AOC Sends Out 'Mean Tweet' Over 'Jesus' Super Bowl Ads - SHE Doesn't Get Us

Super bowl ads???? Why not put the $20 million into programs for the poor? Because Jesus refused to have ANYTHING to do with politics and he was critical of the rabbis who were involved with politics. My Kingdom is not of this world.

Jesus said to be his follower you need to give all you own to the poor. These people bought SuperBowl ads when the $20 million would have been better spent on the refugees and the poor people these ads were telling other people to help.
In the process of putting those ads in the Super Bowl, that group got more people talking about Jesus and caring for society's outcasts than they would have by putting the money into programs for the poor. Do you think AOC would have said one word about them had they done that? Not a chance. She wouldn't even have been aware of them, and neither would you. Now, here we are, talking about what Jesus would want. I think that's a positive thing.
Depsite what you have been told, there are some moral absolutes that should be followed.
And there are laws for those. Written by man. Not an imaginary sky deity.
But let's face it, you're talking about things that offend you as a fundamentalist.
And there are laws for those. Written by man. Not an imaginary sky deity.
But let's face it, you're talking about things that offend you as a fundamentalist.

What percentage of our laws align with the teachings of Christianity? Yeah, there is a reason for that.
I can understand an argument that would ask whether or not this was a good expenditure of money.

I understand the argument that those behind the ads are not always welcoming of all.

I don't get the Fascist claims. Sadly people want to make this claim with anything they disagree with.
"Fascism" is just the latest in a long line of trendy, meaningless buzzwords that get pulled out and tossed at a political opponent, hoping it will be horrendous enough that the person will just shut up. "Racist", "bigot", "homophobe", "xenophobe", "transphobe", all these have quickly lost any power through continual overuse, and "fascist" is right on their heels. In short, nothing fascist here at all, just a democrat desperately hoping to sound relevant.
AOC should be kicked to the curb and not even be graced with threads or articles acknowledging any importance. I think it's already happening to an extent.
In the process of putting those ads in the Super Bowl, that group got more people talking about Jesus and caring for society's outcasts than they would have by putting the money into programs for the poor. Do you think AOC would have said one word about them had they done that? Not a chance. She wouldn't even have been aware of them, and neither would you. Now, here we are, talking about what Jesus would want. I think that's a positive thing.

To note, it was a commercial welcoming those who come here.
In the process of putting those ads in the Super Bowl, that group got more people talking about Jesus and caring for society's outcasts than they would have by putting the money into programs for the poor. Do you think AOC would have said one word about them had they done that? Not a chance. She wouldn't even have been aware of them, and neither would you. Now, here we are, talking about what Jesus would want. I think that's a positive thing.

I've been talking about "what Jesus would want" since Trump started blocking refugees from entering the USA and separating parents and children. Where have Y0U been????

How is "getting people talking" about Jesus helping those people? People were too busy counting white people in the ads.
So looks like God condones killing innocent children
He needs to lead by example

"Fascism" is just the latest in a long line of trendy, meaningless buzzwords that get pulled out and tossed at a political opponent, hoping it will be horrendous enough that the person will just shut up. "Racist", "bigot", "homophobe", "xenophobe", "transphobe", all these have quickly lost any power through continual overuse, and "fascist" is right on their heels. In short, nothing fascist here at all, just a democrat desperately hoping to sound relevant.

Leftists love word saiad
The Christian group He Gets Us reportedly spent $20 million on two Super Bowl advertisements that showed Jesus as someone with empathy for immigrants and the poor, who was also tired of the division of politics.

"Something tells me Jesus would *not* spend millions of dollars on Super Bowl ads to make fascism look benign."
- Ocasio-Cortez

1. AOC must not have a tv remote, must not know how to use it, or must not know how to change the channel on her tv without one.

2. How miserable and filled with anger / hate do you have to be to send out a Tweet to whine about those commercials!? Good grief.

3. This is an example of why I have never been on Twitter, never 'followed' anyone on Twitter - I could care less about every random though / opinion idiots have, who think theirs is so important they have to share it with the whole world.
AOC appeals to people with hatred in their hearts.
"Fascism" is just the latest in a long line of trendy, meaningless buzzwords that get pulled out and tossed at a political opponent, hoping it will be horrendous enough that the person will just shut up. "Racist", "bigot", "homophobe", "xenophobe", "transphobe", all these have quickly lost any power through continual overuse, and "fascist" is right on their heels. In short, nothing fascist here at all, just a democrat desperately hoping to sound relevant.
Like "woke", "communism", "socialism", "groomer" are on the right.

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