AOC Incites Large Crowd To Be Radical

Tens of thousands of climate activists took to the streets of New York City on Sunday in a “march to end fossil fuels”, with Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez telling the crowd that the movement must become “too big and too radical to ignore”.

AOC is inciting large crowds to be radical. I wonder if these fools know how much higher inflation will go by getting rid of fossil fuels? In any event, AOC shouldn't be inciting large crowds to be radical. Sounds like she needs to be brought up on charges.

Compare and contrast, leftists.

Trump said "fight like Hell" like he always does, meaning from the heart and mind. You fucks twisted it to mean something else.

Your kind says be radical, riot, disrupt and cancel out conservatives.
The EU is not only reaching its targets but is increasing them

In March, the European Parliament and the Council had provisionally agreed to raise the European Union's binding renewable target to a minimum of 42.5% by 2030, up from 32%. One of the revised directive's key provisions is streamlining procedures for granting new renewable energy project permits.

The Ukraine War has just hurried things along... Renewables made so much money in the last year they introduced a special windfall tax and gave that money to consumers...

Think about that... The Renewable sector is making so much money that the governments knew they could increase taxes on them and it won't effect their targets... Cash is king and it is a very profitable sector... Norway are using their Gas money to heavilly invest in Renewables all over Europe so they will not be effected when Gas is no longer needed.

Denmark are the leading producers of wind turbines in the world. Yes that small country who are BTW building a huge offshore facility in the north sea.

In March, the European Parliament and the Council had provisionally agreed to raise the European Union's binding renewable target to a minimum of 42.5% by 2030, up from 32%. One of the revised directive's key provisions is streamlining procedures for granting new renewable energy project permits.

If they're willing to put up with higher prices for less reliable energy, what can you do?

The Renewable sector is making so much money that the governments knew they could increase taxes on them and it won't effect their targets...

Which renewables?
In March, the European Parliament and the Council had provisionally agreed to raise the European Union's binding renewable target to a minimum of 42.5% by 2030, up from 32%. One of the revised directive's key provisions is streamlining procedures for granting new renewable energy project permits.

If they're willing to put up with higher prices for less reliable energy, what can you do?

The Renewable sector is making so much money that the governments knew they could increase taxes on them and it won't effect their targets...

Which renewables?

These are the big ones... Wind is the massive expanding


This is a year old...


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The days of fossil fuel dominance are numbered
If we get rid of bathrooms, carbon footprints will drop in a huge way. No more toilets. No more bathtubs. Just a small sink with limited water. Outhouses will be put into yards or on pavements all over cities, towns and other areas. Communal showers will be opened with an allowance of one shower per week with a time limit of a couple of minutes of water usage. We got the bathroom out of the way. Kitchens, heating temperature regulations, the elimination of air conditioning are next on the docket.
BECAUSE WE'RE OUT OF TIME. Climate change weather is costing your economy $200 billion per year.

Home owners in Florida are face high home insurance rates, and companies leaving the market. If people can't get insurance, they can't get mortgages either, so Florida real estate is about to collapse completely.

But by all means carry on.

Florida has always had hurricanes. The earth has been warmer during other periods in her history. You are being duped all for BIG $$$$ for world leaders and companies, many of which talk a big game but use the profits from their fear mongering to buy beach houses and fly in private jets. The masses are very easily controlled and it is seemingly getting easier with every dumbed down generation.
In March, the European Parliament and the Council had provisionally agreed to raise the European Union's binding renewable target to a minimum of 42.5% by 2030, up from 32%. One of the revised directive's key provisions is streamlining procedures for granting new renewable energy project permits.

If they're willing to put up with higher prices for less reliable energy, what can you do?

The Renewable sector is making so much money that the governments knew they could increase taxes on them and it won't effect their targets...

Which renewables?

are the big ones


This 2021...

Already Wind and Solar have passed out Gas...


This is a result of heavy investment but the big thing about Wind and Solar, you install and it is only maintenance...
Florida has always had hurricanes. The earth has been warmer during other periods in her history. You are being duped all for BIG $$$$ for world leaders and companies, many of which talk a big game but use the profits from their fear mongering to buy beach houses and fly in private jets. The masses are very easily controlled and it is seemingly getting easier with every dumbed down generation.

I don't need to hear debunked Republican talking points from a Dumb Butthead American yet again. YOU are being duped by junk science.

This is no different that the tobacco companies telling you that cigarettes don't cause cancer with junk science. YOU are being duped by Big Oil which is making billions polluting the planet. They've spent MILLIONS to confuse the discussion and convince fools like you that nothing need be done.

THEY'RE the ones buying beach houses and private jets - not the politicians in democratic countries.

And then you make the very true statement that every of Americans generation is being "dumbed down". And who is leading the charge to end public education and go to religion based "creationism" instead of science.

The rest of the world is neither as stupid or as gullible as Americans.
I don't need to hear debunked Republican talking points from a Dumb Butthead American yet again. YOU are being duped by junk science.

This is no different that the tobacco companies telling you that cigarettes don't cause cancer with junk science. YOU are being duped by Big Oil which is making billions polluting the planet. They've spent MILLIONS to confuse the discussion and convince fools like you that nothing need be done.

THEY'RE the ones buying beach houses and private jets - not the politicians in democratic countries.

And then you make the very true statement that every of Americans generation is being "dumbed down". And who is leading the charge to end public education and go to religion based "creationism" instead of science.

The rest of the world is neither as stupid or as gullible as Americans.
well obviously you won't listen to the many scientists with WAY more experience than you who say it is all bullshit. The left and globalists are not gonna be happy untill y'all screw up the climate along with everything else y'all have screwed up. Turning this world into Hell on earth.

you've aptly chosen the right screen name.
I don't need to hear debunked Republican talking points from a Dumb Butthead American yet again. YOU are being duped by junk science.

This is no different that the tobacco companies telling you that cigarettes don't cause cancer with junk science. YOU are being duped by Big Oil which is making billions polluting the planet. They've spent MILLIONS to confuse the discussion and convince fools like you that nothing need be done.

THEY'RE the ones buying beach houses and private jets - not the politicians in democratic countries.

And then you make the very true statement that every of Americans generation is being "dumbed down". And who is leading the charge to end public education and go to religion based "creationism" instead of science.

The rest of the world is neither as stupid or as gullible as Americans.

Sure, we have been REALLY stupid over the years. So stupid that we have absolutely dominated the world both militarily and economically. The Democrats in the US are dumbing us down and bringing us DOWN to the level of other countries. Sorry, but the reigning back to back to back , ad nauseam, Super Bowl champions don’t need to take advice from those of you that can’t beat them. It should be the other way around.

Public education(indoctrination) is the failure. Public schools spend far more per student than private schools with far inferior results.

I won’t get into evolution discussion here, but anyone that believes that our incredibly incricate world and life was created by several trillion random mutations rather than by intelligent design is just being obstinate and/or is ignorant to the incomprehensible complexity of life.

As for junk science, your people believe that boys can be girls. That is absolute nonsense, but politics have skewed science and medicine in the last couple of decades.

Obama lives in a beach house. Kerry, the climate czar, jets sets all around the world on private jets. Spare me.
Inflation is getting higher because you're getting rid of fossil fuels. Inflation is getting higher, because corporations are recording RECORD PROFITS.

The Big Three Auto makers are recording record profits. The company executive all received 40% increases, and Stock Buybacks are at an all time high. But they can't afford to give the workers - who took huge pay cuts back in 2008/2009 to save these companies, any of this money. Only executive and shareholders get to share in the wealth created by these workers.
BECAUSE WE'RE OUT OF TIME. Climate change weather is costing your economy $200 billion per year.

Home owners in Florida are face high home insurance rates, and companies leaving the market. If people can't get insurance, they can't get mortgages either, so Florida real estate is about to collapse completely.

But by all means carry on.
Do you know how many times the cultists have said the Earth would be destroyed, only for us to still be here? Have you ever heard about the story of the boy who cried wolf?

I don't agree with AOC but this topic here has proven her successful in not being ignored. There's nothing illegal in itself in being radical, nor oppositely, reactionary. Short of instruction to break the law, inciting either shouldn't be considered a crime.
Is that the same way you feel about Trump?
I don't need to hear debunked Republican talking points from a Dumb Butthead American yet again. YOU are being duped by junk science.

This is no different that the tobacco companies telling you that cigarettes don't cause cancer with junk science. YOU are being duped by Big Oil which is making billions polluting the planet. They've spent MILLIONS to confuse the discussion and convince fools like you that nothing need be done.

THEY'RE the ones buying beach houses and private jets - not the politicians in democratic countries.

And then you make the very true statement that every of Americans generation is being "dumbed down". And who is leading the charge to end public education and go to religion based "creationism" instead of science.

The rest of the world is neither as stupid or as gullible as Americans.

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