AP Source: Census Worker hanged with 'fed' on body

What, you don't think the guy duct-taped and gagged himself, hung himself, and then wrote "Fed" on his own chest?


Yeah I'd say it might be a murder. Of course, what do I know, I'm just some "conspiracy theorist".
You're not being fair to the Pilgrim, Vast. He made his post yesterday before this additional information was known.

True true.

I was just having a sarcastic moment.
:cool: It happens to the best of us from time to time.

The Moderate Voice is not always so moderate, but I think they have it right: The left-wing bloggers are acting like ghouls preparing end-zone dances. Indeed, despite their words to the contrary, the left-wing blogs would love nothing more than for Sparkman to have been killed by someone who didn’t want to answer the Census, so they could do their political victory dance.

This is becoming a pattern. Left-wing politicians and blogs appear to be hoping for an act of right-wing violence so that they can justify their attacks on ordinary citizens who are against the overly intrusive and destructive Democratic policies. The problem is, right-wing extremists have not obliged, fortunately. So in the absence of right-wing death squads, the left-wing agitators invent facts and events to fit their narrative.

The Greenroom » Forum Archive » Ghouls Preparing To Dance on Sparkman&#8217;s Grave

The Moderate Voice is not always so moderate, but I think they have it right: The left-wing bloggers are acting like ghouls preparing end-zone dances. Indeed, despite their words to the contrary, the left-wing blogs would love nothing more than for Sparkman to have been killed by someone who didn’t want to answer the Census, so they could do their political victory dance.

This is becoming a pattern. Left-wing politicians and blogs appear to be hoping for an act of right-wing violence so that they can justify their attacks on ordinary citizens who are against the overly intrusive and destructive Democratic policies. The problem is, right-wing extremists have not obliged, fortunately. So in the absence of right-wing death squads, the left-wing agitators invent facts and events to fit their narrative.

The Greenroom » Forum Archive » Ghouls Preparing To Dance on Sparkman’s Grave

AP: All we can say for sure about this mans murder or suicide is that there was a Tea Party and the Glenn Beck Show was on
You know, it's pretty damned wild to read in some of the reports for the FBI to accept a man who had his hands, wrists and eyes bound up in duct tape with a red rag stuffed in his mouth* might have been a suicide or "accidental death."

Just freakin' bizarre.

*from the eye-witness account of Weaver, who found Sparkman; I don't think he would lie about something like that.
You know, it's pretty damned wild to read in some of the reports for the FBI to accept a man who had his hands, wrists and eyes bound up in duct tape with a red rag stuffed in his mouth* might have been a suicide or "accidental death."

Just freakin' bizarre.

*from the eye-witness account of Weaver, who found Sparkman; I don't think he would lie about something like that.
No doubt it's bizarre to you. The facts of the matter are that those who are interested in accuracy know that until the coroner completes his/her report, one cannot be be absolute.
and you rightly deserved it
so fuck off and stop lying about me
You see folks...he won't put up. This is what he does all the time.\

Makes accusations, name calls and then backs away.

He said I lied and said I made a "long list of bullshit accusations."
That should be easy enough for him to shove in my face, and back up - if he was a man of any integrity anyway.

Note how he hasn't - he won't - he can't - do that.

Speaks volumes.
Yep...he did the same thing to me last week. Went on and on about how I said something I didn't and then refused to post any evidence. Then he said something like "others saw it, too." :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Thats what he does....over and over....then comes the names.

Same names, same crap.


"moron, you are just showing how fucking bad you assholes are"

Told you....
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All this being said...

In my opinion, there is a strong possibility that Michele Bachmann and friends threw a lit match onto a pile of dry tinder in this case. It is by no means a certainty, but a strong possibility.

That being the case, it may be wise for authorities to watch for patterns of these types of crimes in the near future, to make sure that things don't go haywire.

It might also be wise for some people in the media to tone down their crazy-talk a bit.

If I was a media personality, or a politician with populist tendencies, and there was the strong possibility that what I say could lead to someone's murder, I think I would be a little more circumspect in what I said on the air in the future.

Becks response will be ....I'm just an entertainer. I am not a journalist. I have no idea where these nuts get their idea's from, certainly not from me!

Then some idiot in here will say, Beck is a satirist and he was never to be taken seriously.

Wait for it...wait for it...

(Remember Bill O and the tillman thing. To this day he says he had nothing to do with it.)
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All this being said...

In my opinion, there is a strong possibility that Michele Bachmann and friends threw a lit match onto a pile of dry tinder in this case. It is by no means a certainty, but a strong possibility.

That being the case, it may be wise for authorities to watch for patterns of these types of crimes in the near future, to make sure that things don't go haywire.

It might also be wise for some people in the media to tone down their crazy-talk a bit.

If I was a media personality, or a politician with populist tendencies, and there was the strong possibility that what I say could lead to someone's murder, I think I would be a little more circumspect in what I said on the air in the future.

Becks response will be ....I'm just an entertainer. I am not a journalist. I have no idea where these nuts get their idea's from, certainly not from me!

Then some idiot in here will say, Beck is a satirist and he was never to be taken seriously.

Wait for it...wait for it...

(Remember Bill O and the tillman thing. To this day he says he had nothing to do with it.)
Only a child will draw a conclusion based on any coincidence.

The left wing hate speech, instigated by left wing poster boy Michael Moore, is responsible for the violent protests.
You know, it's pretty damned wild to read in some of the reports for the FBI to accept a man who had his hands, wrists and eyes bound up in duct tape with a red rag stuffed in his mouth* might have been a suicide or "accidental death."

Just freakin' bizarre.

*from the eye-witness account of Weaver, who found Sparkman; I don't think he would lie about something like that.

Friday, Sep. 25, 2009

However, on Thursday, police had not confirmed Sparkman was even doing census work in Clay County at the time he died, said Capt. Lisa Rudzinski, commander of the state police post handling the investigation.

One media report &#8212; which quoted a census official saying a computer Sparkman used for census work was found in his truck near the cemetery &#8212; wasn't true, Rudzinski said.
Police found Sparkman's red pickup truck, but the computer wasn't in it, she said.

Police have not ruled whether Sparkman's death resulted from homicide, accident or suicide, Rudzinski said.

"There are too many unanswered questions for us to lean one way or the other," Rudzinski said. "We have not ruled this is a hate crime against a federal employee. We're still trying to determine if foul play was involved."

The only thing police have concluded is that Sparkman didn't die as a result of natural causes.

Reports that Sparkman was hanging from a tree at the cemetery create an image that doesn't fit the evidence where Sparkman was found, Rudzinski said.

Sparkman had a rope around his neck that was attached to a tree, but he was not hanging in the sense that many people envision, she said.

Census worker's death by asphyxiation might not be homicide, police say - Latest News - Kentucky.com
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You know, it's pretty damned wild to read in some of the reports for the FBI to accept a man who had his hands, wrists and eyes bound up in duct tape with a red rag stuffed in his mouth* might have been a suicide or "accidental death."

Just freakin' bizarre.

*from the eye-witness account of Weaver, who found Sparkman; I don't think he would lie about something like that.

Friday, Sep. 25, 2009

However, on Thursday, police had not confirmed Sparkman was even doing census work in Clay County at the time he died, said Capt. Lisa Rudzinski, commander of the state police post handling the investigation.

One media report &#8212; which quoted a census official saying a computer Sparkman used for census work was found in his truck near the cemetery &#8212; wasn't true, Rudzinski said.
Police found Sparkman's red pickup truck, but the computer wasn't in it, she said.

Police have not ruled whether Sparkman's death resulted from homicide, accident or suicide, Rudzinski said.

"There are too many unanswered questions for us to lean one way or the other," Rudzinski said. "We have not ruled this is a hate crime against a federal employee. We're still trying to determine if foul play was involved."

The only thing police have concluded is that Sparkman didn't die as a result of natural causes.

Reports that Sparkman was hanging from a tree at the cemetery create an image that doesn't fit the evidence where Sparkman was found, Rudzinski said.

Sparkman had a rope around his neck that was attached to a tree, but he was not hanging in the sense that many people envision, she said.
Census worker's death by asphyxiation might not be homicide, police say - Latest News - Kentucky.com
Family cemetery visit led to hanged census worker
By ROGER ALFORD and JEFFREY McMURRAY (AP) &#8211; 1 day ago

Jerry Weaver of Fairfield, Ohio, told The Associated Press the man had been gagged and his hands and feet were bound with duct tape.

Weaver said Friday he was certain from the gruesome scene that 51-year-old Bill Sparkman was killed deliberately.

"He was murdered," Weaver said. "There's no doubt."

Weaver said he was in rural Clay County, Ky., for a family reunion and was visiting some family graves at the cemetery on Sept. 12 along with his wife and daughter when they saw the body.

"The only thing he had on was a pair of socks," Weaver said. "And they had duct-taped his hands, his wrists. He had duct tape over his eyes, and they gagged him with a red rag or something."

Two people briefed on the investigation said various details of Weaver's account matched the details of the crime scene, though both people said they were not informed who found the body. The two spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the case."

The Associated Press: Family cemetery visit led to hanged census worker
"...And they even had duct tape around his neck," Weaver said. "And they had like his identification tag on his neck. They had it duct-taped to the side of his neck, on the right side, almost on his right shoulder."

Both of the people briefed on the investigation confirmed that Sparkman's Census Bureau ID was found taped to his head and shoulder area. Weaver said he couldn't tell if the tag was a Census ID because he didn't get close enough to read it. He could see writing on Sparkman's chest, but could not read that it said "fed."
"...And they even had duct tape around his neck," Weaver said. "And they had like his identification tag on his neck. They had it duct-taped to the side of his neck, on the right side, almost on his right shoulder."

Both of the people briefed on the investigation confirmed that Sparkman's Census Bureau ID was found taped to his head and shoulder area. Weaver said he couldn't tell if the tag was a Census ID because he didn't get close enough to read it. He could see writing on Sparkman's chest, but could not read that it said "fed."

The police and FBI have had nearly three weeks to investigate this death.

If they are not ruling out accidental death and suicide scenarios, there is likely a good reason for it.

Keep in mind, the Mt Airy, MD murders from last week were ruled murder/suicide in 3 days.
"...And they even had duct tape around his neck," Weaver said. "And they had like his identification tag on his neck. They had it duct-taped to the side of his neck, on the right side, almost on his right shoulder."

Both of the people briefed on the investigation confirmed that Sparkman's Census Bureau ID was found taped to his head and shoulder area. Weaver said he couldn't tell if the tag was a Census ID because he didn't get close enough to read it. He could see writing on Sparkman's chest, but could not read that it said "fed."

The police and FBI have had nearly three weeks to investigate this death.

If they are not ruling out accidental death and suicide scenarios, there is likely a good reason for it.

Keep in mind, the Mt Airy, MD murders from last week were ruled murder/suicide in 3 days.
Well I'll say this: If it was a suicide, it would have to be one of the most bizarre suicides in history.
has any new information come out about this story since first reported? I am lazy and do not wish to sift through this long thread to find out.
has any new information come out about this story since first reported? I am lazy and do not wish to sift through this long thread to find out.

Same as before, all AP can say for certain is Glenn Beck and Tea Baggers
Look how the Obama supporters post, they are the first to resort to name calling, they post lies as truth, the Obama supporters get extremely angry when challenged and start saying nasty dirty things. Look how Obama supporteres stereotype conservatives. Look what happens when you challenge Obama supporters in thier posts, they will ignore their own posts and attack with hatred.

This fed was most likely in my opinion killed by an Obama supporter to try and denigrate conservatives. If Obama supporters are willing to say anything, anything as in lies, antisemitism, look how they act on the boards, it makes me beleive that obama supporters beleive their cause so rightous they will resort to a henious act and try and pin it on christians.

Who lives in the backwoods of kentucky, the poor, the poor who Obama defends, think they wont defend Obama in the only way their backwoods minds think.

This is just my opinion based on the nasty things Obama supproters are willing to post.

Maybe I am wrong, I doubt it, you can think of the craziest thing in the world and most likely its happened or will happen.

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