AOC Sends Out 'Mean Tweet' Over 'Jesus' Super Bowl Ads - SHE Doesn't Get Us

As USMBs top poster, I am allowed to criticize God
Read the rules
And He will have the last word. I would wish you good luck, but luck has nothing to do with it. In the meantime, we'll just shake our heads at the rantings of the ant, railing against the rain for flooding the ant hill.
Christian political opinions are as subject to criticism as any other kind. What you do to worship is your own business. What you do concerning politics concerns me and any other interested parties.
So, a group comes out calling for caring and compassion towards society's outcasts, and this causes you heartburn? Interesting.
So looks like God condones killing innocent children
He needs to lead by example
Yes, Christians are known for following God's command to kill children

You sir are a Biblical scholar.


Where did you study theology?
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She's not wrong. The group sponsoring the ads is against LGBTQ+ lifestyles and against a woman's right to choose.
If you really want to follow the teachings of Jesus, there are way better places to spend that millions than dropping it on a Superbowl ad.

This is just taking right wing fundamentalism and trying to mainstream it.
Yes .. the group is against people thinking they are something they will never be and woman who choose to kill their unborn child.
I have already put most of the trolls on ignore. I do welcome serious discussions on almost every subject.
By in large religion has gone away, and filled with Left wing ideology. After all, go into any public school and ask questions about abortion or gay marriage. Odd are, the vast majority think as you do now.

Do you think society is better today?

70% of Democrats are Christians so your belief that the left aren't religious is utterly and completely false.

You keep talking about abortion and being gay as if they are illegal and must be hidden away. Your entire attitude is both immoral and WRONG and YOU have no right to inflict your religion and beliefs onto secular matters. You're saying that children should not be told that two people of the same sex can legally marry, or that women can legally decide whether or not to have a baby.

Children NEED this information because if they're gay, they need to know that this is 0K. The children being bullied, often to death, are the ones who are "different", and YOUR attitude is killing these children.
70% of Democrats are Christians so your belief that the left aren't religious is utterly and completely false.

You keep talking about abortion and being gay as if they are illegal and must be hidden away. Your entire attitude is both immoral and WRONG and YOU have no right to inflict your religion and beliefs onto secular matters. You're saying that children should not be told that two people of the same sex can legally marry, or that women can legally decide whether or not to have a baby.

Children NEED this information because if they're gay, they need to know that this is 0K. The children being bullied, often to death, are the ones who are "different", and YOUR attitude is killing these children.
The legality of something is different from whether it is moral.

For example, slavery at one time was legal, but not moral.

I never made any contentions about what should be made legal or illegal, but democrats insist that not only should abortion on demand be made legal under any circumstance, it should also be funded by taxpayers who disagree.

The Dobbs Decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade does not even make abortion illegal, rather, it simply puts the matter before voters of each individual state.

Now for those who claim to be Christian, like Biden and Pelosi, they still claim to be Catholic but reject the teaching of the Catholic church on abortion, that it is infanticide. This shows that they believe the democrat party to be correct, that it is not infanticide, and reject the teachings of their church.

As such, they have rejected the church and embraced their party instead.

In fact, I don't know of any democrats who differ and claim to be a Christian. Even Rev. Warnock goes round preaching how Jesus loves abortion.

Abortion is a tragedy to be avoided if possible, not a celebration or something to be proud of like the DNC presents it to be.
And He will have the last word. I would wish you good luck, but luck has nothing to do with it. In the meantime, we'll just shake our heads at the rantings of the ant, railing against the rain for flooding the ant hill.

God likes my posts

He is planning on having a beer with me sometime
So, a group comes out calling for caring and compassion towards society's outcasts, and this causes you heartburn? Interesting.
Evangelical secular political agendas are not religion. When people start talking about banning stuff there's going to be pushback. It is not an attack on your personal faith except maybe for not keeping it personal.

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