AOC Sends Out 'Mean Tweet' Over 'Jesus' Super Bowl Ads - SHE Doesn't Get Us

Most probably can't even afford cabal or to stream it........or bread and eggs even for that matter.

The Super Bowl has become a party for the rich folk, mostly democrats, which is why they are so woke in the NFL.

It's on broadcast tv.
The Christian group He Gets Us reportedly spent $20 million on two Super Bowl advertisements that showed Jesus as someone with empathy for immigrants and the poor, who was also tired of the division of politics.

"Something tells me Jesus would *not* spend millions of dollars on Super Bowl ads to make fascism look benign."
- Ocasio-Cortez

1. AOC must not have a tv remote, must not know how to use it, or must not know how to change the channel on her tv without one.

2. How miserable and filled with anger / hate do you have to be to send out a Tweet to whine about those commercials!? Good grief.

3. This is an example of why I have never been on Twitter, never 'followed' anyone on Twitter - I could care less about every random though / opinion idiots have, who think theirs is so important they have to share it with the whole world.
Yes, that was a strange twitter she made. Fascism?
I watched the ads online and at worst they seemed harmless.
Claiming to be christian carries with it the expectation that the self-professed adhere to the words of Jesus. If someone who hammers you on Jesus is a mean-ass, stingy or dishonest you have every right to call them on it. Keep Jesus to yourself and just be a moral person and you will never hear a complaint.
As I noted. You’re retarded.
Is a Blastocyst a living being? Imo a living being is a viable fetus and the state has a right to intervene.
Viability doesn't happen until a child is old enough to move on his own and feed himself. IOW, at least 4 or 5 years old. Before then, he dies if left alone. A fetus is never viable.
from developing is not killing
is it?
life begins at conception
You guys and your semantics.
You’re the one fussing about “baby.”

Your fussing completely neglects how often mothers call their unborn kids babies, to the extent that the denotative meaning includes such a definition… and has included that definition since before any of us were born.

Ya'll just want a Blastocyst to mean the same thing as a live healthy baby.

Oh, fun, more retardation where you pretend a human being in the blastocyst stage of life isn’t alive.
I've been talking about "what Jesus would want" since Trump started blocking refugees from entering the USA and separating parents and children. Where have Y0U been????

How is "getting people talking" about Jesus helping those people? People were too busy counting white people in the ads.
I didn't see any color, just people hating each other for no reason. Whether we believe Jesus existed or not, we all need to work on practicing what he preached, I don't see either party practicing anything other than division.
You’re the one fussing about “baby.”

Your fussing completely neglects how often mothers call their unborn kids babies, to the extent that the denotative meaning includes such a definition… and has included that definition since before any of us were born.

Oh, fun, more retardation where you pretend a human being in the blastocyst stage of life isn’t alive.

Your side is the one insisting on calling me a baby killer for my support of a woman's right to chose to end a pregnancy. Babies are born. Killing them is a homicide. Yes, parents who are excited about a new baby entering their world consider the bun in the oven their baby at all stages of development. So what? That doesn't change the fact that a single cell, a fertilized egg is alive and is human but simple doesn't have the components to have a state of being.

Sure we were all Blastocyst at one point in our lives but not all Blastocysts live do they?
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Your side is the one insisting on calling me a baby killer for my support of a woman's right to chose to end a pregnancy. Babies are born. Kill them is a homicide Yes, parents who are excited about a new baby entering their world consider the bun in the oven their baby at all stages of development. So what? That doesn't change the fact that a single cell, a fertilized egg is alive and is human but simple doesn't have the components to have a state of being.

Sure we were all Blastocyst at one point in our lives but not all Blastocysts live do they?

Generally speaking, abortions do not occur when there is only a fertilized egg.
Viability doesn't happen until a child is old enough to move on his own and feed himself.
Contrary to known reality. Viability has nothing to do with ordinary care. It is when the infant can take nurishment, pee, poop and grow. Ignoring a babies needs is child neglect.
Leave a newborn baby in a ditch. How long before he/she dies? Just like a person paralyzed from the neck down, they need constant care and cannot live on their own. Yet you get charged with murder if you go into a paralyzed person's home and cut them to pieces with a saw. Viability is not a good standard.
Contrary to known reality. Viability has nothing to do with ordinary care. It is when the infant can take nurishment, pee, poop and grow. Ignoring a babies needs is child neglect.
A pre-born infant takes nourishment, pees, poops and grows. Yet you say he/she is not viable while you say a totally helpless newborn is viable, though he/she dies in a few hours if left alone.

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