And probably a lousy bartender at that. Good bartenders don't end up living on the taxpayer's dime, like that POS.
dogs playing poker  aoc1.jpg

We NEED more videos like this!!!!

The AOC drama queen doesn't want to hear the truth, and she eschews it with smugness smeared all over it. I've gotten in the habit of just not looking at her lies, antics, and B-rated performances when talking at (not to) experts in their fields if it shows her green deal is seriously lacking in so much as a particle of the truth, smaller than the period at the end of a sentence. She never seems to get tired of perpetrating lies that are all hat and no cattle. :puke:
AOC on "are you dumber than a 4th grader"
Jeff Forxworthy: Ok, Mizz Alexadranda. for 500 dollars, what state lies north of south dakota?
AOC: ahh,,what? south dakota is a state? where is it?

oh Lord! :rolleyes:

you are sounding more and more like Harry Potter LOL

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