AOC Is A Communist

And killing mega-millions of their citizens. Socialism and all of it's forms is the most murderous socioeconomic ideology in history.

No one has ever tried socialism on a large scale yet.
Both Russia and China were taken over almost immediately by capitalists, like Stalin and Mao.
And even then, the major loss of life was from agricultural ignorance rather than deliberate murder.
Has nothing to do with doing more for the people than for the wealthy

Comes down to priorities
The way your party treats minorities, proves you really don't care about nothing but a vote. Trump was getting minorities off welfare and living a good life, supporting themselves.
As the preamble to our Constitution explicitly states …

The very purpose of government here is thus conceived, in part, as promoting the general welfare.

[N.B. This abstract formulation of the very purpose of modern government is copied or adapted in most Constitutions throughout the world.]
General welfare of the free , not communist nor socialist, Republic
The way your party treats minorities, proves you really don't care about nothing but a vote. Trump was getting minorities off welfare and living a good life, supporting themselves.

Trump left office with a higher minority unemployment rate than he started with

Biden has the lowest minority unemployment rate in history
No one has ever tried socialism on a large scale yet.
Both Russia and China were taken over almost immediately by capitalists, like Stalin and Mao.
And even then, the major loss of life was from agricultural ignorance rather than deliberate murder.
Revisionist bullshit. The Government took control of those lands and manufactured famines to control the population which is what socialism is. Control.
You do know that those hunter/gathers had territories that they violently defended ? The Nobel savage garbage is bullshit.

Hunter/gatherers defending territories is not at all like Greek mercenaries deciding to go sack Troy and commit mass genocide and rape. The British Ilse are not on the border of Roman hunting grounds.
The Noble Savage is accurate because one does not have an incentive to be unnoble until there is enough wealth to support an evil mercenary class. That does not happen until after agriculture creates production surpluses, currency, economic stratification, etc.
Hunter/gatherers defending territories is not at all like Greek mercenaries deciding to go sack Troy and commit mass genocide and rape. The British Ilse are not on the border of Roman hunting grounds.
The Noble Savage is accurate because one does not have an incentive to be unnoble until there is enough wealth to support an evil mercenary class. That does not happen until after agriculture creates production surpluses, currency, economic stratification, etc.
Goddamn you historically ignorant. Tribal warfare has been going on since the first man picked up a rock and bashed another in the head because he wanted what his neighbor had.

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dude, it's the fking definition!

Excuse me sir, may I have another?

I wrote:
{... Who said that allowing local government to do more leads to more control over individuals? ...}

What "definition" are you referring to?
Here is the definition of "socialism".
Socialism is a political philosophy and movement encompassing a wide range of economic and social systems which are characterized by social ownership of the means of production, as opposed to private ownership. As a term, it describes the economic, political, and social theories and movements associated with the implementation of such systems. Social ownership can be public, community, collective, cooperative, or employee.

All of those forms of social ownership increase individual freedom, due to lower costs from the lack of profit markup.
No, we don't. We need to reduce the Federal Government back to its original Constitutional mandates of defense, treaties, and interstate commerce. Article I Section 8 of the USC spells out specifically what the Fed can and cannot do.

I agree the feds are so far beyond what they should be, they are a severe threat.
But that has nothing at all to do with socialism, which is local, and would have prevented the capitalist federal abuses.
Straight from the Communist manifesto.

The Communist Manifesto was written in 1848, when the Industrial Revolution has destroyed cottage industries and created some of the worst economic slavery conditions, because unions and labor protection laws has not yet been created.
It was a bit naive, but well intentioned:
The first section of the Manifesto, "Bourgeois and Proletarians",[6] outlines historical materialism, and states that "the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles".[7] According to the authors, all societies in history had taken the form of an oppressed majority exploited by an oppressive minority. In Marx and Engels' time, they say that under capitalism, the industrial working class, or 'proletariat', engages in class struggle against the owners of the means of production, the 'bourgeoisie'.[8] The bourgeoisie, through the "constant revolutionising of production [and] uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions" have emerged as the supreme class in society, displacing all the old powers of feudalism.[9] The bourgeoisie constantly exploits the proletariat for its labour power, creating profit for themselves and accumulating capital. In doing so, however, Marx and Engels describe the bourgeoisie as serving as "its own grave-diggers"; as they believe the proletariat will inevitably become conscious of their own potential and rise to power through revolution, overthrowing the bourgeoisie.
I have no issue with a temporary safety net, people can fall on hard times caused by unforeseen circumstances. The problem I have is tax payer money funding generational welfare and other long term ponzi schemes the government runs.

If you believe such welfare exists, you have been deceived.
There essentially is no welfare for men at all, and the only long term welfare is ADC or disability.
You just have to murder the millions of people who disagree and it will work great.

The only people actually against socialism are those who want to use economic slavery to steal the production of others, or those ignorant of what socialism actually is.
Nothing is free. I've been paying into the Medicare system for all my life. How on earth would it cost me less if I give half of my contribution to a bunch of people who didn't pay a dime for it?

First of all, everyone has always been paying into the Medicare system.
Percentagewise, the poor pay much more than the wealthy.
Second is that the whole point is to get rid of the private health insurance scam, which is inflating health care costs by over a factor of 3.
So if we provided Medicare for all, then our taxes and health care premiums would drastically drop.
We now have to provide the medical safety net through the ER, which costs about 6 times more than if we ran free clinics.
No one has ever tried socialism on a large scale yet.
Both Russia and China were taken over almost immediately by capitalists, like Stalin and Mao.
And even then, the major loss of life was from agricultural ignorance rather than deliberate murder.
Sweden the white people, had a tax rate of over 70 per cent a decade or so ago with many people sitting on their asses living just as good as people working. They had to change up the system.
Well thats a bunch of revisionist bullshit.

About the only examples we have of socialism are Scandinavian countries, employee-owned companies, religious communities, families, etc.
There is no basis for blaming Stalinism on socialism or communism.
Socialism and communism can only happen under a democratic republic, and Stalin prevented that.
Most generational welfare occurs in economic wastelands….urban ghettos, Appalachia, Mississippi.
No jobs, no hope, no futures

I would call it generational poverty, but not generational welfare, since there is really no long term welfare other than ADC or disability.

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