AOC or the P*rn Star President? Who will damage the Republican Party the most?


Republicans are freaking out so much about this one young lady, they actually believe she wants to take away your hamburger and ice cream and stop having kids.

Republicans actually believe that nonsense. I know, I know, it's hard to believe, but they actually believe that.
You can actually read what the Green New Deal says right here:

Green New Deal

When old white and orange men attack this young lady, they are saying clean air and clean water and a planet that sustains life into the future isn't important. They are saying jobs and education don't count.

When she is Donald Trump's age, the year will be 2062.

And the GOP plan is "die"?

Say you are a young Republican her age. Who would you believe? The woman who wants to save the planet or this guy:


She will get the last laugh and youngsters in the GOP will flock to her because they want to live.
Cortez will never be able to run for president because this country doesn't have that long before all out civil war.

And the smart youngesters who aren't completely useless will all be on our side.


in your dreams
I love that AOC is the de facto leader of the democrat Socialist Party. We couldn't ask for a better spokesperson
I love that AOC is the de facto leader of the democrat Socialist Party. We couldn't ask for a better spokesperson


A left wing loon for the dems

an unethical, immoral, pathetic, lying buffoon for the repubs.

Thanks America!

If aliens arrive and declare us unfit for universal consumption and level the place I will NOT be surprised.
I love that AOC is the de facto leader of the democrat Socialist Party. We couldn't ask for a better spokesperson


A left wing loon for the dems

an unethical, immoral, pathetic, lying buffoon for the repubs.

Thanks America!

If aliens arrive and declare us unfit for universal consumption and level the place I will NOT be surprised.

Meh. Only 6 more years to go before you can stop talking about Trump
I love that AOC is the de facto leader of the democrat Socialist Party. We couldn't ask for a better spokesperson


A left wing loon for the dems

an unethical, immoral, pathetic, lying buffoon for the repubs.

Thanks America!

If aliens arrive and declare us unfit for universal consumption and level the place I will NOT be surprised.

Meh. Only 6 more years to go before you can stop talking about Trump

Have cons stopped talking about Obama and Hitlery?

will they ever?
I love that AOC is the de facto leader of the democrat Socialist Party. We couldn't ask for a better spokesperson


A left wing loon for the dems

an unethical, immoral, pathetic, lying buffoon for the repubs.

Thanks America!

If aliens arrive and declare us unfit for universal consumption and level the place I will NOT be surprised.

Meh. Only 6 more years to go before you can stop talking about Trump

Have cons stopped talking about Obama and Hitlery?

will they ever?

Hiltlery and who? You mean the rounding error who became President? Forgot all about him
Maybe President Trump screwed a porn star back in his younger days but he did it in private. You almost gotta laugh that democrats think America's crazy uncle has a chance when he can't even control his sexual impulses in public. Can you believe that the DNC claims that Biden is "just a friendly guy"? Hillary argues that sodomy isn't "sex" and Beto seems to have a fantasy about having his ass shined. The whole damn party is freaking crazy.
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