AOC says "We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks"

The average person working in the food industry works 70 hours a week.
They also have little education and the food industry is 24/7.
I hope Liberals on Food Stamps and Welfare are prepared to pay a lot more for food.
Where did you get your statement average person working in food industry works 70 hours/week???
Here are the FACTS and based on the FACTS you are an out right LIAR! Prove it that food industry works work 70 hours! Prove it!
Do you see the leisure and hospitality? 26.1 hours! In fact the only group working the most at 42.2 hrs is utilities!
View attachment 327099
What's funny about this is that everyone I know in any career requiring a advanced degree works at least 80 hours a week.
Don't believe reality matches "Offical" Government rules.
AGAIN what's funny is how many people is that? 10? 20? 100?
Bullshit! AGAIN subjective unqualified and totally irrelevant to what AOC stated. YES I can believe some worked 80 hours! I did when
I was in college. Worked several part time jobs. Went to class and studied for a couple. BUT that is the EXCEPTION! NOT the rule!
Please stop with the personal, subjective statements "80 hours a week" bullshit!
I worked on Wall Street and most of the guys and gals in the Synagogues in my community have advanced degrees...
They have always worked about 70-80 hours a week to make their 100K+ salaries + benefits.
Blue Collar workers have no choice and if they don'[t work the hours they get replaced.
I suggest you go out and take a real hard look because I know you're a hard core Conservative and you want to believe the US economic system is comprised of total justice.
It isn't.
I used to work for a heavy equipment manufacturer right after college. The laborers,machinists,welders etc worked 10 hr days starting at 5:00/6:00 am. With shorter hours during the summer ( too hot).
10 hours times 5 days is still 50 hours... not 70 hours.
5 days?
Which blue collar worker in a food establishment doesn't work the weekends?

Look, I get it, you're a Right Winger so all "Businesses GOOOOOOOOOOOD".
“When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot people should just say ‘no, we’re not going back to that.’ We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives,” Ocasio-Cortez finished.
Who in the hell works 70 hours a week?!!!

Average Hours per Week Worked (US)
Age 16 years and older: 38.9
Age 16-19: 24.1
Age 20-24: 34.8
Age 25-54: 40.5
55 and Over: 38.0

FACTS.. AOC... FACTS....Do you see the average hours being 70 hours a week!!!

Furthermore, are people actually working “60, 70, 80” hours per week?
The BLS defines full-time workers as those working at least 35 hours per week.
Those working 60 or more hours are workers with two full time jobs, a full time and part time job,
or two part-time jobs that are nearly full-time.
Data show that, among workers with multiple jobs, the vast majority are managing either one full-time job and a secondary part-time job or two part-time jobs. Only a tiny fraction (4 percent) work two full-time jobs.
If we extrapolate their average daily work hours to a full week, multiple jobholders work an average of 42.95 hours per five-day workweek,
relative to 39.7 hours for single jobholders, though they are also more likely to work on the weekends.

Study: People Claiming to Work More Than 70 Hours a Week Are Totally Lying, Probably
Not only that, but the more hours that people work, the more they exaggerate. Americans who say they work 75 hours a week tend to be exaggerating by 25 hours. (The average American work week in September was 34.5 hours, according to the BLS.)

SO...AOC... who is working 70 hours a week? How many Americans work 70 hours a week?
Or is this just more BULLSHIT!!!

Yeah, there are people who work 70 hours a week. Most are CEOs, and all of them do so because they want to. Of course she hates CEOs... but whatever.

I've worked 70 hours a week.... to pay off some debts and bills I had decades ago. Then I quit.

AOC and reality.... the non-stop disconnect.
You're lucky.
There are people across our fruited plain living in Blue Cities, who for one reason or another cannot leave, who spend a lifetime working those hours.

I don't believe you. Gotta be honest. I don't believe you.

In fact the only place I know of where people worked more than 40 hours, were two manufacturing companies that had overtime for a weekend shift. Even then, people openly said they applied for that job specifically because of the overtime.

I was at such a job. Worked there 6 months, and while they said over and over, mandatory over time, they never once had it.

So where are these poor enslaved souls that work 70 hours? Where? What evidence do you have to support such a claim?

More importantly, I had a job that was terrible. I came up with a novel solution. I quit. If you are working too much, why don't you quit?

And by the way, I do not accept "bills and debt" as a reason you can't quit. I have novel solution to that as well... cut the cable TV, cancel internet, turn off your phone. Magic.... bills go away. I know because I did this. Don't spend more money than you make, and you won't have debt. And yes you can do this.

So why don't they quit?
Gotta be honest...I don't care what you believe or think because you ain't been a slave in the Big Apple.
They's work you to death and fire your ass the second you showed the least aspiration to leave and then they'd give a review of you to any prospective employer that you interview well but you're a piece of shit once you're there.

What I really love about you're naiveity is that you think the media actually has web sites dedicated to this fact?
Who the hell do you think lives in the Black or Spanish Hood?

You work in the big city making a few hundred buck a week and it all goes to expenses.
So leave!
To where?
Why not simply thank God that you weren't brought up in one of those metropolises that treats people like shit!
Same to you.

So prove it. Provide your evidence, and I'll believe you.

Again though, if what you say is true... it just proves how bad left-wing ideology sucks. The Big Apple, is the biggest left-wing City in the country. Just proves what we've always said. Left-wingers are terrible people.
I am not an ideologue; both extremes are destructive.
Work conditions suck due to Right Wingers.
Neo-Cons always pat themselves on the shoulder for the actual work that others do.

Left Wing and Right Wing politicians need corporate money to run for office.
Reagan and the Bushes made slavery popular again.
Left Wingers take whatever money one makes.

I simply live in a Right Wing region in terms of Corporations but a Left Wing region in term of taxes.
I obviously will not retire in NY.

NY is the left-wing arm-pit of the country, with SF being the other arm-pit. And both are as left-wing ideologically as you can possibly get.

If people are treated as badly in NY as you claim, blame yourself.

Neo-Cons always pat themselves on the shoulder for the actual work that others do.

Bull. That's what left-wingers do all the time.

Someone else builds something, and Obama says "You didn't build that!"... um... yeah, he did. His money, his time, his effort.... he built it.

You guys do this all the time! "I provided food for the poor!" No you didn't. You stole my money, and the money of other hard working people, gave it to big corporations that produce food, and handed a few bucks worth food to some people who refused to work.

You did not produce diddly jack sh!t.

"We provided homes to the poor!" No you didn't. You stole money from working people, paid a bunch of overly expensive unionized bureaucrat agencies who supported your campaign, to confiscate the apartments built by other people, and hand them out to people who refuse to say "would you like fries with that?" at a window.

You did not produce diddly jack.

You people do that ALL THE TIME. There isn't a week that goes by where a left-wing socialist lazy butt, likely who was kicked out of a commune in the 70s, saying "We provided.........." to everyone, when they haven't done a days work in their entire freakin lives.

The only left-winger that ever did anything ever, was Carter, and he only built a few houses AFTER he left government.

You people claim the work of others as part of your entire ideology. Claiming other people's work, is the very definition of what a left-winger is. If you didn't do that, you wouldn't be a left-winger anymore.

pffffff...... lol..... you people.... Hypocrisy the NEVER ENDS.
“When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot people should just say ‘no, we’re not going back to that.’ We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives,” Ocasio-Cortez finished.
Who in the hell works 70 hours a week?!!!

Average Hours per Week Worked (US)
Age 16 years and older: 38.9
Age 16-19: 24.1
Age 20-24: 34.8
Age 25-54: 40.5
55 and Over: 38.0

FACTS.. AOC... FACTS....Do you see the average hours being 70 hours a week!!!

Furthermore, are people actually working “60, 70, 80” hours per week?
The BLS defines full-time workers as those working at least 35 hours per week.
Those working 60 or more hours are workers with two full time jobs, a full time and part time job,
or two part-time jobs that are nearly full-time.
Data show that, among workers with multiple jobs, the vast majority are managing either one full-time job and a secondary part-time job or two part-time jobs. Only a tiny fraction (4 percent) work two full-time jobs.
If we extrapolate their average daily work hours to a full week, multiple jobholders work an average of 42.95 hours per five-day workweek,
relative to 39.7 hours for single jobholders, though they are also more likely to work on the weekends.

Study: People Claiming to Work More Than 70 Hours a Week Are Totally Lying, Probably
Not only that, but the more hours that people work, the more they exaggerate. Americans who say they work 75 hours a week tend to be exaggerating by 25 hours. (The average American work week in September was 34.5 hours, according to the BLS.)

SO...AOC... who is working 70 hours a week? How many Americans work 70 hours a week?
Or is this just more BULLSHIT!!!

Yeah, there are people who work 70 hours a week. Most are CEOs, and all of them do so because they want to. Of course she hates CEOs... but whatever.

I've worked 70 hours a week.... to pay off some debts and bills I had decades ago. Then I quit.

AOC and reality.... the non-stop disconnect.
You're lucky.
There are people across our fruited plain living in Blue Cities, who for one reason or another cannot leave, who spend a lifetime working those hours.

I don't believe you. Gotta be honest. I don't believe you.

In fact the only place I know of where people worked more than 40 hours, were two manufacturing companies that had overtime for a weekend shift. Even then, people openly said they applied for that job specifically because of the overtime.

I was at such a job. Worked there 6 months, and while they said over and over, mandatory over time, they never once had it.

So where are these poor enslaved souls that work 70 hours? Where? What evidence do you have to support such a claim?

More importantly, I had a job that was terrible. I came up with a novel solution. I quit. If you are working too much, why don't you quit?

And by the way, I do not accept "bills and debt" as a reason you can't quit. I have novel solution to that as well... cut the cable TV, cancel internet, turn off your phone. Magic.... bills go away. I know because I did this. Don't spend more money than you make, and you won't have debt. And yes you can do this.

So why don't they quit?
Gotta be honest...I don't care what you believe or think because you ain't been a slave in the Big Apple.
They's work you to death and fire your ass the second you showed the least aspiration to leave and then they'd give a review of you to any prospective employer that you interview well but you're a piece of shit once you're there.

What I really love about you're naiveity is that you think the media actually has web sites dedicated to this fact?
Who the hell do you think lives in the Black or Spanish Hood?

You work in the big city making a few hundred buck a week and it all goes to expenses.
So leave!
To where?
Why not simply thank God that you weren't brought up in one of those metropolises that treats people like shit!
Same to you.

So prove it. Provide your evidence, and I'll believe you.

Again though, if what you say is true... it just proves how bad left-wing ideology sucks. The Big Apple, is the biggest left-wing City in the country. Just proves what we've always said. Left-wingers are terrible people.
I am not an ideologue; both extremes are destructive.
Work conditions suck due to Right Wingers.
Neo-Cons always pat themselves on the shoulder for the actual work that others do.

Left Wing and Right Wing politicians need corporate money to run for office.
Reagan and the Bushes made slavery popular again.
Left Wingers take whatever money one makes.

I simply live in a Right Wing region in terms of Corporations but a Left Wing region in term of taxes.
I obviously will not retire in NY.

NY is the left-wing arm-pit of the country, with SF being the other arm-pit. And both are as left-wing ideologically as you can possibly get.

If people are treated as badly in NY as you claim, blame yourself.

Neo-Cons always pat themselves on the shoulder for the actual work that others do.

Bull. That's what left-wingers do all the time.

Someone else builds something, and Obama says "You didn't build that!"... um... yeah, he did. His money, his time, his effort.... he built it.

You guys do this all the time! "I provided food for the poor!" No you didn't. You stole my money, and the money of other hard working people, gave it to big corporations that produce food, and handed a few bucks worth food to some people who refused to work.

You did not produce diddly jack sh!t.

"We provided homes to the poor!" No you didn't. You stole money from working people, paid a bunch of overly expensive unionized bureaucrat agencies who supported your campaign, to confiscate the apartments built by other people, and hand them out to people who refuse to say "would you like fries with that?" at a window.

You did not produce diddly jack.

You people do that ALL THE TIME. There isn't a week that goes by where a left-wing socialist lazy butt, likely who was kicked out of a commune in the 70s, saying "We provided.........." to everyone, when they haven't done a days work in their entire freakin lives.

The only left-winger that ever did anything ever, was Carter, and he only built a few houses AFTER he left government.

You people claim the work of others as part of your entire ideology. Claiming other people's work, is the very definition of what a left-winger is. If you didn't do that, you wouldn't be a left-winger anymore.

pffffff...... lol..... you people.... Hypocrisy the NEVER ENDS.
You're a good person.
Just make sure you never become neo-Con scum.
The average person working in the food industry works 70 hours a week.
They also have little education and the food industry is 24/7.
I hope Liberals on Food Stamps and Welfare are prepared to pay a lot more for food.
Where did you get your statement average person working in food industry works 70 hours/week???
Here are the FACTS and based on the FACTS you are an out right LIAR! Prove it that food industry works work 70 hours! Prove it!
Do you see the leisure and hospitality? 26.1 hours! In fact the only group working the most at 42.2 hrs is utilities!
View attachment 327099
What's funny about this is that everyone I know in any career requiring a advanced degree works at least 80 hours a week.
Don't believe reality matches "Offical" Government rules.
AGAIN what's funny is how many people is that? 10? 20? 100?
Bullshit! AGAIN subjective unqualified and totally irrelevant to what AOC stated. YES I can believe some worked 80 hours! I did when
I was in college. Worked several part time jobs. Went to class and studied for a couple. BUT that is the EXCEPTION! NOT the rule!
Please stop with the personal, subjective statements "80 hours a week" bullshit!
I worked on Wall Street and most of the guys and gals in the Synagogues in my community have advanced degrees...
They have always worked about 70-80 hours a week to make their 100K+ salaries + benefits.
Blue Collar workers have no choice and if they don'[t work the hours they get replaced.
I suggest you go out and take a real hard look because I know you're a hard core Conservative and you want to believe the US economic system is comprised of total justice.
It isn't.
I used to work for a heavy equipment manufacturer right after college. The laborers,machinists,welders etc worked 10 hr days starting at 5:00/6:00 am. With shorter hours during the summer ( too hot).
10 hours times 5 days is still 50 hours... not 70 hours.
I wasn’t claiming they worked 70 hrs a week. Just that they had mandatory OT.
“When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot people should just say ‘no, we’re not going back to that.’ We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives,” Ocasio-Cortez finished.
Who in the hell works 70 hours a week?!!!

Average Hours per Week Worked (US)
Age 16 years and older: 38.9
Age 16-19: 24.1
Age 20-24: 34.8
Age 25-54: 40.5
55 and Over: 38.0

FACTS.. AOC... FACTS....Do you see the average hours being 70 hours a week!!!

Furthermore, are people actually working “60, 70, 80” hours per week?
The BLS defines full-time workers as those working at least 35 hours per week.
Those working 60 or more hours are workers with two full time jobs, a full time and part time job,
or two part-time jobs that are nearly full-time.
Data show that, among workers with multiple jobs, the vast majority are managing either one full-time job and a secondary part-time job or two part-time jobs. Only a tiny fraction (4 percent) work two full-time jobs.
If we extrapolate their average daily work hours to a full week, multiple jobholders work an average of 42.95 hours per five-day workweek,
relative to 39.7 hours for single jobholders, though they are also more likely to work on the weekends.

Study: People Claiming to Work More Than 70 Hours a Week Are Totally Lying, Probably
Not only that, but the more hours that people work, the more they exaggerate. Americans who say they work 75 hours a week tend to be exaggerating by 25 hours. (The average American work week in September was 34.5 hours, according to the BLS.)

SO...AOC... who is working 70 hours a week? How many Americans work 70 hours a week?
Or is this just more BULLSHIT!!!

I work at least one 82 hour week every month but I do it by choice. I do it for the future and for my kids. They despise that kind of thinking.
The average person working in the food industry works 70 hours a week.
They also have little education and the food industry is 24/7.
I hope Liberals on Food Stamps and Welfare are prepared to pay a lot more for food.
Where did you get your statement average person working in food industry works 70 hours/week???
Here are the FACTS and based on the FACTS you are an out right LIAR! Prove it that food industry works work 70 hours! Prove it!
Do you see the leisure and hospitality? 26.1 hours! In fact the only group working the most at 42.2 hrs is utilities!
View attachment 327099
What's funny about this is that everyone I know in any career requiring a advanced degree works at least 80 hours a week.
Don't believe reality matches "Offical" Government rules.
AGAIN what's funny is how many people is that? 10? 20? 100?
Bullshit! AGAIN subjective unqualified and totally irrelevant to what AOC stated. YES I can believe some worked 80 hours! I did when
I was in college. Worked several part time jobs. Went to class and studied for a couple. BUT that is the EXCEPTION! NOT the rule!
Please stop with the personal, subjective statements "80 hours a week" bullshit!
I worked on Wall Street and most of the guys and gals in the Synagogues in my community have advanced degrees...
They have always worked about 70-80 hours a week to make their 100K+ salaries + benefits.
Blue Collar workers have no choice and if they don'[t work the hours they get replaced.
I suggest you go out and take a real hard look because I know you're a hard core Conservative and you want to believe the US economic system is comprised of total justice.
It isn't.
I used to work for a heavy equipment manufacturer right after college. The laborers,machinists,welders etc worked 10 hr days starting at 5:00/6:00 am. With shorter hours during the summer ( too hot).
I have learned over the last 10 years that the real world one lives in depends upon the industry, the locale, the technology and the perceived markets.
These people work their lives away and no one appreciates the fact that the road they drive on and the building they work it relies on the skill and integrity of these people.
Well, after all, their not CEOs!
What the hell does a CEO do anayway?!

What do CEOs do? You don't know? They sign the deals, determine the direction of the company, come up with plans to make new products, refresh old products, and ultimately keep the entire country going.

What do you mean "what do CEOs do?" If you don't know, go learn something. Better yet, go start your own business, and when you are putting in 70 hours a week making that business successful, you'll know what a CEO does.

Dumb question...
What do CEOs of major corporations do?
Ever watch those Sunday morning Finance Programs?
They spend all day Sunday explaining what went right because they found a more efficient way to operate.
That means firing US workers for foreign labor.

They spend all day Sunday explaining what went wrong on strategic errors due to misguided data from others.

Do you know how many billions of dollars are flushed down the drain every year by corporations that stay afloat solely due to Institutional Trading?
Eliminate Institutional Trading, aka gambling, and most MNCs would go bankrupt within a year.
In fact, that's exactly what's happening now.

Where are their assets?
In Institutional Trading!!!

Most financial firms during the DOT COM and Housing Bubble were afloar due soley to Institutional Trading, not wise decisions.
I know, I know, I'm glad you're naive enough not to believe any of this.

CEOs of smaller companies usually spend their time trying to make sure everyone is doing their job.

They spend all day Sunday explaining what went right because they found a more efficient way to operate.​
That means firing US workers for foreign labor.​

If that was true.... then there should be no American labor left. 90% of the population should have been unemployed before 2018.

If you are telling me that every single CEO goes around finding ways to fire US workers, and hire foreign workers, there should be no US workers left to fire by now.

That's ridiculous. Further, it's not even statistically true. Just, flat out, that's wrong. Yes, you might have heard of a few CEOs out of a quarter million CEO in the US, that had to outsource to survive. That's a few out of hundreds of thousands.

Further, do you know what happens to companies that do not operate "efficiently"? They go out of business. Then instead of a few employees being fired, and some outsourcing.... then EVERYONE is fired, and there is NO outsourcing.

By the way, you do realize that outsourcing is a net benefit, right? We're using labor of other countries, to make our country more wealthy. You don't see the countries we outsource too, being more wealthy than us. Name one. Good luck with that.
Do you know how many billions of dollars are flushed down the drain every year by corporations that stay afloat solely due to Institutional Trading?​
Eliminate Institutional Trading, aka gambling, and most MNCs would go bankrupt within a year.​
In fact, that's exactly what's happening now.​
Where are their assets?​
In Institutional Trading!!!​

What are you talking about? Institutional trading, is when you have traders working for an institution.

An institution is for example, a Pension fund for a Union. A retirement system. A 401K, like mine.

Flushed down the drain? Are you kidding? My parents are millionaires because of their investments. I have doubled my money from institutional trading.

What are you talking about? Do you have any idea what you are talking about?
Most financial firms during the DOT COM and Housing Bubble were afloar due soley to Institutional Trading, not wise decisions.​
I know, I know, I'm glad you're naive enough not to believe any of this.​
False? Yes, there were companies that were living off of the sale of their stock during the bubble. Housing bubble? I don't think so. No. That's wrong.

But yes, there were companies that were selling their stock based on "we're a, and we're going to make millions", and then they didn't.

The key here is that every firm that is not producing wealth, sooner or later, will fail. That's the beauty of the capitalist system.

In socialist system, like under the Soviet Union, the companies were held together, for decades on end, by the Soviet Union.

In fact, they had Negative Equity firm. To understand what that means... if you take $500 worth of wood, and turn that into $10 chair that breaks when you sit on it.... you have created 'negative equity'. You have taken materials of a higher value, and turned them into a product of a lower value.

Now how does a company like that stay in business? Socialism. The government made them stay in business, and made them continue to 'de-value' the country. That's why socialism always results in poverty.

In capitalism... yes you can fool people for awhile. Sure. But eventually the people investing are going to see no value being produced, and then the company will fold.

Thus naturally in a capitalist system, inefficient companies are eliminated, and value-wealth producing companies expand and grow.

Back to your point.... there is nothing wrong with institutional trade. And no, most companies are not living off their stock sales. In fact, very few.

What you are saying, isn't even logical. Aside from the Initial Public Offering, Apple computer does not get money from the trading of stocks again, until they make another public offering. There could be decades between the sale of stock for a monetary benefit.

Additionally, the only other time stock is used, is typically in acquisitions. So the company buys up another company, in a stock exchange deal.

Again, how would either of these keep the company afloat? How would a company pay their employees with money from a deal that was entirely in stock?

Not logical.
Did you miss Trump's platform and victory?
Most MNC CEOs are pure scum and the millions who knew it and either were victimized by it or were related to those kicked the CEOs in the balls by voting for Trump,

Please explain how anybody at any given moment knows the value of an MNC's stock when there are literallly millions of variables to consider.
Explain the DOT COM crash...
Explain the Housing crash...
Didn't everybody just use your magic formulas and know what was going to happen?

I worked at Bear-Sterns and the CEO would send out an internal email every morning between 3-4 AM saying which stocks to buy/sell at what price for the next 24/7 cycle..
How the hell does anyone know anyone know what's going to happen to any global stock's value over a 24 hour period.
Apparently no one, because Bear-Sterns is no more.

The bottom line is that Directors get together and try to figure out the breaking point of what Internal Traders & Brokers can get away with in order to get suckers to buy their stock so the MNCs can continue to show a quarterly profit.
Crashes? The public says "Fuck You Today" every now and then.
A few seconds pass where they can't find any suckers and they all bow out at once causing a crash.
That's why they cleverly set in place a formula to stop themselves from much for a Free Market.

There are very few business leaders to admire...Bezos, Tim Cook...the people who are constantly in the public eye and work their asses off.

Do you remember a scant few years ago when Bezos, against what the MNCs Insider Traders wanted, invested millions in local Warehouses and Amazon's stock tanked.
My man Bezos told them to "Fuck Off, bozos, I'm in this to innovate!" and made the investment.
7 months later Amazon conquered the US and Wall Street suddenly lied their asses off and said they were on board with Bezos from the beginning.

Don't reply until you can explain why crashes occur if these CEOs are so damn brilliant and the "data" they receive contains an ounce of honesty.

Most MNC CEOs are pure scum

Prove it.

Please explain how anybody at any given moment knows the value of an MNC's stock when there are literallly millions of variables to consider.

Right, and that's true of nearly everything in life.

A better question is, what business is it of yours? I own stocks in multi-national companies. I've doubled my value, even now with the down turn, I've doubled my value.

So what business is it of yours? Here's a hint. If you have a problem with MNCs... don't by their stock. But if you refuse to buy their stock, then you forfeit complaining about the wealthy being wealthy. Because wealthy people are like me, are investing, and we're getting wealthy over time because of it.

You can't sit around screaming that MNC stocks are bad buys, and you can't price them, and no one should buy them.

And then turn around and complain people are getting rich buying MNC stocks. You want to be poor? Go be poor. I'm going to make some money. Don't say "I refuse to invest" and then complain "the rich are investing and getting wealthy!"

Explain the DOT COM crash...
Explain the Housing crash...
Didn't everybody just use your magic formulas and know what was going to happen?

The dot com was a market boom from the explosion of the internet. Some firms made it, and many didn't. That how that works.

Amazon for example, created in 1994, didn't make a real profit until 2004. But now of course all those investors are getting a fat pay back for their investments. And by the way, they should. They invested thousands, if not millions, over 10 years, and now they are reaping the harvest for their investment. This is good and moral.

No I did not buy Amazon stock in 1997, and I wish I had.

Now the Housing bubble is very easy to explain, and given you worked at Bear Stearns (or claim to), you should know this. Bear Stearns was actually one of the first two banks to enter into a direct agreement with Freddie Mac the GSE, that created the housing bubble. In 1997, Bear Stearns and First Union, both signed a contract with Freddie Mac to sell sub-prime mortgages, given a Freddie Mac AAA rating, and bundled with Mortgage Backed Securities.

This action of validating sub-prime mortgages on the market, resulted in a bubble, specifically because it allowed un-qualified buyers to get approved for mortgages. A practice that upset a 60+ year long system of only allowing qualified buyers, meeting strict guidelines, to get a mortgage on a home.

This naturally resulted in a dramatic increase in buyers. Which naturally resulted in a dramatic increase in housing prices. Which naturally resulted in speculation.

There were warnings across the entire market about this. But the government fought against those warnings, with Maxine Waters saying the GSEs were doing a fantastic job under Franklin Raines (a Clinton appointee, caught fudging numbers at Fannie Mae), and Barney Frank proclaiming from the house floor that there was no bubble, and we need to encourage lending even more.

The housing bubble was entirely, 100% due to government. If you want me to post all of the documents and evidence surrounding this, I'll be more than happy to do so.

Didn't everybody just use your magic formulas and know what was going to happen?

Lastly, you said "magic formula"... I don't know what you are talking about. There is no magic formula in life. Life is a risk. Everything in life is a risk. You win some, and you lose some, and often you lose more than you win.

When Edison created the light bulb, he had 100+ failures, before he found the one success.

If you talk to any $100K+ sales guy, he will tell you he loses a dozen sales, before he hits that one guy that buys the big million dollar deal.

This is life. Investments are the same. This is why you diversify. You don't just buy shares in one stock, but rather in a mutual fund that invests in dozens of stocks. And you don't just buy one mutual fund, you buy a half dozen mutual funds. You diversify your diversity.

I'm a Christian for example. Bible says in Ecclesiastes 11:2 "
Invest in seven ventures, yes, in eight; you do not know what disaster may come upon the land."

You don't know. There is no "formula" for investing that avoids down turns.

The only way to avoid all downturns, is to live in Socialism where there are no downturns or upturns, because everyone is equally impoverished for life. Then you don't have to worry about losing your investment, because you won't have anything to invest, or anything to invest into to begin with.

There are very few business leaders to admire...Bezos, Tim Cook...the people who are constantly in the public eye and work their asses off.

The problem with your logic there, is that there are hundreds of CEOs just like Tim Cook and Bezos. The problem is, just as you suggested.... they are NOT in the public eye.

Just because they are not out on the TV proclaiming "look at me" in front of you all day, doesn't mean they are not doing anything, or that they are not doing good things.

Both of those people are very good 'showmen'. They are fantastic at making themselves look good to gullible people who think everything on TV is reality. But there are a quarter of a million CEOs that all work hard, and achieve great things. They just don't prance around on TV about it, so that forum posters think they are the only CEOs to admire and everyone else sucks.

Don't reply until you can explain why crashes occur if these CEOs are so damn brilliant and the "data" they receive contains an ounce of honesty.

CEOs are still human beings. They make mistakes. You can be brilliant, and still make stupid choices.

Ironically, I just watched a documentary on this with Sony, and the Playstation. Now I've never been a fan of consoles, but it was interesting. This guy Ken Kutaragi, was brilliant engineer, and he basically designed by himself, the original Sony Playstation, that was as smash hit. He then designed the playstation 2, which was an even bigger success.

This one guy, effectively owned the entire console market for Sony, when they went from having no console before 1994, to control of the market until 2006.

Then he created the Playstation 3, which was a disaster.

He screwed up. And badly.

By the way, Steve Jobs did the same thing. Pretty good success with the Apple 1. Then massive success with the Apple 2. Then they created the Apple 3. Worst computer in Apple Computers early history. In fact after the Apple 3, they introduced..... The Apple 2e and 2c, and Apple 2GS.... because the Apple 3 sucked so bad.

This idea of yours, that being brilliant means you never make a mistake... not true in reality. Everyone makes mistakes. The question is, what do you do when you make the mistake? Can you recover the company? Can you find a way to survive? Can you organize a system to hold off the implosion?

My last CEO was fantastic. Great guy by every possible measure. Brilliant engineer. He could walk into a room, see a problem, and tell you the solution to the problem, before you could explain what the problem was. Do this, turn that screw, and solder a wire to here, and that issue will go away. "What issue?" The one causing the problem you are trying to figure out.

Even then, he screwed stuff up. Had a customer in Florida, wanted some out-doors Kiosks. The minimum wage made paying high schoolers to sell stuff, too high. They were replacing all of them with Kiosks. We made the Kiosks.

The Kiosks showed up that we built, and after the first rain storm, they were filled with water. Huge monstrous issue. The CEO, the Executive Vice President, the Chief of sales, and the head of Engineering, all flew down to Florida in August.... to work at night (read when mosquitoes were out), to fix each Kiosk by hand. One had to cancel their vacation to do it.

He made a mistake. But he recovered. You'll continue to make mistakes until you die. The question is do you recover from it? Good CEOs can save the company. And they naturally should be rewarded for it. And if saving the company means laying off workers you no longer need.... that's still saving the company. Losing a few, is better than losing all. CEOs work very hard, and it is utterly ridiculous to claim otherwise.
The average person working in the food industry works 70 hours a week.
They also have little education and the food industry is 24/7.
I hope Liberals on Food Stamps and Welfare are prepared to pay a lot more for food.
Where did you get your statement average person working in food industry works 70 hours/week???
Here are the FACTS and based on the FACTS you are an out right LIAR! Prove it that food industry works work 70 hours! Prove it!
Do you see the leisure and hospitality? 26.1 hours! In fact the only group working the most at 42.2 hrs is utilities!
View attachment 327099
What's funny about this is that everyone I know in any career requiring a advanced degree works at least 80 hours a week.
Don't believe reality matches "Offical" Government rules.
AGAIN what's funny is how many people is that? 10? 20? 100?
Bullshit! AGAIN subjective unqualified and totally irrelevant to what AOC stated. YES I can believe some worked 80 hours! I did when
I was in college. Worked several part time jobs. Went to class and studied for a couple. BUT that is the EXCEPTION! NOT the rule!
Please stop with the personal, subjective statements "80 hours a week" bullshit!
I worked on Wall Street and most of the guys and gals in the Synagogues in my community have advanced degrees...
They have always worked about 70-80 hours a week to make their 100K+ salaries + benefits.
Blue Collar workers have no choice and if they don'[t work the hours they get replaced.
I suggest you go out and take a real hard look because I know you're a hard core Conservative and you want to believe the US economic system is comprised of total justice.
It isn't.
I used to work for a heavy equipment manufacturer right after college. The laborers,machinists,welders etc worked 10 hr days starting at 5:00/6:00 am. With shorter hours during the summer ( too hot).
10 hours times 5 days is still 50 hours... not 70 hours.
5 days?
Which blue collar worker in a food establishment doesn't work the weekends?

Look, I get it, you're a Right Winger so all "Businesses GOOOOOOOOOOOD".

Well..... I didn't. There were many that did. Sure. But I didn't.

In fact, I was working at an auto parts store, and they said Weekend work is mandatory. I told them, I'm a Christian, and on Sunday I'll be a church. They told me, then you can't work here. I said ok.... Funnily enough, on Saturday they said I'd work Tuesday through Saturday, and I would not be required to come in Sunday.

People who want to work more, can work more. But to claim that people are forced to... I'm not seeing it.

Now you might have to, because you made bad choices... like going into debt, and needing extra money to pay off the debt. Ok... I get that. I worked 3 jobs at one point because I had made stupid choices with debt.

But once I paid that off, no I have never worked more than 40 hours unless I wanted to.
She can get back to Mexico.

I don't think she's ever actually been to Mexico.

AOC is of Puerto Rican descent and is from New York City...

She's never worked an honest days work in her life. She comes from a pampered upbringing and has no clue to how life works for 75% of the people in the US.

Again, her upbringing was hardly one of pampering. But, since you apparently believe I'm incorrect, I challenge you to show how she was.

I'll give a nod to anyone who tends bar. It's largely a thankless, shitty way to make a living...
I know more than a few people who work upwards of 70 or 80 hours a week. The bitch of it is that it's not like they're rolling in dough.

I used to work 12-14 hour days five, six or, on rare occasions, seven days a week. That hard work back in the day put me in a position to not have to work my ass off today. Now, I'll hit the office for four or so hours a day and then it's "me time"...

So how many hours does the typical American work per year?

I don't know. I've never considered myself "average". I like working hard and reaping the benefits of that...

So honestly, you worked 12-14 hours a day???

Sometimes more. Hell, when I was in the Navy it was closer to 18 hours a day when the ship was at sea. We kept a pace that would damn near kill most people.

While in the Navy, but stationed at a shore command, I would always have a second job. When I was stationed in Charleston I'd get to work at 6:00am, get home from work about 4:00pm, grab a nap until about 6:00pm, wake up, scarf down whatever the wife made for dinner and then scoot off to the bar to work the 7pm-3am shift three nights a week. Navy pay wasn't exactly a king's ransom, but I had a young family to support, so 21 hours days three days a week, in addition to my military schedule of about 9-1/2 hour days five days a week, is how I did it.

When I was stationed in San Diego I worked for a buddy of mine who had a striping company (parking lots, etc). I'd work every Saturday and Sunday, 6am until 6pm. Sometimes I could finagle a day off from the base and go to work for him during the week, working the same hours. It was ass busting work, but it paid well...
“When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot people should just say ‘no, we’re not going back to that.’ We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives,” Ocasio-Cortez finished.
Who in the hell works 70 hours a week?!!!

Average Hours per Week Worked (US)
Age 16 years and older: 38.9
Age 16-19: 24.1
Age 20-24: 34.8
Age 25-54: 40.5
55 and Over: 38.0

FACTS.. AOC... FACTS....Do you see the average hours being 70 hours a week!!!

Furthermore, are people actually working “60, 70, 80” hours per week?
The BLS defines full-time workers as those working at least 35 hours per week.
Those working 60 or more hours are workers with two full time jobs, a full time and part time job,
or two part-time jobs that are nearly full-time.
Data show that, among workers with multiple jobs, the vast majority are managing either one full-time job and a secondary part-time job or two part-time jobs. Only a tiny fraction (4 percent) work two full-time jobs.
If we extrapolate their average daily work hours to a full week, multiple jobholders work an average of 42.95 hours per five-day workweek,
relative to 39.7 hours for single jobholders, though they are also more likely to work on the weekends.

Study: People Claiming to Work More Than 70 Hours a Week Are Totally Lying, Probably
Not only that, but the more hours that people work, the more they exaggerate. Americans who say they work 75 hours a week tend to be exaggerating by 25 hours. (The average American work week in September was 34.5 hours, according to the BLS.)

SO...AOC... who is working 70 hours a week? How many Americans work 70 hours a week?
Or is this just more BULLSHIT!!!

Yeah, there are people who work 70 hours a week. Most are CEOs, and all of them do so because they want to. Of course she hates CEOs... but whatever.

I've worked 70 hours a week.... to pay off some debts and bills I had decades ago. Then I quit.

AOC and reality.... the non-stop disconnect.
You're lucky.
There are people across our fruited plain living in Blue Cities, who for one reason or another cannot leave, who spend a lifetime working those hours.

I don't believe you. Gotta be honest. I don't believe you.

In fact the only place I know of where people worked more than 40 hours, were two manufacturing companies that had overtime for a weekend shift. Even then, people openly said they applied for that job specifically because of the overtime.

I was at such a job. Worked there 6 months, and while they said over and over, mandatory over time, they never once had it.

So where are these poor enslaved souls that work 70 hours? Where? What evidence do you have to support such a claim?

More importantly, I had a job that was terrible. I came up with a novel solution. I quit. If you are working too much, why don't you quit?

And by the way, I do not accept "bills and debt" as a reason you can't quit. I have novel solution to that as well... cut the cable TV, cancel internet, turn off your phone. Magic.... bills go away. I know because I did this. Don't spend more money than you make, and you won't have debt. And yes you can do this.

So why don't they quit?
Gotta be honest...I don't care what you believe or think because you ain't been a slave in the Big Apple.
They's work you to death and fire your ass the second you showed the least aspiration to leave and then they'd give a review of you to any prospective employer that you interview well but you're a piece of shit once you're there.

What I really love about you're naiveity is that you think the media actually has web sites dedicated to this fact?
Who the hell do you think lives in the Black or Spanish Hood?

You work in the big city making a few hundred buck a week and it all goes to expenses.
So leave!
To where?
Why not simply thank God that you weren't brought up in one of those metropolises that treats people like shit!
Same to you.

So prove it. Provide your evidence, and I'll believe you.

Again though, if what you say is true... it just proves how bad left-wing ideology sucks. The Big Apple, is the biggest left-wing City in the country. Just proves what we've always said. Left-wingers are terrible people.
I am not an ideologue; both extremes are destructive.
Work conditions suck due to Right Wingers.
Neo-Cons always pat themselves on the shoulder for the actual work that others do.

Left Wing and Right Wing politicians need corporate money to run for office.
Reagan and the Bushes made slavery popular again.
Left Wingers take whatever money one makes.

I simply live in a Right Wing region in terms of Corporations but a Left Wing region in term of taxes.
I obviously will not retire in NY.

NY is the left-wing arm-pit of the country, with SF being the other arm-pit. And both are as left-wing ideologically as you can possibly get.

If people are treated as badly in NY as you claim, blame yourself.

Neo-Cons always pat themselves on the shoulder for the actual work that others do.

Bull. That's what left-wingers do all the time.

Someone else builds something, and Obama says "You didn't build that!"... um... yeah, he did. His money, his time, his effort.... he built it.

You guys do this all the time! "I provided food for the poor!" No you didn't. You stole my money, and the money of other hard working people, gave it to big corporations that produce food, and handed a few bucks worth food to some people who refused to work.

You did not produce diddly jack sh!t.

"We provided homes to the poor!" No you didn't. You stole money from working people, paid a bunch of overly expensive unionized bureaucrat agencies who supported your campaign, to confiscate the apartments built by other people, and hand them out to people who refuse to say "would you like fries with that?" at a window.

You did not produce diddly jack.

You people do that ALL THE TIME. There isn't a week that goes by where a left-wing socialist lazy butt, likely who was kicked out of a commune in the 70s, saying "We provided.........." to everyone, when they haven't done a days work in their entire freakin lives.

The only left-winger that ever did anything ever, was Carter, and he only built a few houses AFTER he left government.

You people claim the work of others as part of your entire ideology. Claiming other people's work, is the very definition of what a left-winger is. If you didn't do that, you wouldn't be a left-winger anymore.

pffffff...... lol..... you people.... Hypocrisy the NEVER ENDS.
You're a good person.
Just make sure you never become neo-Con scum.

I'm as conservative as it possible to be. I can't image any possible way for someone to be more conservative than I am.
She can get back to Mexico.

I don't think she's ever actually been to Mexico.

AOC is of Puerto Rican descent and is from New York City...

She's never worked an honest days work in her life. She comes from a pampered upbringing and has no clue to how life works for 75% of the people in the US.

Again, her upbringing was hardly one of pampering. But, since you apparently believe I'm incorrect, I challenge you to show how she was.

I'll give a nod to anyone who tends bar. It's largely a thankless, shitty way to make a living...

Depends very greatly on what bar, and where. Any job can be thankless.
AOC may or may not have worked hard as a bartender for the short time she did it.
I don't know. I don't care.

As for her being pampered, I think she was. She most certainly has the entitlement "I'm owed stuff" mentality of a pampered girl, and her Father *WAS* in fact a partner in a highly successful architecture firm.

Now think about that. Entry level... base pay here in Columbus Ohio for an architect, is $58K. But he wasn't entry level. He was partnered in the firm. That's like an executive at a big company. And he wasn't in Ohio, or some mid-west town. He was in NYC.

They had money. Plenty of it. Guaranteed.

Now that doesn't mean that AOC and her family didn't struggle after he died. People can make tons of money, and still live above their means, or irresponsibly. Remember, Michael Jackson made an estimated billion dollars in his life, and was on the verge of bankruptcy when he died.

The question is why. I don't know why. I can guess. Couple of possibilities.

1. He didn't have a written will. All of you that have a family at all, should have a written will. And especially if you have any kind of health issue, like cancer, getting a will done should have been a top priority.

2. They blew all their money on life style. That makes you a moron. You should always be living on less than you make.

3. They didn't have any savings or investments. All of you that have been working longer than 5 years... you should have an account with some cash in it, or investments. And that pile of assets or cash, should be larger every 5 years, than it was before. Yeah, with investments it goes up and down, but every 5 years you should have more, than you did before. And if you don't do that, that makes you a moron.

4. He didn't have a life insurance. If you have people in your life that are depending on your income, you should have life insurance, unless you have the aforementioned savings and investments.

The problem with AOC, is that she has taken the exact opposite view, than what she should have learned from her ordeal.

She should have understood why the US government has lower taxes on investments, so the people like her family, would be encouraged to have investments and retirement for such a time as when her father died.

She should have been supporting investment and savings, not discouraging them.

And she should have be supporting modest spending, and a frugal government, given how much damage was caused by her parents not being frugal.

Additionally, if her family really didn't have any money, when her father was a partner at a successful architecture firm in big shot NYC, then she should be supporting lower taxes, not raising higher taxes.

What is true, is that AOC is attractive generally speaking, and has an intelligence level that makes Jessica Simpson look smart enough to be in congress.

It doesn't surprise me much, that after getting a degree, she could only work for non-profits, and as a bartender. Looks without brains, pretty much guaranteed her a job in government, or as a bartender.

She has said and promoted an endless stream of objective stupidity, that continue to this day.

The sad part is, AOC's parents came here from Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is in economic ruins today because of government run services, and a pension system that has bankrupted the government.

That alone, should have taught this brainless woman, that her socialist ideology doesn't work. People warned Puerto Rico for years that their system was not sustainable, and they ignored it. Now the place is broke. Just like Greece.

But here she is spouting off we need more spending on everything.

She is an idiot. That's why most of her life, has been spent living off the hard work of others. Yeah, she might have worked a year when her foolish parents screwed up their lives, but she clearly didn't learn jack from that experience.
She can get back to Mexico.

I don't think she's ever actually been to Mexico.

AOC is of Puerto Rican descent and is from New York City...

She's never worked an honest days work in her life. She comes from a pampered upbringing and has no clue to how life works for 75% of the people in the US.

Again, her upbringing was hardly one of pampering. But, since you apparently believe I'm incorrect, I challenge you to show how she was.

I'll give a nod to anyone who tends bar. It's largely a thankless, shitty way to make a living...

Depends very greatly on what bar, and where. Any job can be thankless.
AOC may or may not have worked hard as a bartender for the short time she did it.
I don't know. I don't care.

As for her being pampered, I think she was. She most certainly has the entitlement "I'm owed stuff" mentality of a pampered girl, and her Father *WAS* in fact a partner in a highly successful architecture firm.

Now think about that. Entry level... base pay here in Columbus Ohio for an architect, is $58K. But he wasn't entry level. He was partnered in the firm. That's like an executive at a big company. And he wasn't in Ohio, or some mid-west town. He was in NYC.

They had money. Plenty of it. Guaranteed.

Now that doesn't mean that AOC and her family didn't struggle after he died. People can make tons of money, and still live above their means, or irresponsibly. Remember, Michael Jackson made an estimated billion dollars in his life, and was on the verge of bankruptcy when he died.

The question is why. I don't know why. I can guess. Couple of possibilities.

1. He didn't have a written will. All of you that have a family at all, should have a written will. And especially if you have any kind of health issue, like cancer, getting a will done should have been a top priority.

2. They blew all their money on life style. That makes you a moron. You should always be living on less than you make.

3. They didn't have any savings or investments.

4. He didn't have a life insurance. If you have people in your life that are depending on your income, you should have life insurance, unless you have the aforementioned savings and investments.

The problem with AOC, is that she has taken the exact opposite view, than what she should have learned from her ordeal.

She should have understood why the US government has lower taxes on investments, so the people like her family, would be encouraged to have investments and retirement for such a time as when her father died.

She should have been supporting investment and savings, not discouraging them.

And she should have be supporting modest spending, and a frugal government, given how much damage was caused by her parents not being frugal.

Additionally, if her family really didn't have any money, when her father was a partner at a successful architecture firm in big shot NYC, then she should be supporting lower taxes, not raising higher taxes.

What is true, is that AOC is attractive generally speaking, and has an intelligence level that makes Jessica Simpson look smart enough to be in congress.

It doesn't surprise me much, that after getting a degree, she could only work for non-profits, and as a bartender. Looks without brains, pretty much guaranteed her a job in government, or as a bartender.

She has said and promoted an endless stream of objective stupidity, that continue to this day.

The sad part is, AOC's parents came here from Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is in economic ruins today because of government run services, and a pension system that has bankrupted the government.

That alone, should have taught this brainless woman, that her socialist ideology doesn't work. People warned Puerto Rico for years that their system was not sustainable, and they ignored it. Now the place is broke. Just like Greece.

But here she is spouting off we need more spending on everything.

She is an idiot. That's why most of her life, has been spent living off the hard work of others. Yeah, she might have worked a year when her foolish parents screwed up their lives, but she clearly didn't learn jack from that experience.

She did not work hard. The little she did was already "oppression".

Had a super easy life as an attractive 20-something female. Could not make a good decision if her life dependent on it. 0% American DNA.
“When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot people should just say ‘no, we’re not going back to that.’ We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives,” Ocasio-Cortez finished.
Who in the hell works 70 hours a week?!!!

Average Hours per Week Worked (US)
Age 16 years and older: 38.9
Age 16-19: 24.1
Age 20-24: 34.8
Age 25-54: 40.5
55 and Over: 38.0

FACTS.. AOC... FACTS....Do you see the average hours being 70 hours a week!!!

Furthermore, are people actually working “60, 70, 80” hours per week?
The BLS defines full-time workers as those working at least 35 hours per week.
Those working 60 or more hours are workers with two full time jobs, a full time and part time job,
or two part-time jobs that are nearly full-time.
Data show that, among workers with multiple jobs, the vast majority are managing either one full-time job and a secondary part-time job or two part-time jobs. Only a tiny fraction (4 percent) work two full-time jobs.
If we extrapolate their average daily work hours to a full week, multiple jobholders work an average of 42.95 hours per five-day workweek,
relative to 39.7 hours for single jobholders, though they are also more likely to work on the weekends.

Study: People Claiming to Work More Than 70 Hours a Week Are Totally Lying, Probably
Not only that, but the more hours that people work, the more they exaggerate. Americans who say they work 75 hours a week tend to be exaggerating by 25 hours. (The average American work week in September was 34.5 hours, according to the BLS.)

SO...AOC... who is working 70 hours a week? How many Americans work 70 hours a week?
Or is this just more BULLSHIT!!!
Cortez is a fuckin' idiot. She's the same pinhead who professed that the unemployment rate was so low because everyone was working 2 jobs.

I think her mother must have imbibed a lot of alcohol while she was pregnant. She has abnormally wide-set eyes and her teeth look huge but they're not, really. They merely appear large because they are disproportionate to her small cranium.

Cognitive disability, check
Wide-set eyes, check
Microcephaly, check

It all points to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.

In other words, a bug eyed weirdo?
She can get back to Mexico.

I don't think she's ever actually been to Mexico.

AOC is of Puerto Rican descent and is from New York City...

She's never worked an honest days work in her life. She comes from a pampered upbringing and has no clue to how life works for 75% of the people in the US.

Again, her upbringing was hardly one of pampering. But, since you apparently believe I'm incorrect, I challenge you to show how she was.

I'll give a nod to anyone who tends bar. It's largely a thankless, shitty way to make a living...

Depends very greatly on what bar, and where. Any job can be thankless.
AOC may or may not have worked hard as a bartender for the short time she did it.
I don't know. I don't care.

As for her being pampered, I think she was. She most certainly has the entitlement "I'm owed stuff" mentality of a pampered girl, and her Father *WAS* in fact a partner in a highly successful architecture firm.

Now think about that. Entry level... base pay here in Columbus Ohio for an architect, is $58K. But he wasn't entry level. He was partnered in the firm. That's like an executive at a big company. And he wasn't in Ohio, or some mid-west town. He was in NYC.

They had money. Plenty of it. Guaranteed.

Now that doesn't mean that AOC and her family didn't struggle after he died. People can make tons of money, and still live above their means, or irresponsibly. Remember, Michael Jackson made an estimated billion dollars in his life, and was on the verge of bankruptcy when he died.

The question is why. I don't know why. I can guess. Couple of possibilities.

1. He didn't have a written will. All of you that have a family at all, should have a written will. And especially if you have any kind of health issue, like cancer, getting a will done should have been a top priority.

2. They blew all their money on life style. That makes you a moron. You should always be living on less than you make.

3. They didn't have any savings or investments.

4. He didn't have a life insurance. If you have people in your life that are depending on your income, you should have life insurance, unless you have the aforementioned savings and investments.

The problem with AOC, is that she has taken the exact opposite view, than what she should have learned from her ordeal.

She should have understood why the US government has lower taxes on investments, so the people like her family, would be encouraged to have investments and retirement for such a time as when her father died.

She should have been supporting investment and savings, not discouraging them.

And she should have be supporting modest spending, and a frugal government, given how much damage was caused by her parents not being frugal.

Additionally, if her family really didn't have any money, when her father was a partner at a successful architecture firm in big shot NYC, then she should be supporting lower taxes, not raising higher taxes.

What is true, is that AOC is attractive generally speaking, and has an intelligence level that makes Jessica Simpson look smart enough to be in congress.

It doesn't surprise me much, that after getting a degree, she could only work for non-profits, and as a bartender. Looks without brains, pretty much guaranteed her a job in government, or as a bartender.

She has said and promoted an endless stream of objective stupidity, that continue to this day.

The sad part is, AOC's parents came here from Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is in economic ruins today because of government run services, and a pension system that has bankrupted the government.

That alone, should have taught this brainless woman, that her socialist ideology doesn't work. People warned Puerto Rico for years that their system was not sustainable, and they ignored it. Now the place is broke. Just like Greece.

But here she is spouting off we need more spending on everything.

She is an idiot. That's why most of her life, has been spent living off the hard work of others. Yeah, she might have worked a year when her foolish parents screwed up their lives, but she clearly didn't learn jack from that experience.

She did not work hard. The little she did was already "oppression".

Had a super easy life as an attractive 20-something female. Could not make a good decision if her life dependent on it. 0% American DNA.

I want to give her the benefit of that doubt. I do. I would hope you would give me the benefit of the doubt too.

That said, she clearly learned absolutely nothing from whatever she went through in life. Nothing. She has said some of the most idiotic things..... Honestly Maxine Waters is going to lose her title of dumbest woman in government, if AOC keeps going.
“When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot people should just say ‘no, we’re not going back to that.’ We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives,” Ocasio-Cortez finished.
Who in the hell works 70 hours a week?!!!

Average Hours per Week Worked (US)
Age 16 years and older: 38.9
Age 16-19: 24.1
Age 20-24: 34.8
Age 25-54: 40.5
55 and Over: 38.0

FACTS.. AOC... FACTS....Do you see the average hours being 70 hours a week!!!

Furthermore, are people actually working “60, 70, 80” hours per week?
The BLS defines full-time workers as those working at least 35 hours per week.
Those working 60 or more hours are workers with two full time jobs, a full time and part time job,
or two part-time jobs that are nearly full-time.
Data show that, among workers with multiple jobs, the vast majority are managing either one full-time job and a secondary part-time job or two part-time jobs. Only a tiny fraction (4 percent) work two full-time jobs.
If we extrapolate their average daily work hours to a full week, multiple jobholders work an average of 42.95 hours per five-day workweek,
relative to 39.7 hours for single jobholders, though they are also more likely to work on the weekends.

Study: People Claiming to Work More Than 70 Hours a Week Are Totally Lying, Probably
Not only that, but the more hours that people work, the more they exaggerate. Americans who say they work 75 hours a week tend to be exaggerating by 25 hours. (The average American work week in September was 34.5 hours, according to the BLS.)

SO...AOC... who is working 70 hours a week? How many Americans work 70 hours a week?
Or is this just more BULLSHIT!!!

No. I actually work about 60-70 hours a week under normal circumstances.

Doing what? What is your position, title and pay?

I'm a social worker.
“When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot people should just say ‘no, we’re not going back to that.’ We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives,” Ocasio-Cortez finished.
Who in the hell works 70 hours a week?!!!

Average Hours per Week Worked (US)
Age 16 years and older: 38.9
Age 16-19: 24.1
Age 20-24: 34.8
Age 25-54: 40.5
55 and Over: 38.0

FACTS.. AOC... FACTS....Do you see the average hours being 70 hours a week!!!

Furthermore, are people actually working “60, 70, 80” hours per week?
The BLS defines full-time workers as those working at least 35 hours per week.
Those working 60 or more hours are workers with two full time jobs, a full time and part time job,
or two part-time jobs that are nearly full-time.
Data show that, among workers with multiple jobs, the vast majority are managing either one full-time job and a secondary part-time job or two part-time jobs. Only a tiny fraction (4 percent) work two full-time jobs.
If we extrapolate their average daily work hours to a full week, multiple jobholders work an average of 42.95 hours per five-day workweek,
relative to 39.7 hours for single jobholders, though they are also more likely to work on the weekends.

Study: People Claiming to Work More Than 70 Hours a Week Are Totally Lying, Probably
Not only that, but the more hours that people work, the more they exaggerate. Americans who say they work 75 hours a week tend to be exaggerating by 25 hours. (The average American work week in September was 34.5 hours, according to the BLS.)

SO...AOC... who is working 70 hours a week? How many Americans work 70 hours a week?
Or is this just more BULLSHIT!!!
/——-/ I’m not defending that ****, but when I moved out on my own at 18, I had a 40 hour work week plus unpaid over time and worked as a bartender on weekends for another 16 hours to support myself. I knew people who worked two full time minimum wage jobs for 80 hours a week. But we all burned out quickly. It’s not sustainable.
“When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot people should just say ‘no, we’re not going back to that.’ We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives,” Ocasio-Cortez finished.
Who in the hell works 70 hours a week?!!!

Average Hours per Week Worked (US)
Age 16 years and older: 38.9
Age 16-19: 24.1
Age 20-24: 34.8
Age 25-54: 40.5
55 and Over: 38.0

FACTS.. AOC... FACTS....Do you see the average hours being 70 hours a week!!!

Furthermore, are people actually working “60, 70, 80” hours per week?
The BLS defines full-time workers as those working at least 35 hours per week.
Those working 60 or more hours are workers with two full time jobs, a full time and part time job,
or two part-time jobs that are nearly full-time.
Data show that, among workers with multiple jobs, the vast majority are managing either one full-time job and a secondary part-time job or two part-time jobs. Only a tiny fraction (4 percent) work two full-time jobs.
If we extrapolate their average daily work hours to a full week, multiple jobholders work an average of 42.95 hours per five-day workweek,
relative to 39.7 hours for single jobholders, though they are also more likely to work on the weekends.

Study: People Claiming to Work More Than 70 Hours a Week Are Totally Lying, Probably
Not only that, but the more hours that people work, the more they exaggerate. Americans who say they work 75 hours a week tend to be exaggerating by 25 hours. (The average American work week in September was 34.5 hours, according to the BLS.)

SO...AOC... who is working 70 hours a week? How many Americans work 70 hours a week?
Or is this just more BULLSHIT!!!
/——-/ I’m not defending that ****, but when I moved out on my own at 18, I had a 40 hour work week plus unpaid over time and worked as a bartender on weekends for another 16 hours to support myself. I knew people who worked two full time minimum wage jobs for 80 hours a week. But we all burned out quickly. It’s not sustainable.
And I too did the same thing! But AOC like most idiots take a personal experience and make it the rule... rather than exception!
I believe AOC probably worked 70 hour per week... for awhile, just as you and I did! AOC gets $174,000 a year now.
But to make a blanket statement and apply to ALL workers?
“When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot people should just say ‘no, we’re not going back to that.’ We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives,” Ocasio-Cortez finished.
Who in the hell works 70 hours a week?!!!

Average Hours per Week Worked (US)
Age 16 years and older: 38.9
Age 16-19: 24.1
Age 20-24: 34.8
Age 25-54: 40.5
55 and Over: 38.0

FACTS.. AOC... FACTS....Do you see the average hours being 70 hours a week!!!

Furthermore, are people actually working “60, 70, 80” hours per week?
The BLS defines full-time workers as those working at least 35 hours per week.
Those working 60 or more hours are workers with two full time jobs, a full time and part time job,
or two part-time jobs that are nearly full-time.
Data show that, among workers with multiple jobs, the vast majority are managing either one full-time job and a secondary part-time job or two part-time jobs. Only a tiny fraction (4 percent) work two full-time jobs.
If we extrapolate their average daily work hours to a full week, multiple jobholders work an average of 42.95 hours per five-day workweek,
relative to 39.7 hours for single jobholders, though they are also more likely to work on the weekends.

Study: People Claiming to Work More Than 70 Hours a Week Are Totally Lying, Probably
Not only that, but the more hours that people work, the more they exaggerate. Americans who say they work 75 hours a week tend to be exaggerating by 25 hours. (The average American work week in September was 34.5 hours, according to the BLS.)

SO...AOC... who is working 70 hours a week? How many Americans work 70 hours a week?
Or is this just more BULLSHIT!!!

No. I actually work about 60-70 hours a week under normal circumstances.
You are not average!

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