AOC takes down the GOPs inflation talking points in 3 mins

AOC tears down the GOP talking points on inflation. It’s not monetary policy it’s specific industries with specific causes and the answer is improved infrastructure. Get on board boys she’s on a roll.

  • Joel Naroff, chief economist at Naroff Economics LLC: “We’re in a transitional phase right now. We are transitioning to a higher period of inflation and interest rates than we’ve had over the last 20 years.”
  • Diane Swonk, chief economist at Grant Thornton: “Inflation is expected to surge longer and longer—longer than the Fed previously thought. The Fed is now likely to raise rates in the first half of 2023, although some Fed presidents will be nipping at the bit to move sooner.”
  • Kevin Swift, chief economist at the American Chemistry Council: “The danger is that monetary authorities are behind the curve. I’m not saying hyperinflation is around the corner, just that a lot of things have come together in the last year, and the overall trend of costs across the board is growing faster than in the last five or 10 years.”
  • Swift noted the havoc that inflation is having on the construction industry, saying: “It’s disruptive—you can’t be sure of what your costs are, whether you can get supplies or what the costs will be six months from now. I’d hate to be in the construction business trying to bid on a job when you don’t know what the cost of steel will be 18 months from now.”
  • Joel Naroff, chief economist at Naroff Economics LLC: “We’re in a transitional phase right now. We are transitioning to a higher period of inflation and interest rates than we’ve had over the last 20 years.”
  • Diane Swonk, chief economist at Grant Thornton: “Inflation is expected to surge longer and longer—longer than the Fed previously thought. The Fed is now likely to raise rates in the first half of 2023, although some Fed presidents will be nipping at the bit to move sooner.”
  • Kevin Swift, chief economist at the American Chemistry Council: “The danger is that monetary authorities are behind the curve. I’m not saying hyperinflation is around the corner, just that a lot of things have come together in the last year, and the overall trend of costs across the board is growing faster than in the last five or 10 years.”
  • Swift noted the havoc that inflation is having on the construction industry, saying: “It’s disruptive—you can’t be sure of what your costs are, whether you can get supplies or what the costs will be six months from now. I’d hate to be in the construction business trying to bid on a job when you don’t know what the cost of steel will be 18 months from now.”
Transitional my ass....when have you ever seen corporations lower the cost of their goods and services?....this inflation is here to stay until we undo everything Biden has done....PERIOD.....
She graduated at the top of her class
Something Trump can’t claim
AOC's classroom....

I am also in that business, its not the materials themselves as it is tied to drivers and logistics, we fixed ours redistributing drivers to rented trucks to keep our materials flowing
Also an issue. Agree. But copper, pvc, all kinds of raw materials are an issue as well.
Right or wrong she seems more articulate than the president. God only knows that Biden couldn't handle an argument like this. Maybe AOC is running the show.
I’m not saying hyperinflation is around the corner, just that a lot of things have come together in the last year, and the overall trend of costs across the board is growing faster than in the last five or 10 years.”
Right in your quote dude.

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