AOC says "We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks"

Tending bar was the only job she apparently was qualified to do.

You say that as if that's a bad thing.

There's a bartender who lives in Portland, Oregon. Some years back, she was named "Best Bartender In The Country".

Girl makes six figures a year, and she has one job...

Someone apparently has too much money for their own good.
Tending bar was the only job she apparently was qualified to do.

You say that as if that's a bad thing.

There's a bartender who lives in Portland, Oregon. Some years back, she was named "Best Bartender In The Country".

Girl makes six figures a year, and she has one job...

Someone apparently has too much money for their own good.

That's just about the most ignorant comment I've ever seen from you.

Why don't you research what a waiter or bartender at Capital Grille makes a year. These follks don't do too shabby for, in many cases, having never gone to college...
Tending bar was the only job she apparently was qualified to do.

You say that as if that's a bad thing.

There's a bartender who lives in Portland, Oregon. Some years back, she was named "Best Bartender In The Country".

Girl makes six figures a year, and she has one job...

Someone apparently has too much money for their own good.

That's just about the most ignorant comment I've ever seen from you.

Why don't you research what a waiter or bartender at Capital Grille makes a year. These follks don't do too shabby for, in many cases, having never gone to college...

I am talking about her customers.
Hey...I walked 5 miles to school....uphill.......and even in the winter.
Then I had to walk 5 miles uphill to get home from school.
So yes, I know that a 70 hour workweek is legit.
Shit, we even had to walk uphill to get to and from recess. Then we learned about garbage disposals and realized that bartenders would take us to school in their Flintstone mobiles
“When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot people should just say ‘no, we’re not going back to that.’ We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives,” Ocasio-Cortez finished.
Who in the hell works 70 hours a week?!!!

Average Hours per Week Worked (US)
Age 16 years and older: 38.9
Age 16-19: 24.1
Age 20-24: 34.8
Age 25-54: 40.5
55 and Over: 38.0

FACTS.. AOC... FACTS....Do you see the average hours being 70 hours a week!!!

Furthermore, are people actually working “60, 70, 80” hours per week?
The BLS defines full-time workers as those working at least 35 hours per week.
Those working 60 or more hours are workers with two full time jobs, a full time and part time job,
or two part-time jobs that are nearly full-time.
Data show that, among workers with multiple jobs, the vast majority are managing either one full-time job and a secondary part-time job or two part-time jobs. Only a tiny fraction (4 percent) work two full-time jobs.
If we extrapolate their average daily work hours to a full week, multiple jobholders work an average of 42.95 hours per five-day workweek,
relative to 39.7 hours for single jobholders, though they are also more likely to work on the weekends.

Study: People Claiming to Work More Than 70 Hours a Week Are Totally Lying, Probably
Not only that, but the more hours that people work, the more they exaggerate. Americans who say they work 75 hours a week tend to be exaggerating by 25 hours. (The average American work week in September was 34.5 hours, according to the BLS.)

SO...AOC... who is working 70 hours a week? How many Americans work 70 hours a week?
Or is this just more BULLSHIT!!!

No. I actually work about 60-70 hours a week under normal circumstances.

Doing what? What is your position, title and pay?

I'm a social worker.

I've never heard of any social worker I know, working 60 to 70 hours. Not saying you are lying, just never heard of that.

Doing what exactly?
“When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot people should just say ‘no, we’re not going back to that.’ We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives,” Ocasio-Cortez finished.
Who in the hell works 70 hours a week?!!!

Average Hours per Week Worked (US)
Age 16 years and older: 38.9
Age 16-19: 24.1
Age 20-24: 34.8
Age 25-54: 40.5
55 and Over: 38.0

FACTS.. AOC... FACTS....Do you see the average hours being 70 hours a week!!!

Furthermore, are people actually working “60, 70, 80” hours per week?
The BLS defines full-time workers as those working at least 35 hours per week.
Those working 60 or more hours are workers with two full time jobs, a full time and part time job,
or two part-time jobs that are nearly full-time.
Data show that, among workers with multiple jobs, the vast majority are managing either one full-time job and a secondary part-time job or two part-time jobs. Only a tiny fraction (4 percent) work two full-time jobs.
If we extrapolate their average daily work hours to a full week, multiple jobholders work an average of 42.95 hours per five-day workweek,
relative to 39.7 hours for single jobholders, though they are also more likely to work on the weekends.

Study: People Claiming to Work More Than 70 Hours a Week Are Totally Lying, Probably
Not only that, but the more hours that people work, the more they exaggerate. Americans who say they work 75 hours a week tend to be exaggerating by 25 hours. (The average American work week in September was 34.5 hours, according to the BLS.)

SO...AOC... who is working 70 hours a week? How many Americans work 70 hours a week?
Or is this just more BULLSHIT!!!
/——-/ I’m not defending that ****, but when I moved out on my own at 18, I had a 40 hour work week plus unpaid over time and worked as a bartender on weekends for another 16 hours to support myself. I knew people who worked two full time minimum wage jobs for 80 hours a week. But we all burned out quickly. It’s not sustainable.

Agreed. I worked 3 jobs for a short time to pay off some bills. But you simply can't keep doing that. You just can't. It will wreck you working that many hours, unless..... UNLESS... you are doing something you inherently enjoy doing. I've read stories from CEOs and business owners, and to them, their job is what they would do in their spare time to relax. They like what they do.

Then yes, you can work many hours, and feel like you are on vacation while getting paid.

But if you hate what you do, or if you maybe not hate it, but you do it only because it pays bills.... yeah you can't sustain that.
“When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot people should just say ‘no, we’re not going back to that.’ We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives,” Ocasio-Cortez finished.
Who in the hell works 70 hours a week?!!!

Average Hours per Week Worked (US)
Age 16 years and older: 38.9
Age 16-19: 24.1
Age 20-24: 34.8
Age 25-54: 40.5
55 and Over: 38.0

FACTS.. AOC... FACTS....Do you see the average hours being 70 hours a week!!!

Furthermore, are people actually working “60, 70, 80” hours per week?
The BLS defines full-time workers as those working at least 35 hours per week.
Those working 60 or more hours are workers with two full time jobs, a full time and part time job,
or two part-time jobs that are nearly full-time.
Data show that, among workers with multiple jobs, the vast majority are managing either one full-time job and a secondary part-time job or two part-time jobs. Only a tiny fraction (4 percent) work two full-time jobs.
If we extrapolate their average daily work hours to a full week, multiple jobholders work an average of 42.95 hours per five-day workweek,
relative to 39.7 hours for single jobholders, though they are also more likely to work on the weekends.

Study: People Claiming to Work More Than 70 Hours a Week Are Totally Lying, Probably
Not only that, but the more hours that people work, the more they exaggerate. Americans who say they work 75 hours a week tend to be exaggerating by 25 hours. (The average American work week in September was 34.5 hours, according to the BLS.)

SO...AOC... who is working 70 hours a week? How many Americans work 70 hours a week?
Or is this just more BULLSHIT!!!
I tend to work 60-70 hours a week.

When the business is open, that is.
Tending bar was the only job she apparently was qualified to do.

You say that as if that's a bad thing.

There's a bartender who lives in Portland, Oregon. Some years back, she was named "Best Bartender In The Country".

Girl makes six figures a year, and she has one job...

Someone apparently has too much money for their own good.

That's just about the most ignorant comment I've ever seen from you.

Why don't you research what a waiter or bartender at Capital Grille makes a year. These follks don't do too shabby for, in many cases, having never gone to college...

I am talking about her customers.

That's no less an ignorant statement...
Depends very greatly on what bar, and where. Any job can be thankless.
AOC may or may not have worked hard as a bartender for the short time she did it.
I don't know. I don't care.

Of course not. You're one of those conservatives who believes he must promote everything bad about someone on the other side of the aisle and none of the good, simply because you hate the fact that there's a "good" aspect to just about everyone.

This is where AOC worked. It's nothing to rave about and doesn't have what one would consider to be a "high end" clientele.


As for her being pampered, I think she was. She most certainly has the entitlement "I'm owed stuff" mentality of a pampered girl, and her Father *WAS* in fact a partner in a highly successful architecture firm.

Now think about that. Entry level... base pay here in Columbus Ohio for an architect, is $58K. But he wasn't entry level. He was partnered in the firm. That's like an executive at a big company. And he wasn't in Ohio, or some mid-west town. He was in NYC.

You make it sound as though he rose through the ranks of this architecture firm to become a partner. He didn't. He was a partner because he he started the firm. Good for him; small business is a good thing. But it's no different than when I started my photography business, and I make a Helluva' lot more than $58K a year. So, I guess I'm the President and CEO of a highly successful photography firm! That's like an executive at a big company!!

In actuality, it's not like being an executive at a big company. I do all of the photography work. I do all of the photo editing. I do all of the invoicing. I do all of the printing. I do all of the mounting. I do all of the purchasing. I do all of the maintenance. I handle all of the transportation concerns. I make all of the travel arrangements. I do all of the marketing. I do all of the sales.

Show me "an executive at a big company" that does everything at that company. The fact of the matter is that he started an architecture firm that met a degree of success, but also suffered numerous money problems.

They had money. Plenty of it. Guaranteed.

The money her father had was grossly mismanaged.

He had two mortgages on the family home in Yorktown Heights. Why would a highly successful businessman; the equivalent of "an executive at a big company", have to carry two mortgages on one piece of property? That's senseless.

clients included developers and managers of low income housing, like the Mount Vernon Housing Authority and Promesa, a Bronx social services agency. The architect’s not-for-profit clientele, however, was not making him rich. Billing records show that Ocasio-Roman charged $65 an hour for his consulting services.

Her father's office was a few blocks from the Parkchester South apartment he bought in June 1986 for $36,000. He financed the purchase of the 725-square-foot Unionport Road residence with a $32,100 mortgage carrying an interest rate of nearly 12 percent.

12%?? Are you fucking kidding me?

He stopped paying the monthly common charges (think HOA fees) for his apartment in May 1993, prompting the Bronx condo's board to file a lien seeking payment of 17 months worth of arrearages. The architect fell so behind on the apartment’s mortgage payments that Citibank moved to foreclose on the loan. When unpaid principal, overdue interest, and late fees were tallied, the architect owed the bank more than the mortgage’s original amount.

Yeah, this guy was a regular Richard Branson, huh?

The Bronx condo was eventually foreclosed on.

That's something that happens to every "executive in a big company", right?

When her father died, he left behind no stocks, no bonds and annuities. The guy didn't even have a life insurance policy. Yeah, no "executive in a big company" ever makes those kind of financial moves.

His "highly successful architecture firm" had primarily low-income housing developers and non-profit organizations as clients. He charged $65 an hour. I don't even back out of my driveway for that.

I charge, and get, almost triple that, and I'm hardly at the high end of the spectrum.

His company's revenue was right around $500,000 a year. That's nothing. My annual revenue last year, for just me and my little one-man show, was just over $700,000. Now, of course, out of that comes taxes, and overhead, but I did pretty well, and I always put money generated by the business back into the business.

Annual revenue of $500,000 for "a highly successful architecure firm" is embarrassing...

Now that doesn't mean that AOC and her family didn't struggle after he died. People can make tons of money, and still live above their means, or irresponsibly. Remember, Michael Jackson made an estimated billion dollars in his life, and was on the verge of bankruptcy when he died.

He had a net worth of around $500,000,000 when he died. Did he have debt? Of course he did. But he was far from being bankrupt. It's estimated that he was in debt around $400,000,000 when he died. Poor guy, only $100,000,000 to call his very own...

1. He didn't have a written will. All of you that have a family at all, should have a written will. And especially if you have any kind of health issue, like cancer, getting a will done should have been a top priority.

He did not, and sound advice...

2. They blew all their money on life style. That makes you a moron. You should always be living on less than you make.

He blew the money on bad investments and business decisions...

3. They didn't have any savings or investments.

The only investments were the apartment which was foreclosed on and the family home in Westchester, which ended up selling for around $330,000. But he still had a mortgage of around $85,000 on that property when he took a home equity loan of $100,000 on it.

From all indications, the guy was a financial train wreck...

He didn't have a life insurance. If you have people in your life that are depending on your income, you should have life insurance, unless you have the aforementioned savings and investments.


Again, chalk that up as a massive financial failure in the annals of Cortes family financial lore.

The bottom line is that there was never some massive instream of cash with which to lead a lavish lifestyle. Hell, the family's two cars were valued at $20,000 combined.

Additionally, if her family really didn't have any money, when her father was a partner at a successful architecture firm in big shot NYC, then she should be supporting lower taxes, not raising higher taxes.

Again, the whole "successful architecture firm big shot in NYC" is a silly misnomer. You make it sound like they had sprawling offices on Central Park West. The firm's office was a small apartment in the Bronx...

It doesn't surprise me much, that after getting a degree, she could only work for non-profits, and as a bartender. Looks without brains, pretty much guaranteed her a job in government, or as a bartender.

Ain't no shame in being a bartender. Here in St. Augustine, a bartender at our most popular live music nightclub can clear $750 a night...

She has said and promoted an endless stream of objective stupidity, that continue to this day.

I won't argue that an iota. She's an idiot. But she's not an idiot who grew up with privilege...

The sad part is, AOC's parents came here from Puerto Rico.

You really need to check your facts before spewing them out in public. Sergio Ocasio was born and raised in New York City...

That's why most of her life, has been spent living off the hard work of others.

Most parents try to ensure that their children reap the benefits of their hard work. My parents did that for my brother and I the best they could, and I've certainly done that for my daughter. It''s called "paying it forward"...

Yeah, she might have worked a year when her foolish parents screwed up their lives, but she clearly didn't learn jack from that experience.

Yeah, what nerve her father had by dying and forcing her to go to work as a waitress and a bartender.

Like I said, there are a myriad of things for which we can criticize AOC. Being a child of privilege, though, is something no intelligent person would try to do...

You're one of those conservatives who believes he must promote everything bad about someone on the other side of the aisle and none of the good, simply because you hate the fact that there's a "good" aspect to just about everyone.

And you are one of those left-wingers, that lacking an argument, has to make up lies about the people you are talking with, because you are morally bankrupt and evil. (what comes around, goes around buddy)

This is where AOC worked. It's nothing to rave about and doesn't have what one would consider to be a "high end" clientele.

Which does not automatically mean that it was a bad place to work. You do realize that you are making a fairly elitist and judgemental statement, implying that jobs that do not patronize only the elite, must be terrible places to work?

I personally, have found the reverse to be true. Working at places that cater to the lower, and middle class, often have the better customers. People that don't have their nose stuck up so high, they get their noses hairs caught in the ceiling vents. Those are the people, the ones with so much money, and looking down on everyone, those are the hellion customers.

We had a bar, unfortunately closed down now, just down the street. Looked a bit like that. Had been around for 60 years. The guy running it, was the son of the guy who opened the bar. No rich people in that place. All blue collar people. All average joes sitting around watching sports center. Always kind, always polite.

Again, you could be right. Maybe where she worked was terrible, I don't know. Fact, you don't know either, and your picture doesn't prove anything.

Regardless, dump your elitist high end clientele smugness crap.

It's tiresome to have all these elitist running around claiming to be "for the little guy" and then turn around and denigrate them with posts like this about "she was not serving high end clientele" Implying obviously that serving those pathetic lower middle class people must have been horrible....

In actuality, it's not like being an executive at a big company.

Money wise, it is. Now I understand that CEO of a photography company likely doesn't earn as much as the CEO of a architecture firm. And it also again, depends on where you are.

The median pay of a managing partner of an architecture firm in NYC, is $200,000 a year. To put that in perspective, the average executive pay in the US is $145K.

Even at Walmart, the median executive compensation across all executives, is just $222K.

So... to say it again, yes AOC's father clearly, empiraclly was earning a great deal of money.

(referring to Michael Jackson reference) But he was far from being bankrupt.

Funny, because the banks testified under oath in the court of law, that he was almost bankrupt. I'll take their word over yours. Thanks.

The bottom line is that there was never some massive instream of cash with which to lead a lavish lifestyle. Hell, the family's two cars were valued at $20,000 combined.

Again, which does not mean they did not have a huge in stream of cash.

Living like an idiot, makes you poor, no matter what your income. I know people who earn nearly double what I do in income, and can't go to a restaurant for lunch, because they have no money.

You really need to check your facts before spewing them out in public. Sergio Ocasio was born and raised in New York City...

I stand by everything I said. He may have been born in the US, but his family was from Puerto Rico, and his wife met in Puerto Rico, and brought her to the US. There is nothing inaccurate about saying they were Puerto Rician.

The money her father had was grossly mismanaged.

He had two mortgages on the family home in Yorktown Heights. Why would a highly successful businessman; the equivalent of "an executive at a big company", have to carry two mortgages on one piece of property? That's senseless.

Allow me to clarify. They had plenty of income. Plenty. Whether they blew the money because they were incompetent fools, is a different question. But AOC did not grow up poor. Or even middle class.

She did not get "we want it, therefore we should have it" mentality, by having parents who taught her to work for what she wanted.

When I was 10 years old, my parents bought me an Atari 2600 game system. I immediately abused it until I broke the joystick. My parents told me that if I wanted another one, there was some snow outside, and people might want their sidewalks shoveled.

I spent my Christmas break shoveling sidewalks at age 10, to buy another joystick for my Christmas present. From that time, till today, I was taught to work for what I want. AOC shows none of that, and she shows none of that because of her upbringing.

Based on the fact her father was a partner of a successful Architecture firm in NYC, I stand by my assessment, that she had a childhood of privilege. You disagree. Fine. I think you are wrong. I think the evidence, combined with her clear attitude, proves me right.

Being a child of privilege, though, is something no intelligent person would try to do...

You have a right to your opinion. I think you are wrong, and think there is evidence to support that.

Yeah, what nerve her father had by dying and forcing her to go to work as a waitress and a bartender.

Dumb statement. I went over what they did wrong in detail. And now AOC is continuing that stupidity with national implications.
“When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot people should just say ‘no, we’re not going back to that.’ We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives,” Ocasio-Cortez finished.
Who in the hell works 70 hours a week?!!!

Average Hours per Week Worked (US)
Age 16 years and older: 38.9
Age 16-19: 24.1
Age 20-24: 34.8
Age 25-54: 40.5
55 and Over: 38.0

FACTS.. AOC... FACTS....Do you see the average hours being 70 hours a week!!!

Furthermore, are people actually working “60, 70, 80” hours per week?
The BLS defines full-time workers as those working at least 35 hours per week.
Those working 60 or more hours are workers with two full time jobs, a full time and part time job,
or two part-time jobs that are nearly full-time.
Data show that, among workers with multiple jobs, the vast majority are managing either one full-time job and a secondary part-time job or two part-time jobs. Only a tiny fraction (4 percent) work two full-time jobs.
If we extrapolate their average daily work hours to a full week, multiple jobholders work an average of 42.95 hours per five-day workweek,
relative to 39.7 hours for single jobholders, though they are also more likely to work on the weekends.

Study: People Claiming to Work More Than 70 Hours a Week Are Totally Lying, Probably
Not only that, but the more hours that people work, the more they exaggerate. Americans who say they work 75 hours a week tend to be exaggerating by 25 hours. (The average American work week in September was 34.5 hours, according to the BLS.)

SO...AOC... who is working 70 hours a week? How many Americans work 70 hours a week?
Or is this just more BULLSHIT!!!
I think she just got confused like she always does when it comes to numbers. She meant 70 hrs. a month like her job in congress. Unfortunately, the American people don't have the luxury of living like a con-gressperson.
Depends very greatly on what bar, and where. Any job can be thankless.
AOC may or may not have worked hard as a bartender for the short time she did it.
I don't know. I don't care.

Of course not. You're one of those conservatives who believes he must promote everything bad about someone on the other side of the aisle and none of the good, simply because you hate the fact that there's a "good" aspect to just about everyone.

This is where AOC worked. It's nothing to rave about and doesn't have what one would consider to be a "high end" clientele.


As for her being pampered, I think she was. She most certainly has the entitlement "I'm owed stuff" mentality of a pampered girl, and her Father *WAS* in fact a partner in a highly successful architecture firm.

Now think about that. Entry level... base pay here in Columbus Ohio for an architect, is $58K. But he wasn't entry level. He was partnered in the firm. That's like an executive at a big company. And he wasn't in Ohio, or some mid-west town. He was in NYC.

You make it sound as though he rose through the ranks of this architecture firm to become a partner. He didn't. He was a partner because he he started the firm. Good for him; small business is a good thing. But it's no different than when I started my photography business, and I make a Helluva' lot more than $58K a year. So, I guess I'm the President and CEO of a highly successful photography firm! That's like an executive at a big company!!

In actuality, it's not like being an executive at a big company. I do all of the photography work. I do all of the photo editing. I do all of the invoicing. I do all of the printing. I do all of the mounting. I do all of the purchasing. I do all of the maintenance. I handle all of the transportation concerns. I make all of the travel arrangements. I do all of the marketing. I do all of the sales.

Show me "an executive at a big company" that does everything at that company. The fact of the matter is that he started an architecture firm that met a degree of success, but also suffered numerous money problems.

They had money. Plenty of it. Guaranteed.

The money her father had was grossly mismanaged.

He had two mortgages on the family home in Yorktown Heights. Why would a highly successful businessman; the equivalent of "an executive at a big company", have to carry two mortgages on one piece of property? That's senseless.

clients included developers and managers of low income housing, like the Mount Vernon Housing Authority and Promesa, a Bronx social services agency. The architect’s not-for-profit clientele, however, was not making him rich. Billing records show that Ocasio-Roman charged $65 an hour for his consulting services.

Her father's office was a few blocks from the Parkchester South apartment he bought in June 1986 for $36,000. He financed the purchase of the 725-square-foot Unionport Road residence with a $32,100 mortgage carrying an interest rate of nearly 12 percent.

12%?? Are you fucking kidding me?

He stopped paying the monthly common charges (think HOA fees) for his apartment in May 1993, prompting the Bronx condo's board to file a lien seeking payment of 17 months worth of arrearages. The architect fell so behind on the apartment’s mortgage payments that Citibank moved to foreclose on the loan. When unpaid principal, overdue interest, and late fees were tallied, the architect owed the bank more than the mortgage’s original amount.

Yeah, this guy was a regular Richard Branson, huh?

The Bronx condo was eventually foreclosed on.

That's something that happens to every "executive in a big company", right?

When her father died, he left behind no stocks, no bonds and annuities. The guy didn't even have a life insurance policy. Yeah, no "executive in a big company" ever makes those kind of financial moves.

His "highly successful architecture firm" had primarily low-income housing developers and non-profit organizations as clients. He charged $65 an hour. I don't even back out of my driveway for that.

I charge, and get, almost triple that, and I'm hardly at the high end of the spectrum.

His company's revenue was right around $500,000 a year. That's nothing. My annual revenue last year, for just me and my little one-man show, was just over $700,000. Now, of course, out of that comes taxes, and overhead, but I did pretty well, and I always put money generated by the business back into the business.

Annual revenue of $500,000 for "a highly successful architecure firm" is embarrassing...

Now that doesn't mean that AOC and her family didn't struggle after he died. People can make tons of money, and still live above their means, or irresponsibly. Remember, Michael Jackson made an estimated billion dollars in his life, and was on the verge of bankruptcy when he died.

He had a net worth of around $500,000,000 when he died. Did he have debt? Of course he did. But he was far from being bankrupt. It's estimated that he was in debt around $400,000,000 when he died. Poor guy, only $100,000,000 to call his very own...

1. He didn't have a written will. All of you that have a family at all, should have a written will. And especially if you have any kind of health issue, like cancer, getting a will done should have been a top priority.

He did not, and sound advice...

2. They blew all their money on life style. That makes you a moron. You should always be living on less than you make.

He blew the money on bad investments and business decisions...

3. They didn't have any savings or investments.

The only investments were the apartment which was foreclosed on and the family home in Westchester, which ended up selling for around $330,000. But he still had a mortgage of around $85,000 on that property when he took a home equity loan of $100,000 on it.

From all indications, the guy was a financial train wreck...

He didn't have a life insurance. If you have people in your life that are depending on your income, you should have life insurance, unless you have the aforementioned savings and investments.


Again, chalk that up as a massive financial failure in the annals of Cortes family financial lore.

The bottom line is that there was never some massive instream of cash with which to lead a lavish lifestyle. Hell, the family's two cars were valued at $20,000 combined.

Additionally, if her family really didn't have any money, when her father was a partner at a successful architecture firm in big shot NYC, then she should be supporting lower taxes, not raising higher taxes.

Again, the whole "successful architecture firm big shot in NYC" is a silly misnomer. You make it sound like they had sprawling offices on Central Park West. The firm's office was a small apartment in the Bronx...

It doesn't surprise me much, that after getting a degree, she could only work for non-profits, and as a bartender. Looks without brains, pretty much guaranteed her a job in government, or as a bartender.

Ain't no shame in being a bartender. Here in St. Augustine, a bartender at our most popular live music nightclub can clear $750 a night...

She has said and promoted an endless stream of objective stupidity, that continue to this day.

I won't argue that an iota. She's an idiot. But she's not an idiot who grew up with privilege...

The sad part is, AOC's parents came here from Puerto Rico.

You really need to check your facts before spewing them out in public. Sergio Ocasio was born and raised in New York City...

That's why most of her life, has been spent living off the hard work of others.

Most parents try to ensure that their children reap the benefits of their hard work. My parents did that for my brother and I the best they could, and I've certainly done that for my daughter. It''s called "paying it forward"...

Yeah, she might have worked a year when her foolish parents screwed up their lives, but she clearly didn't learn jack from that experience.

Yeah, what nerve her father had by dying and forcing her to go to work as a waitress and a bartender.

Like I said, there are a myriad of things for which we can criticize AOC. Being a child of privilege, though, is something no intelligent person would try to do...

You're one of those conservatives who believes he must promote everything bad about someone on the other side of the aisle and none of the good, simply because you hate the fact that there's a "good" aspect to just about everyone.

And you are one of those left-wingers, that lacking an argument, has to make up lies about the people you are talking with, because you are morally bankrupt and evil. (what comes around, goes around buddy)

This is where AOC worked. It's nothing to rave about and doesn't have what one would consider to be a "high end" clientele.

Which does not automatically mean that it was a bad place to work. You do realize that you are making a fairly elitist and judgemental statement, implying that jobs that do not patronize only the elite, must be terrible places to work?

I personally, have found the reverse to be true. Working at places that cater to the lower, and middle class, often have the better customers. People that don't have their nose stuck up so high, they get their noses hairs caught in the ceiling vents. Those are the people, the ones with so much money, and looking down on everyone, those are the hellion customers.

We had a bar, unfortunately closed down now, just down the street. Looked a bit like that. Had been around for 60 years. The guy running it, was the son of the guy who opened the bar. No rich people in that place. All blue collar people. All average joes sitting around watching sports center. Always kind, always polite.

Again, you could be right. Maybe where she worked was terrible, I don't know. Fact, you don't know either, and your picture doesn't prove anything.

Regardless, dump your elitist high end clientele smugness crap.

It's tiresome to have all these elitist running around claiming to be "for the little guy" and then turn around and denigrate them with posts like this about "she was not serving high end clientele" Implying obviously that serving those pathetic lower middle class people must have been horrible....

In actuality, it's not like being an executive at a big company.

Money wise, it is. Now I understand that CEO of a photography company likely doesn't earn as much as the CEO of a architecture firm. And it also again, depends on where you are.

The median pay of a managing partner of an architecture firm in NYC, is $200,000 a year. To put that in perspective, the average executive pay in the US is $145K.

Even at Walmart, the median executive compensation across all executives, is just $222K.

So... to say it again, yes AOC's father clearly, empiraclly was earning a great deal of money.

(referring to Michael Jackson reference) But he was far from being bankrupt.

Funny, because the banks testified under oath in the court of law, that he was almost bankrupt. I'll take their word over yours. Thanks.

The bottom line is that there was never some massive instream of cash with which to lead a lavish lifestyle. Hell, the family's two cars were valued at $20,000 combined.

Again, which does not mean they did not have a huge in stream of cash.

Living like an idiot, makes you poor, no matter what your income. I know people who earn nearly double what I do in income, and can't go to a restaurant for lunch, because they have no money.

You really need to check your facts before spewing them out in public. Sergio Ocasio was born and raised in New York City...

I stand by everything I said. He may have been born in the US, but his family was from Puerto Rico, and his wife met in Puerto Rico, and brought her to the US. There is nothing inaccurate about saying they were Puerto Rician.

The money her father had was grossly mismanaged.

He had two mortgages on the family home in Yorktown Heights. Why would a highly successful businessman; the equivalent of "an executive at a big company", have to carry two mortgages on one piece of property? That's senseless.

Allow me to clarify. They had plenty of income. Plenty. Whether they blew the money because they were incompetent fools, is a different question. But AOC did not grow up poor. Or even middle class.

She did not get "we want it, therefore we should have it" mentality, by having parents who taught her to work for what she wanted.

When I was 10 years old, my parents bought me an Atari 2600 game system. I immediately abused it until I broke the joystick. My parents told me that if I wanted another one, there was some snow outside, and people might want their sidewalks shoveled.

I spent my Christmas break shoveling sidewalks at age 10, to buy another joystick for my Christmas present. From that time, till today, I was taught to work for what I want. AOC shows none of that, and she shows none of that because of her upbringing.

Based on the fact her father was a partner of a successful Architecture firm in NYC, I stand by my assessment, that she had a childhood of privilege. You disagree. Fine. I think you are wrong. I think the evidence, combined with her clear attitude, proves me right.

Being a child of privilege, though, is something no intelligent person would try to do...

You have a right to your opinion. I think you are wrong, and think there is evidence to support that.

Yeah, what nerve her father had by dying and forcing her to go to work as a waitress and a bartender.

Dumb statement. I went over what they did wrong in detail. And now AOC is continuing that stupidity with national implications.
/——/ Thank you for bytchslapping that elitist libtard.
“When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot people should just say ‘no, we’re not going back to that.’ We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives,” Ocasio-Cortez finished.
Who in the hell works 70 hours a week?!!!

Average Hours per Week Worked (US)
Age 16 years and older: 38.9
Age 16-19: 24.1
Age 20-24: 34.8
Age 25-54: 40.5
55 and Over: 38.0

FACTS.. AOC... FACTS....Do you see the average hours being 70 hours a week!!!

Furthermore, are people actually working “60, 70, 80” hours per week?
The BLS defines full-time workers as those working at least 35 hours per week.
Those working 60 or more hours are workers with two full time jobs, a full time and part time job,
or two part-time jobs that are nearly full-time.
Data show that, among workers with multiple jobs, the vast majority are managing either one full-time job and a secondary part-time job or two part-time jobs. Only a tiny fraction (4 percent) work two full-time jobs.
If we extrapolate their average daily work hours to a full week, multiple jobholders work an average of 42.95 hours per five-day workweek,
relative to 39.7 hours for single jobholders, though they are also more likely to work on the weekends.

Study: People Claiming to Work More Than 70 Hours a Week Are Totally Lying, Probably
Not only that, but the more hours that people work, the more they exaggerate. Americans who say they work 75 hours a week tend to be exaggerating by 25 hours. (The average American work week in September was 34.5 hours, according to the BLS.)

SO...AOC... who is working 70 hours a week? How many Americans work 70 hours a week?
Or is this just more BULLSHIT!!!

No. I actually work about 60-70 hours a week under normal circumstances.

Doing what? What is your position, title and pay?

I'm a social worker.

I've never heard of any social worker I know, working 60 to 70 hours. Not saying you are lying, just never heard of that.

Doing what exactly?

Social worker? Is that even real work?

There maybe benefits to not having these non-essential personnel "work".
70 hours? That was a light week before all this virus shit.
View attachment 327741
Kinda funny. I remember my first "part time" gig. 135 newspapers before skule,3pm walked to the gas station and did tires, oil changes,brakes, water pumps and stuff as a "helper" with a WW2 guy who was a hell of a mechanic and teacher, floor washing and lockup was 930-10PM.
430-5 am back to papers.Summer came so it was papers and hot tar-gravel re-roofing at the same apertment complex as the paper route. 7-330, then back to the Esso from 4-10 and Esso all day Sat. Sat was no mechanican other than tires and batteries/oil changes. Ol Leonardo de Mechanico only worked M-F so " the punk kid", me, wasn't allowed to mechanic unless he was there to make sure this idiot had it perfect.Winter time was firewood Sundays and stockpiling for the Thanksgiving farce and Santas Clause.I had a checking acct at age 13
UM. 7/365 10-12 for 45 years must be offensive then ?
I always enjoyed it but the boss was/is a complete asshole. Every time I brush my teeth I wanna kill the guy.
BRB. Squeegee time in the pens
Too ignorant to change jobs huh
Reread it. I only put out 90 papers myself. I had a school chum that did the other 40 or so which were in the neighborhood he lived in. Mine was a bigish apt complex. My first "employee". Wrote him a check every week for ???? 18-22 US pesos."Esso" gives an idea of the year. 67 or so .
Vietnam VIETNAM ! Laos and Cambodia may come ashore in Kkkallyfurnia and invade us too. MAGA !
Have the leftists claimed that we are jealous of her intelligence yet. She graduated summa CUM Laude you know.

She thinks 174k per year is not enough for what she does. What, exactly does she "do?" What does a representative actually "do?"
Have the leftists claimed that we are jealous of her intelligence yet. She graduated summa CUM Laude you know.

She thinks 174k per year is not enough for what she does. What, exactly does she "do?" What does a representative actually "do?"
Most Latinas cum loud ? She want a cookie or somethin' ?

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