AOC, The Green New Deal, and WWII


Feb 3, 2019
AOC likes to cite the efforts and sacrifices our citizens made during WWII as evidence her "Green New Deal" is possible. I take gross exception to this ridiculous claim.

Winning WWII required a massive expenditure of resources, but they were resources that we, for the most part, already possessed. Here's what happened:
  1. Existing manufacturing plants were converted to produce the machinery and munitions of war. These industries used known methods to upscale these plants for increased production.
  2. Mining and refining of locally available raw materials was increased to feed these factories.
  3. Agriculture was upscaled in a similar fashion.
  4. Labor was plentiful (Rosie the Riveter!).
  5. Citizens had considerable monetary resources available in the form of their own savings, and they bought War Bonds to help finance the operation.
  6. Though improvements in technology were made throughout the War, no single technology was completely and utterly replaced. Refinements and improvements were the norm.

Now let's contrast this to the "Green New Deal":
  1. All manufacturing entities must have their sources of power completely replaced with as-yet uninvented technology.
  2. Aside from oil (banned under the GND), the USA now has no significant source of raw materials.
  3. All existing transportation must be replaced by as-yet uninvented technology.
  4. Labor probably wouldn't be a problem, as millions would be unemployed by the requirements of the GND. But what if they are "unwilling to work"?
  5. Citizens have no significant savings, and couldn't contribute to the cause. No, you can't "tax" the billionaires - they'll just leave.
WWII drew on existing resources and technology to achieve a common goal. We didn't "reinvent the wheel", we built more and better wheels - and we did this because it was necessary. We were united toward a common, obvious goal, one that had to be achieved to maintain our very freedom.

As you can see, no valid contrast can be made between WWII and the GND. Comparing the dedication of US Citizens in WWII to the "Just Do It" philosophy of AOC is like comparing "Make America Great Again" to "Here, hold my beer".
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I guess the lack of response to this thread confirms AOC's utter lack of supporters. That's kinda what I thought.
I personally think the whole global warming scam is EVIL.

I personally think it's a Demonic Lie that is being told in preparation for The End Times as foretold in prophecy.

There are a lot of Judgments that are going to come down upon the wicked inhabitants of The Earth, and I believe instead of these judgments being attributed to God, they will be attributed to Global Warming.


WHEN NIGHTMARES COME TRUE: The Trumpet Judgments of Revelation 8 and 9
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Maybe Donkey Chompers should re-name it, "The Green Nude Eel"

Only simpletons see the world as good versus evil, black versus white. Reality is more complicated than that.

Be ye hot or cold.

You are either Evil or Good. There is no in between. It's what is at your core. Deep in your spirit that determines your spiritual alignment.

I am highly educated and definitely no simpleton. There is Good, and there is Evil in The World.

One of The Greatest Evils is Lying and Deception.
Only simpletons see the world as good versus evil, black versus white. Reality is more complicated than that.

No it isn't moron.

The winners are always the good guys and the losers are the bad guys.

The winners write the history books.

GND is nothing more than a vehicle to redistribute the wealth of this country.
It's a not so new plan that socialists and communists have been crying about for decades.

Who would be in charge of all the redistributing?

Who would be in charge of distributing energy?

Who would be in charge of distributing -- Whatever it is dimocrap FILTH want to confiscate this time around?
Who would be in charge of all the redistributing?

I'm also interested in the status of the US Military under this deal. Do they have the same restrictions? Or does AOC grant them an exemption, since she'll need them to (attempt to) enforce her will?

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