AOC Says Olympic Ban On Marijuana Is ‘Racist’

First off, IOC did not ban this woman from competing, the US Track and Field Association suspended her for the marijuana result. However, had she tested positive for marijuana at the Olympics, she would have been disqualified.

In either case, marijuana is hardly a performance enhancing substance. In fact if somebody wins an athletic competition while stoned, it’s really fucking amazing.

The greater likelihood is that she smoked pot a day or two before being tested. THC stays in your system for days. You can test positive for up to three days after you’ve smoked.

While don’t agree that this whole thing is racist, it is stupid. Incredibly stupid. The woman set a new world record and they have tossed her off the team.

First off, AOC said the IOC banned the woman, read the fricken tweet. The only thing(s) stupid are AOC for her comment and you for attempting to defend what is clearly against the rules.

What is your problem? I did read the tweet. The tweet says the IOC banned her and that’s incorrect. Which I pointed out.

The IOC will strip you of your medals if you test positive for marijuana which is ridiculous. Marijuana isn’t a performance enhancing drug.

There have been cases of figure skaters taking the wrong cough medicine and getting suspended.

By all means come down on athletes using performance enhancing drugs, but let’s not be stupid here.
The problem is is your deflecting from AOC’s idiotic, race baiting comment, which is the crux of the matter, not your position on athletes and weed.

First off, IOC did not ban this woman from competing, the US Track and Field Association suspended her for the marijuana result. However, had she tested positive for marijuana at the Olympics, she would have been disqualified.

In either case, marijuana is hardly a performance enhancing substance. In fact if somebody wins an athletic competition while stoned, it’s really fucking amazing.

The greater likelihood is that she smoked pot a day or two before being tested. THC stays in your system for days. You can test positive for up to three days after you’ve smoked.

While don’t agree that this whole thing is racist, it is stupid. Incredibly stupid. The woman set a new world record and they have tossed her off the team.

First off, AOC said the IOC banned the woman, read the fricken tweet. The only thing(s) stupid are AOC for her comment and you for attempting to defend what is clearly against the rules.

What is your problem? I did read the tweet. The tweet says the IOC banned her and that’s incorrect. Which I pointed out.

The IOC will strip you of your medals if you test positive for marijuana which is ridiculous. Marijuana isn’t a performance enhancing drug.

There have been cases of figure skaters taking the wrong cough medicine and getting suspended.

By all means come down on athletes using performance enhancing drugs, but let’s not be stupid here.

What's ridiculous about it?

The rules against competitors being loaded on grass have been well established for years, and this broad knew them in advance.

If you can't obey the rules, and be a good role model, the Olympics don't want you because you are a safety hazard as well. They don't want to see people getting flashbacks, and suddenly thinking they can fly out the window at the Olympic Village, and I can hardly blame them.

What is she saying?….. You can’t ban marijuana because Blacks smoke more pot than anyone else? Look, I happen to agree with her that marijuana should not be criminalized but every time she takes a position and immediately draws the race card against anyone who disagrees with her she looks foolish.

Take a goddamn position, AOC; stick with it, and leave race out of it. You will thank me later.
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This is where it is going.

There is that white bonging michael phelps, he got to swim.
Then there is ms Richardson.

Marijuana should never have been on the list. It should never have been criminalized. The reason it was criminalized here in the US was because the head of prohibition knew prohibition was ending and did not want to give up power. So he used us tax dollars to manufacture lies like

Reefer madness

And there are still sub humans in the US who think

Reefer madness

Is truth and Michael phelps is fiction....
I'd be happy if the pothead could trade places with the blue lipped hammer thrower who hates our flag. I'd rather have a patriotic pothead than an America hating skank any day.
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Olympic Committee is more intelligent than she is: cannabis effeminizes male gonads by antagonizing androgen receptors. For many of us, it’s been out of style for quite awhile.
Weatherman, in my experience people who support cannabis use take a puerile road to nowhere. In the young user, cannabis can take a toll on the young brain, it betrays reproductive tract health with delayed maturity and serious anomalies in the next generation if stillbirth doesn't dismiss all else cannabis can do. In addition to brain malfunction, its addicted user doesn't give a rats patoot due to self-inflicted delusions of grandeur that predicate disability in relationships that are broken by the foibles of addiction to other nefarious chemicals as well. It tends to be a gateway drug to truly dangerous drugs and behaviors.

Miss cortez can deceive herself all she wants, I don't care. But she is in no position to pied piper the next generation away from the reality that surrounds addicts with self-lies.
So sick of the left and their bullshit. Nothing else needs to be said.

Beware and don't get caught up in their crap. They will drag you to hell.

This is where it is going.

There is that white bonging michael phelps, he got to swim.
Then there is ms Richardson.

Marijuana should never have been on the list. It should never have been criminalized. The reason it was criminalized here in the US was because the head of prohibition knew prohibition was ending and did not want to give up power. So he used us tax dollars to manufacture lies like

Reefer madness

And there are still sub humans in the US who think

Reefer madness

Is truth and Michael phelps is fiction....

The only thing worse than illegal grass is legal grass.

The amount of regulations and licensing, and the greedy government engaging in Financial Assrapery against the nation's Pot Heads with the legalization bullshit is unbelievably onerous.

If the government were to pass Clean Legalization, where any retailer from mom and pop to Walmart who want to push weed could do so without special taxes or regulations, that would be something entirely different.

It may seem counterintuitive but the legal grass movement is actually restrictive on the people.

It isn't like mom will be able to give a note to their 9 year old to go down to the corner store to pick up a bag of grass for her usage.

This is where it is going.

There is that white bonging michael phelps, he got to swim.
Then there is ms Richardson.

Marijuana should never have been on the list. It should never have been criminalized. The reason it was criminalized here in the US was because the head of prohibition knew prohibition was ending and did not want to give up power. So he used us tax dollars to manufacture lies like

Reefer madness

And there are still sub humans in the US who think

Reefer madness

Is truth and Michael phelps is fiction....

The only thing worse than illegal grass is legal grass.

The amount of regulations and licensing, and the greedy government engaging in Financial Assrapery against the nation's Pot Heads with the legalization bullshit is unbelievably onerous.

If the government were to pass Clean Legalization, where any retailer from mom and pop to Walmart who want to push weed could do so without special taxes or regulations, that would be something entirely different.

It may seem counterintuitive but the legal grass movement is actually restrictive on the people.

It isn't like mom will be able to give a note to their 9 year old to go down to the corner store to pick up a bag of grass for her usage.

This is where it is going.

There is that white bonging michael phelps, he got to swim.
Then there is ms Richardson.

Marijuana should never have been on the list. It should never have been criminalized. The reason it was criminalized here in the US was because the head of prohibition knew prohibition was ending and did not want to give up power. So he used us tax dollars to manufacture lies like

Reefer madness

And there are still sub humans in the US who think

Reefer madness

Is truth and Michael phelps is fiction....
Why do you want people to use non FDA approved cancer causing drugs that causes schizophrenia?
Pot was legal in Colonial times. It didn’t start getting regulated until the Progressive Era here by the Dems.

Furthermore, it’s racist and prejudicial to assume only non-whites partake in pot.

does her lack of knowledge and history and her racism know no bounds?
What is really "deeply troubling" is how many deeply troubling matters are not being dealt with while so many meaningless ones take up so much energy and time.
What is really "deeply troubling" is how many deeply troubling matters are not being dealt with while so many meaningless ones take up so much energy and time.
What is really "deeply troubling" is how many deeply troubling matters are not being dealt with while so many meaningless ones take up so much energy and time.

What's deeply amusing is the fact that Libs want to outlaw newports, the preferred smoke of the Black Race- yet complain about how outlawing grass smoking is "racist".

This is where it is going.

There is that white bonging michael phelps, he got to swim.
Then there is ms Richardson.

Marijuana should never have been on the list. It should never have been criminalized. The reason it was criminalized here in the US was because the head of prohibition knew prohibition was ending and did not want to give up power. So he used us tax dollars to manufacture lies like

Reefer madness

And there are still sub humans in the US who think

Reefer madness

Is truth and Michael phelps is fiction....

The only thing worse than illegal grass is legal grass.

The amount of regulations and licensing, and the greedy government engaging in Financial Assrapery against the nation's Pot Heads with the legalization bullshit is unbelievably onerous.

If the government were to pass Clean Legalization, where any retailer from mom and pop to Walmart who want to push weed could do so without special taxes or regulations, that would be something entirely different.

It may seem counterintuitive but the legal grass movement is actually restrictive on the people.

It isn't like mom will be able to give a note to their 9 year old to go down to the corner store to pick up a bag of grass for her usage.

You and I agree government should never be blindly trusted.


4K dead morons who took the shot

Legal weed means 100% legal. You can grow it. Anyone can grow it. Government greed is infinite. Every time government encroaches on individual liberty, that is bad. Push back.

Ms Richardson is a great opportunity for all of us to do that now.
Olympic Committee is more intelligent than she is: cannabis effeminizes male gonads by antagonizing androgen receptors. For many of us, it’s been out of style for quite awhile.

Translation - badger still believes ReeferMadness
What is really "deeply troubling" is how many deeply troubling matters are not being dealt with while so many meaningless ones take up so much energy and time.

What's deeply amusing is the fact that Libs want to outlaw newports, the preferred smoke of the Black Race- yet complain about how outlawing grass smoking is "racist".


That's the bill maher curse.

You white folks don't tell us what to do!!

Aka shut up Uncle Tom!!!

AOC and the subs can race bait all they want.

This is a very simple issue.

Is reefer a ped? No

Is reefer speed? No

Does reefer unfairly dope your blood? No

Does reefer enable bio men to claim they are women? No

Then the olympics has no business testing for it.

And that applies evenly to all different colors of skin...
Weatherman, in my experience people who support cannabis use take a puerile road to nowhere. In the young user, cannabis can take a toll on the young brain, it betrays reproductive tract health with delayed maturity and serious anomalies in the next generation if stillbirth doesn't dismiss all else cannabis can do. In addition to brain malfunction, its addicted user doesn't give a rats patoot due to self-inflicted delusions of grandeur that predicate disability in relationships that are broken by the foibles of addiction to other nefarious chemicals as well. It tends to be a gateway drug to truly dangerous drugs and behaviors.

Miss cortez can deceive herself all she wants, I don't care. But she is in no position to pied piper the next generation away from the reality that surrounds addicts with self-lies.
Get new material. Your ideas about cannabis went out with "Reefer Madness" Wake up and smell the 21st century. :rolleyes:

Spend an hour in the parking lot of any legal cannabis club and you will see every (legal) age, gender, race and socioeconomic status represented.

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