AOC says "We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks"

She can get back to Mexico.

I don't think she's ever actually been to Mexico.

AOC is of Puerto Rican descent and is from New York City...

A spoiled rich brat of privilege.

That comment demonstrates that it's clear you don't really know the first thing about her...

Well, y'know, except for her history and her character.

Anyone who'd refer to AOC as "a spoiled rich brat of privilege" doesn't know the first thing about her. AOC was far from rich and spoiled growing up.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending AOC. I just believe that if someone wants to impart valid criticism of her, the first thing that the substance of that valid criticism needs to be is true...

Her mother just moved to Florida because of the high taxes in NYC.
“When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot people should just say ‘no, we’re not going back to that.’ We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives,” Ocasio-Cortez finished.
Who in the hell works 70 hours a week?!!!

Average Hours per Week Worked (US)
Age 16 years and older: 38.9
Age 16-19: 24.1
Age 20-24: 34.8
Age 25-54: 40.5
55 and Over: 38.0

FACTS.. AOC... FACTS....Do you see the average hours being 70 hours a week!!!

Furthermore, are people actually working “60, 70, 80” hours per week?
The BLS defines full-time workers as those working at least 35 hours per week.
Those working 60 or more hours are workers with two full time jobs, a full time and part time job,
or two part-time jobs that are nearly full-time.
Data show that, among workers with multiple jobs, the vast majority are managing either one full-time job and a secondary part-time job or two part-time jobs. Only a tiny fraction (4 percent) work two full-time jobs.
If we extrapolate their average daily work hours to a full week, multiple jobholders work an average of 42.95 hours per five-day workweek,
relative to 39.7 hours for single jobholders, though they are also more likely to work on the weekends.

Study: People Claiming to Work More Than 70 Hours a Week Are Totally Lying, Probably
Not only that, but the more hours that people work, the more they exaggerate. Americans who say they work 75 hours a week tend to be exaggerating by 25 hours. (The average American work week in September was 34.5 hours, according to the BLS.)

SO...AOC... who is working 70 hours a week? How many Americans work 70 hours a week?
Or is this just more BULLSHIT!!!

Yeah, there are people who work 70 hours a week. Most are CEOs, and all of them do so because they want to. Of course she hates CEOs... but whatever.

I've worked 70 hours a week.... to pay off some debts and bills I had decades ago. Then I quit.

AOC and reality.... the non-stop disconnect.
You're lucky.
There are people across our fruited plain living in Blue Cities, who for one reason or another cannot leave, who spend a lifetime working those hours.

I don't believe you. Gotta be honest. I don't believe you.

In fact the only place I know of where people worked more than 40 hours, were two manufacturing companies that had overtime for a weekend shift. Even then, people openly said they applied for that job specifically because of the overtime.

I was at such a job. Worked there 6 months, and while they said over and over, mandatory over time, they never once had it.

So where are these poor enslaved souls that work 70 hours? Where? What evidence do you have to support such a claim?

More importantly, I had a job that was terrible. I came up with a novel solution. I quit. If you are working too much, why don't you quit?

And by the way, I do not accept "bills and debt" as a reason you can't quit. I have novel solution to that as well... cut the cable TV, cancel internet, turn off your phone. Magic.... bills go away. I know because I did this. Don't spend more money than you make, and you won't have debt. And yes you can do this.

So why don't they quit?
Gotta be honest...I don't care what you believe or think because you ain't been a slave in the Big Apple.
They's work you to death and fire your ass the second you showed the least aspiration to leave and then they'd give a review of you to any prospective employer that you interview well but you're a piece of shit once you're there.

What I really love about you're naiveity is that you think the media actually has web sites dedicated to this fact?
Who the hell do you think lives in the Black or Spanish Hood?

You work in the big city making a few hundred buck a week and it all goes to expenses.
So leave!
To where?
Why not simply thank God that you weren't brought up in one of those metropolises that treats people like shit!

Maybe you should move.
In my industry we have machinists and welders that work 72-84 hours per week during the Nuclear outage season. They love it! Lots of money - Time and a half for 32 hours and 12 hours of double time on 7th day. They work hard, live hard and go home and have a lot of time for themselves and family in the summer and winter. If you were to take away a welding superintendent hours during outage season he would make about 80K per year. With current schedule they make about 230K/yr. AOC is really going to piss of a lot of blue collar workers. The live on overtime!

She's an idiot. 100% complete fucking idiot in my estimation.

No one works hours like that in NYC.
She can get back to Mexico.

I don't think she's ever actually been to Mexico.

AOC is of Puerto Rican descent and is from New York City...

She's never worked an honest days work in her life. She comes from a pampered upbringing and has no clue to how life works for 75% of the people in the US.

Again, her upbringing was hardly one of pampering. But, since you apparently believe I'm incorrect, I challenge you to show how she was.

I'll give a nod to anyone who tends bar. It's largely a thankless, shitty way to make a living...

Tending bar was the only job she apparently was qualified to do.
I will be mildly surprised if AOC has ever worked a 70 hour week in her life. I have worked my fair share of overtime over the years but I never racked up 30 hours of it in one week.
I have but it doesn’t last long. Long term 50 is about the limit.

And the important question is, did you do it voluntarily? I've had jobs where there was mandatory overtime during busy seasons, and they told me about it when I was hired, I considered it as part of accepting the job, and I was rather excited about earning the extra money.
Oh yeah, all voluntary. I knew what the job was when I got in this line of work. Deadlines are deadlines and sometimes that means 60-70 hour weeks. But it also means I can take a four day weekend after if I want.
Did you honestly think that 24-hour WalMarts had the same people working around the clock all the time?

Bad comparison.

Pick one eight hour shift and ask if the same people work that same shift day after day. They probably do.

No different than a bartender who work eight or ten hours a night behind the bar, every night...

Interesting how you said, "Bad comparison" and then said not a damned thing that contradicted me.

You must be new at this. I can't believe you need to have this spelled out for you.

People who work at Target or Wal-Mart generally work the same shift every day they work. Your question, "Did you honestly think that 24-hour WalMarts had the same people working around the clock all the time?" is stupid because no one ever suggested such a thing...

You must be new at this. I can't believe you think anyone is disagreeing with you because your "brilliance" was too hard to understand.

Please note the conversation thread to which I was responding, which conveniently got left out of your quotes:

Blackhawk said: I will be mildly surprised if AOC has ever worked a 70 hour week in her life. I have worked my fair share of overtime over the years but I never racked up 30 hours of it in one week.

To which Indeependent replied: The bar wasn't open 70 hours a week?

So I think that makes it perfectly relevant and necessary to explain that how long a business is or isn't open during a day or week is a very different matter from how many hours an employee works. It's never a good idea to make assumptions about how intelligent or informed a person is, particularly when that person is a leftist, and therefore obviously not very bright to start with.

And again, nothing you said actually contradicted me in the slightest, then or now.
Why on Earth would you pay time-and-a-half for one employee to work 50 hours a week instead of paying two employees to work 25 hours a week at regular pay? A manager would have to be retarded to do that.

There could be any number of reasons for doing that, and none of them are retarded.

One worker may be more efficient and do more actual work in those 50 hours on his own than when he's paired with a less efficient worker for 25 hours.

Consistency is another reason. Let's say you've got two guys painting a wall. One guy paints side to side, the other paints up and down. The paint job would be more consistent if only one of them were painting...

You've clearly never, EVER been in a position to manage people, or to observe people being managed, or to be responsible for labor costs to a business. Or to hire people to paint walls, apparently.

Let's say I've got two guys painting a wall, and one of them is a doofus who's painting in the wrong direction. Do I pay extra to have the guy doing it the right way do all the work, or do I replace the doofus with someone who can understand simple directions?

Any business that is designed so that only one employee can handle the work correctly and must therefore handle it all him- or herself is designed very, very badly and needs to hire an efficiency consultant STAT.
In my industry we have machinists and welders that work 72-84 hours per week during the Nuclear outage season. They love it! Lots of money - Time and a half for 32 hours and 12 hours of double time on 7th day. They work hard, live hard and go home and have a lot of time for themselves and family in the summer and winter. If you were to take away a welding superintendent hours during outage season he would make about 80K per year. With current schedule they make about 230K/yr. AOC is really going to piss of a lot of blue collar workers. The live on overtime!

She's an idiot. 100% complete fucking idiot in my estimation.

No one works hours like that in NYC.

Home of the "union for everything under the sun"? Highly unlikely.
Tending bar was the only job she apparently was qualified to do.

You say that as if that's a bad thing.

There's a bartender who lives in Portland, Oregon. Some years back, she was named "Best Bartender In The Country".

Girl makes six figures a year, and she has one job...

First bartending is shitty, now it's a great career. Could you make up your mind (if you ever find it) please?
You've clearly never, EVER been in a position to manage people, or to observe people being managed, or to be responsible for labor costs to a business. Or to hire people to paint walls, apparently.

Yeah, retired Navy, 20+ years, Senior Enlisted.

I never managed anyone.


Go away...
Tending bar was the only job she apparently was qualified to do.

You say that as if that's a bad thing.

There's a bartender who lives in Portland, Oregon. Some years back, she was named "Best Bartender In The Country".

Girl makes six figures a year, and she has one job...

First bartending is shitty, now it's a great career. Could you make up your mind (if you ever find it) please?

I said the job was shitty. The pay is pretty damn good.

It's like the guy who gets the rake when they're laying fresh asphalt. It's shitty, back-breaking work, but the guy's making some serious coin...
Liberal thinking that work is oppressive and not getting free shit from work done by others is oppression.

It is typical, unfortunately.
In my industry we have machinists and welders that work 72-84 hours per week during the Nuclear outage season. They love it! Lots of money - Time and a half for 32 hours and 12 hours of double time on 7th day. They work hard, live hard and go home and have a lot of time for themselves and family in the summer and winter. If you were to take away a welding superintendent hours during outage season he would make about 80K per year. With current schedule they make about 230K/yr. AOC is really going to piss of a lot of blue collar workers. The live on overtime!

She's an idiot. 100% complete fucking idiot in my estimation.

No one works hours like that in NYC.

Just the rest of the country
You've clearly never, EVER been in a position to manage people, or to observe people being managed, or to be responsible for labor costs to a business. Or to hire people to paint walls, apparently.

Yeah, retired Navy, 20+ years, Senior Enlisted.

I never managed anyone.


Go away...

Yeah, I can claim stuff on the Internet, too. The question is always whether or not the knowledge I exhibit in my posts substantiates my claims. And yours doesn't.

Also, Mr. Internet "tough guy", if you can't handle a woman disagreeing with you, I suggest that YOU go away . . . because your candy ass sure ain't man enough to make me go.
Tending bar was the only job she apparently was qualified to do.

You say that as if that's a bad thing.

There's a bartender who lives in Portland, Oregon. Some years back, she was named "Best Bartender In The Country".

Girl makes six figures a year, and she has one job...

First bartending is shitty, now it's a great career. Could you make up your mind (if you ever find it) please?

I said the job was shitty. The pay is pretty damn good.

It's like the guy who gets the rake when they're laying fresh asphalt. It's shitty, back-breaking work, but the guy's making some serious coin...

So what you're telling us is that you had no actual point to make at any time. You were just trying to deflect.
The average person working in the food industry works 70 hours a week.
They also have little education and the food industry is 24/7.
I hope Liberals on Food Stamps and Welfare are prepared to pay a lot more for food.
I guess it would depend on what part of the food industry you are referring to? Most are lucky to get 40 hours...

Especially right now.
YOU were saying????
View attachment 327107
Do you really believe these charts reflect reality!?

Yeah. Easily. I've worked several restaurants. Those graphs match up with my experience.

The only people who worked more than 40 hours, were managers.

The reason for this is obvious, or should be. Managers are paid a ton of money (which compares to their responsibility), and they have to run the operation.

Crew, which makes up the bulk of employees, which hold no responsibility, and are paid hourly, tend to work less than 40 hours a week.

The only exception to this, is usually shift managers. The shift managers are paid hourly, so they try and keep their over time low, but at the same time they are also in charge of the shift, and typically this means they end up being the "fill-in" for missing crew. Every employee that is sick, or often simply refuses to work, the shift manager ends up stepping in to take their place.

So compared to my 4 different retail jobs I have worked in the my life, this graph is dead on accurate.

The top manager or store owner, never worked less than 40 hours.... ever.
Top operation managers and so on, also rarely worked less than 40.
Shift managers and mid-level supervisors, worked more or less than 40, depending on employees showing up on-time, or missing work.
And basic employees... rarely is ever worked over 40. In fact, half rarely put in 40 hours.

So again.. yeah. I think the graph is dead on accurate.

Why on Earth would you pay time-and-a-half for one employee to work 50 hours a week instead of paying two employees to work 25 hours a week at regular pay? A manager would have to be retarded to do that.
Thanks to Obamacare that required the 50th employee hired would cost the employer $14,000/mo for health insurance. As a result
there were more part time jobs created than full time. FACT:
A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary positions. The study shows that the jobs were temporary, contract positions, or part-time "gig" jobs in a variety of fields.
shows that the proportion of workers throughout the U.S., during the Obama era, who were working in these kinds of temporary jobs, increased from 10.7% of the population to 15.8%.
You've clearly never, EVER been in a position to manage people, or to observe people being managed, or to be responsible for labor costs to a business. Or to hire people to paint walls, apparently.

Yeah, retired Navy, 20+ years, Senior Enlisted.

I never managed anyone.


Go away...

Yeah, I can claim stuff on the Internet, too. The question is always whether or not the knowledge I exhibit in my posts substantiates my claims. And yours doesn't.

Also, Mr. Internet "tough guy", if you can't handle a woman disagreeing with you, I suggest that YOU go away . . . because your candy ass sure ain't man enough to make me go.

You've totally proven my point! Making the point " I can't handle a woman".... my goodness! How indicative of your Intelligence !
Tending bar was the only job she apparently was qualified to do.

You say that as if that's a bad thing.

There's a bartender who lives in Portland, Oregon. Some years back, she was named "Best Bartender In The Country".

Girl makes six figures a year, and she has one job...

First bartending is shitty, now it's a great career. Could you make up your mind (if you ever find it) please?

I said the job was shitty. The pay is pretty damn good.

It's like the guy who gets the rake when they're laying fresh asphalt. It's shitty, back-breaking work, but the guy's making some serious coin...

So what you're telling us is that you had no actual point to make at any time. You were just trying to deflect.

The point was obvious to anyone who has an IQ larger than their shoe size.

Work that pays well can still be shitty work.

It's unlikely you've actually ever done any work, though, so conversing with you about it is likely a waste of time...

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