AP Source: Census Worker hanged with 'fed' on body

Then anytime any maniac commits a crime, people look to link it to the now expected 'spike in violence.'

Now I've seen a bunch of BS rationalizations on this thread. And they lead to this.

This is not an example of "any maniac", this is a specific example of a "maniac" behaving in a specific manner that is very LIKELY spurned on by irresponsible propaganda from the media.

In this case it was a murderer who killed a Census worker because of their job, when Michelle Bachmann and several talking heads had recently been talking about the supposed "evils" of Census workers, specifically, all over the media in the very recent past.

Your expansion of this particular incident to include every crime under some blanket of left-wing paranoia is hyperbolic, unappreciated, and a direct attempt at excusing the motivations of possible future crimes of this nature. :eusa_liar:
The more I think about what people in this thread have done, the more it worries me.

First, the current ruling junta in Washington floats the idea that dissent from its opposition will be 'violent.'

Next, it has its security aparatis look into it, and confirm that 'it is possible.'

Then anytime any maniac commits a crime, people look to link it to the now expected 'spike in violence.'

The logical end to this cycle is, the ruling Junta will 'clamp down' on dissent 'for the public good' and be cheered for doing it by it's supporters, who will not realize they are scarificing their rights.

In the end you will have draconian laws against dissent, no free press (which in this case includes the net) and perpetual 'one party rule' again 'for your own good.'

It should scare the hell out of you, a lot of you are making it happen.
:thup: Yes. Absolutely.

Dismissing the influence of the media in this case out of hand, and saying that people who suspect there might indeed be a link are just crazy and paranoid, and think the same about every crime, is just as bad as saying the crime in question is definitely a result of right-wing hate speech.
The more I think about what people in this thread have done, the more it worries me.

First, the current ruling junta in Washington floats the idea that dissent from its opposition will be 'violent.'

Next, it has its security aparatis look into it, and confirm that 'it is possible.'

Then anytime any maniac commits a crime, people look to link it to the now expected 'spike in violence.'

The logical end to this cycle is, the ruling Junta will 'clamp down' on dissent 'for the public good' and be cheered for doing it by it's supporters, who will not realize they are scarificing their rights.

In the end you will have draconian laws against dissent, no free press (which in this case includes the net) and perpetual 'one party rule' again 'for your own good.'

It should scare the hell out of you, a lot of you are making it happen.
:thup: Yes. Absolutely.

Dismissing the influence of the media in this case out of hand, and saying that people who suspect there might indeed be a link are just crazy and paranoid, and think the same about every crime, is just as bad as saying the crime in question is definitely a result of right-wing hate speech.
^ See this idiot?

He's the prime type of enabler that we all should fear, a moron that will sell your rights of free speech and dissent to the 'state' if you don't follow his political ideals.

He would have made a fine Stasi member.
In this case it was a murderer who killed a Census worker because of their job, when Michelle Bachmann and several talking heads had recently been talking about the supposed "evils" of Census workers, specifically, all over the media in the very recent past.
What's your irrefutable proof of that, Inspector Clouseau?
Its what the party told him happened, ergo he believes it, would the party lie?

You expect much if you expect independent thought from a prime apparatchik like that one.
Just to expand on this, you are creating your own little 'Reichstag fire' that will give the government an excuse to have its own little 'enabling act' to protect you from the boogey man they created for you to fear.

The 'patriot act' on roids so to speak.
Nobody is going to shut down Freedom of the Press.

Not gonna happen, scuttlebutts.

Until the press start receiving "bailouts" Or the FCC diversity CZAR tries to shut down talk radio.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9ffAP5ixhg&feature=related]YouTube - Obama's Czar Mark Lloyd's FCC 'Diversity' Chief - His Take on Free Speech[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovnwzMJf09o]YouTube - FCC Diversity Czar Mark Lloyd discussing plans to shut down conservative media[/ame]

And the crazy man even chimes in about it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LliaYnHnL_Y&feature=youtube_gdata]YouTube - Federal Communications Commission Czar Mark Llyod - American's Are "Dittoheads!"[/ame]
Then anytime any maniac commits a crime, people look to link it to the now expected 'spike in violence.'

Now I've seen a bunch of BS rationalizations on this thread. And they lead to this.

This is not an example of "any maniac", this is a specific example of a "maniac" behaving in a specific manner that is very LIKELY spurned on by irresponsible propaganda from the media.

In this case it was a murderer who killed a Census worker because of their job, when Michelle Bachmann and several talking heads had recently been talking about the supposed "evils" of Census workers, specifically, all over the media in the very recent past.

Your expansion of this particular incident to include every crime under some blanket of left-wing paranoia is hyperbolic, unappreciated, and a direct attempt at excusing the motivations of possible future crimes of this nature. :eusa_liar:
There you go again with equating a coincidence (Bachman/protests) with causation (a crime). That does not make anything 'very likely'.

Yet you said it again???????

And it is exactly this sort of speech from you and others who will continue to reinforce the impression of a stasi.

After the attempted vilification of those protesting drunken-sailor policies, I know the next protest will be even biggger and include protesters protecting their speech.
See this idiot?

He's the prime type of enabler that we all should fear, a moron that will sell your rights of free speech and dissent to the 'state' if you don't follow his political ideals.

He would have made a fine Stasi member.

Making a blanket denial that there are no types of incendiary propaganda is just making excuses for some very bad behavior on the part of some irresponsible right-wing journalists.

"Yelling fire in a theater" is a very real phenomena.

The Nazis used to use propaganda very effectively in just this way.
I'm thinking if this killing shows how the right is "inciting" ppl, then likewise is the recent killing of the student in the lab an example of the leftoid "inciting" ppl. Cuz after all, that killer was a liberal.
In this case it was a murderer who killed a Census worker because of their job, when Michelle Bachmann and several talking heads had recently been talking about the supposed "evils" of Census workers, specifically, all over the media in the very recent past.
What's your irrefutable proof of that, Inspector Clouseau?

It is my opinion. I believe it to be very likely. I have, in this and other posts explained that I have no definite proof that this is not the case, so I will not claim that it is definite that this murder was caused by Bachmann, etc.

But I do think it very likely that the coincidence here is not a coincidence at all.

Laying down a blanket denial, and saying that there's no way that this occurred, and that it's just a matter of some "left-wing paranoia" is just as bad as saying you know it was definitely caused by the media's irresponsibility.
See this idiot?

He's the prime type of enabler that we all should fear, a moron that will sell your rights of free speech and dissent to the 'state' if you don't follow his political ideals.

He would have made a fine Stasi member.

Making a blanket denial that there are no types of incendiary propaganda is just making excuses for some very bad behavior on the part of some irresponsible right-wing journalists.

"Yelling fire in a theater" is a very real phenomena.

The Nazis used to use propaganda very effectively in just this way.

Party headquarters has already supplied him with a cover story to say when called upon.

Not an original thought to be had, same old shit.
There you go again with equating a coincidence (Bachman/protests) with causation (a crime). That does not make anything 'very likely'.

Yet you said it again???????

And it is exactly this sort of speech from you and others who will continue to reinforce the impression of a stasi.

After the attempted vilification of those protesting drunken-sailor policies, I know the next protest will be even biggger and include protesters protecting their speech.

Don't think that just because I apologized for stating that Bachmann's, etc. influence was the culprit in this case doesn't mean that I believe said influence to be HIGHLY LIKELY to have had a hand in this.

And you and your buds are going off the other end of the scale here, chalking it all up to some sort of large-scale paranoia, when you know that the possibility exists.

Shame, shame, shame.
There you go again with equating a coincidence (Bachman/protests) with causation (a crime). That does not make anything 'very likely'.

Yet you said it again???????

And it is exactly this sort of speech from you and others who will continue to reinforce the impression of a stasi.

After the attempted vilification of those protesting drunken-sailor policies, I know the next protest will be even biggger and include protesters protecting their speech.

Don't think that just because I apologized for stating that Bachmann's, etc. influence was the culprit in this case doesn't mean that I believe said influence to be HIGHLY LIKELY to have had a hand in this.

And you and your buds are going off the other end of the scale here, chalking it all up to some sort of large-scale paranoia, when you know that the possibility exists.

Shame, shame, shame.
Not shame, a misunderstanding.

It is good to know that you equate a coincidence as a likely causation to an event.
See this idiot?

He's the prime type of enabler that we all should fear, a moron that will sell your rights of free speech and dissent to the 'state' if you don't follow his political ideals.

He would have made a fine Stasi member.

Making a blanket denial that there are no types of incendiary propaganda is just making excuses for some very bad behavior on the part of some irresponsible right-wing journalists.

"Yelling fire in a theater" is a very real phenomena.

The Nazis used to use propaganda very effectively in just this way.

Party headquarters has already supplied him with a cover story to say when called upon.

Not an original thought to be had, same old shit.

I'm the one who's admitting the possibility that the murder was not caused by said propaganda.

You're the one who's chalking it all up to paranoia.

Are you not even willing to admit that the possibility of this murder being caused by hate-speech from the right even exists?

And if that possibility exists, it should be investigated to prevent future re-occurrence.
There you go again with equating a coincidence (Bachman/protests) with causation (a crime). That does not make anything 'very likely'.

Yet you said it again???????

And it is exactly this sort of speech from you and others who will continue to reinforce the impression of a stasi.

After the attempted vilification of those protesting drunken-sailor policies, I know the next protest will be even biggger and include protesters protecting their speech.

Don't think that just because I apologized for stating that Bachmann's, etc. influence was the culprit in this case doesn't mean that I believe said influence to be HIGHLY LIKELY to have had a hand in this.

And you and your buds are going off the other end of the scale here, chalking it all up to some sort of large-scale paranoia, when you know that the possibility exists.

Shame, shame, shame.
Not shame, a misunderstanding.

It is good to know that you equate a coincidence as a likely causation to an event.
You mean you don't agree that 'incendiary propaganda' was the motivation here?
Just to expand on this, you are creating your own little 'Reichstag fire' that will give the government an excuse to have its own little 'enabling act' to protect you from the boogey man they created for you to fear.

The 'patriot act' on roids so to speak.
Nobody is going to shut down Freedom of the Press.

Not gonna happen, scuttlebutts.

Until the press start receiving "bailouts" Or the FCC diversity CZAR tries to shut down talk radio.

And the crazy man even chimes in about it
Isn't going to happen Chucky.

The information age doesn't come with an off switch.
There you go again with equating a coincidence (Bachman/protests) with causation (a crime). That does not make anything 'very likely'.

Yet you said it again???????

And it is exactly this sort of speech from you and others who will continue to reinforce the impression of a stasi.

After the attempted vilification of those protesting drunken-sailor policies, I know the next protest will be even biggger and include protesters protecting their speech.

Don't think that just because I apologized for stating that Bachmann's, etc. influence was the culprit in this case doesn't mean that I believe said influence to be HIGHLY LIKELY to have had a hand in this.

And you and your buds are going off the other end of the scale here, chalking it all up to some sort of large-scale paranoia, when you know that the possibility exists.

Shame, shame, shame.
Not shame, a misunderstanding.

It is good to know that you equate a coincidence as a likely causation to an event.

My use of the term coincidence is as a description of the situation if there is not a cause and effect.

If there is no connection, the right-wing hate-speech and the murder are a coincidence.

If there is a connection, they are cause and effect.

Or partial cause and effect anyway, as these folks probably didn't like the Government too much to begin with.
Last edited:
I'm thinking if this killing shows how the right is "inciting" ppl, then likewise is the recent killing of the student in the lab an example of the leftoid "inciting" ppl. Cuz after all, that killer was a liberal.

I'm PLYMCO_PILGRIM and I approve this tact ;).

You basically summed up why i thought the first few posts in this thread are UTTER B.S..

You're claim is as ridiculous as theirs.
In this case it was a murderer who killed a Census worker because of their job, when Michelle Bachmann and several talking heads had recently been talking about the supposed "evils" of Census workers, specifically, all over the media in the very recent past.
What's your irrefutable proof of that, Inspector Clouseau?

It is my opinion. I believe it to be very likely. I have, in this and other posts explained that I have no definite proof that this is not the case, so I will not claim that it is definite that this murder was caused by Bachmann, etc.

But I do think it very likely that the coincidence here is not a coincidence at all.

Laying down a blanket denial, and saying that there's no way that this occurred, and that it's just a matter of some "left-wing paranoia" is just as bad as saying you know it was definitely caused by the media's irresponsibility.
IOW, you cannot take of your partisan hack-in-the-box blinders for even a moment to wait until all the facts are in.

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