AP Source: Census Worker hanged with 'fed' on body

Maybe we're looking at this all wrong...

Perhaps the word "FED" is not in reference to his status as a census worker but instead simply a means of indicating that he had already eaten?
Maybe we're looking at this all wrong...

Perhaps the word "FED" is not in reference to his status as a census worker but instead simply a means of indicating that he had already eaten?
Maybe he wanted to write 'fred' and was a bad speller.
Are Libruls still blaming this on Glenn Beck?
or Michelle Bachman
Personally, I find it ridiculous to even go into parsing out the speech of anyone.

Anyone has the right to be as offensive as they want.

ANYONE who takes ANY words they hear on the tube or radio as equivalent to instructions to kill someone is by definition, a nutjob.

The sy is falling, the sky is falling!!!! Folks are opposing the administration. Panic! Try anything! Show desperation when hysterical!

I just hope some will be able to step outside of their tool role for a moment and just be a bit shocked at the lack of any self pride it demonstrates, for a start. It's cringeworthy.
Then why, si modo, are you so touchy when it is pointed out here that you project your issues onto others? Hmmmm. . .?
IOW, you cannot take of your partisan hack-in-the-box blinders for even a moment to wait until all the facts are in.

Umm, but isn't speculation about the murder the point of this thread?

Wouldn't this thread be pretty empty if there was no speculation??

That is a nonsense scenario Barry's justice department cooked up early in his regime as a sweet fallback against dissent.

Chimp tried the exact same thing with us when we protested the war.

If you start playing this game that any nutball who commits a crime because of 'incendiary propaganda' you are playing into the idea that dissent to Obama and his Democrats must be stamped out or 'controlled'.

In that case you are on the road to totalitarianism and I won't even consider it and I will in fact resist it, as I did the Iraq war, the patriot act, and all the fun N games Barryworld is now trying.

Uh huh.

How does the fact that you feel people should have a right to free speech, even if it is yelling "fire in a theatre", disprove that it has an effect?

Facts are facts.

That is a nonsense scenario Barry's justice department cooked up early in his regime as a sweet fallback against dissent.

Chimp tried the exact same thing with us when we protested the war.

If you start playing this game that any nutball who commits a crime because of 'incendiary propaganda' you are playing into the idea that dissent to Obama and his Democrats must be stamped out or 'controlled'.

In that case you are on the road to totalitarianism and I won't even consider it and I will in fact resist it, as I did the Iraq war, the patriot act, and all the fun N games Barryworld is now trying.

Uh huh.

How does the fact that you feel people should have a right to free speech, even if it is yelling "fire in a theatre", disprove that it has an effect?

Facts are facts.

While we have none of the facts in, all we can say for sure is that Tea Baggers, Hate Radio and the Glenn Beck show are somehow involved

That is a nonsense scenario Barry's justice department cooked up early in his regime as a sweet fallback against dissent.

Chimp tried the exact same thing with us when we protested the war.

If you start playing this game that any nutball who commits a crime because of 'incendiary propaganda' you are playing into the idea that dissent to Obama and his Democrats must be stamped out or 'controlled'.

In that case you are on the road to totalitarianism and I won't even consider it and I will in fact resist it, as I did the Iraq war, the patriot act, and all the fun N games Barryworld is now trying.

Uh huh.

How does the fact that you feel people should have a right to free speech, even if it is yelling "fire in a theatre", disprove that it has an effect?

Facts are facts.
yet you have no more fact than anyone else, but to you this is somehow a conservatives fault for being against the policies of the democrats
Think Progress » Census worker hanged with the word ‘fed’ scrawled on his body.

The AP is reporting that Bill Sparkman, a 51-year-old part-time Census field worker and occasional teacher, was found hung to death in Kentucky with the word “fed” was scrawled on the dead man’s chest. Investigators are still trying to determine the motive, but “law enforcement officers have told the agency the matter is ‘an apparent homicide.’” “Our job is to determine if there was foul play involved — and that’s part of the investigation — and if there was foul play involved, whether that is related to his employment as a census worker,” said FBI spokesman David Beyer.

Great, so one of the nutjobs who is all about watering the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants finally went and killed someone?

The Associated Press: AP source: Census worker hanged with 'fed' on body

I'm sure Michelle Bachmann will be pleased.

clearly the work of socialist provocateurs to discredit the fight for liberty
Well, here's the last thing I'm going to say on this subject.

3 kids get into a fight, on a schoolbus, an incident that happens every day all across the country.

But because 2 of them were black and one was white, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbuagh, etc, etc, all ran prominent pieces on the incident claiming it was a "racially based hate crime"...

...Driven, according to the talking heads, by a feeling of invulnerability to punishment, promoted by the election of Barack Obama and the left wing media. Conservatives listened and either agreed or said nothing.

Now we have a crime that has several aspects that point to an anti-government assassination by what are probably radicals who listen to the same shows listed above...

And Conservatives now deny that there is even a possibility that incendiary propaganda could have had any effect at all on a crime where a person was murdered with "Fed" written on his chest.
VAST_LWC we dont even know if this was a murder yet, looks like it but we dont know.

THats my beef....not enough 411 to make an accurate comment (or did i miss a press release while working today)
Well, here's the last thing I'm going to say on this subject.

3 kids get into a fight, on a schoolbus, an incident that happens every day all across the country.

But because 2 of them were black and one was white, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbuagh, etc, etc, all ran prominent pieces on the incident claiming it was a "racially based hate crime"...

...Driven, according to the talking heads, by a feeling of invulnerability to punishment, promoted by the election of Barack Obama and the left wing media. Conservatives listened and either agreed or said nothing.

Now we have a crime that has several aspects that point to an anti-government assassination by what are probably radicals who listen to the same shows listed above...

And Conservatives now deny that there is even a possibility that incendiary propaganda could have had any effect at all on a crime where a person was murdered with "Fed" written on his chest.
we're NOT denying it as a "possibility" we've been telling you you are fucking nuts to jump to that conclusion
I'm with Pilgrim and I have said several times that I expect more violence. But don't blame just the right for "fanning the flames" Insulting people who may be on the edge already because of personal circumstances is not a very "unifying" tactic.

I am reminded of several KKK rallies where only a handful of provacateers (sp?)Make a hate filled speech and then gleefully watch minorities burn down their neighborhoods. This is an evil but effective tactic to prove a fucking point.
maybe the culprit is K-Fed?


That is a nonsense scenario Barry's justice department cooked up early in his regime as a sweet fallback against dissent.

Chimp tried the exact same thing with us when we protested the war.

If you start playing this game that any nutball who commits a crime because of 'incendiary propaganda' you are playing into the idea that dissent to Obama and his Democrats must be stamped out or 'controlled'.

In that case you are on the road to totalitarianism and I won't even consider it and I will in fact resist it, as I did the Iraq war, the patriot act, and all the fun N games Barryworld is now trying.

Uh huh.

How does the fact that you feel people should have a right to free speech, even if it is yelling "fire in a theatre", disprove that it has an effect?

Facts are facts.

While we have none of the facts in, all we can say for sure is that Tea Baggers, Hate Radio and the Glenn Beck show are somehow involved

Putting words in my mouth again?

All I said in that post was that, contrary Xenophon's assertion, there are in fact circumstances where incendiary speech can cause issues like this.
Well, here's the last thing I'm going to say on this subject.

3 kids get into a fight, on a schoolbus, an incident that happens every day all across the country.

But because 2 of them were black and one was white, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbuagh, etc, etc, all ran prominent pieces on the incident claiming it was a "racially based hate crime"...

...Driven, according to the talking heads, by a feeling of invulnerability to punishment, promoted by the election of Barack Obama and the left wing media. Conservatives listened and either agreed or said nothing.

Now we have a crime that has several aspects that point to an anti-government assassination by what are probably radicals who listen to the same shows listed above...

And Conservatives now deny that there is even a possibility that incendiary propaganda could have had any effect at all on a crime where a person was murdered with "Fed" written on his chest.
we're NOT denying it as a "possibility" we've been telling you you are fucking nuts to jump to that conclusion

I said multiple times that I only thought it a very likely possibility, and said several times that there was in fact a possibility that it was unrelated, and you all called me crazy anyway.

Some people seemed to think that even mentioning the possibility was tantamount to being a nutjob conspiracy theorist
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