AOC is Back and We’re All Gonna Die


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) says she is scared of diseases she claims that are going to escape frozen glaciers and they are going to get into the water and kill people

AOC mentions mosquitos, which do kill tons of people, and shows anxiety over it :)45 mark)

-every coastal city going to be underwater

-majority of the country is going to experience drought

-won't be able to grow food due to scorching sun

-everyone will die

AOC Is Back and We're All Going to Die

I’m going to have a hamburger in my idling SUV to celebrate.



Hell, more diseases come across our southern border than anywhere else.

She's an idiot. She can't get people to believe her "global warming" nonsense, so she's trying to scare them into believing her.

Typical Marxist tactics.
Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) says she is scared of diseases she claims that are going to escape frozen glaciers and they are going to get into the water and kill people

AOC mentions mosquitos, which do kill tons of people, and shows anxiety over it :)45 mark)

-every coastal city going to be underwater

-majority of the country is going to experience drought

-won't be able to grow food due to scorching sun

-everyone will die

AOC Is Back and We're All Going to Die

I’m going to have a hamburger in my idling SUV to celebrate.

Well if I am going to die will it hurry the hell up because I have been told the world was ending since 1999 and yet here I am!
Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) says she is scared of diseases she claims that are going to escape frozen glaciers and they are going to get into the water and kill people

AOC mentions mosquitos, which do kill tons of people, and shows anxiety over it :)45 mark)

-every coastal city going to be underwater

-majority of the country is going to experience drought

-won't be able to grow food due to scorching sun

-everyone will die

AOC Is Back and We're All Going to Die

I’m going to have a hamburger in my idling SUV to celebrate.

That one isn't even worth my time. Those that voted for her deserve her.
Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) says she is scared of diseases she claims that are going to escape frozen glaciers and they are going to get into the water and kill people

AOC mentions mosquitos, which do kill tons of people, and shows anxiety over it :)45 mark)

-every coastal city going to be underwater

-majority of the country is going to experience drought

-won't be able to grow food due to scorching sun

-everyone will die

AOC Is Back and We're All Going to Die

I’m going to have a hamburger in my idling SUV to celebrate.
I feel guilty sometimes watching her stupid post on the internet and laughing about it. My parents taught me not to laugh at the retarded kid in church who ate his booger’s.
What a fucking dingbat. How that lunatic ever got elected is anyone's guess.

You can't cure a fucking dingbat.
You know what? When it comes to sky-is-falling Armageddon-raving, global warmer horses' asses are WORSE than any religious fanatic I've ever seen. These...these THINGS live in such a world of extreme panic/paranoia, they deserve every nanosecond of misery their self-induced misery causes.

Also, why is it that every time Global Warming Horses' Asses predict a world-wide catastrophe by a certain year, that year comes and goes and NOTHING THE FUCK HAPPENS??! I remember in the 2006 documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" the inventor of the Internet, Gore (whose posture is so stiff, he looks like he wears his suits with the coat-hangers still in them), promised that within 10 years both polar caps would be completely melted. Well, the Year of Our Lord 2016 has come and gone and the Earth's polar caps are pretty much the same as always! All together now, those HORSES' ASSES!
You know what? When it comes to sky-is-falling Armageddon-raving, global warmer horses' asses are WORSE than any religious fanatic I've ever seen. These...these THINGS live in such a world of extreme panic/paranoia, they deserve every nanosecond of misery their self-induced misery causes.

Also, why is it that every time Global Warming Horses' Asses predict a world-wide catastrophe by a certain year, that year comes and goes and NOTHING THE FUCK HAPPENS??! I remember in the 2006 documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" the inventor of the Internet, Gore (whose posture is so stiff, he looks like he wears his suits with the coat-hangers still in them), promised that within 10 years both polar caps would be completely melted. Well, the Year of Our Lord 2016 has come and gone and the Earth's polar caps are pretty much the same as always! All together now, those HORSES' ASSES!

Climate hustlers.
As poisonous as race hustlers.
You know what? When it comes to sky-is-falling Armageddon-raving, global warmer horses' asses are WORSE than any religious fanatic I've ever seen. These...these THINGS live in such a world of extreme panic/paranoia, they deserve every nanosecond of misery their self-induced misery causes.

Also, why is it that every time Global Warming Horses' Asses predict a world-wide catastrophe by a certain year, that year comes and goes and NOTHING THE FUCK HAPPENS??! I remember in the 2006 documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" the inventor of the Internet, Gore (whose posture is so stiff, he looks like he wears his suits with the coat-hangers still in them), promised that within 10 years both polar caps would be completely melted. Well, the Year of Our Lord 2016 has come and gone and the Earth's polar caps are pretty much the same as always! All together now, those HORSES' ASSES!

Climate hustlers.
As poisonous as race hustlers.

Both frustrate me because they're too arrogant to realize how fucking STUPID and how far up their own assholes they sound.

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