AOC Is A Communist

Socialism has never failed and never can fail.
A strong central government dictating things is inherently capitalist.
There is not a single authoritarian government that is not profit motivated and capitalist.
Like Stalin.
Total capitalist.
The reason socialism can never go bad is because it is adaptive, and is only what the people locally decide they need/want.
The only time you can get corruption screwing it up, is when capitalists bribe the media to sell likes.
Like Iraq having WMD, or that the Spanish sank the USS Maine.
All the problems come ONLY from capitalist greed.
Socialism is inherently impossible to be at fault since it inherently combines decision making.
Only socialism forces democracy.
Capitalism always tries to destroy democracy.
Well thats a bunch of revisionist bullshit.
It's all a great idea until they get the Trotsky ice axe by someone that's more Marxist than the other.
Fucking IDIOTS!

Ah, I see. You are still spreading the Lies, Hate and Fear routine. If you haven't noticed, it's getting difficult for your bunch to get elected anymore. We, the People, are tired of this crap.
Quit lying. No one is paying anyone 'not to work'. Hell, my brother, disabled from a TBI, it took him 3 months to qualify for SSI and even then it is not enough to live, so cut the crap.

Republicans, each and every day of the week for the last 100 years have called Democratic social programs as 'socialist'.

So, please do the following:


1. Stop calling Democrats socialists OR
2. Start calling Republicans socialists.

It's one or the other....

You can't have it both ways.
People are paid to not work. That's just a fact. You are a fact denier.
Defense from whom?
The US is the only one invading innocent countries.
Even with the Ukraine, we deliberately caused it, starting back in 2014, in order to get a first strike capability against Russia.
Nothing we do is remotely "defensive", like Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Iraq, Panama, Grenada, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Iran (1953), etc.
Is your name Ivan or Vladimere?
It has nothing to do with "wanting government taking care of us".
There simply are joint ventures we can not afford individually, but still need collectively.
That starts with basics like roads, bridges, firefighting, etc., but naturally extends to health care, education, utilities, and there really is no limit to how we can improve with more socialism.
It is not "the government", but what we as the population want, need, and can facilitate.
And it has nothing to do with federalism.
Almost all government should be local.
Straight from the Communist manifesto.
It did indeed, because labor was desperately needed in North America then, and later also during much of our Industrial Revolution wages were much higher in the U.S. than in Europe, and a difficult-to cross-ocean separated the U.S. from the Old World.

But TODAY a billion people can easily afford to buy a plane ticket to the U.S., and our nation could not survive without customs, border controls, etc.

You generally have a very unrealistic understanding of history and reality itself, and your musings on “socialism” and “communism” only discredit your own ideas.

The inability of the US to continue competing with Asia is because of our labor shortage.
What prevents immigration has never been cost.
It is the fact NO ONE really wants to leave their native and familiar cultures.
The MAIN reason why there are people immigrating to the US is because of local dictatorships.
Like the British stealing from the Irish and creating the Irish Famines.
Ever since the Monroe Doctrine, the US has been propping up military dictatorships south of the border.
Like Batista in Cuba, Pinochet in Chile, Samosa in Nicaragua, Duvalier in Haiti, and the various dictators in Mexico, Honduras, El Salvadore, etc.

And I would counter that I know EXACTLY what communism and socialism are, as opposed to the fake propaganda people lie about. For example, I have rural relatives in Kansas, and the biggest improvement in their lives came from when they pooled resources and built a grain elevator coop.
THAT is real socialism/communism.
Whenever someone tries to claim the national government has to be involved, that is pure propaganda.
It has nothing to do with "wanting government taking care of us".
There simply are joint ventures we can not afford individually, but still need collectively.
That starts with basics like roads, bridges, firefighting, etc., but naturally extends to health care, education, utilities, and there really is no limit to how we can improve with more socialism.
It is not "the government", but what we as the population want, need, and can facilitate.
And it has nothing to do with federalism.
Almost all government should be local.
You just have to murder the millions of people who disagree and it will work great.
Two issues:

It still isn't the taxpayer's responsibility to fund someone else's education. I'm a 63-year-old, blue collar, mid-manager. Nobody has ever given me a free ride. When things are given for free, the recipient doesn't have the same appreciation for the handout as they would if they had earned it themselves.

Secondly, today's college recruits, by and large, are diversity students. They fill the lower rung of the IQ ladder. No amount of "higher education" is going to raise their level of natural intelligence. So I suspect that all that extra education would be wasted.

I see your points since no one ever funded me either, but the reality is that if you allow the wealthy elite to be the only ones that can afford things like health care and higher education, then you create dynasties.
And those are evil, where society is then based on privilege of the wealthy elite, and not what is earned or deserved.
To have a real republic, you do not have to ensure equality of economic outcomes, but you DO have to ensure equality of opportunities.

As for the "low run of the IQ ladder", they still need far more vocational training than we are now providing.
Nothing is free. I've been paying into the Medicare system for all my life. How on earth would it cost me less if I give half of my contribution to a bunch of people who didn't pay a dime for it?
I have paid for forty seven years yet use the VA, they can use mine.
And Republicans have become the party of Putin ass-kissers!

As a far leftist, I like Putin.
Russia has always been the good guy actually, opposing puppet dictators, like against Chaing Kai Shek in China, Batista in Cuba, Syngman Rhee in Korea, Diem in Vietnam, etc.
Russia is also right about Kyiv, which is the worst racist/fascists in the whole world, who ran Hitler's death camps.
I have no issue with a temporary safety net, people can fall on hard times caused by unforeseen circumstances. The problem I have is tax payer money funding generational welfare and other long term ponzi schemes the government runs.
Most generational welfare occurs in economic wastelands….urban ghettos, Appalachia, Mississippi.
No jobs, no hope, no futures
Most generational welfare occurs in economic wastelands….urban ghettos, Appalachia, Mississippi.
No jobs, no hope, no futures
And yet the families choose to live there, generationally. But most of them have learned to grow their own food and basically live off of the land (in Appalachia & the swamps of Mississippi, anyway). They probably like it that way. There's always hope.

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