AOC Sends Out 'Mean Tweet' Over 'Jesus' Super Bowl Ads - SHE Doesn't Get Us

Is that your projection? Having a baby factory make women inferior?

Typical of most Neo-GOP guys I suppose.

That and the Incels. You one of them?
not gonna play your shell game woman hater. You're like the little rascals where they were the women haters club!!!! You can't wait to show them up!!!1

We get it. You support baby killers. ain't you special?
That is an act of God or nature whichever you prefer. We do not have the right to take innocent life aka murder.
As an act of nature we(well women not me) have the right to stop a fertilized egg from attaching to her womb and to halt the growing of a new life. A woman has/had the right to shut down her baby factory before the fetus become viable.
not gonna play your shell game woman hater. You're like the little rascals where they were the women haters club!!!! You can't wait to show them up!!!1

We get it. You support baby killers. ain't you special?
I see how you got where you are. Did you hate women all your life or did their rejection force your hand?
I see how you got where you are. Did you hate women all your life or did their rejection force your hand?
still rooting for the man to beat the women are you? Proud of those baby killers, eh?
Objectively false. Learn to type English sentences and learn scientific terminology before using it incorrectly in sentences.

Objectively false. No such right existed. Read the Constitution.

Too bad, because it is true.

Objectively false. Humans are killed you ignorant bigoted fuck.

Yes, you are a moron.

Egg cells and sperm cells are gone post-fertilization. Calling human beings “eggs” is utter retardation.

Completely true x 2.

Nope killing kids is homicide. Abortion is not homicide.

Calling a blastocyst a human being again?

But feel free to play the ass again with your words and definitions. Pretty ironic. You make me laugh. So thanks for that.
still rooting for the man to beat the women are you? Proud of those baby killers, eh?
So it was the rejection. I hear ya. Hey nice girls just don't like some guys, and some guys just don't like nice girls......
So it was the rejection. I hear ya. Hey nice girls just don't like some guys, and some guys just don't like nice girls......
and women haters enter men into the women's competition to beat them like the sluts they are, right?
The Christian group He Gets Us reportedly spent $20 million on two Super Bowl advertisements that showed Jesus as someone with empathy for immigrants and the poor, who was also tired of the division of politics.

"Something tells me Jesus would *not* spend millions of dollars on Super Bowl ads to make fascism look benign."
- Ocasio-Cortez

1. AOC must not have a tv remote, must not know how to use it, or must not know how to change the channel on her tv without one.

2. How miserable and filled with anger / hate do you have to be to send out a Tweet to whine about those commercials!? Good grief.

3. This is an example of why I have never been on Twitter, never 'followed' anyone on Twitter - I could care less about every random though / opinion idiots have, who think theirs is so important they have to share it with the whole world.
Did the ad have Jesus sympathizing w/ ILLEGALS???

That would make a difference in how I myself view this story. But I totally agree w/ your comments on AOC. She shows how ignorant and uneducated she is by misusing the word Fascist.. Moron alert..
I see how you got where you are. Did you hate women all your life or did their rejection force your hand?
Our system if disintegrating with the social justice excesses, we have approved of. The government payouts are supplanting the private side more and more to keep people afloat. More taxes are needed for the government to give to others. And they are going to take it from the peasants.
Who gives a fuck what that bartender thinks. A bartender that was fired for stealing her co-worker's tips.

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wow... amazing

Most everyday people know about the 2nd Amendment but a Congress person does not?!!

just OMG

but hey... shrug... it's New York...

Trump is from there but there are exceptions to any general rule
Does anything the DNC think and believe run contrary to the teachings of Jesus?

Just curious.

Or is the DNC the embodiment of God on earth in your opinion?

simpler to ask Does anything the DNC think/believe NOT run contrary to Jesus?
Our system if disintegrating with the social justice excesses, we have approved of. The government payouts are supplanting the private side more and more to keep people afloat. More taxes are needed for the government to give to others. And they are going to take it from the peasants.
The social justice express is an invasion of feeling over fact
Does anything the DNC think and believe run contrary to the teachings of Jesus?

Just curious.

Or is the DNC the embodiment of God on earth in your opinion?
they exist with the devil. we know.
The only Jesus the Left will allow is a Jesus that bows his knee to the ideology of the Democrat party.

The only way "Christians" can function is the democrat party, like Warnock and Biden and Pelosi, is for them to do the same.

Their god is the DNC.
Jesus must have his own printing press.
When he lived he was pretty much penniless his whole life.
Now he has 20 million for advertising.
Can you say IRS?

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