AOC says "We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks"

“When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot people should just say ‘no, we’re not going back to that.’ We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives,” Ocasio-Cortez finished.
Who in the hell works 70 hours a week?!!!

Average Hours per Week Worked (US)
Age 16 years and older: 38.9
Age 16-19: 24.1
Age 20-24: 34.8
Age 25-54: 40.5
55 and Over: 38.0

FACTS.. AOC... FACTS....Do you see the average hours being 70 hours a week!!!

Furthermore, are people actually working “60, 70, 80” hours per week?
The BLS defines full-time workers as those working at least 35 hours per week.
Those working 60 or more hours are workers with two full time jobs, a full time and part time job,
or two part-time jobs that are nearly full-time.
Data show that, among workers with multiple jobs, the vast majority are managing either one full-time job and a secondary part-time job or two part-time jobs. Only a tiny fraction (4 percent) work two full-time jobs.
If we extrapolate their average daily work hours to a full week, multiple jobholders work an average of 42.95 hours per five-day workweek,
relative to 39.7 hours for single jobholders, though they are also more likely to work on the weekends.

Study: People Claiming to Work More Than 70 Hours a Week Are Totally Lying, Probably
Not only that, but the more hours that people work, the more they exaggerate. Americans who say they work 75 hours a week tend to be exaggerating by 25 hours. (The average American work week in September was 34.5 hours, according to the BLS.)

SO...AOC... who is working 70 hours a week? How many Americans work 70 hours a week?
Or is this just more BULLSHIT!!!

No. I actually work about 60-70 hours a week under normal circumstances.

Doing what? What is your position, title and pay?

I'm a social worker.

I've never heard of any social worker I know, working 60 to 70 hours. Not saying you are lying, just never heard of that.

Doing what exactly?

Social worker? Is that even real work?

There maybe benefits to not having these non-essential personnel "work".
I'm considered essential. I'm out in the field. And you couldn't handle doing what I do, ya dumb fuck.

No, you are far from essential and your job is easy as hell.

"Social work"... you can't be serious with that post.
I should have aspired to sit on my ass and collect SSI like you? Grow the fuck up. You absolutely couldn't do my job.

Collecting SSI? Nope.

My farts are more essential than your work. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.

In a way it's good that the non essential work that does not really benefit much of anyone is put to a halt. Women can get back to the actually essential task of making babies, keeping our great civilization alive.

Oh, ya. You're just another run of the mill piece of shit. Sitting on your ass, collecting SSI because you have "back pain".

Which part of I do not collect SSI did you not understand?

Real jobs take reading comprehension and intelligence. Clearly you have neither. Do you treat your "customers" this way also?

In any case the point still stands. This being said, the aversion to work that AOC demonstrates should make it clear to everyone that leftists are useless people.
I think Biden needs to choose AOC for his running mate.

It would be the first time in US history that the combined IQ of both candidates was less than the number of candidates running.
I think her mother must have imbibed a lot of alcohol while she was pregnant. She has abnormally wide-set eyes and her teeth look huge but they're not, really. They merely appear large because they are disproportionate to her small cranium.
She can get back to Mexico.

Excuse me?

Which part do you have trouble with? Clearly she is anti-American, we don't want her here.

The country better reflects her values, especially the socialist party. Get back to her home.

She can pick any 3rd world nation for all I care, fits right in. Preferably one that is extra brown, her brown new deal could do well.

The part I'm having trouble with is where your bigoted ass got the idea she was Mexican. What, because all brown people look alike to three-toothed Gomers like you?

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She is a horse toothed ****...there now suck on that racism.

Nothin worse than a virtue signaler...
I have known business owners who have worked 70 HPW. It's almost required in the beginning...especially restaurants and service sector businesses.
Thread is now open again, please stay on topic going forward, thank you in advance
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/——/ Thank you for bytchslapping that elitist libtard.

Hmmmm... Here are some of the names of people I've voted for in the past:

Donald Trump, Mitt Romney, John McCain, Bob Dole, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan.

I'm an unwavering supporter of the 2nd Amendment. I carry a firearm daily. I believe we should have armed troops repelling our borders from illegal immigrants.

Only a completely brain dead nipplehead would call me a "libtard".

The difference between you and me is that I'm smart enough to not jump onto the "libs are bad because they're libs" train. The difference between you and I is that I'm smart enough to know that, not only can someone make a really good living as a bartender, there's not a single thing wrong with doing that. I'm smart enough to know that there are things worth arguing about and things that aren't worth arguing about.

You, on the other hand, seem to simply parrot what others say, and say what you're told to say, by the extreme right of the Republican party, because you're not bright enough to conjure up compelling conversation on your own.

That makes you no better than them...
Have the leftists claimed that we are jealous of her intelligence yet. She graduated summa CUM Laude you know.

She thinks 174k per year is not enough for what she does. What, exactly does she "do?" What does a representative actually "do?"

The term 'sinecure' springs to mind.
Tending bar was the only job she apparently was qualified to do.

You say that as if that's a bad thing.

There's a bartender who lives in Portland, Oregon. Some years back, she was named "Best Bartender In The Country".

Girl makes six figures a year, and she has one job...

First bartending is shitty, now it's a great career. Could you make up your mind (if you ever find it) please?

I said the job was shitty. The pay is pretty damn good.

It's like the guy who gets the rake when they're laying fresh asphalt. It's shitty, back-breaking work, but the guy's making some serious coin...

So what you're telling us is that you had no actual point to make at any time. You were just trying to deflect.

The point was obvious to anyone who has an IQ larger than their shoe size.

Work that pays well can still be shitty work.

It's unlikely you've actually ever done any work, though, so conversing with you about it is likely a waste of time...

"This always devastates my arguments when people say it to me, so it must work no matter the context!"

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