AP Exclusive: Harassment, assault absent in Biden complaint

The title of the OP is also a link to the article! If you click it, it will take you to the original article. From the AP. It’s a link. Click it.

Why won't Biden release the report and notes?
Why? Both Biden and Reade say it contains no allegation of harassment or assault.

Case closed.
I think we need a Senate investigation,....just like the case of Dr Blasey Ford.
She couldn't even remember when or where it happened, but you dipshits insisted on a Senate hearing anyway.
Umh. It was a Senate Confirmation Hearing to begin with.
Why would the senate hold hearings on presidential candidates?
Why don't they is a better question.
If they had done so...Obama never would have been president.
His ties to the Weather Underground alone would have disqualified him.
The fact that his parents and Grandparents were known communists.
Never mind his friends in The Muslim Underground and his admitted drug habit.
We wouldn't be in the fix we're in today if they had done a simple background check on him.

Oh brother.
I know you think this is some kind of joke....but if I had a history like Obama I never would have gotten a TS clearance.
The FBI does background checks on anyone who works on COMSEC in the military....and Obama would have been booted out in a month for his ties to terrorist groups and communist history.

What kind of political party helps elect enemies of the nation on purpose other than a party that has been taken over by our enemies...communists and Islamic terrorists?
The Democrat Party of course.

I do think it is a joke. Most of your claims hinge on conspiracy theory. His so called ties are either fictional or casual acquaintances. Communist? He is a communist? Islamist? That just show showing unhinged portions of the right have become.
The title of the OP is also a link to the article! If you click it, it will take you to the original article. From the AP. It’s a link. Click it.

Why won't Biden release the report and notes?
Why? Both Biden and Reade say it contains no allegation of harassment or assault.

Case closed.
I think we need a Senate investigation,....just like the case of Dr Blasey Ford.
She couldn't even remember when or where it happened, but you dipshits insisted on a Senate hearing anyway.
Umh. It was a Senate Confirmation Hearing to begin with.
Why would the senate hold hearings on presidential candidates?
Why don't they is a better question.
If they had done so...Obama never would have been president.
His ties to the Weather Underground alone would have disqualified him.
The fact that his parents and Grandparents were known communists.
Never mind his friends in The Muslim Underground and his admitted drug habit.
We wouldn't be in the fix we're in today if they had done a simple background check on him.

Oh brother.
I know you think this is some kind of joke....but if I had a history like Obama I never would have gotten a TS clearance.
The FBI does background checks on anyone who works on COMSEC in the military....and Obama would have been booted out in a month for his ties to terrorist groups and communist history.

What kind of political party helps elect enemies of the nation on purpose other than a party that has been taken over by our enemies...communists and Islamic terrorists?
The Democrat Party of course.

I do think it is a joke. Most of your claims hinge on conspiracy theory. His so called ties are either fictional or casual acquaintances. Communist? He is a communist? Islamist? That just show showing unhinged portions of the right have become.
The only reason you think his ties to communism and terrorism is fictional is because he has infiltrated our media....and they spent his presidency covering it up. If anyone was critical of him....they got a visit from lawyers filing injunctions against the company and demanding that they be fired on the spot. How the heck do you expect a senator to walk into the White House and have an army of leftist lawyers ready to sue anyone who dared to tell the truth about him unless the guy has connections? Barry Obama didn't have a pot to piss in only a few years before.....then all of the sudden he's the second-coming of the messiah. He has is records sealed by a court order and his grandparents die off as soon as he becomes president. If he had any skeletons in his closet...he sure got alot of people to seal them off and make them disappear. Even his pastor was paid off to stop mentioning him in public.

But gullible folks on the left don't care if their candidates are snakeoil salesmen, child-molesters, or communists as long as they win and get their leftist judges on the bench.
The title of the OP is also a link to the article! If you click it, it will take you to the original article. From the AP. It’s a link. Click it.

Why won't Biden release the report and notes?
Why? Both Biden and Reade say it contains no allegation of harassment or assault.

Case closed.
I think we need a Senate investigation,....just like the case of Dr Blasey Ford.
She couldn't even remember when or where it happened, but you dipshits insisted on a Senate hearing anyway.
Umh. It was a Senate Confirmation Hearing to begin with.
Why would the senate hold hearings on presidential candidates?
Why don't they is a better question.
If they had done so...Obama never would have been president.
His ties to the Weather Underground alone would have disqualified him.
The fact that his parents and Grandparents were known communists.
Never mind his friends in The Muslim Underground and his admitted drug habit.
We wouldn't be in the fix we're in today if they had done a simple background check on him.

Oh brother.
I know you think this is some kind of joke....but if I had a history like Obama I never would have gotten a TS clearance.
The FBI does background checks on anyone who works on COMSEC in the military....and Obama would have been booted out in a month for his ties to terrorist groups and communist history.

What kind of political party helps elect enemies of the nation on purpose other than a party that has been taken over by our enemies...communists and Islamic terrorists?
The Democrat Party of course.

I do think it is a joke. Most of your claims hinge on conspiracy theory. His so called ties are either fictional or casual acquaintances. Communist? He is a communist? Islamist? That just show showing unhinged portions of the right have become.
The only reason you think his ties to communism and terrorism is fictional is because he has infiltrated our media....and they spent his presidency covering it up. If anyone was critical of him....they got a visit from lawyers filing injunctions against the company and demanding that they be fired on the spot. How the heck do you expect a senator to walk into the White House and have an army of leftist lawyers ready to sue anyone who dared to tell the truth about him unless the guy has connections? Barry Obama didn't have a pot to piss in only a few years before.....then all of the sudden he's the second-coming of the messiah. He has is records sealed by a court order and his grandparents die off as soon as he becomes president. If he had any skeletons in his closet...he sure got alot of people to seal them off and make them disappear. Even his pastor was paid off to stop mentioning him in public.

But gullible folks on the left don't care if their candidates are snakeoil salesmen, child-molesters, or communists as long as they win and get their leftist judges on the bench.
Have you mentioned Reade’s crush on Putin yet?
Breaking Associated Press - AP now says they have identified 2 more people who corroborate that Reade told them about the sexual assault and harassment. One friend, who said they knew Reade in 1993, said she told them about the alleged assault when it happened, according to The AP.

The second friend met Reade more than a decade after the alleged incident and confirmed that Reade had a conversation with them in 2007 or 2008 about allegedly experiencing sexual harassment from Biden while working in his Senate office.

The Biden campaign must be in panic mode at this point.
Why would they be? Trump has proven that a man with sexual assault allegations can be elected.

So, if these allegations prove to be true, Coyote, are you willing to excuse that and vote for him anyway?

I would be careful in making any arguments about morality in the future if that is the case.
I have answered that already. I would vote for the lesser of two evils because Trump, who also has sexual assault allegations on him, is by far worse for our country. I don’t vote on morality but policy.

You vote for failed policy over and over again.
How’s that Obamacare replacement going?

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
What I want to know is did everyone get the link in the OP?

here it is again. #runtellmeister

I believe what she is saying now. It took great courage to come out and challenge someone like Biden. We need a full Kavanaugh level look at Joe's past.
The FBI was stopped from investigating Beer Boy Kavanaugh. Don’t you remember?
The FBI investigated him and found nothing...because of the nature of the complaint.
His accuser didn't check out....but that didn't stop the Senate from making it into a legitimate complaint.
Blasey-Ford was a know drunk and had a reputation as the school bicycle (everybody's had a ride) known to pass out at parties. They have pictures of her doing exactly that.
So she makes a claim that she was assaulted but can't remember when or where.
So how is the FBI supposed to build a case without any leads and no probable-cause?
I believe what she is saying now. It took great courage to come out and challenge someone like Biden. We need a full Kavanaugh level look at Joe's past.
The FBI was stopped from investigating Beer Boy Kavanaugh. Don’t you remember?
The FBI investigated him and found nothing...because of the nature of the complaint.
His accuser didn't check out....but that didn't stop the Senate from making it into a legitimate complaint.
Blasey-Ford was a know drunk and had a reputation as the school bicycle (everybody's had a ride) known to pass out at parties. They have pictures of her doing exactly that.
So she makes a claim that she was assaulted but can't remember when or where.
So how is the FBI supposed to build a case without any leads and no probable-cause?
The leftists dont believe Reade but the believe Kavanaugh spiked the punch because Blazzing Fraud might have seen him standing next to the punch bowl with a red cup.
You cant make this shit up.
The leftists don't believe Reade. It's the democrat leadership that wants Biden gone. His behavior has them panicked. If the DNC can get rid of Biden they might persuade Cuomo.

Pulling stuff out of your ass again? What do you know about what the Democratic leadership wants?
Breaking Associated Press - AP now says they have identified 2 more people who corroborate that Reade told them about the sexual assault and harassment. One friend, who said they knew Reade in 1993, said she told them about the alleged assault when it happened, according to The AP.

The second friend met Reade more than a decade after the alleged incident and confirmed that Reade had a conversation with them in 2007 or 2008 about allegedly experiencing sexual harassment from Biden while working in his Senate office.

The Biden campaign must be in panic mode at this point.
Why would they be? Trump has proven that a man with sexual assault allegations can be elected.

LOL the wheels are coming off. Bernie donors are now calling on Biden to drop out of the race. You people need to stop deflecting to Trump and go deal with the BOMBSHELL in your house.

Where, when? Bernie isn't going to get the nomination even if Joe were to pull out, and that's NOT going to happen, no matter how much you fools want that to happen. Trump, being a self-admitted sexual predator who has been credibly accused by multiple victims of violent rape, can't attack Biden on this issue. Tara Reid's story is ever changing, which is not a good sign for Republicans, and the more she talks, the less credible she seems.

Joe Biden will be the Democratic candidate. Your smear campaign is a non-starter because anything that Biden may or may not have done pales in comparison with the death, destruction and damage of the Trump Presidency.
I believe what she is saying now. It took great courage to come out and challenge someone like Biden. We need a full Kavanaugh level look at Joe's past.
The FBI was stopped from investigating Beer Boy Kavanaugh. Don’t you remember?

I just want the Democrats to treat Biden exactly the same as they treated Kavanaugh. If he goes on to win the Presidency, so be it. But, they should believe Reade the same as Ford.
The title of the OP is also a link to the article! If you click it, it will take you to the original article. From the AP. It’s a link. Click it.

Why won't Biden release the report and notes?
Why? Both Biden and Reade say it contains no allegation of harassment or assault.

Case closed.
I think we need a Senate investigation,....just like the case of Dr Blasey Ford.
She couldn't even remember when or where it happened, but you dipshits insisted on a Senate hearing anyway.
Umh. It was a Senate Confirmation Hearing to begin with.
Why would the senate hold hearings on presidential candidates?
Why don't they is a better question.
If they had done so...Obama never would have been president.
His ties to the Weather Underground alone would have disqualified him.
The fact that his parents and Grandparents were known communists.
Never mind his friends in The Muslim Underground and his admitted drug habit.
We wouldn't be in the fix we're in today if they had done a simple background check on him.

Oh brother.
I know you think this is some kind of joke....but if I had a history like Obama I never would have gotten a TS clearance.
The FBI does background checks on anyone who works on COMSEC in the military....and Obama would have been booted out in a month for his ties to terrorist groups and communist history.

What kind of political party helps elect enemies of the nation on purpose other than a party that has been taken over by our enemies...communists and Islamic terrorists?
The Democrat Party of course.

Trump would have never gotten a security clearance because of vast amounts of debt to Saudi interests and Russians - just like the rest of his criminal family.
What I want to know is did everyone get the link in the OP?

here it is again. #runtellmeister

Unlike you...I read past the title and absorbed the contents of the article.
It clearly stated that she didn't file a sexual-harassment claim because she feared retaliation.
Course anyone in government who has attended the annual SHARP training knows exactly what happened regardless how she described it in the complaint.
She said she reported the assault and it went nowhere.
Last edited:
Now that Biden agrees to search for evidence of tara's sexual assault complaint, she does a full turn around and claims there is not anything mentioning an assault, this is not surprising at all, there is a large amount of inconsistencies and changes to her story...

Sat, May 02, 2020

If you read past the silly title it says that she filed a complaint but was too scared to list sexual assault.....but she did claim he sexually harass her....so the title is misleading at best...if not an outright lie.

You see....it helps when you read the article instead of just reading the headlines. Clearly the author is trying to make a false implication that she wasn't harassed or assaulted in any way.

"Reade conceded to the AP Friday that even if any record of her official complaint does surface, it "would not corroborate her assault allegations because she chose not to detail them at the time."

"I remember talking about him wanting me to serve drinks because he liked my legs and thought I was pretty and it made me uncomfortable," Reade earlier told the AP of her having filed a limited report with a congressional personnel office.

The former staffer said she does not have a copy of the Senate report, and Biden has insisted he's not aware that any complaint exists against him.

"I know that I was too scared to write about the sexual assault," Reade told the AP Friday, insisting that she did file an "intake form" at the Senate personnel office. She said the supposed documentation would include her contact information and general complaints against Biden, but nothing specifically about sexual assault or harassment."

Sounds more and more like Ford had a case against Kav.
What I want to know is did everyone get the link in the OP?

here it is again. #runtellmeister

AP Exclusive: Harassment, assault absent in Biden complaint
View attachment 330973


^^^^^ That’s the link ^^^^^^

Tara Reade, the former Senate staffer who alleges Joe Biden sexually assaulted her 27 years ago, says she filed a limited report with a congressional personnel office that did not explicitly accuse him of sexual assault or harassment.

“I remember talking about him wanting me to serve drinks because he liked my legs and thought I was pretty and it made me uncomfortable,” Reade said in an interview Friday with The Associated Press. “I know that I was too scared to write about the sexual assault.”


Believe All Women!

Why is Biden sitting on the report?
Plus Biden has not proven himself to be innocent, which is the new gold standard of guilt thanks to the Left.

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