AOC Gets Skrewed, Denied Covetted Committee Position

AOC's a blithering idiot but God bless her for taking on Pelosi and Schumer. Politicians have corrupted the peoples House, concentrating power into the hands of just a few who order the people's reps to vote as they are told under threat of retaliation.
Every time Democrats get tired of Pelosi's incompetence, political games putting party over nation, killing more and more Virus Relief bills, and being exposed as having facilitated CCP espionage, every time it is reported that Pelosi is being challenged for Speaker, Democrats bitching the loudest refuse to step up and be the ones to oppose her.

IMHO, they are afraid if they run against Pelosi and lose they will be severely punished, denied committee positions or positions as heads of Committees....
In the past Pelosi was someone to fear. Those who opposed AOC will pay for it in 2022. She is the future of the DNC.
I think it shows AOC is not very popular in the Dem caucus. They lost 12 seats and probably control in 24.

AOC is extreme. AOC is socialist. In either party, what do you do when the margins shrink for you in either Congressional. Chamber? You reign in your most radical. They could cost your party control the next election. Over the last 2 years, AOC has been a useful idiot to the Democrats because it was all out GET TRUMP. Now, they need to hold on to power. AOC is a liability. Energy and Commerce Committees are the last places she needs to be.
In the past Pelosi was someone to fear. Those who opposed AOC will pay for it in 2022. She is the future of the DNC.

Or at least left wing populists such as her are the future of the DNC. I like her but honestly we could do better.
I think it shows AOC is not very popular in the Dem caucus. They lost 12 seats and probably control in 24.

AOC is extreme. AOC is socialist. In either party, what do you do when the margins shrink for you in either Congressional. Chamber? You reign in your most radical. They could cost your party control the next election. Over the last 2 years, AOC has been a useful idiot to the Democrats because it was all out GET TRUMP. Now, they need to hold on to power. AOC is a liability. Energy and Commerce Committees are the last places she needs to be.
The establishment lost control of DNC and never realized it. They needed AOC and her ilk to demonize Trump. They can't reign her in, she has the people in the streets, and they don't care what the establishment wants.
Or maybe they just understood his policies, and THAT is why he lost. This may surprise you, but black people aren't stupid.

They were interviewing southern black people and a lot of them didn't even know who Bernie is, nor did they have any intention of finding out. They voted for Hillary because it was a name they recognized. I don't think black people are dumb. I think a lot of southern black voters were ignorant about who Bernie Sanders is and about the things Hillary Clinton has done/said throughout her career.

I don't even know what to say to someone who thinks, "There were interviews with some people that said THIS, so that MUST be what millions of other people think, too!!!" is meaningful.

Do you know how many black people live in the South? Millions? How many interviews did they tell you about? A dozen? Yeah, that settles it. Black people just didn't know about the wonders of Crazy Bernie and his evil policies.
There are not as many real Lefties as you think.
Real Lefties are loud and covered by the media, but they are far from the majority as you can see by the plummeting ratings for Left Wing media and entertainment.
In fact, most of the Democrats I know are too busy working to spend time on TV and cable.

Bernie might have been nominated in 2016 with more name recognition and less outright Hillary favoritism from the DNC. He lost because southern black people aren't politically aware enough to understand why they should have chosen the man that chained himself to black people in segregation protests over a woman that is part of the problem.
You're not getting it...most Democrats are industrious and want the same thing as labor.

I dont think thats entirely true

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