AOC: No healing without accountability, no unity with "white supremacists"

Most likely, neither far end of the spectrum will be participating in any "healing".

They have either lost the temperament for it, or they never had it.

The rest of us will simply have to work around them.

The following quote fits well with your premise and I agree as well:
"The middle of the road is all of the usable surface. The extremes, right and left, are in the gutters.” D. D. Eisenhower
The problem, of course, is that the ends of the spectrum are the loudest and angriest, and feel the most aggrieved.

So they get most of the attention and have most of the influence.
I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

She's 100% on the money. Hard times and rough seas ahead for the GOP. Enough of this bullshit.

So am I to understand that by "white supremacists" she really means GOP Republicans? Or just the Trump-supporting GOP Republicans? Or is it all white people in general, and is she excluding those black people who voted for Trump?

Maybe she means any Caucasian male who finds her to be obnoxious, ignorant, ungrateful & unattractive.

Whom does AOC need to be grateful toward?

That this country has given her so many opportunities. She will no doubt one day be the Speaker of the House.

She should show her gratitude by being more careful with her rude comments.

She obviously has a chip on her shoulders.

Have a nice day!
Refreshing as a lemonade here.
There's nothing refreshing about this shit pit. It's one step removed from GAB
Yo. I talked to my friend. He is going to archive the Playboy article to me. He said if the handle was Lesh in the article it has to be you. I'll upload the article here when I get it and we'll all discuss. He mentioned Fucko, Dizzy from the Spin, Use Your Brain, River Rat and a bunch of UGs. What is a UG????

You really interviewed in Playboy Magazine about Red Clouds???? A site so sleazt your mom would disown you.

Wtf Lesh? This is amazing. He said always change your handle. Your past is a whisper away.
LOL. I never denied being on that site. And I was never interviewed by Playboy. I was mentioned in that article apparently,

And oh yea...your buddy must have been a member as well to know all those characters. What was his handle and why do you have an issue with me having been there but not your friend?
I'll ask him. I just went through a tour of that site. I'm going to join to find out what the fuck this is all about. I think it might fit in well.
You're gonna pay $25 bucks for what you can get free anywhere on the internet?

Have at it
If I could count all the 25 dollars I've pissed in the wind, I'd be a multi millionaire. What's another one for the road.
Go for it. I love when stupid people waste their money. It stimulates the economy
When Trump has his farewell rally on 1/21 from 11am to 3pm I hope he tells us all to do this.
1- National sell your stock day. On a certain day, all people cheated will sell at one. Leave at 30,000. t will be 15,000 the next day.
2- National run the bank day. On a certain day, all feeling cheated run to the banks and withdraw all money
3- Lists of all companies like amazon and Starbucks and never do business again.

Bloodless coup that will destroy you.
Refreshing as a lemonade here.
There's nothing refreshing about this shit pit. It's one step removed from GAB
Yo. I talked to my friend. He is going to archive the Playboy article to me. He said if the handle was Lesh in the article it has to be you. I'll upload the article here when I get it and we'll all discuss. He mentioned Fucko, Dizzy from the Spin, Use Your Brain, River Rat and a bunch of UGs. What is a UG????

You really interviewed in Playboy Magazine about Red Clouds???? A site so sleazt your mom would disown you.

Wtf Lesh? This is amazing. He said always change your handle. Your past is a whisper away.
LOL. I never denied being on that site. And I was never interviewed by Playboy. I was mentioned in that article apparently,

And oh yea...your buddy must have been a member as well to know all those characters. What was his handle and why do you have an issue with me having been there but not your friend?
I'll ask him. I just went through a tour of that site. I'm going to join to find out what the fuck this is all about. I think it might fit in well.
You're gonna pay $25 bucks for what you can get free anywhere on the internet?

Have at it
If I could count all the 25 dollars I've pissed in the wind, I'd be a multi millionaire. What's another one for the road.
Go for it. I love when stupid people waste their money. It stimulates the economy
When Trump has his farewell rally on 1/21 from 11am to 3pm I hope he tells us all to do this.
1- National sell your stock day. On a certain day, all people cheated will sell at one. Leave at 30,000. t will be 15,000 the next day.
2- National run the bank day. On a certain day, all feeling cheated run to the banks and withdraw all money
3- Lists of all companies like amazon and Starbucks and never do business again.

Bloodless coup that will destroy you.
Ohhh...The poster at RC I know is named Igor.
You AH's , white trailer trash don't own enough stock to move the DOW a point and money in banks?? Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha
Refreshing as a lemonade here.
There's nothing refreshing about this shit pit. It's one step removed from GAB
Yo. I talked to my friend. He is going to archive the Playboy article to me. He said if the handle was Lesh in the article it has to be you. I'll upload the article here when I get it and we'll all discuss. He mentioned Fucko, Dizzy from the Spin, Use Your Brain, River Rat and a bunch of UGs. What is a UG????

You really interviewed in Playboy Magazine about Red Clouds???? A site so sleazt your mom would disown you.

Wtf Lesh? This is amazing. He said always change your handle. Your past is a whisper away.
LOL. I never denied being on that site. And I was never interviewed by Playboy. I was mentioned in that article apparently,

And oh yea...your buddy must have been a member as well to know all those characters. What was his handle and why do you have an issue with me having been there but not your friend?
I'll ask him. I just went through a tour of that site. I'm going to join to find out what the fuck this is all about. I think it might fit in well.
You're gonna pay $25 bucks for what you can get free anywhere on the internet?

Have at it
If I could count all the 25 dollars I've pissed in the wind, I'd be a multi millionaire. What's another one for the road.
Go for it. I love when stupid people waste their money. It stimulates the economy
When Trump has his farewell rally on 1/21 from 11am to 3pm I hope he tells us all to do this.
1- National sell your stock day. On a certain day, all people cheated will sell at one. Leave at 30,000. t will be 15,000 the next day.
2- National run the bank day. On a certain day, all feeling cheated run to the banks and withdraw all money
3- Lists of all companies like amazon and Starbucks and never do business again.

Bloodless coup that will destroy you.
So you want to burn the country to the ground

Most likely, neither far end of the spectrum will be participating in any "healing".

They have either lost the temperament for it, or they never had it.

The rest of us will simply have to work around them.

The following quote fits well with your premise and I agree as well:
"The middle of the road is all of the usable surface. The extremes, right and left, are in the gutters.” D. D. Eisenhower
The problem, of course, is that the ends of the spectrum are the loudest and angriest, and feel the most aggrieved.

So they get most of the attention and have most of the influence.

Trump is extreme.

BREAKING: GOP Sen. Pat Toomey says "I do think the president committed an impeachable offense"
Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska called on President Trump to resign and said she is questioning her future with the Republican Party days after a riotous mob of Trump supporters violently stormed the Capitol.

“I want him to resign. I want him out. He has caused enough damage,” she told James Brooks of the Anchorage Daily News in an interview Friday.
No more whitewashing Cruz and company have their hands all over this We won't listen to their healing bs until they call out the proud boys Qanon etc etc etc Those responsible should resign
I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021


Not sure. Never tasted Marxist pussy.

Now you got me wondering. :laughing0301:

You'd need have a packet of Viagra for any pussy you old fart.

Why do you hate heterosexuals¿

What makes you say that?

Your posting history
Most likely, neither far end of the spectrum will be participating in any "healing".

They have either lost the temperament for it, or they never had it.

The rest of us will simply have to work around them.

The following quote fits well with your premise and I agree as well:
"The middle of the road is all of the usable surface. The extremes, right and left, are in the gutters.” D. D. Eisenhower
The problem, of course, is that the ends of the spectrum are the loudest and angriest, and feel the most aggrieved.

So they get most of the attention and have most of the influence.
To further add fuel to the fire is MSM's political agenda to keep the populace as dumbed-down as possible. Some of them who work for the mega media corporate heads truly believe that their job description is to tell the viewers what to think about their news reports. Real journalists would never do this nor even consider it.

Even elementary teachers know that telling their students what to think isn't part of their job. Good teachers provide the tools to help develop young minds, but that does not involve keeping them dependent by telling them what to think.

In general, people who need to be told what to think are truly a sorry lot if they have an IQ high enough to figure things out but are just too lazy to do so. This is a stark contrast to people with intellectual disabilities (IQ below 70 by most standards) and deserve all of the assistance, being told what to do mostly for safety reasons) they can get.
Most likely, neither far end of the spectrum will be participating in any "healing".

They have either lost the temperament for it, or they never had it.

The rest of us will simply have to work around them.

The following quote fits well with your premise and I agree as well:
"The middle of the road is all of the usable surface. The extremes, right and left, are in the gutters.” D. D. Eisenhower
The problem, of course, is that the ends of the spectrum are the loudest and angriest, and feel the most aggrieved.

So they get most of the attention and have most of the influence.
To further add fuel to the fire is MSM's political agenda to keep the populace as dumbed-down as possible. Some of them who work for the mega media corporate heads truly believe that their job description is to tell the viewers what to think about their news reports. Real journalists would never do this nor even consider it.

Even elementary teachers know that telling their students what to think isn't part of their job. Good teachers provide the tools to help develop young minds, but that does not involve keeping them dependent by telling them what to think.

In general, people who need to be told what to think are truly a sorry lot if they have an IQ high enough to figure things out but are just too lazy to do so. This is a stark contrast to a person who has an intellectual disability (IQ below 70 by most standards) and deserve all of the assistance they can get.

Like fox viewers.
Most likely, neither far end of the spectrum will be participating in any "healing".

They have either lost the temperament for it, or they never had it.

The rest of us will simply have to work around them.

The following quote fits well with your premise and I agree as well:
"The middle of the road is all of the usable surface. The extremes, right and left, are in the gutters.” D. D. Eisenhower
The problem, of course, is that the ends of the spectrum are the loudest and angriest, and feel the most aggrieved.

So they get most of the attention and have most of the influence.
To further add fuel to the fire is MSM's political agenda to keep the populace as dumbed-down as possible. Some of them who work for the mega media corporate heads truly believe that their job description is to tell the viewers what to think about their news reports. Real journalists would never do this nor even consider it.

Even elementary teachers know that telling their students what to think isn't part of their job. Good teachers provide the tools to help develop young minds, but that does not involve keeping them dependent by telling them what to think.

In general, people who need to be told what to think are truly a sorry lot if they have an IQ high enough to figure things out but are just too lazy to do so. This is a stark contrast to a person who has an intellectual disability (IQ below 70 by most standards) and deserve all of the assistance they can get.
I want to think that it's more a matter of intellectual laziness than of intelligence. But humans are prone to falling into traps where we lower our standards over time. And we lose what (to me) is a critical element of an active mind - curiosity. So it's easier to just be told what (and how) to think than to remain curious and try to find the whole story.

That leads to tribalism and groupthink, and here we are: All but unable to communicate, collaborate, innovate.

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