AOC Says Olympic Ban On Marijuana Is ‘Racist’

Somebody should put a sock in Ocasio -Cortez mouth.

She is an idiot.
Hardly, someone should give that idiot a huge megaphone. Every time she opens her mouth a new Republican is born. She is the future of the Democrat party, which is to say, a bleak and dismal place.
Pot is a native cultural thing that is not dangerous and never should have been illegal.
The only reason it was made illegal is because it was native, so it is racist to penalize pot.
What is really "deeply troubling" is how many deeply troubling matters are not being dealt with while so many meaningless ones take up so much energy and time.

What's deeply amusing is the fact that Libs want to outlaw newports, the preferred smoke of the Black Race- yet complain about how outlawing grass smoking is "racist".


That's the bill maher curse.

You white folks don't tell us what to do!!

Aka shut up Uncle Tom!!!

AOC and the subs can race bait all they want.

This is a very simple issue.

Is reefer a ped? No

Is reefer speed? No

Does reefer unfairly dope your blood? No

Does reefer enable bio men to claim they are women? No

Then the olympics has no business testing for it.

And that applies evenly to all different colors of skin...

The problem here is that even though grass doesn't enhance performance, it still puts a bad face on the Olympics as people don't want to see Cheech and/or Chong standing on the medal stand chatting like a pot head to the talking heads. Its just really not the image that the Olympics want to put forward to the public.

Remember this about spectator sports.

It isn't just how tremendous fast you can run, or how much weight you can lift, but its also a public relations project. Getting people to care about the games. And broads who are loaded to the gills on grass or other drugs just don't make a very good impression.
All politics in America is totally concerned with racism.

She's just the brave little lady who has the courage to say so.
Biden says he agrees with her suspension...good for him.

She knew the rules.
She broke them.
She got what she deserves.
She deserves no tears or sympathy.
Somebody should put a sock in Ocasio -Cortez mouth.

She is an idiot.
Hardly, someone should give that idiot a huge megaphone. Every time she opens her mouth a new Republican is born. She is the future of the Democrat party, which is to say, a bleak and dismal place.
Seconding the megaphone, she’s performing media miracles in Florida as it turns deeply red, though the precedence-setting state for pathologies will remain (you guessed it) Kametoe’s.
It’s about the USA and not her thoughts of her own special uniqueness.

No, its about those in the USA who are wealthy, racist, puritanical, and fascist.
They have to make pot illegal because it is too Rastafarian.

This isn't about whether grass is legal or not.

Ifs about whether its against the rules in regards to the Olympics.

That is the whole point, since pot is legal and not a performance enhancing drug, then the Olympics have no reason to ban them.
Rules have to make sense, not be based on what a particular culture likes or does not like.
That IS racism when you apply a value from one culture onto another, by force, for no reason.
Isn’t attributing a cultural value to someone based solely on the amount skin pigmentation they have kinda racist? It seems more racist than applying rules to everyone regardless of their skin color. But that’s just me.
It’s about the USA and not her thoughts of her own special uniqueness.

No, its about those in the USA who are wealthy, racist, puritanical, and fascist.
They have to make pot illegal because it is too Rastafarian.

This isn't about whether grass is legal or not.

Ifs about whether its against the rules in regards to the Olympics.

That is the whole point, since pot is legal and not a performance enhancing drug, then the Olympics have no reason to ban them.
Rules have to make sense, not be based on what a particular culture likes or does not like.
That IS racism when you apply a value from one culture onto another, by force, for no reason.
Isn’t attributing a cultural value to someone based solely on the amount skin pigmentation they have kinda racist? It seems more racist than applying rules to everyone regardless of their skin color. But that’s just me.

Frankly I have no idea what you just wrote, but let me try to make my point again.
What is meant by the word "racism" is actually cultural prejudice, since it is not likely races actually exist in a physical sense.
And there is a strict European prejudice against cultures that are more relaxed, natural, or fun loving.
That strict European prejudice is obvious with the Pilgrims, the Puritans, and other Anglo Saxon, Evangelical extremists.
Just as there was no legal or ethical basis for Prohibition, there is also none for the War on Drugs.
They were both evil attempts are controlling people and making the lives of others as miserable as possible.
While the word "racist" used to be an easy way to express that, these days it is likely more accurate to say it is just cultural prejudice, since it is values and not skin pigmentation that really matters.
These are the people who attacked then natives and any native cultural aspect, like pot.
If the rule is racist then President Biden is a racist because he agrees with the ban.
All politics in America is totally concerned with racism.

She's just the brave little lady who has the courage to say so.
Because she's stupid enough to see absolutely everything through a prism of racism.
I guess because she's a simple minded imbecile.

Except she is right.
It was immoral and culturally prejudiced, biased, arrogant, and ignorant to have ever been against pot in the first place.
The millions of lives the persecutions ruined can never be regained.
Those who vilified pot should be put in jail for the evil they committed.
She is one of those people that says everything is racist constantly, all the time, about everything. Always saying it in the hopes that it might stick and someone somewhere will applaud her.

Face it, anyone who condemns racism in this day and age is doing so purely for applause. Because face it, all of this "anti racism" has done nothing but create the most racism this country has ever seen.
It’s about the USA and not her thoughts of her own special uniqueness.

No, its about those in the USA who are wealthy, racist, puritanical, and fascist.
They have to make pot illegal because it is too Rastafarian.

This isn't about whether grass is legal or not.

Ifs about whether its against the rules in regards to the Olympics.

That is the whole point, since pot is legal and not a performance enhancing drug, then the Olympics have no reason to ban them.
Rules have to make sense, not be based on what a particular culture likes or does not like.
That IS racism when you apply a value from one culture onto another, by force, for no reason.
Isn’t attributing a cultural value to someone based solely on the amount skin pigmentation they have kinda racist? It seems more racist than applying rules to everyone regardless of their skin color. But that’s just me.

Frankly I have no idea what you just wrote, but let me try to make my point again.
What is meant by the word "racism" is actually cultural prejudice, since it is not likely races actually exist in a physical sense.
And there is a strict European prejudice against cultures that are more relaxed, natural, or fun loving.
That strict European prejudice is obvious with the Pilgrims, the Puritans, and other Anglo Saxon, Evangelical extremists.
Just as there was no legal or ethical basis for Prohibition, there is also none for the War on Drugs.
They were both evil attempts are controlling people and making the lives of others as miserable as possible.
While the word "racist" used to be an easy way to express that, these days it is likely more accurate to say it is just cultural prejudice, since it is values and not skin pigmentation that really matters.
These are the people who attacked then natives and any native cultural aspect, like pot.
Even if what you stated is true (which I’m not sure it is) that’s not why the law exists today. And this woman wasnt smoking pot as part of some “cultural ritual“ or religious experience. The drug laws exist because drugs and drug addicts dont lend themselves to being parts of very successful societies. That said I actually think the laws against pot are stupid as well but not because I think they are “racist“. People should be free to choose to do drugs if they want. The other side of that coin being you should get zero tax payer assistance if that’s your choice. If you have enough money to buy pot you don’t need my help to buy food.
As we can all see, America is too racist to participate on the international stage of competition.

Our racist national anthem should be discarded.

Our racist flag replaced.

We should actually change the name to The Forcibly "United" States of Racist White Devils, and be done with it.

The "USA" is too tainted for my liking. We need to TEXIT immediately.

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