AOC Is A Communist

Not those on the right who don't want government taking care of us.

It has nothing to do with "wanting government taking care of us".
There simply are joint ventures we can not afford individually, but still need collectively.
That starts with basics like roads, bridges, firefighting, etc., but naturally extends to health care, education, utilities, and there really is no limit to how we can improve with more socialism.
It is not "the government", but what we as the population want, need, and can facilitate.
And it has nothing to do with federalism.
Almost all government should be local.
Those countries are also not melting pots.

There are no official statistics on ethnicity, but according to Statistics Sweden, around two million (19.6%) inhabitants in Sweden are born in another country. Of those, more than half are Swedish citizens. The most common countries of origin were Syria (1.82%), Finland (1.45%), Iraq (1.41%), Poland (0.91%), Iran (0.76%) and Somalia (0.67%).

As a result of recent immigration there are now also large groups of ethnic Russians, Estonians, Iraqis and Somalis in the country. 7.9% of the population is born abroad and 5.2% are foreign citizens.

In the last decades, Norway has become home to increasing numbers of immigrants, foreign workers, and asylum-seekers from various parts of the world. Norway had a steady influx of immigrants from South Asia (mostly Pakistanis and Sri Lankans), East Asia (mainly Chinese), Pacific Islands and Southeast Asia (e.g. Filipinos), Eastern Europe (e.g. Russians) and Central Europe (e.g. Poles), Southern Europe (Greeks, Albanians and people from former Yugoslavia, Bosniaks, Serbs etc.), and Middle East countries (especially Iraqis and Kurdish Iranians), as well as Somalis, Turks, Moroccans, and some Latin Americans. After ten Eastern European and Baltic countries joined the EU in 2004, there has also been a substantial influx of people from Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
The level of education or trade training needs have greatly increased.
We need to adjust to that fact.
High school no longer is enough.
We would then be more competitive as a nation.
Two issues:

It still isn't the taxpayer's responsibility to fund someone else's education. I'm a 63-year-old, blue collar, mid-manager. Nobody has ever given me a free ride. When things are given for free, the recipient doesn't have the same appreciation for the handout as they would if they had earned it themselves.

Secondly, today's college recruits, by and large, are diversity students. They fill the lower rung of the IQ ladder. No amount of "higher education" is going to raise their level of natural intelligence. So I suspect that all that extra education would be wasted.
That is kind of silly, because obviously the democratic candidates are the wealthy elite, just like the republicans are as well.
The democrats talk about raising the standard of living for the majority, but have never done anything.
No affordable health care, housing, education, unions, or anything really.
Even worse, the democrats have become the party of war mongers.
And Republicans have become the party of Putin ass-kissers!
Getting behind industry and commerce is the absolute opposite of communism/socialism
Libs must lie or deflect to run their emotional scams

Socialism and communism are only necessary when private commerce totally screws it up and commits massive fraud or extortion, like with health care.
The truth is "Getting behind industry and commerce" is EXACTLY what communism/socialism is, such as Sweden's government investing in half of Volvo.
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez's accomplishments while in Congress:
In her first term, the Congresswoman saw three amendments pass into law, despite Republican control of the Senate and Presidency. One shifted $5 million from the failed war on drugs to treatment for opioid addiction and another secured $10 million to clean up toxic bombardment sites in Puerto Rico. Most notably, the Congresswoman also worked with Senator Schumer to include a Funeral Assistance Program into the COVID-19 relief package. To date, the program has reimbursed over a billion in funeral expenses to Americans who lost loved ones to COVID-19.


In March of 2022, President Biden signed into law an omnibus bill to keep the federal government funded and open. This legislation included nearly $7 million in funding for 10 community projects that will serve New York's 14th Congressional District. The community projects include youth violence interventions, educational supports, workforce training in green jobs and home healthcare, and support for Plaza Del Sol Health Center and Elmhurst Hospital.

Not their job to be the big daddy.

Originally humans as hunter/gatherers had a paradise in the New World.
But as people illegally claimed land ownership, the means of survival has been stolen from the majority.
So now we are forced into economic job slavery.
Which means then we DO need collective defense measures.
We do need unions, rent control, mortgage assistance, free tuition, public health care, etc., in order to reduce economic slavery.
Socialism and communism are only necessary when private commerce totally screws it up and commits massive fraud or extortion, like with health care.
The truth is "Getting behind industry and commerce" is EXACTLY what communism/socialism is, such as Sweden's government investing in half of Volvo.
And killing mega-millions of their citizens. Socialism and all of it's forms is the most murderous socioeconomic ideology in history.
Originally humans as hunter/gatherers had a paradise in the New World.
But as people illegally claimed land ownership, the means of survival has been stolen from the majority.
So now we are forced into economic job slavery.
Which means then we DO need collective defense measures.
We do need unions, rent control, mortgage assistance, free tuition, public health care, etc., in order to reduce economic slavery.
You do know that those hunter/gathers had territories that they violently defended ? The Nobel savage garbage is bullshit.
You don’t seem to understand that greed for power and money is not limited to the people, in fact, it is more prevalent amoung those in government. Forgive me if I don’t believe that putting more power in their hands to control my movement, my health and where I live is a good idea. Honestly, only the very naive fall for such Utopian ideals.

Who said that allowing local government to do more leads to more control over individuals?
Providing cheap mass transit, like the high speed rail all other countries have, will NOT reduce individual rights, but increase them.
With health care, it is even more obvious.
Last time I went in for a check up, they said I should be prescribed Statins, at only $300/month, and when I suggested that instead they could advise me on how to control cholesterol with diet and exercise, they never got back to me.
They are deliberately over charging us for health care by at least a factor of 3.
And that prevents the poor from being able to afford any health care access.
All socialism is actually, is the recognition that we as a society, have to do something collectively, like roads, schools, utilities, etc.
is what yours yours in your world? Or is what yours ours?
Did you miss the part where those countries are moving more to the center. Socialism is a recipe for failure. The problem is the idiots in Europe do this sort of thing every ten years or so. They create a stable economy and start moving left until they fuck everything up and are forced to move back to sanity.

Socialism has never failed and never can fail.
A strong central government dictating things is inherently capitalist.
There is not a single authoritarian government that is not profit motivated and capitalist.
Like Stalin.
Total capitalist.
The reason socialism can never go bad is because it is adaptive, and is only what the people locally decide they need/want.
The only time you can get corruption screwing it up, is when capitalists bribe the media to sell likes.
Like Iraq having WMD, or that the Spanish sank the USS Maine.
All the problems come ONLY from capitalist greed.
Socialism is inherently impossible to be at fault since it inherently combines decision making.
Only socialism forces democracy.
Capitalism always tries to destroy democracy.
In her first term, the Congresswoman saw three amendments pass into law, despite Republican control of the Senate and Presidency. One shifted $5 million from the failed war on drugs to treatment for opioid addiction and another secured $10 million to clean up toxic bombardment sites in Puerto Rico. Most notably, the Congresswoman also worked with Senator Schumer to include a Funeral Assistance Program into the COVID-19 relief package. To date, the program has reimbursed over a billion in funeral expenses to Americans who lost loved ones to COVID-19.


In March of 2022, President Biden signed into law an omnibus bill to keep the federal government funded and open. This legislation included nearly $7 million in funding for 10 community projects that will serve New York's 14th Congressional District. The community projects include youth violence interventions, educational supports, workforce training in green jobs and home healthcare, and support for Plaza Del Sol Health Center and Elmhurst Hospital.

3 out of 23 of her bills became law? Very impressive.
"One shifted $5 million from the failed war on drugs to treatment for opioid addiction and another secured $10 million to clean up toxic bombardment sites in Puerto Rico. Most notably, the Congresswoman also worked with Senator Schumer to include a Funeral Assistance Program into the COVID-19 relief package."
And the world is now a much better place.
Originally humans as hunter/gatherers had a paradise in the New World.
But as people illegally claimed land ownership, the means of survival has been stolen from the majority.
So now we are forced into economic job slavery.
Which means then we DO need collective defense measures.
We do need unions, rent control, mortgage assistance, free tuition, public health care, etc., in order to reduce economic slavery.
No, we don't. We need to reduce the Federal Government back to its original Constitutional mandates of defense, treaties, and interstate commerce. Article I Section 8 of the USC spells out specifically what the Fed can and cannot do.
3 out of 23 of her bills became law? Very impressive.
"One shifted $5 million from the failed war on drugs to treatment for opioid addiction and another secured $10 million to clean up toxic bombardment sites in Puerto Rico. Most notably, the Congresswoman also worked with Senator Schumer to include a Funeral Assistance Program into the COVID-19 relief package."
And the world is now a much better place.
Not bad for a newbie.

Compare to MTG's record. Or Boebert's.
Medicare for all would reduce our individual health care costs by over 50%.
It saves taxpayers money, not costs more.
They are maximizing charges now, and we get no say since we prepay the insurance premiums.
Nothing is free. I've been paying into the Medicare system for all my life. How on earth would it cost me less if I give half of my contribution to a bunch of people who didn't pay a dime for it?

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