AOC: No One 'Heartbroken' About Losing Their Private Health Insurance'

I would be in support of making private health insurance illegal. I would be in favor of making ALL health insurance illegal.

Health insurance eliminates the need for doctors to be competitive. Cut ALL that shit and make it service like any other service.

You still have to be able to afford the surgery, the medication, and after care. We already have several industrialized nations to look to as models for a Medicare for all system. The wheel does not need to be reinvented, and a similar system can easily be put into place here.

A lot of people didn’t like Obamacare until they got it. The same will be true for a national healthcare system
"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said on Wednesday nobody is "heartbroken" by the prospect of losing their private health insurance if Medicare for All were to be implemented."


Oh yeah, Americans are excited about an Oppressive Far Left government making owning their own private health insurance 'Illegal'.


Americans were pissed when Barry told them if they like their plans and doctors they could keep them BEFORE Obamacare was rammed down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it.

Americans were pissed when they found out Barry and Democrats were going to FINE Americans who could not afford health Insurance.

Americans were pissed when D-Harry Reid openly admitted after Democrats rammed Obamacare into law that Obamacare was DESIGNED TO FAIL, that it was a 1st step meant to 'herd' Americans into an eventual Single Payer system

DEMOCRATS were pissed when President Trump eliminated the tax / fine on Americans for not complying with their edict to buy / sign up for Obamacare, effectively gutting the oppressive law forced on Americans.... THIS time the oppressive Democrat Socialist-wanna-bes are determined not to make the same mistake as last time - still giving Americans a CHOICE! They plan to eliminate that choice (freedom) once and for all by making it illegal for Americans to have and stick with their own preferred health care insurance.

...and this ignorant / lying Socialist is claiming no American will be upset when her party not only strips them of the ability to own their own plans but also makes them criminals if they try to do so!

Ocasio-Cortez: Nobody is ‘heartbroken’ at the prospect of losing private health insurance

So, A naive ideologist freshman Representative that doesn't represent my district supports a terrible policy. What should my proper level of outrage be? Is pearl clutching the new best pastime around here? Lock her up?
So, A naive ideologist freshman Representative that doesn't represent my district supports a terrible policy. What should my proper level of outrage be?
Like every other American, you should ignore her.

Based on the fact that she has shown she is Pro-illegal Immigration, Pro-Failed Obama Economic Policies, Pro-Post-Birth Abortion, Pro-Insane Green New Deal, Pro-Outlawing Private Health Insurance, sane, educated American should take anything she says / offers seriously.
So, A naive ideologist freshman Representative that doesn't represent my district supports a terrible policy. What should my proper level of outrage be?
Like every other American, you should ignore her.

Based on the fact that she has shown she is Pro-illegal Immigration, Pro-Failed Obama Economic Policies, Pro-Post-Birth Abortion, Pro-Insane Green New Deal, Pro-Outlawing Private Health Insurance, sane, educated American should take anything she says / offers seriously.

Already done and done there, bud.
AOC, the idiot who just lied / falsely declared 'No one would be heart-broken if the Democrats outlawed private health insurance, is the same idiot who lied about US BPA Detention Centers, claiming illegals were being forced to drink water from a working indoor toilet in a facility she also falsely claimed did not have running water.


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