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AP Source: Census Worker hanged with 'fed' on body

Exactly my point.

And exactly what the idiot reactionary libs are doing with respect to the recent death in KY.

I'm not following your reasoning here. So what you are saying is that "left wing libruls" (i.e. democrats, moderates....anyone who isn't EXTREMELY "right-wing"), religiously follow Michael Moore and his beliefs?

Michael Moore is causing people on the right to protest violently? Liberals, moderates, etc... make people want to bring guns to townhall meetings? So if the more liberal commentators do not agree with everything that the other side believes...they are asking for a lynching? They are asking for a bombing?

I like Michael Moore. I like his movies...I confess. But that doesn't mean that I have his T-shirts, ballcaps, and believe that everything he says is gospel. Some of his stuff is based on truth, and some of it is inaccurate. Some of it is equivocation, and simple fallacies of thinking. I feel the same way about Glenn Beck. His finding the communist symbols in Rockefeller partially sealed the deal for me. Every now and then he will say something sensible. We may not like everything that they say, but it is their constitutional right.

Is Michael Moore hateful? Or is he simply pointing out what he believes to be the truth? He certainly has a knack for taking one's mind where it doesn't want to go. Does he go on his own radio show and yell at people for being...idiots, and morons? I've seen three of his movies, and I just don't remember seeing this.

I and others have suggested this multiple times on this site: Spend a month (or at least an hour a day) watching and reading the "other side's" books, movies, and "news". And once you do that, you will realize that not everything is black or white.
I think my point went over your head, but I'll try again: The lack of logic you may see in what you originally quoted from me is an example of the lack of lack of logic off the reactionary libs in this thread.

We have a disturbing trend in this country. The invention of the internet has ensured a lot of overnight "geniuses". Many people seem to think that EVERYONE else but they themself, is stupid. We have lots of overnight geniuses who brand anyone an "idiot, moron (or moran, if you carry a sign) dumbfuck, shit-for-brains" and other colorful expletives because THEY.....have ALL the answers. Yeah...I guess it was over my head. Because the level of arrogancy and complacency that we as a country possess, is disturbing. And I fear that it will be our eventual demise.

I somewhat get, what you are saying, but the context is what I'm having a difficult time with. Take that as you will. Call me an idiot, or even a "moran", :neutral: if you just have to. I don't mind.
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The worst domestic violence in America has, for the most part, been the actions of those on the far right. From the KKK, to the people that left that kid dead on a barbed wire fence in Wyoming, to Timothy McViegh, most of the violence has been on the right. Just a fact of history.

So when something like this atrocity happens, it is natural to look to the source of this kind of thing in the past.

My personal opinion? He stumbled onto a meth lab. Moonshiners would not draw attention to themselves that way. At least not the moonshiners that some of my family worked with in the '20s.
The worst domestic violence in America has, for the most part, been the actions of those on the far right. From the KKK, to the people that left that kid dead on a barbed wire fence in Wyoming, to Timothy McViegh, most of the violence has been on the right. Just a fact of history.

So when something like this atrocity happens, it is natural to look to the source of this kind of thing in the past.

My personal opinion? He stumbled onto a meth lab. Moonshiners would not draw attention to themselves that way. At least not the moonshiners that some of my family worked with in the '20s.
Guess you haven't heard about that anti-abortion protester who was shot a couple of weeks ago.

Guess you haven't heard of this guy - on the Most Wanted Terrorists list - either:


San Diego has the following tattoos: a round image of burning hillsides in the center of his chest with the words "It only takes a spark" printed in a semicircle below; burning and collapsing buildings on the sides of his abdomen and back; and a single leafless tree rising from a road in the center of his lower back. These tattoos may have been significantly altered or covered with new tattoos.
Remarks: San Diego has ties to animal rights extremist groups. He is known to follow a vegan diet, eating no meat or food containing animal products. In the past, he has worked as a computer network specialist and with the operating system LINUX. San Diego wears eyeglasses, is skilled at sailing, and has traveled internationally. He is known to possess a handgun.

Daniel Andreas San Diego is wanted for his alleged involvement in the bombing of two office buildings in the San Francisco, California, area. On August 28, 2003, two bombs exploded approximately one hour apart at the Chiron Corporation in Emeryville. Then, on September 26, 2003, one bomb strapped with nails exploded at the Shaklee Corporation in Pleasanton. San Diego was indicted in the United States District Court, Northern District of California, in July of 2004.

The FBI is offering a reward of up to $250,000 for information leading directly to the arrest of Daniel Andreas San Diego.



FBI Most Wanted Terrorists

The protesters during the last administration always resulted in violence, at least in DC.

Violence is non partisan, unless one is wearing blinders.
its Kentucky, they likely were moonshiners

He had been doing this job in this area for six years, He was Kentucky people. They Knew Him and He Knew Them. Whoever did this, it was either very personal, or one of the righty RWW NUTJOB CREEPO LOONIES got stupid and really ridiculous. It wa'n't random and Census folks from there don't care about moonshiners!

The Moonshine and Marijuana argument makes no sense in this setting. They found the guy in the area he was known to be working. Killing him and hanging him from a tree with "Fed" on this chest means the FBI is coming in full force. If you want to hide your stills, or your crops, why take an action that you have to know will invite in the FBI en masse.

I still expect this to end with at least on Ruby Ridge style incident. Anyone willing to kill a Census Worker because he was a Fed is probably nuts enough to take a shot at the FBI Agent that shows up asking questions. Once that happens, its all over.

Some people just don't get how people from that area are, and in the Nut vs. Moonshine, etc. argument, there are a lot of places in KY to leave a body and it would never be found, and that this man was "displayed" is making a statement.... That is either political or, as I said, very personal.
warning ...this music may cause a random individual to orchestrate mass murder...and if it does it is john Lennon and his leftist message of hate that is to blame

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMfkVGCU_BA]YouTube - The Beatles - Helter Skelter At Studio[/ame]
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Wow This thread is 38 pages? I'm with Terry. I usually only read the first and last page. This is an interesting story though. Please keep us lazy ones informed with any updates.

Thank you. I'll be on the sofa waiting.

Can I join you? I'll bring a couple of "Snuggies"...;)
well damn you won't need a snuggy though. LMAO
Look how the Obama supporters post, they are the first to resort to name calling, they post lies as truth, the Obama supporters get extremely angry when challenged and start saying nasty dirty things. Look how Obama supporteres stereotype conservatives. Look what happens when you challenge Obama supporters in thier posts, they will ignore their own posts and attack with hatred.

This fed was most likely in my opinion killed by an Obama supporter to try and denigrate conservatives. If Obama supporters are willing to say anything, anything as in lies, antisemitism, look how they act on the boards, it makes me beleive that obama supporters beleive their cause so rightous they will resort to a henious act and try and pin it on christians.

Who lives in the backwoods of kentucky, the poor, the poor who Obama defends, think they wont defend Obama in the only way their backwoods minds think.

This is just my opinion based on the nasty things Obama supproters are willing to post.

Maybe I am wrong, I doubt it, you can think of the craziest thing in the world and most likely its happened or will happen.

I read this with the assumption that you realize that KY didn't "go to" Obama in NOV. I can also assume that you've spent enough time in Kentucky to know that most of the people here aren't "librul" as people on here stereotype every democrat as. KY is about as conservative as a state can be. Come here, and ask around. (I know because I live here)

Antisemitism? I haven't seen a lot of that on here. Maybe I haven't been looking in the right places. Perhaps we should all study up on the history of antisemitism, and see which political ideology it has predominantly existed under. Nazi Germany, liberal? That's laughable at best.

This theory of yours, IMO, holds about as much water as the "Holocaust-never-happened" theories. That's quite a twisted view of society that you have there. Your views? Or something you've heard?

So you are telling me, that because Kentucky did not go for Obama that Kentucky was 100% pure conservative. You have no people in Kentucky that voted for Obama. There are no poor and no ACORN organizations in Kentucky.

I guess I could extrapulate out of your post that the murderer was simply an ordinary conservative american, not a hick because Kentucky has no hicks, the murderer was pro-Israel not some holocaust denier. If he was Democrat, which Kentucky is not (went to Obama so all are conservatives) he definately was not Liberal.

So my idea of the part of society that hangs people in graveyard with a sign that says FED, my view of that part of society, my view of the person who did this outragous murder is twisted.

You my freind have no clue. How should I view a murderer from Kentucky, who would you look for, you just defended the entire state, so you think we should let this person get away with murder so nobody thinks kentucky is a bit hillbilly.

My view of the part of society that murders is twisted. Not a simple murder but in this case a murder that is meant to send a message to the rest of the USA, "dont send no more of dem dare FEDS."
Look how the Obama supporters post, they are the first to resort to name calling, they post lies as truth, the Obama supporters get extremely angry when challenged and start saying nasty dirty things. Look how Obama supporteres stereotype conservatives. Look what happens when you challenge Obama supporters in thier posts, they will ignore their own posts and attack with hatred.

This fed was most likely in my opinion killed by an Obama supporter to try and denigrate conservatives. If Obama supporters are willing to say anything, anything as in lies, antisemitism, look how they act on the boards, it makes me beleive that obama supporters beleive their cause so rightous they will resort to a henious act and try and pin it on christians.

Who lives in the backwoods of kentucky, the poor, the poor who Obama defends, think they wont defend Obama in the only way their backwoods minds think.

This is just my opinion based on the nasty things Obama supproters are willing to post.

Maybe I am wrong, I doubt it, you can think of the craziest thing in the world and most likely its happened or will happen.

There is a major whiney tone to this post. It's also full of contradictions. You are doing exactly that of which you accuse others.

As you are doing what you accuse me of, listen to your whine.

I am just stating what I see happening, you most likely would not be able to solve this murder, not if you so easily dismiss one possibility.

I showed motive, I showed the character of my initial suspects.

Watch this murder go unsolved because the authorities have the same mindset as you.

An observation of the frailties of your post is not a "whine."

It is a "critique" *sniff* :D

Motive, method, opportunity. They are, in any criminal investigation - in particular a homicide investigation - major issues. It is a primary mistake, but one made often, to propose a single hypothesis and then pursue its proof single-mindedly.

I admit, I have never solved a murder. Well that's not entirely true, he was found guilty of manslaughter. However I was no a primary or secondary investigator, merely the bloke who happened to be called to the hospital.
I'll wait for the facts to come in but it does look like the rabble rousing voices of the right might have their first bit of blood on their hands.
This right here is the most insidious way in which the freedom of speech is taken away from us.

First, label those who oppose the direction of this government as rebel rousers and then attach this speech to the actions of one deranged individual (if this is in fact, a homicide).

Facts won't matter to you as it seems you have already, and without proof, placed the blood for this mans death on your political opponents. I'm not comfortable with the 'heil Hitler' style of solute, so you'll forgive Me if I pass on giving you props for voicing your hatred of the First Amendment.

That bow you've drawn is about to snap from the tension.
The worst domestic violence in America has, for the most part, been the actions of those on the far right. From the KKK, to the people that left that kid dead on a barbed wire fence in Wyoming, to Timothy McViegh, most of the violence has been on the right. Just a fact of history.

So when something like this atrocity happens, it is natural to look to the source of this kind of thing in the past.

My personal opinion? He stumbled onto a meth lab. Moonshiners would not draw attention to themselves that way. At least not the moonshiners that some of my family worked with in the '20s.

The KKK came from the Democratic south. How about Democrat Senator Byrd, the grand dragon of the KKK

Timothy Mcviegh was never a conservative, raised in democratic New York, planned his crimes with Nichols in democratic Michigan

Kid on barbed wire fence, why dont you tell us what the hell your talking about or you some sinister old fuck that prefers to use the murder of a gay man for political points.

This poster is refering to the Matthew Shepard who was murdered by drug users, users who strung out on a five day binge, we all know who is soft on drugs, its the crazy liberals of the west and northwest, think the Hippies of San Fransicko, Portland and Seattle. I guess this old guy I am responding to is of that generation.

So Matthew Shepard was used by the Democrats for political points to pass hate crime legislation.

The murderers were caught by and convicted by RIGHT WING CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS in a state that is historically always CONSERVATIVE.

The democrats did not catch the killers, the democrats did not take the murderers to trail.

Fact of history is most crimes are committed by criminals who dont vote

Fact, those who use criminals to make political points are scum.
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I'll wait for the facts to come in but it does look like the rabble rousing voices of the right might have their first bit of blood on their hands.
This right here is the most insidious way in which the freedom of speech is taken away from us.

First, label those who oppose the direction of this government as rebel rousers and then attach this speech to the actions of one deranged individual (if this is in fact, a homicide).

Facts won't matter to you as it seems you have already, and without proof, placed the blood for this mans death on your political opponents. I'm not comfortable with the 'heil Hitler' style of solute, so you'll forgive Me if I pass on giving you props for voicing your hatred of the First Amendment.

That bow you've drawn is about to snap from the tension.
The problem is, Di, the tension IS very high in the USA right now. There is the baseline tension with the opposition's disgust with irresponsible and drunken sailor spending. The vilifying rhetoric of this honest opposition with ugly and false labels and associations throws nitro on that tension. The tension was high when Clinton was in office; it got higher when GWB was in office. This is a whole other plane of tension. I'm not sure the rest of world realizes how bad it is.
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This right here is the most insidious way in which the freedom of speech is taken away from us.

First, label those who oppose the direction of this government as rebel rousers and then attach this speech to the actions of one deranged individual (if this is in fact, a homicide).

Facts won't matter to you as it seems you have already, and without proof, placed the blood for this mans death on your political opponents. I'm not comfortable with the 'heil Hitler' style of solute, so you'll forgive Me if I pass on giving you props for voicing your hatred of the First Amendment.

That bow you've drawn is about to snap from the tension.
The problem is, Di, the tension IS very high in the USA right now. There is the baseline tension with the opposition's disgust with irresponsible and drunken sailor spending. The vilifying rhetoric of this honest opposition with ugly and false labels and associations throws nitro on that tension. The tension was high when Clinton was in office; it got higher when GWB was in office. This is a whole other plane of tension. I'm not sure the rest of world realizes how bad it is.

I'm entirely ignorant of how it is and that's a straightforward admission, no guile or funny stuff.

I wonder though if part of the problem is a seismic shift in US politics. The GOP has pretty well done its dash (or so it seems from this distance). Having said that I'm not that impressed with the Democrats either but who cares what I think, I'm not even a US citizen so I am speaking out of irrelevance. But if Obama manages to build a useful foreign policy and if his administration helps to turn around the economy what then?

I remember the tension when Clinton was in office. I was there for a few months and used to listen to G. Gordon Liddy broadcasting from Occupied DC. Nutter.

I don't understand that level of hatred in politics.
That bow you've drawn is about to snap from the tension.
The problem is, Di, the tension IS very high in the USA right now. There is the baseline tension with the opposition's disgust with irresponsible and drunken sailor spending. The vilifying rhetoric of this honest opposition with ugly and false labels and associations throws nitro on that tension. The tension was high when Clinton was in office; it got higher when GWB was in office. This is a whole other plane of tension. I'm not sure the rest of world realizes how bad it is.

I'm entirely ignorant of how it is and that's a straightforward admission, no guile or funny stuff.

I wonder though if part of the problem is a seismic shift in US politics. The GOP has pretty well done its dash (or so it seems from this distance). Having said that I'm not that impressed with the Democrats either but who cares what I think, I'm not even a US citizen so I am speaking out of irrelevance. But if Obama manages to build a useful foreign policy and if his administration helps to turn around the economy what then?

I remember the tension when Clinton was in office. I was there for a few months and used to listen to G. Gordon Liddy broadcasting from Occupied DC. Nutter.

I don't understand that level of hatred in politics.

Hatred in politics in reference to G Gordon Liddy, give an example instead of making wild accusations which build tension with the intent to further divide, a nut, give real examples or will you "decline the invitation" once again.
The problem is, Di, the tension IS very high in the USA right now. There is the baseline tension with the opposition's disgust with irresponsible and drunken sailor spending. The vilifying rhetoric of this honest opposition with ugly and false labels and associations throws nitro on that tension. The tension was high when Clinton was in office; it got higher when GWB was in office. This is a whole other plane of tension. I'm not sure the rest of world realizes how bad it is.

I'm entirely ignorant of how it is and that's a straightforward admission, no guile or funny stuff.

I wonder though if part of the problem is a seismic shift in US politics. The GOP has pretty well done its dash (or so it seems from this distance). Having said that I'm not that impressed with the Democrats either but who cares what I think, I'm not even a US citizen so I am speaking out of irrelevance. But if Obama manages to build a useful foreign policy and if his administration helps to turn around the economy what then?

I remember the tension when Clinton was in office. I was there for a few months and used to listen to G. Gordon Liddy broadcasting from Occupied DC. Nutter.

I don't understand that level of hatred in politics.

Hatred in politics in reference to G Gordon Liddy, give an example instead of making wild accusations which build tension with the intent to further divide, a nut, give real examples or will you "decline the invitation" once again.

I listened to Rush Limbaugh. I thought he was a hoot, bought one of his books from a nice cafe bookstore in Cortez, Colorado. Rush is full of shit but back then he was full of shit and funny. Nowadays I think he may be taking himself a leetle too seriously. Liddy, well Liddy was a different matter. Cold-hearted bastard on the airwaves that one.
But back to the topic. Any more info?

any more info, you dont provide info, your simply propaganda.

I have now lost track of the points you make that I challenge that you run from.

Rush, great man, call him what you like but that says more about you than Rush, hell you have stereotyped all conservatives just like the Racist bigots of the south who belong to the KKK.

So your heart can only spew hatred and lies, I cannot debate that, I can only flame that, we can go tit for tat all night and all day, but if you cannot give an example of in regards to Liddy than your simply a liar and your can only further your Marxism/liberal idealogy with lies.

That is the danger, the Marxist/Liberal will and does lie, after a lie dont work what next,

another marxist/liberal who listens to talk radio, hears something so terrible they will never listen again yet they cant repeat the offensive dialog that disturbed them so.
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