AOC Sends Out 'Mean Tweet' Over 'Jesus' Super Bowl Ads - SHE Doesn't Get Us

Woke isn't a fake term. And you cared enough to try to mangle a concept of Christianity to make your point.

Yes, because organized Atheism like Communism has such a great record with regards to human rights in general.....
I want to know what their charities are?
Commies hate God and Christianity. What else is new? She just happens to be a very vocal hater who unfortunately has a platform to broadcast her foolish opinions.
Jesus must have his own printing press.
When he lived he was pretty much penniless his whole life.
Now he has 20 million for advertising.
Can you say IRS?
why shouldn't Christians have a big say in how the culture is shaped?

I guess you'd like to shut us all up already...
In the process of putting those ads in the Super Bowl, that group got more people talking about Jesus and caring for society's outcasts than they would have by putting the money into programs for the poor. Do you think AOC would have said one word about them had they done that? Not a chance. She wouldn't even have been aware of them, and neither would you. Now, here we are, talking about what Jesus would want. I think that's a positive thing.
they watch a football game where the players thank their lord and savior jesus christ and these boobs complain that jesus watches. go figure.
Super bowl ads???? Why not put the $20 million into programs for the poor? Because Jesus refused to have ANYTHING to do with politics and he was critical of the rabbis who were involved with politics. My Kingdom is not of this world.

Jesus said to be his follower you need to give all you own to the poor. These people bought SuperBowl ads when the $20 million would have been better spent on the refugees and the poor people these ads were telling other people to help.
Jesus did not say that you needed to give all you own to the poor. He said that you needed to be willing to give all you own to the poor.
Commies hate God and Christianity. What else is new? She just happens to be a very vocal hater who unfortunately has a platform to broadcast her foolish opinions.
The Neo-GOP hate what Jesus stands for.
And Heaven forbid what Republicans will do if you give birth to a gay child...
No one is born gay. It was a choice they made. They believe that they were born that way but they are wrong. God does not call anything a sin anything that people cannot control. Romans Chapter 1 makes it clear that God recognizes homosexuality to be a sin.
Completely true x 2.
When I say “objectively false,” I mean that your words are not even possibly valid as your opinion, as you have stated error at odds with firmly established scientific fact in reality on Earth.

So when you deny that a Homo sapiens is a Homo sapiens, or deny that a living organism is alive, you are not entitled to have that insanity on your part recognized as something coherent, and one cannot agree to disagree, you’re just batshit loco.

Nope killing kids is homicide. Abortion is not homicide.
Abortion is killing kids…

… but this hardly matters, since more important than their age category, the relatively generic term homicide doesn’t care about the age of the human, abortion is the intentional and aggressive killing of a human being. Every killing of a human being is a “homicide,” down to the Latin roots. There are more specific forms of homicide, fratricide, matricide, filicide, etc. And of course, abortion is also that - filicide, the killing of one’s own son or daughter.

Hom- referring to humans since antiquity
-cide - Latin, to cut or kill, from cadere
Calling a blastocyst a human being again?
Human beings in the blastocyst stage of life are obviously humans beings just as much as human beings in any other stage of life are.

They’re younger than you, but not somehow a different species, imbecile, as that would be impossible. They do however display more maturity and intelligence than you do.
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It is valid to ask that if those who support the killing of adults based on your fear at that moment, do they then support the termination of the not yet born ?
When I say “objectively false,” I mean that your words are not even possibly valid as your opinion, as you have stated error at odds with firmly established scientific fact in reality on Earth.
Objectively false. We cannot and thus do not change species mid-lifespan, we are humans throughout.

You're objectively mistaken. Many blastocyst do not become human beings because they don't implant in the womb and then they simply die, not because they magically transform into another species........
You're objectively mistaken. Many blastocyst do not become human beings
It would be literally impossible for a human being to BECOME a human being, you fucking retard. That’s how English works…

How many times do you need this explained to you?

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