AOC puts on fake black accennt while giving speech to african american audience

I bet she does a lot of rolling r's when she's talking to hispanic crowds, mang

Considering she's Hispanic, I'd expect her to speak with an accent (like she already does) or speak to them in Spanish. But, if she spoke to them in Spanish, you conservatives would bitch that you didn't know what she was saying.

She actually doesn't usually emphasize her hispanic accent. Recently she uploaded a video to instagram or whatever, rambling on and on about some bullshit while sitting on the floor munching on popcorn or something. It was very obnoxious and very... millennial.

She's not Spanish. She was born in the Bronx. Her dad was of Puerto Rican descent and born in America. Her mom was born in Puerto Rico. Assuming she would talk with a Spanish accent is like assuming someone with the last name O'Brien would talk with an Irish brogue.

Shes a boriqua
her accent is not that heavy ....the boriqua accent
i can hear it a little

the black is hot sauce Hillary territory

I tried the Taco Bell Black Sauce on a Taco Supreme and it is too hot for me. I always asked for Taco Bell Fire Sauce after that.

im an el yucceteco brown and green man myself
Considering she's Hispanic, I'd expect her to speak with an accent (like she already does) or speak to them in Spanish. But, if she spoke to them in Spanish, you conservatives would bitch that you didn't know what she was saying.

She actually doesn't usually emphasize her hispanic accent. Recently she uploaded a video to instagram or whatever, rambling on and on about some bullshit while sitting on the floor munching on popcorn or something. It was very obnoxious and very... millennial.

She's not Spanish. She was born in the Bronx. Her dad was of Puerto Rican descent and born in America. Her mom was born in Puerto Rico. Assuming she would talk with a Spanish accent is like assuming someone with the last name O'Brien would talk with an Irish brogue.

Shes a boriqua
her accent is not that heavy ....the boriqua accent
i can hear it a little

At least AOC is not Portuguese.

the black is hot sauce Hillary territory

I tried the Taco Bell Black Sauce on a Taco Supreme and it is too hot for me. I always asked for Taco Bell Fire Sauce after that.

im an el yucceteco brown and green man myself
Elizbeth Taylor had purple eyes which is a scale of ten above green eyes.
Hillary taught her that with her "Ain't no ways tired" speech to Blacks. Priceless, pandering, and condescending. Hillary lost though, so she is learning from a LOSER.
I laughed out loud several times reading this thread I don't know just want to report that

“I'm proud to be a bartender. Ain't nothing wrong with that,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “There's nothing wrong with working retail, folding clothes for other people to buy. There is nothing wrong with preparing the food that your neighbors will eat. There is nothing wrong with driving the buses that take your family to work. There is nothing wrong with being a working person in the United States of America and there is everything dignified about it."

Then: When talking about the Amazon deal in NY

“We need to create dignified jobs in New York City,” Ocasio-Cortez said at an inauguration ceremony Saturday in Queens. “We don’t have to settle for scraps in the greatest city in the world.”

So, which is it, dingbat....
Hope the OP will tell us what a "black accent" is. Oughta be a hoot.

AOC was speaking like she was a sassy black pastor giving a sermon. Normally her speech is sorta valley girl style littered with "" but this time she's all "ahm PROUD ta be a bartender ain't nuthin wrong with tha"

There is no racial accent per se. One speaks with one's peers in whatever common vernacular prevails. If there's multiple vernaculars going on you learn them both (or learn them all) and code-switch as the occasion warrants.

I worked with a guy on radio in New Orleans who spoke three "languages": French, "broadcast standard" English, and Yat. People switch back and forth interchangeably depending on what the occasion and the audience warrants. 'Round these parts I'll speak standard English or Appalachian, depending on which works better. Has nothing to do with race or "demeaning" anybody; it's simply culture-synching. Hell I learned several American English accents from childhood -- I had to to understand my cousins.

Everybody in broadcasting learns to drop their regional accent and speak in a standardized one for air. Well, everybody except Chris Matthews who never bothered.
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I just throw in meng at the end of every other sentence
When you are around kids you talk like a kid.

So you're saying blacks have the intelligence of a child?
Only the ones that are kids..

So what does that say about AOC's opinion of black adults?

Black people love being pandered to

The thing is --- when someone who doesn't naturally have your accent, starts using it, unless they're doing it really badly you don't even notice. It just sounds 'natural'. Only some third party who isn't used to the accent being switched to would even pick up on it.
Embarrasing: AOC Puts on Fake Black Accent While Giving Speech to African-American Audience
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez put on a fake African-American accent while talking to a room full of black people earlier today.

Well there you have it, a loon who fakes being black. Wanna be's always act out who they dream to be.

So I finally got a chance to hear the video. This isn't an "accent" at all. There is ONE count 'em 1 occasion where she uses a vernacular construction of "ain't nothing wrong with that", simply dropping the phrase "there is" and employing a double negative.

That's not a "black accent" Dumbass. That's simple SLANG. Accents involve alternate pronunciations. This is some Twitwanker trying to contrive some bullshit for his own narcissism complex, out of nothing. And you swallow it hook line and sinker.

Lemme guess, you probably bought that old bogus Fox Noise clip about Hillary "adopting a Southern accent" with her Chicago twang the same way, amirite?

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Embarrasing: AOC Puts on Fake Black Accent While Giving Speech to African-American Audience
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez put on a fake African-American accent while talking to a room full of black people earlier today.

Well there you have it, a loon who fakes being black. Wanna be's always act out who they dream to be.

So I finally got a chance to hear the video. This isn't an "accent" at all. There is ONE count 'em 1 occasion where she uses a vernacular construction of "ain't nothing wrong with that", simply dropping the phrase "there is".

That's not a "black accent" Dumbass. That's simple SLANG. Accents involve alternate pronunciations. This is some Twitwanker trying to contrive some bullshit for his own narcissism complex, out of nothing. And you swallow it hook line and sinker.

Lemme guess, you probably bought that old bogus Fox Noise clip about Hillary "adopting a Southern accent" with her Chicago twang the same way, amirite?


Leave them be....

They still harp on Hillary for not correcting the dialect of a black author
lol this a**hole would say this


I just wonder why AOC thinks other people denigrate bartenders and cab drivers, what kind of world does she live in? OR she's trying to gin up hatred. She is so full of it. They's sompthin' way wrong wit' dat gal.

Maybe she's reading this site.

I've asked several posters here to explain to me why an ex-bartender can't be a Congresscritter. Haven't got an answer yet.
She ain't in no ways tired.

She was doing an impersonation of a black pastor. Obviously.

I've heard white pastors emphasize their words like that as well. It ain't just black preachers.

Show me one speech by AOC where she talks like that.

I bet she does a lot of rolling r's when she's talking to hispanic crowds, mang

Dont forget the drawn out Z's.

AOC-Full-Stop aint in no ways tahred, no sirree.

Y'all know that's a gospel song lyric right? Please tell me you know that.
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Embarrasing: AOC Puts on Fake Black Accent While Giving Speech to African-American Audience
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez put on a fake African-American accent while talking to a room full of black people earlier today.

Well there you have it, a loon who fakes being black. Wanna be's always act out who they dream to be.

Just because AOC speaks to a black audience doesn't mean she is faking being black.
It means that she's patronizing them.

Code switching is a universal technique to establish rapport with the other party. All of us do it, literally every day as soon as we establish our relationship to the other person.

You talk one way to your boss, another way to your child. One way to your pet, a completely different way to the airline ticket agent. One way to a man, another way to a woman. Etc etc etc.
She ain't in no ways tired.

I've heard white pastors emphasize their words like that as well. It ain't just black preachers.

Show me one speech by AOC where she talks like that.

I bet she does a lot of rolling r's when she's talking to hispanic crowds, mang

Dont forget the drawn out Z's.

AOC-Full-Stop aint in no ways tahred, no sirree.

Y'all know that's a gospel song lyric right? Please tell me you know that.

The gospel song is "I don't feel no ways tired". That's not what AOC-FullStop said.
He is right
Lemon is NOT right because no one is saying Ocasio-Cortez is mocking the people she is speaking to. Quite the opposite.

She is transparently and cynically pandering to her audience and leave it to you to agree with the wrong thing like a compliant unreasoning robot.
Does she sound like Chico Marx before mostly Italian crowds? "Hey, I'm-a tell you what. I'm-a gonna give-a you some-a real fine gabagool and vino after this-a little talk. Capice?"
I won't even attempt to go into how she talks to Asians.

Don Lemon is a jackass and apparently you are fine with that.

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