AP Source: Census Worker hanged with 'fed' on body

"...And they even had duct tape around his neck," Weaver said. "And they had like his identification tag on his neck. They had it duct-taped to the side of his neck, on the right side, almost on his right shoulder."

Both of the people briefed on the investigation confirmed that Sparkman's Census Bureau ID was found taped to his head and shoulder area. Weaver said he couldn't tell if the tag was a Census ID because he didn't get close enough to read it. He could see writing on Sparkman's chest, but could not read that it said "fed."

The police and FBI have had nearly three weeks to investigate this death.

If they are not ruling out accidental death and suicide scenarios, there is likely a good reason for it.

Keep in mind, the Mt Airy, MD murders from last week were ruled murder/suicide in 3 days.
Well I'll say this: If it was a suicide, it would have to be one of the most bizarre suicides in history.

Hell no, it wasn't more bizarre than the bloke who spent weeks building a suicide machine in his garage and used it to great effect.
Look how the Obama supporters post, they are the first to resort to name calling, they post lies as truth, the Obama supporters get extremely angry when challenged and start saying nasty dirty things. Look how Obama supporteres stereotype conservatives. Look what happens when you challenge Obama supporters in thier posts, they will ignore their own posts and attack with hatred.

This fed was most likely in my opinion killed by an Obama supporter to try and denigrate conservatives. If Obama supporters are willing to say anything, anything as in lies, antisemitism, look how they act on the boards, it makes me beleive that obama supporters beleive their cause so rightous they will resort to a henious act and try and pin it on christians.

Who lives in the backwoods of kentucky, the poor, the poor who Obama defends, think they wont defend Obama in the only way their backwoods minds think.

This is just my opinion based on the nasty things Obama supproters are willing to post.

Maybe I am wrong, I doubt it, you can think of the craziest thing in the world and most likely its happened or will happen.

There is a major whiney tone to this post. It's also full of contradictions. You are doing exactly that of which you accuse others.
The loony rightwing fringe have always projected their fears and inadequacies out onto everyone else is correctly calls them rightwing loonies. Nothing new here.
Look how the Obama supporters post, they are the first to resort to name calling, they post lies as truth, the Obama supporters get extremely angry when challenged and start saying nasty dirty things. Look how Obama supporteres stereotype conservatives. Look what happens when you challenge Obama supporters in thier posts, they will ignore their own posts and attack with hatred.

This fed was most likely in my opinion killed by an Obama supporter to try and denigrate conservatives. If Obama supporters are willing to say anything, anything as in lies, antisemitism, look how they act on the boards, it makes me beleive that obama supporters beleive their cause so rightous they will resort to a henious act and try and pin it on christians.

Who lives in the backwoods of kentucky, the poor, the poor who Obama defends, think they wont defend Obama in the only way their backwoods minds think.

This is just my opinion based on the nasty things Obama supproters are willing to post.

Maybe I am wrong, I doubt it, you can think of the craziest thing in the world and most likely its happened or will happen.

There is a major whiney tone to this post. It's also full of contradictions. You are doing exactly that of which you accuse others.

As you are doing what you accuse me of, listen to your whine.

I am just stating what I see happening, you most likely would not be able to solve this murder, not if you so easily dismiss one possibility.

I showed motive, I showed the character of my initial suspects.

Watch this murder go unsolved because the authorities have the same mindset as you.
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Wow This thread is 38 pages? I'm with Terry. I usually only read the first and last page. This is an interesting story though. Please keep us lazy ones informed with any updates.

Thank you. I'll be on the sofa waiting.
All this being said...

In my opinion, there is a strong possibility that Michele Bachmann and friends threw a lit match onto a pile of dry tinder in this case. It is by no means a certainty, but a strong possibility.

That being the case, it may be wise for authorities to watch for patterns of these types of crimes in the near future, to make sure that things don't go haywire.

It might also be wise for some people in the media to tone down their crazy-talk a bit.

If I was a media personality, or a politician with populist tendencies, and there was the strong possibility that what I say could lead to someone's murder, I think I would be a little more circumspect in what I said on the air in the future.

Becks response will be ....I'm just an entertainer. I am not a journalist. I have no idea where these nuts get their idea's from, certainly not from me!

Then some idiot in here will say, Beck is a satirist and he was never to be taken seriously.

Wait for it...wait for it...

(Remember Bill O and the tillman thing. To this day he says he had nothing to do with it.)
Only a child will draw a conclusion based on any coincidence.

The left wing hate speech, instigated by left wing poster boy Michael Moore, is responsible for the violent protests.

:confused: We didn't want to kill you, but you made us. (what this sounds like)

"Someone's going to get a spanking". (our parents,.....and what this sounds like)

"Don't make me come get you!!!". (Jennifer Jason Leigh-in "Single White Female", and again, what the above sounds like)

"Based on observations of the policies of my own government, I viewed this action as an acceptable option.” (Timothy McVeigh...need I say more?)
Becks response will be ....I'm just an entertainer. I am not a journalist. I have no idea where these nuts get their idea's from, certainly not from me!

Then some idiot in here will say, Beck is a satirist and he was never to be taken seriously.

Wait for it...wait for it...

(Remember Bill O and the tillman thing. To this day he says he had nothing to do with it.)
Only a child will draw a conclusion based on any coincidence.

The left wing hate speech, instigated by left wing poster boy Michael Moore, is responsible for the violent protests.

:confused: We didn't want to kill you, but you made us. (what this sounds like)

"Someone's going to get a spanking". (our parents,.....and what this sounds like)

"Don't make me come get you!!!". (Jennifer Jason Leigh-in "Single White Female", and again, what the above sounds like)

"Based on observations of the policies of my own government, I viewed this action as an acceptable option.” (Timothy McVeigh...need I say more?)
Exactly my point.

And exactly what the idiot reactionary libs are doing with respect to the recent death in KY.
He was white, cnn and msnbc are leading the people to believe that he was black!! Just like the black dude that showed up with an ak7 at a townhall meeting!! They also neglected to show his black face!! Very scary propaganda commie news stations!! They dumb down the zombies that are watching their shitty newscasts!! Michael jackson news for three fucking months on cnn and msnbc!! They throw that crap at the viewers so they don't get what's really going on in the country!!
Look how the Obama supporters post, they are the first to resort to name calling, they post lies as truth, the Obama supporters get extremely angry when challenged and start saying nasty dirty things. Look how Obama supporteres stereotype conservatives. Look what happens when you challenge Obama supporters in thier posts, they will ignore their own posts and attack with hatred.

This fed was most likely in my opinion killed by an Obama supporter to try and denigrate conservatives. If Obama supporters are willing to say anything, anything as in lies, antisemitism, look how they act on the boards, it makes me beleive that obama supporters beleive their cause so rightous they will resort to a henious act and try and pin it on christians.

Who lives in the backwoods of kentucky, the poor, the poor who Obama defends, think they wont defend Obama in the only way their backwoods minds think.

This is just my opinion based on the nasty things Obama supproters are willing to post.

Maybe I am wrong, I doubt it, you can think of the craziest thing in the world and most likely its happened or will happen.

I read this with the assumption that you realize that KY didn't "go to" Obama in NOV. I can also assume that you've spent enough time in Kentucky to know that most of the people here aren't "librul" as people on here stereotype every democrat as. KY is about as conservative as a state can be. Come here, and ask around. (I know because I live here)

Antisemitism? I haven't seen a lot of that on here. Maybe I haven't been looking in the right places. Perhaps we should all study up on the history of antisemitism, and see which political ideology it has predominantly existed under. Nazi Germany, liberal? That's laughable at best.

This theory of yours, IMO, holds about as much water as the "Holocaust-never-happened" theories. That's quite a twisted view of society that you have there. Your views? Or something you've heard?
I'll wait for the facts to come in but it does look like the rabble rousing voices of the right might have their first bit of blood on their hands.
This right here is the most insidious way in which the freedom of speech is taken away from us.

First, label those who oppose the direction of this government as rebel rousers and then attach this speech to the actions of one deranged individual (if this is in fact, a homicide).

Facts won't matter to you as it seems you have already, and without proof, placed the blood for this mans death on your political opponents. I'm not comfortable with the 'heil Hitler' style of solute, so you'll forgive Me if I pass on giving you props for voicing your hatred of the First Amendment.
I'll wait for the facts to come in but it does look like the rabble rousing voices of the right might have their first bit of blood on their hands.
This right here is the most insidious way in which the freedom of speech is taken away from us.

First, label those who oppose the direction of this government as rebel rousers and then attach this speech to the actions of one deranged individual (if this is in fact, a homicide).

Facts won't matter to you as it seems you have already, and without proof, placed the blood for this mans death on your political opponents. I'm not comfortable with the 'heil Hitler' style of solute, so you'll forgive Me if I pass on giving you props for voicing your hatred of the First Amendment.
The "right" are the ones in this thread who are asking for level heads - asking that no one jump to conclusions about a thing. Read the thread.
I'll wait for the facts to come in but it does look like the rabble rousing voices of the right might have their first bit of blood on their hands.
This right here is the most insidious way in which the freedom of speech is taken away from us.

First, label those who oppose the direction of this government as rebel rousers and then attach this speech to the actions of one deranged individual (if this is in fact, a homicide).

Facts won't matter to you as it seems you have already, and without proof, placed the blood for this mans death on your political opponents. I'm not comfortable with the 'heil Hitler' style of solute, so you'll forgive Me if I pass on giving you props for voicing your hatred of the First Amendment.
The "right" are the ones in this thread who are asking for level heads - asking that no one jump to conclusions about a thing. Read the thread.
me thinks you needs ta re-read that
I'll wait for the facts to come in but it does look like the rabble rousing voices of the right might have their first bit of blood on their hands.
This right here is the most insidious way in which the freedom of speech is taken away from us.

First, label those who oppose the direction of this government as rebel rousers and then attach this speech to the actions of one deranged individual (if this is in fact, a homicide).

Facts won't matter to you as it seems you have already, and without proof, placed the blood for this mans death on your political opponents. I'm not comfortable with the 'heil Hitler' style of solute, so you'll forgive Me if I pass on giving you props for voicing your hatred of the First Amendment.
The "right" are the ones in this thread who are asking for level heads - asking that no one jump to conclusions about a thing. Read the thread.
noose is not on the right. he is about as leftist as they come.

But that wasn't My point exactly. My point was that it is that kind of attitude that gets distributed throughout the country, usually via our classrooms, that any speech that may incite some nutcase to cause harm to another should be ridiculed. That then leads to laws that prohibit speech.

It is not the outright use of force to silence people that causes us to lose our rights. It is the subtle little attitude adjustments that do it.
This right here is the most insidious way in which the freedom of speech is taken away from us.

First, label those who oppose the direction of this government as rebel rousers and then attach this speech to the actions of one deranged individual (if this is in fact, a homicide).

Facts won't matter to you as it seems you have already, and without proof, placed the blood for this mans death on your political opponents. I'm not comfortable with the 'heil Hitler' style of solute, so you'll forgive Me if I pass on giving you props for voicing your hatred of the First Amendment.
The "right" are the ones in this thread who are asking for level heads - asking that no one jump to conclusions about a thing. Read the thread.
me thinks you needs ta re-read that
LOL. I thought I had clicked on the link to the quoted text and thought I was replying not to Darwind, but to noose-something.

My apologies to Darwind.

Teach me to proof read ALL the time.
The "right" are the ones in this thread who are asking for level heads - asking that no one jump to conclusions about a thing. Read the thread.
me thinks you needs ta re-read that
LOL. I thought I had clicked on the link to the quoted text and thought I was replying not to Darwind, but to noose-something.

My apologies to Darwind.

Teach me to proof read ALL the time.
s'Okay. It happens a lot on these kinds of forums.
Only a child will draw a conclusion based on any coincidence.

The left wing hate speech, instigated by left wing poster boy Michael Moore, is responsible for the violent protests.

:confused: We didn't want to kill you, but you made us. (what this sounds like)

"Someone's going to get a spanking". (our parents,.....and what this sounds like)

"Don't make me come get you!!!". (Jennifer Jason Leigh-in "Single White Female", and again, what the above sounds like)

"Based on observations of the policies of my own government, I viewed this action as an acceptable option.” (Timothy McVeigh...need I say more?)
Exactly my point.

And exactly what the idiot reactionary libs are doing with respect to the recent death in KY.

I'm not following your reasoning here. So what you are saying is that "left wing libruls" (i.e. democrats, moderates....anyone who isn't EXTREMELY "right-wing"), religiously follow Michael Moore and his beliefs?

Michael Moore is causing people on the right to protest violently? Liberals, moderates, etc... make people want to bring guns to townhall meetings? So if the more liberal commentators do not agree with everything that the other side believes...they are asking for a lynching? They are asking for a bombing?

I like Michael Moore. I like his movies...I confess. But that doesn't mean that I have his T-shirts, ballcaps, and believe that everything he says is gospel. Some of his stuff is based on truth, and some of it is inaccurate. Some of it is equivocation, and simple fallacies of thinking. I feel the same way about Glenn Beck. His finding the communist symbols in Rockefeller partially sealed the deal for me. Every now and then he will say something sensible. We may not like everything that they say, but it is their constitutional right.

Is Michael Moore hateful? Or is he simply pointing out what he believes to be the truth? He certainly has a knack for taking one's mind where it doesn't want to go. Does he go on his own radio show and yell at people for being...idiots, and morons? I've seen three of his movies, and I just don't remember seeing this.

I and others have suggested this multiple times on this site: Spend a month (or at least an hour a day) watching and reading the "other side's" books, movies, and "news". And once you do that, you will realize that not everything is black or white.

:confused: We didn't want to kill you, but you made us. (what this sounds like)

"Someone's going to get a spanking". (our parents,.....and what this sounds like)

"Don't make me come get you!!!". (Jennifer Jason Leigh-in "Single White Female", and again, what the above sounds like)

"Based on observations of the policies of my own government, I viewed this action as an acceptable option.” (Timothy McVeigh...need I say more?)
Exactly my point.

And exactly what the idiot reactionary libs are doing with respect to the recent death in KY.

I'm not following your reasoning here. So what you are saying is that "left wing libruls" (i.e. democrats, moderates....anyone who isn't EXTREMELY "right-wing"), religiously follow Michael Moore and his beliefs?

Michael Moore is causing people on the right to protest violently? Liberals, moderates, etc... make people want to bring guns to townhall meetings? So if the more liberal commentators do not agree with everything that the other side believes...they are asking for a lynching? They are asking for a bombing?

I like Michael Moore. I like his movies...I confess. But that doesn't mean that I have his T-shirts, ballcaps, and believe that everything he says is gospel. Some of his stuff is based on truth, and some of it is inaccurate. Some of it is equivocation, and simple fallacies of thinking. I feel the same way about Glenn Beck. His finding the communist symbols in Rockefeller partially sealed the deal for me. Every now and then he will say something sensible. We may not like everything that they say, but it is their constitutional right.

Is Michael Moore hateful? Or is he simply pointing out what he believes to be the truth? He certainly has a knack for taking one's mind where it doesn't want to go. Does he go on his own radio show and yell at people for being...idiots, and morons? I've seen three of his movies, and I just don't remember seeing this.

I and others have suggested this multiple times on this site: Spend a month (or at least an hour a day) watching and reading the "other side's" books, movies, and "news". And once you do that, you will realize that not everything is black or white.
I think my point went over your head, but I'll try again: The lack of logic you may see in what you originally quoted from me is an example of the lack of lack of logic off the reactionary libs in this thread.
He was white, cnn and msnbc are leading the people to believe that he was black!! Just like the black dude that showed up with an ak7 at a townhall meeting!! They also neglected to show his black face!! Very scary propaganda commie news stations!! They dumb down the zombies that are watching their shitty newscasts!! Michael jackson news for three fucking months on cnn and msnbc!! They throw that crap at the viewers so they don't get what's really going on in the country!!

Yes...of course! That's it! I've been wondering what the plan was, and now I know. It's a conspiracy. We're too stupid to know that the black helicopters will soon be circling, and that tanks will shortly be rolling down the streets of the major cities in the U.S.

Gotta go. I have to dig an underground shelter, and go buy all the canned goods I can get my hands on. Bye.

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