to advance the goals of the state. Upon close examination, it is this principle — dirigisme — and not the outright ownership of the means of production by the state which democratic socialists like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stand for.. . "

the right wing prefers to appeal to ignorance with nothing but repeal.

Government is socialism. We have a command economy; Congress commands fiscal policy and the Fed commands monetary policy.

Appeals to emotion are worthless. We should be trying to understand the the socio-economic dilemmas.

^ AOCs Civics Professor
She flunked Life 101.......and I still think she looks like some gangbanging $2 coke whore you'd see on street corners. She certainly has the intellectual capacity of one.

It's pretty clear you have nothing to offer but hate. That explains you and many Trump supporters, jerks who lack empathy and ethos.

More of your Freudian liberal projection - because you can't offer a single FACT to refuse what I'm saying, you bitchy little snippet of humanity. Your response is exactly what I expect from liberals who are unfortunately too stupid to know their own bunghole from a hot rock in the ground.
Google said on Monday that it planned to create a $1 billion campus just south of the West Village. The internet company’s push into one of Manhattan’s most famous neighborhoods positions it to become one of New York’s biggest occupants of office space, allowing it to double its work force in the city to more than 14,000 over the next decade.--
She flunked Life 101.......and I still think she looks like some gangbanging $2 coke whore you'd see on street corners. She certainly has the intellectual capacity of one.
She looks more like a crack whore than a coke whore can still get a few bucks from drunks. She's going to be way too ugly in about 5 yeears.

Heheh, well she could always make an ambitious lateral move into methamphetamine whoring; she's already so ugly at 29 she has nothing to lose by destroying her looks on speed. Does it ever.
She flunked Life 101.......and I still think she looks like some gangbanging $2 coke whore you'd see on street corners. She certainly has the intellectual capacity of one.
She looks more like a crack whore than a coke whore can still get a few bucks from drunks. She's going to be way too ugly in about 5 yeears.

Heheh, well she could always make an ambitious lateral move into methamphetamine whoring; she's already so ugly at 29 she has nothing to lose by destroying her looks on speed. Does it ever.

What's with the personal attacks?
She flunked Life 101.......and I still think she looks like some gangbanging $2 coke whore you'd see on street corners. She certainly has the intellectual capacity of one.

It's pretty clear you have nothing to offer but hate. That explains you and many Trump supporters, jerks who lack empathy and ethos.

More of your Freudian liberal projection - because you can't offer a single FACT to refuse what I'm saying, you bitchy little snippet of humanity. Your response is exactly what I expect from liberals who are unfortunately too stupid to know their own bunghole from a hot rock in the ground.

LOL, I "refuse" this ^^^ you bungling moron. But I do appreciate this most recent post above since it proves my evaluation of you to 1/2wit:

"It's pretty clear you have nothing to offer but hate."
Marc Thiessen: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an economic illiterate -- And that's bad news for America

"The left complains that conservatives are "obsessing" over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Well, there is a reason for that: Ocasio-Cortez is driving the agenda of today's Democratic Party -- and her economic illiteracy is dangerous.

Case in point: Last week, Ocasio-Cortez celebrated the tanking of a deal negotiated by her fellow Democrats in which Amazonpromised to build a new headquarters in Long Island City, New York, right next to her congressional district. Amazon's departure cost the city between 25,000 and 40,000 new jobs. Forget the tech workers whom Amazon would have employed. Gone are all the unionized construction jobs to build the headquarters, as well as thousands of jobs created by all the small businesses -- restaurants, bodegas, dry cleaners and food carts -- that were preparing to open or expand to serve Amazon employees. They are devastated by Amazon's withdrawal.

Ocasio-Cortez was not disturbed at all. "We were subsidizing those jobs," she said. "Frankly, if we were willing to give away $3 billion for this deal, we could invest those $3 billion in our district, ourselves, if we wanted to. We could hire out more teachers. We can fix our subways. We can put a lot of people to work for that amount of money if we wanted to."

No, you can't. Ocasio-Cortez does not seem to realize that New York does not have $3 billion in cash sitting around waiting to be spent on her socialist dreams. The subsidies to Amazon were tax incentives, not cash payouts. It is Amazon's money, which New York agreed to make tax-exempt, so the company would invest it in building its new headquarters, hiring new workers and generating tens of billions in new tax revenue.

You can't fix her Socialist type of 'stupid'.


Lets just keep slashing corporate taxes and the taxes rich people make until they don't pay any. Oh wait, we are already there.

So now look what is happening now that we don't have any money

So I guess your taxes have to go up a little to help these first responders right? So isn't that what I said would happen? Cutting their taxes means if we want things like this your taxes are going to have to go up. They shifted the burden on to you.

You said they were paying too much in taxes remember? So now who's gonna pay for this? You are!!! Or we just won't help first responders. Your call.
She flunked Life 101.......and I still think she looks like some gangbanging $2 coke whore you'd see on street corners. She certainly has the intellectual capacity of one.
She looks more like a crack whore than a coke whore can still get a few bucks from drunks. She's going to be way too ugly in about 5 yeears.

Heheh, well she could always make an ambitious lateral move into methamphetamine whoring; she's already so ugly at 29 she has nothing to lose by destroying her looks on speed. Does it ever.

What's with the personal attacks?
i miss you in all the trump bashing threads...
Marc Thiessen: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an economic illiterate -- And that's bad news for America

"The left complains that conservatives are "obsessing" over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Well, there is a reason for that: Ocasio-Cortez is driving the agenda of today's Democratic Party -- and her economic illiteracy is dangerous.

Case in point: Last week, Ocasio-Cortez celebrated the tanking of a deal negotiated by her fellow Democrats in which Amazonpromised to build a new headquarters in Long Island City, New York, right next to her congressional district. Amazon's departure cost the city between 25,000 and 40,000 new jobs. Forget the tech workers whom Amazon would have employed. Gone are all the unionized construction jobs to build the headquarters, as well as thousands of jobs created by all the small businesses -- restaurants, bodegas, dry cleaners and food carts -- that were preparing to open or expand to serve Amazon employees. They are devastated by Amazon's withdrawal.

Ocasio-Cortez was not disturbed at all. "We were subsidizing those jobs," she said. "Frankly, if we were willing to give away $3 billion for this deal, we could invest those $3 billion in our district, ourselves, if we wanted to. We could hire out more teachers. We can fix our subways. We can put a lot of people to work for that amount of money if we wanted to."

No, you can't. Ocasio-Cortez does not seem to realize that New York does not have $3 billion in cash sitting around waiting to be spent on her socialist dreams. The subsidies to Amazon were tax incentives, not cash payouts. It is Amazon's money, which New York agreed to make tax-exempt, so the company would invest it in building its new headquarters, hiring new workers and generating tens of billions in new tax revenue.

You can't fix her Socialist type of 'stupid'.


Lets just keep slashing corporate taxes and the taxes rich people make until they don't pay any. Oh wait, we are already there.

So now look what is happening now that we don't have any money

So I guess your taxes have to go up a little to help these first responders right? So isn't that what I said would happen? Cutting their taxes means if we want things like this your taxes are going to have to go up. They shifted the burden on to you.

You said they were paying too much in taxes remember? So now who's gonna pay for this? You are!!! Or we just won't help first responders. Your call.
/---/ You're kinda all over the place with that post sealy. Try some decaf and start over. TIA
Marc Thiessen: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an economic illiterate -- And that's bad news for America

"The left complains that conservatives are "obsessing" over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Well, there is a reason for that: Ocasio-Cortez is driving the agenda of today's Democratic Party -- and her economic illiteracy is dangerous.

Case in point: Last week, Ocasio-Cortez celebrated the tanking of a deal negotiated by her fellow Democrats in which Amazonpromised to build a new headquarters in Long Island City, New York, right next to her congressional district. Amazon's departure cost the city between 25,000 and 40,000 new jobs. Forget the tech workers whom Amazon would have employed. Gone are all the unionized construction jobs to build the headquarters, as well as thousands of jobs created by all the small businesses -- restaurants, bodegas, dry cleaners and food carts -- that were preparing to open or expand to serve Amazon employees. They are devastated by Amazon's withdrawal.

Ocasio-Cortez was not disturbed at all. "We were subsidizing those jobs," she said. "Frankly, if we were willing to give away $3 billion for this deal, we could invest those $3 billion in our district, ourselves, if we wanted to. We could hire out more teachers. We can fix our subways. We can put a lot of people to work for that amount of money if we wanted to."

No, you can't. Ocasio-Cortez does not seem to realize that New York does not have $3 billion in cash sitting around waiting to be spent on her socialist dreams. The subsidies to Amazon were tax incentives, not cash payouts. It is Amazon's money, which New York agreed to make tax-exempt, so the company would invest it in building its new headquarters, hiring new workers and generating tens of billions in new tax revenue.

You can't fix her Socialist type of 'stupid'.

AOC Flunks Economics 101

She is an economist, dope.

You are not.
Marc Thiessen: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an economic illiterate -- And that's bad news for America

"The left complains that conservatives are "obsessing" over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Well, there is a reason for that: Ocasio-Cortez is driving the agenda of today's Democratic Party -- and her economic illiteracy is dangerous.

Case in point: Last week, Ocasio-Cortez celebrated the tanking of a deal negotiated by her fellow Democrats in which Amazonpromised to build a new headquarters in Long Island City, New York, right next to her congressional district. Amazon's departure cost the city between 25,000 and 40,000 new jobs. Forget the tech workers whom Amazon would have employed. Gone are all the unionized construction jobs to build the headquarters, as well as thousands of jobs created by all the small businesses -- restaurants, bodegas, dry cleaners and food carts -- that were preparing to open or expand to serve Amazon employees. They are devastated by Amazon's withdrawal.

Ocasio-Cortez was not disturbed at all. "We were subsidizing those jobs," she said. "Frankly, if we were willing to give away $3 billion for this deal, we could invest those $3 billion in our district, ourselves, if we wanted to. We could hire out more teachers. We can fix our subways. We can put a lot of people to work for that amount of money if we wanted to."

No, you can't. Ocasio-Cortez does not seem to realize that New York does not have $3 billion in cash sitting around waiting to be spent on her socialist dreams. The subsidies to Amazon were tax incentives, not cash payouts. It is Amazon's money, which New York agreed to make tax-exempt, so the company would invest it in building its new headquarters, hiring new workers and generating tens of billions in new tax revenue.

You can't fix her Socialist type of 'stupid'.


Lets just keep slashing corporate taxes and the taxes rich people make until they don't pay any. Oh wait, we are already there.

So now look what is happening now that we don't have any money

So I guess your taxes have to go up a little to help these first responders right? So isn't that what I said would happen? Cutting their taxes means if we want things like this your taxes are going to have to go up. They shifted the burden on to you.

You said they were paying too much in taxes remember? So now who's gonna pay for this? You are!!! Or we just won't help first responders. Your call.
/---/ You're kinda all over the place with that post sealy. Try some decaf and start over. TIA
Even if Republicans do the right thing and fill up the fund, rich people have been getting tax breaks all this time. Ultimately you are I are paying more to make up for the loss revenue.

This is just another thing we don't have any money for. Infrastructure is another one.

This reminds me of when Bush gave tax breaks to the rich. We could have done so much more with that money. And that was before we knew he was going to lie us into 2 decade long quagmires. Holy fuck.

Why are we giving rich people and corporations tax breaks? So they won't leave the country? Who's in charge here?
AOC Flunks Economics 101

She is an economist, dope.

You are not.
She's dumber than a bag of fucking hammers, her alleged undergrad degree in econ notwithstanding.

Sure, dope.
Accusing someone better credentialed than yourself of being dumb is dumb as shit.
Credentials don't mean jack shit, shitferbrains....I know lots of licensed contractors whom I wouldn't trust to build a dog house.
She flunked Life 101.......and I still think she looks like some gangbanging $2 coke whore you'd see on street corners. She certainly has the intellectual capacity of one.

It's pretty clear you have nothing to offer but hate. That explains you and many Trump supporters, jerks who lack empathy and ethos.

More of your Freudian liberal projection - because you can't offer a single FACT to refuse what I'm saying, you bitchy little snippet of humanity. Your response is exactly what I expect from liberals who are unfortunately too stupid to know their own bunghole from a hot rock in the ground.

LOL, I "refuse" this ^^^ you bungling moron. But I do appreciate this most recent post above since it proves my evaluation of you to 1/2wit:

"It's pretty clear you have nothing to offer but hate."

No, YOU'RE the leftist son of a bitch who hates this country and wants to sell it out to other countries, you breathtaking scumbag of another kind. YOU LIBERALS are the ones who have meltdown panic attacks over Trump putting American interests first, you treasonous walking bag of disease. It's YOU LIBERALS that are always screaming "Make America Mexico Again" you gallows-deserving traitor. As an American white male, I want creatures of your ilk destroyed as much as you want us destroyed. You son of a bitch.
She flunked Life 101.......and I still think she looks like some gangbanging $2 coke whore you'd see on street corners. She certainly has the intellectual capacity of one.
She looks more like a crack whore than a coke whore can still get a few bucks from drunks. She's going to be way too ugly in about 5 yeears.

Heheh, well she could always make an ambitious lateral move into methamphetamine whoring; she's already so ugly at 29 she has nothing to lose by destroying her looks on speed. Does it ever.

What's with the personal attacks?
i miss you in all the trump bashing threads...

I'm assuming that's sarcasm, but I really don't bash Trump THAT much, even though he asks for it. Especially compared to some of the other hostile language flying around here.

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