Who could the left run in place of Biden?

Im not going to admit anything. I’ve been consistent in my view that Biden is starting to slow down mentally and it interferes with his ability to do the job.

In other words, you supported people you knew were lying to you about the condition of the so-called POTUS, without being able to figure out they lie about everything.

All while pretending us MAGA are ignorant and you have the moral high ground.

In 2020 I jettisoned the Dems for good.

I'm capable of admitting that I was wrong.

You clearly are not.
He refused to take the same cognitive test that Trump has taken twice. Dr Sanjay Gupta showed the test form that Trump took and Biden is refusing on CNN tonight.
Yup. He was asked four times if he would take a cognitive test, and he dodged. Considering that the majority of voters think he isn’t mentally fit, wouldn’t it be logical for him to jump at the chance to take the test and prove everyone wrong?

He KNOWS he’s losing it. He’s just so selfish and in love with power that he’s willing to lose to Trump than hand it over to someone who has a better chance to win.

In other words, you supported people you knew were lying to you about the condition of the so-called POTUS, without being able to figure out they lie about everything.

All while pretending us MAGA are ignorant and you have the moral high ground.

In 2020 I jettisoned the Dems for good.

I'm capable of admitting that I was wrong.

You clearly are not.
lol you assume a lot. I’m not a Biden supporter. I’ve never supported him. I just don’t like Trump
If I had to guess, I'd say more than likely Newsom. But whoever it is will have only about 2 months to put together a national campaign before election day. Not an ideal timeline.
And Biden is already on the ballot in some states and I don't think his name can be removed.
Seems like slim pickings. The only options I can think of for them are Pocahontas, AOC and Michelle Obama.

I can't see either of the first two beating Trump, possibly Obama's wife could do it though. Thoughts? Do they have a chance if they switch it up?

Bernie.....as in weekend at Beries.

Even he would do better.
Today Joe said if anyone is replacing him it will be Kamala AND that Kamala is the future of the Dem party. :omg:
So the future of the Democrat party are incompetent, clueless female blacks who can’t speak with any substance and got to where they are due to AA and DEI.

What’s next? Fanni Willis as Secretary of State?

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