Russian Agent and Biden sexual assault accuser… defects to Russia

Bullshit, you stole those like everything else Rethugikkkons do!
Yes, you consider everything as owned by the government hence even the crayons I find to eat are not mine.

You being a marxist democrat have declared me guilty simply for who in your bigoted mind percieve me to be.

Today's marxist democratic party declares people guilty before a crime happens or a trial.

It is how Aldo Raine naturally, thinks
Yes, you consider everything as owned by the government hence even the crayons I find to eat are not mine.

You being a marxist democrat have declared me guilty simply for who in your bigoted mind percieve me to be.

Today's marxist democratic party declares people guilty before a crime happens or a trial.

It is how Aldo Raine naturally, thinks

No you are guilty because you are stealing crayons from other people or establishments. I would say you should be ashamed but you are a Rethugikkkon therefore you have none!
No you are guilty because you are stealing crayons from other people or establishments. I would say you should be ashamed but you are a Rethugikkkon therefore you have none!
Like I said, accusations and declaring people guilty before a crime is even committed.

This is a good example how the leftist democrstic party has always thought throughout history. In the past it was african americans who got this treatment from democrats, now it is republicans.

History sadly repeats, with the democratic party becoming stalinists
I’m still waiting for actual evidence that Ms. Reads is a Russian “agent.”
Like I said, accusations and declaring people guilty before a crime is even committed.

This is a good example how the leftist democrstic party has always thought throughout history. In the past it was african americans who got this treatment from democrats, now it is republicans.

History sadly repeats, with the democratic party becoming stalinists

Says someone that believes in "stolen election" and wants his God/King installed for life!
Most Trump supporters on this forum are Russia sympathizers.
I am not a Russian sympathizer but I don’t want to see an all out nuclear war start in Europe. I wish we had a real President rather than a puppet. I really don’t know who is pulling Biden’s strings and whoever it is, I don’t trust them.

This is the worst possible time to have a President in the early or mid stages of dementia running foreign policy.

Joe has to carry notes around with him telling him where to sit, what to say and how to exit.

Sez the clown that has slinger insults the whole time as well and believes in "stolen election."
Says the hypocrite and liar, you been insulting and trolling since you first jumped in to attack

You have lied about and twisted my comments,

Take away your trolling, flaming, and insults and what is left? A pile of bullshit.

There is no place in this world for the democratic party, over and over you show the hate that is and aplways has been the democratic party.

Yes, the democratic party hid their white robes with the pointed hoods but you assholes cant hide your irrational hate.
Says the hypocrite and liar, you been insulting and trolling since you first jumped in to attack

You have lied about and twisted my comments,

Take away your trolling, flaming, and insults and what is left? A pile of bullshit.

There is no place in this world for the democratic party, over and over you show the hate that is and aplways has been the democratic party.

Yes, the democratic party hid their white robes with the pointed hoods but you assholes cant hide your irrational hate.

You are correct, you are a pile of shit and are being treated as such. Act accordingly 😌.

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