AOC puts on fake black accennt while giving speech to african american audience

Only the ones that are kids..

So what does that say about AOC's opinion of black adults?
She needs to work on her southern drawl...

Well no shit.
But that doesnt answer my question now does it.
Well it's just something humans do..Like when talking to Asians we want to speak with an Asian accent...

Speak for yourself.
I might slow down my speech and try and tame my actual southern drawl but I sure as hell dont try and speak with an Asian accent.
Thats fucken insulting!!
I bet you need an interpreter for someone speaking NYC-eaze...
Embarrasing: AOC Puts on Fake Black Accent While Giving Speech to African-American Audience
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez put on a fake African-American accent while talking to a room full of black people earlier today.

Well there you have it, a loon who fakes being black. Wanna be's always act out who they dream to be.


She's just doing what liberals do.

Remember Hillary "speaking Southern"?

If she can gain about 40 pounds and learn to stagger she could be the NEW Hillary!
she is an amusing idiot


Embarrasing: AOC Puts on Fake Black Accent While Giving Speech to African-American Audience
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez put on a fake African-American accent while talking to a room full of black people earlier today.

Well there you have it, a loon who fakes being black. Wanna be's always act out who they dream to be.


She's just doing what liberals do.

Remember Hillary "speaking Southern"?

Actually no Henri, we don't.

Why don't you show us.

/rubs hands
I cannot wait until Mini-Maduro totally debases herself and kisses Al Sharpton's ring and jiggles his shrunken leathery balls.

I just watched the whole video, and this woman is genuinely mentally retarded.

"I'm proud to be a bar tender"
"There's nothing wrong with these jobs"
"So if I can improve my career, so can YOU"

It seems she's implying that they should want to change their careers because those are lowly jobs.

You kno am sayin'.
Embarrasing: AOC Puts on Fake Black Accent While Giving Speech to African-American Audience
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez put on a fake African-American accent while talking to a room full of black people earlier today.

Well there you have it, a loon who fakes being black. Wanna be's always act out who they dream to be.

Just because AOC speaks to a black audience doesn't mean she is faking being black.

When I'm speaking to African Americans, I sound a lot like Oswald Bates from TV

I can't wait until she talks to the Asian community.
Hope the OP will tell us what a "black accent" is. Oughta be a hoot.

AOC was speaking like she was a sassy black pastor giving a sermon. Normally her speech is sorta valley girl style littered with "" but this time she's all "ahm PROUD ta be a bartender ain't nuthin wrong with tha"

Ignoring her "code switching," which lets be honest is just libturd rationalization for their pandering to people they consider inferior but are unable to say as much because it goes against their ideology, her ideas are just wrong plain and simple.

For one thing she is correct that there is no dishonor in the labor of the lower caste, all caste have their place and are valued, but the preaching that a unskilled laborer can be a congressman is misleading. A person can increase and decrease their position within a caste but beyond that a person is stuck. You are pretty much born to be who you are.
The rest of it is gibs because she operates under the premise that material wealth is the solution to the problems peoples are facing. She is correct we need radical solution's but maybe more important we need archaic solutions. The solution is not socialism or communism, solutions is one which will return us to the origins. The problems people face are spiritual, ethical, and moral, not economic.
Embarrasing: AOC Puts on Fake Black Accent While Giving Speech to African-American Audience
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez put on a fake African-American accent while talking to a room full of black people earlier today.

Well there you have it, a loon who fakes being black. Wanna be's always act out who they dream to be.
Her speech pattern changed and her accent deliberately chanhed.

None of which matters

Yes some may think it's weird that she starts talking different in front of African Americans but it is not that important

The relevant part is what she said not how she said it and it proved her absolute hypocrisy and stupidity.

She stated how working certian low pay jobs is fine. Its ok to clean houses or apartments or offices or whatever. And she is absolutely right.

The problem comes from her defending such jobs shortly after killing the chance for Amazon to open a headquarters in her district which would have brought in 25,000 jobs.

She is a rotten stupid bitch who fucked the people she represents.
Embarrasing: AOC Puts on Fake Black Accent While Giving Speech to African-American Audience
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez put on a fake African-American accent while talking to a room full of black people earlier today.

Well there you have it, a loon who fakes being black. Wanna be's always act out who they dream to be.

Just because AOC speaks to a black audience doesn't mean she is faking being black.

When I'm speaking to African Americans, I sound a lot like Oswald Bates from TV

I can't wait until she talks to the Asian community.

Vote for me, me love you long time
Embarrasing: AOC Puts on Fake Black Accent While Giving Speech to African-American Audience
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez put on a fake African-American accent while talking to a room full of black people earlier today.

Well there you have it, a loon who fakes being black. Wanna be's always act out who they dream to be.

Just because AOC speaks to a black audience doesn't mean she is faking being black.

When I'm speaking to African Americans, I sound a lot like Oswald Bates from TV

I can't wait until she talks to the Asian community.

Vote for me, me love you long time

LMFAO suckyeee suckyeee GI me sooooooo
Hey......for some reason, black folks don't mind being mocked so if you are AOC and can bamboozle your audience, she might as well do it, I say. Any politician handing out free stuff is going to be embraced by blacks no matter what kind of inflection they use. If it was a heavy Slavic accent, they'd be lining up!

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