AOC Is A Communist

1) Medicare for all at taxpayer expense = Socialism

Medicare for all would reduce our individual health care costs by over 50%.
It saves taxpayers money, not costs more.
They are maximizing charges now, and we get no say since we prepay the insurance premiums.
Medicare for all would reduce our individual health care costs by over 50%.
It saves taxpayers money, not costs more.
They are maximizing charges now, and we get no say since we prepay the insurance premiums.
Your link

“Nordic countries are often used internationally to prove that socialism works. It’s true that social democratic parties are enjoying success in this part of the world.”

Just like AOC
Did you miss the part where those countries are moving more to the center. Socialism is a recipe for failure. The problem is the idiots in Europe do this sort of thing every ten years or so. They create a stable economy and start moving left until they fuck everything up and are forced to move back to sanity.
3) Federal Jobs for all as taxpayers pay the salaries of subpar employees = Socialism

Socialism and communism ALWAYS have to be local.
There is no way to do socialism or communism federally.
They are degrees of collective and communal, shared investments.
There is no way to do that nationally.
For example, in rural areas, that means grain silos, shared pastures, rail access, etc., while in cities that means universities, hospitals, utilities, etc.
4) Gun ban = Unconstitutional tyranny = Communism

While gun bans are evil and illegal, it is the opposite of communism, which was the start of all the main armed rebellions against evil monarchies, like in France, the North American Colonies, Russia, etc.
Gun bans are by the wealthy elite capitalists, never communists.
5) End prisons for violent criminals = Insanity

While I can't think of a better solution than prisons, it only works if the prison is a deterrent and you also offer something better if they do not break the law.
We do not offer anything in this country, and we imprison people illegally, like the War on Drugs.
So we have no system of deterrents.
And in fact, the mass murder/suicide rate is increasing so much, likely we are totally screwing it up and generating crime on increasing scale all the time.
7) Solidarity with Puerto Rico = What the hell is she talking about? It's already an American territory.

Puerto Rico has to either be a state or granted their independence.
We illegally invaded Puerto Rico, stole it, and prevented the general principle of local autonomy.
We have no business dictating to the people in Puerto Rico.
Only the wealthy elite benefit.
I see that you have been throughly fooled into believing that Democratic Socialism isn’t simply a pre-cursor to a more authoritarian form of Socialism. There is a reason that professed Communists are huge fans of the Democratic Party. Their policies provide a solid foundation for their ultimate goal.
One can have authoritarianism without communism.
8) Climate Change Nonsense = Fearmongering; Power Grab; Tax Hike = Tyranny

Regardless of how bad or relevant climate change can be, the fact is we are going to run out of oil in less than 50 years anyway, so we should be conserving much more, for agricultural uses.
There is no tax hike associated with tax incentives to do more wind, solar, and nuclear.
Did you miss the part where those countries are moving more to the center. Socialism is a recipe for failure. The problem is the idiots in Europe do this sort of thing every ten years or so. They create a stable economy and start moving left until they fuck everything up and are forced to move back to sanity.

But they still have their social programs
So what you are saying is that the total tax bite will go down also after all of this. And the result from other nations is that they are coming here as we do not have all of that and we are getting there.

People are coming here from places like Honduras and El Salvadore, where we have installed puppet dictatorships that are extremely violent.
We went with open borders for many hundreds of years, and it brought prosperity from cheaper labor and more consumers.
It did indeed, because labor was desperately needed in North America then, and later also during much of our Industrial Revolution wages were much higher in the U.S. than in Europe, and a difficult-to cross-ocean separated the U.S. from the Old World.

But TODAY a billion people can easily afford to buy a plane ticket to the U.S., and our nation could not survive without customs, border controls, etc.

You generally have a very unrealistic understanding of history and reality itself, and your musings on “socialism” and “communism” only discredit your own ideas.
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Not really, many non-Communist countries use Democratic Socialism. Sweden, Norway, Finland
the problem is that it makes the ultimate goal of communism easier to achieve for the communists
They use their Government to provide more services to the people.
Like bicycles and windmills
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AOC and "The Squad" are dedicated to taking down America which is why the Democrats quickly put them at the top of the Party.

That is kind of silly, because obviously the democratic candidates are the wealthy elite, just like the republicans are as well.
The democrats talk about raising the standard of living for the majority, but have never done anything.
No affordable health care, housing, education, unions, or anything really.
Even worse, the democrats have become the party of war mongers.

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