AOC Sends Out 'Mean Tweet' Over 'Jesus' Super Bowl Ads - SHE Doesn't Get Us

Why did you wait that long to talk about what He would want? It sounds like you're pretending the US government was following His commands up until TRUMP!. I didn't realize that we had a theocracy.

I didn't wait that long but I brought it up in the separation of families thread because of the number of purportedly Christian posters here who cheered this as a "good idea".

Then there's that supposed Christian, The 0riginal Tree who condemns everyone on left to eternal damnation in the Politics Forum and then discusses his favourite porn sites in General Discussions. He never quotes scripture and seems unaware of the passage "Judge not lest you be judged". Or "Do not bear false witness".

So excuse me if I find claims of "Christianity" by many of the right wing posters in this forum to be more than a little suspect.
The Christian group He Gets Us reportedly spent $20 million on two Super Bowl advertisements that showed Jesus as someone with empathy for immigrants and the poor, who was also tired of the division of politics.

"Something tells me Jesus would *not* spend millions of dollars on Super Bowl ads to make fascism look benign."
- Ocasio-Cortez

1. AOC must not have a tv remote, must not know how to use it, or must not know how to change the channel on her tv without one.

2. How miserable and filled with anger / hate do you have to be to send out a Tweet to whine about those commercials!? Good grief.

3. This is an example of why I have never been on Twitter, never 'followed' anyone on Twitter - I could care less about every random though / opinion idiots have, who think theirs is so important they have to share it with the whole world.
Typical leftist BS. Spend 20 million to promote wokism, while trying to claim you are for the poor and that we should make the rich pay to help the poor. I wonder how many poor could have been helped with that extra 20 million wokies had just laying around. How much more do they have laying around?
Lord... Fox is running this as a leading story.
Really? A leading story?
AOC' hatred is epic.

It used to be ok to run 'Mean Tweet' stories as leads when he who shall not be named was President, though...

AOC' hatred is epic.

It used to be ok to run 'Mean Tweet' stories as leads when he who shall not be named was President, though...


Why is that something to be celebrated, Sleazy??? With every post, you expose yourself for the lying, divisive piece of shit you've always been.
I didn't wait that long but I brought it up in the separation of families thread because of the number of purportedly Christian posters here who cheered this as a "good idea".

Then there's that supposed Christian, The 0riginal Tree who condemns everyone on left to eternal damnation in the Politics Forum and then discusses his favourite porn sites in General Discussions. He never quotes scripture and seems unaware of the passage "Judge not lest you be judged". Or "Do not bear false witness".

So excuse me if I find claims of "Christianity" by many of the right wing posters in this forum to be more than a little suspect.
Wait, so you're okay judging people, but others can't? Seems a little convenient if you ask me.
What used to be normal is that women bled out and died after botched illegal abortions. 1/3 of all pregnancies end in a miscarriage. God gave women a choice and free will. Republicans are going against women's God given rights.
You know Dragonlady... exaggerations are ALL YOU do! How do you like that exaggeration?
Now for the facts from people that know FAR FAR more than you do and THAT is no exaggeration!

"Miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week.
About 10 to 20 percent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. (NOTE: NOT THE 33% you claimed Dragonlady... EXAGGERATION!)
The ad played right after the national anthem was a drug ad for menopausal women with hotflashes.


Who ends up paying for the advertising expenses?

AOC and her Klan are deranged. All the problems to address and she whines about a little ad for Jesus. These creatures are truly sick.
Semantics is a loser's game.
Completely false.

True. Calling an embryo or a fetus a baby is a game the Anti-women rights to choose play
Completely false.

True. Calling an embryo or a fetus a baby is a game the Anti-women rights to choose play
So you are God and you know the moment that life begins? Only a reprobate would think that.
She is a social media diva it’s what she does for most of us this stuff from her is neither surprising or shocking anymore. It seems like more and more people are waking up to her little online performances and seeing them for what they are just silly stunts.

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