AOC is the only person in the entire Democratic Party who is worth more than two shits

All the rest are so old they're practically cadavers, or unknowns who have no business running for President or giving SOTU responses.

AOC has star quality. If Trump is the evil emperor, then AOC is like Princess Leia or Padme. At least in her half-crazed mind, she thinks her Green New Deal is like overthrowing the Evil Empire of capitalism and all sorts of unfair stuff, like that some people have money and some don't, and people have to work for money, and that's not fair, they should be paid for sitting on their ass and playing video games and smoking pot.

AOC is truly the product of our messed up society, which no longer values stuff like pulling yourself up with you own bootstraps, basically she comes from a wealthy family and went to private school, so she's not the working class hero she wants people to think she is. She grew up in Westchester County, not the Bronx.

AOC talks like a princess too, with perfectly articulated upper-middle-class English, not the obnoxious New York accent of the lower middle class and working class. She is very lady-like in her attacks on Nancy Pelosi, while she undermines her authority and supports people who are challenging Democrats in the primary.

Her goal is to remake the Democratic Party in her own image. In her opinion, the Democrats are not extreme enough as it is, it must be pulled even further to the left, into outright socialism, which includes a total takeover of every aspect of the economy, and outlawing all sources of power other than wind and solar.

She is a master of social media, and like Trump, is kicking ass using Twitter to destroy her enemies in the Democratic Party. And when I say enemies, I mean it, she will take no prisoners in her crusade to turn the Democratic Party into the Democratic Socialist Party.

Her Green New Deal is so extreme people are laughing at how stupid it is. But we should not be laughing, we should be anticipating her next move, because she is right now one of the most dangerous persons on Planet Earth. If she is not stopped somehow, she will eventually be elected President of the United States and will enact her crazy green schemes by Executive Order.

If you want to laugh at AOC and post memes about her, go right ahead. But keep in mind that I am warning you, today, February 9, 2019, that she is a threat to the entire future of our nation.

For her fans:

Do you believe that likeability is a substitute for capability in our public servants?

Do you want government to be only as smart as you are?
Watch: AOC schools Congress with ‘Lightning Round Game’ exposing the chilling role of money in politics
Schools congress? She's apparently the only one that didn't know these things. The only person that was educated on the subject was her.

Yup, we all know our political and economic system, is utterly corrupt. Looked to me like she already knew it too. So good, we all agree then.
I'll agree on politics, the economy is a bit more complicated. In politics I'd like to have seen her throw unions in with the corporations.

Sounds like you might want to revisit The Powell Memorandum. Unions? Pffffffffffffffffffffffft.
NYT on Tax-the-Rich proposals: It's "an open question whether aggressively redistributive tax plans will .. alienate[] the middle of the country." The rich have screwed over the middle class with mass immigration for decades. Take ALL their money, AOC!
For her fans:

Do you believe that likeability is a substitute for capability in our public servants?

Do you want government to be only as smart as you are?
Watch: AOC schools Congress with ‘Lightning Round Game’ exposing the chilling role of money in politics
Schools congress? She's apparently the only one that didn't know these things. The only person that was educated on the subject was her.

Yup, we all know our political and economic system, is utterly corrupt. Looked to me like she already knew it too. So good, we all agree then.
I'll agree on politics, the economy is a bit more complicated. In politics I'd like to have seen her throw unions in with the corporations.

Sounds like you might want to revisit The Powell Memorandum. Unions? Pffffffffffffffffffffffft.
Govt unions hold more sway than you think. I know corp america dwarfs it in monetary terms but govt unions are often part of the very orgs they wish to influence. My point is that corps aren't the only boogeyman in the room.
Schools congress? She's apparently the only one that didn't know these things. The only person that was educated on the subject was her.

Yup, we all know our political and economic system, is utterly corrupt. Looked to me like she already knew it too. So good, we all agree then.
I'll agree on politics, the economy is a bit more complicated. In politics I'd like to have seen her throw unions in with the corporations.

Sounds like you might want to revisit The Powell Memorandum. Unions? Pffffffffffffffffffffffft.
Govt unions hold more sway than you think. I know corp america dwarfs it in monetary terms but govt unions are often part of the very orgs they wish to influence. My point is that corps aren't the only boogeyman in the room.

Great, who do you go after first? Chipping away and incrementalism is how we got where we are, go for the monster. It was a lightning round and timed, not an actual bill, she made the point that the entire system is a sham. As for unions, of note is the fact that we really have no corporate/private "enterprise" unions anymore do we. They were taken down, fuck the workers. So the money in politics is the monster, not who gets to play the game. It's all corrupt. I think we may be on the same page and but you're focused on the twitterbyte aspect. If she puts up a bill that allows some to play the dark money corruption game while taking others out? Then I'll be more critical. I don't watch enough TV to quibble over who said what right on the air/in a hearing (given they're not lying which is commonplace, but not present here) at a given time, given all the shyte that slides by sans query on air. I thought she got the point across; our system is a sham.
All the rest are so old they're practically cadavers, or unknowns who have no business running for President or giving SOTU responses.

AOC has star quality. If Trump is the evil emperor, then AOC is like Princess Leia or Padme. At least in her half-crazed mind, she thinks her Green New Deal is like overthrowing the Evil Empire of capitalism and all sorts of unfair stuff, like that some people have money and some don't, and people have to work for money, and that's not fair, they should be paid for sitting on their ass and playing video games and smoking pot.

AOC is truly the product of our messed up society, which no longer values stuff like pulling yourself up with you own bootstraps, basically she comes from a wealthy family and went to private school, so she's not the working class hero she wants people to think she is. She grew up in Westchester County, not the Bronx.

AOC talks like a princess too, with perfectly articulated upper-middle-class English, not the obnoxious New York accent of the lower middle class and working class. She is very lady-like in her attacks on Nancy Pelosi, while she undermines her authority and supports people who are challenging Democrats in the primary.

Her goal is to remake the Democratic Party in her own image. In her opinion, the Democrats are not extreme enough as it is, it must be pulled even further to the left, into outright socialism, which includes a total takeover of every aspect of the economy, and outlawing all sources of power other than wind and solar.

She is a master of social media, and like Trump, is kicking ass using Twitter to destroy her enemies in the Democratic Party. And when I say enemies, I mean it, she will take no prisoners in her crusade to turn the Democratic Party into the Democratic Socialist Party.

Her Green New Deal is so extreme people are laughing at how stupid it is. But we should not be laughing, we should be anticipating her next move, because she is right now one of the most dangerous persons on Planet Earth. If she is not stopped somehow, she will eventually be elected President of the United States and will enact her crazy green schemes by Executive Order.

If you want to laugh at AOC and post memes about her, go right ahead. But keep in mind that I am warning you, today, February 9, 2019, that she is a threat to the entire future of our nation.

You are officially obsessed.

No, I think he as a massive hard-on for her, and that is scary enough in itself!
All the rest are so old they're practically cadavers, or unknowns who have no business running for President or giving SOTU responses.

AOC has star quality. If Trump is the evil emperor, then AOC is like Princess Leia or Padme. At least in her half-crazed mind, she thinks her Green New Deal is like overthrowing the Evil Empire of capitalism and all sorts of unfair stuff, like that some people have money and some don't, and people have to work for money, and that's not fair, they should be paid for sitting on their ass and playing video games and smoking pot.

AOC is truly the product of our messed up society, which no longer values stuff like pulling yourself up with you own bootstraps, basically she comes from a wealthy family and went to private school, so she's not the working class hero she wants people to think she is. She grew up in Westchester County, not the Bronx.

AOC talks like a princess too, with perfectly articulated upper-middle-class English, not the obnoxious New York accent of the lower middle class and working class. She is very lady-like in her attacks on Nancy Pelosi, while she undermines her authority and supports people who are challenging Democrats in the primary.

Her goal is to remake the Democratic Party in her own image. In her opinion, the Democrats are not extreme enough as it is, it must be pulled even further to the left, into outright socialism, which includes a total takeover of every aspect of the economy, and outlawing all sources of power other than wind and solar.

She is a master of social media, and like Trump, is kicking ass using Twitter to destroy her enemies in the Democratic Party. And when I say enemies, I mean it, she will take no prisoners in her crusade to turn the Democratic Party into the Democratic Socialist Party.

Her Green New Deal is so extreme people are laughing at how stupid it is. But we should not be laughing, we should be anticipating her next move, because she is right now one of the most dangerous persons on Planet Earth. If she is not stopped somehow, she will eventually be elected President of the United States and will enact her crazy green schemes by Executive Order.

If you want to laugh at AOC and post memes about her, go right ahead. But keep in mind that I am warning you, today, February 9, 2019, that she is a threat to the entire future of our nation.
It's been quite obvious since she won her seat that she scares conservative republicans, and especially old white males and especially INCEL spitless.

The only INCEL I know for certain on this forum is you, because no one in their right mind would want to catch whatever diseases you carry!
Schools congress? She's apparently the only one that didn't know these things. The only person that was educated on the subject was her.

Yup, we all know our political and economic system, is utterly corrupt. Looked to me like she already knew it too. So good, we all agree then.
I'll agree on politics, the economy is a bit more complicated. In politics I'd like to have seen her throw unions in with the corporations.

Sounds like you might want to revisit The Powell Memorandum. Unions? Pffffffffffffffffffffffft.
Govt unions hold more sway than you think. I know corp america dwarfs it in monetary terms but govt unions are often part of the very orgs they wish to influence. My point is that corps aren't the only boogeyman in the room.

Government unions have what power?

The answer is none!
All the rest are so old they're practically cadavers, or unknowns who have no business running for President or giving SOTU responses.

AOC has star quality. If Trump is the evil emperor, then AOC is like Princess Leia or Padme. At least in her half-crazed mind, she thinks her Green New Deal is like overthrowing the Evil Empire of capitalism and all sorts of unfair stuff, like that some people have money and some don't, and people have to work for money, and that's not fair, they should be paid for sitting on their ass and playing video games and smoking pot.

AOC is truly the product of our messed up society, which no longer values stuff like pulling yourself up with you own bootstraps, basically she comes from a wealthy family and went to private school, so she's not the working class hero she wants people to think she is. She grew up in Westchester County, not the Bronx.

AOC talks like a princess too, with perfectly articulated upper-middle-class English, not the obnoxious New York accent of the lower middle class and working class. She is very lady-like in her attacks on Nancy Pelosi, while she undermines her authority and supports people who are challenging Democrats in the primary.

Her goal is to remake the Democratic Party in her own image. In her opinion, the Democrats are not extreme enough as it is, it must be pulled even further to the left, into outright socialism, which includes a total takeover of every aspect of the economy, and outlawing all sources of power other than wind and solar.

She is a master of social media, and like Trump, is kicking ass using Twitter to destroy her enemies in the Democratic Party. And when I say enemies, I mean it, she will take no prisoners in her crusade to turn the Democratic Party into the Democratic Socialist Party.

Her Green New Deal is so extreme people are laughing at how stupid it is. But we should not be laughing, we should be anticipating her next move, because she is right now one of the most dangerous persons on Planet Earth. If she is not stopped somehow, she will eventually be elected President of the United States and will enact her crazy green schemes by Executive Order.

If you want to laugh at AOC and post memes about her, go right ahead. But keep in mind that I am warning you, today, February 9, 2019, that she is a threat to the entire future of our nation.

She's a typical product of the government halls of indoctrination. A product more than 50 years in the making. It's not going to get any better.

Schools congress? She's apparently the only one that didn't know these things. The only person that was educated on the subject was her.

Yup, we all know our political and economic system, is utterly corrupt. Looked to me like she already knew it too. So good, we all agree then.
I'll agree on politics, the economy is a bit more complicated. In politics I'd like to have seen her throw unions in with the corporations.

Sounds like you might want to revisit The Powell Memorandum. Unions? Pffffffffffffffffffffffft.
Govt unions hold more sway than you think. I know corp america dwarfs it in monetary terms but govt unions are often part of the very orgs they wish to influence. My point is that corps aren't the only boogeyman in the room.

Government unions have what power?

The answer is none!
I know a few teachers union reps who would disagree. The national education assoc was the 14th largest contributor in 2018. The American federation of teachers was the 15th largest political contributor in the 2018 elections. If you take the two together they'd rank 4th.

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