AOC Sends Out 'Mean Tweet' Over 'Jesus' Super Bowl Ads - SHE Doesn't Get Us

Republicans and the right wing media won't allow it. They have no platform and no plans for the nation. All they have to sell is anger, hatred and fear. ,
Without the massive fiat currency printing the last two years we would have seen what the progressive Socialist Communists plan have done. And the working-class peasants and retirees paid the price with the inflation tax. Old Joe and his lies to the peasants. And the 87 thousand IRS people are coming online to tale more from them. What an evil cretin he is. 50 years of old slow Joe. Joe is of the Village.
Completely false.

True. Calling an embryo or a fetus a baby is a game the Anti-women rights to choose play
Semantics is a loser's game.
That’s a retarded take. But then again, YOU did post it, mockupied.
Claiming to be christian carries with it the expectation that the self-professed adhere to the words of Jesus. If someone who hammers you on Jesus is a mean-ass, stingy or dishonest you have every right to call them on it. Keep Jesus to yourself and just be a moral person and you will never hear a complaint.
The Christian group He Gets Us reportedly spent $20 million on two Super Bowl advertisements that showed Jesus as someone with empathy for immigrants and the poor, who was also tired of the division of politics.

"Something tells me Jesus would *not* spend millions of dollars on Super Bowl ads to make fascism look benign."
- Ocasio-Cortez

1. AOC must not have a tv remote, must not know how to use it, or must not know how to change the channel on her tv without one.

2. How miserable and filled with anger / hate do you have to be to send out a Tweet to whine about those commercials!? Good grief.

3. This is an example of why I have never been on Twitter, never 'followed' anyone on Twitter - I could care less about every random though / opinion idiots have, who think theirs is so important they have to share it with the whole world.

It's mostly #2 with AOC. She's an angry and basically unhappy individual with deep rooted personal issues.
Claiming to be christian carries with it the expectation that the self-professed adhere to the words of Jesus. If someone who hammers you on Jesus is a mean-ass, stingy or dishonest you have every right to call them on it. Keep Jesus to yourself and just be a moral person and you will never hear a complaint.
That's pretty much what the religious leaders told Jesus to do, "shut up". When He refused, they murdered Him. Go to hell.
So you are God and you know the moment that life begins? Only a reprobate would think that.
from developing is not killing
is it?
That's pretty much what the religious leaders told Jesus to do, "shut up". When He refused, they murdered Him. Go to hell.
No one is telling you to shut up. Just quit acting like everything is an attack on your faith. If you want to control the secular world you have to have a better argument than just putting words in Jesus' mouth.
No one is telling you to shut up. Just quit acting like everything is an attack on your faith. If you want to control the secular world you have to have a better argument than just putting words in Jesus' mouth.
Who in the hell do you think you are? No one's trying to control you. You're the assholes that punish Christians who refuse to submit. Mind your own damn business.
Me too, they were just showing all of us that we need to put our differences, our hate and our prejudices aside, not sure how anyone could think that imitating those attributes are bad.
Yeah I agree, kind of hard to find fault in the messaging of the ads
Who in the hell do you think you are? No one's trying to control you. You're the assholes that punish Christians who refuse to submit. Mind your own damn business.
I am a grown up adult that has no wish to live in the PG13 world the Evangelicals would have for all of us. Politics in the name of God is still just politics, I have no duty to treat that shit with the same respect I have for your right to worship as you see fit.
Calling an embryo or a fetus a baby is a game the Anti-women rights to choose play
No one is “anti-women’s rights” you insufferable misandrist simp. You just think women deserve a special privilege to kill innocent human beings, and you think semantics using the most technical denotation are sufficient to argue that point.
I am a grown up adult that has no wish to live in the PG13 world the Evangelicals would have for all of us. Politics in the name of God is still just politics, I have no duty to treat that shit with the same respect I have for your right to worship as you see fit.
Whatever. Are you frightened by your own shadow?
from developing is not killing
is it?
Killing a human being is killing a human being.

Killing you stops you from developing, too, as you obviously haven’t developed your brain or a conscience yet. Not that there is any indication either is likely…
No one is “anti-women’s rights” you insufferable misandrist simp. You just think women deserve a special privilege to kill innocent human beings, and you think semantics using the most technical denotation are sufficient to argue that point.
You guys and your semantics. Yes, words have meanings. Ya'll just want a Blastocyst to mean the same thing as a live healthy baby.
The "worst hypocrites" are the turds on the Left that falsely accuses Patriotic Americans of doing the same kind of destruction that they do on a daily basis. Like saying that 1/6 was an "insurrection but yet they encouraged the real BLM insurrection that lasted six months and did a million times more destruction.

One was protesting the systematic violations of people's rights over decades and the other was a protest because of a poor loser.

Yes, I supported the former and not the latter. (Even though I did support the poor losers right to protest).

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