(AP) TEEN DETAINEES were beaten/TORTURED, left naked in solitary in a VA facility

This is the shit I KNEW WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. As sure as I will draw a breath today. The words I knew we would hear eventually were girls are raped and boys are beaten and abused. Too tucking bad, it was SO SOON!

The RIGHT WING AUTHORITARIANS are in charge now and PUNITIVE immoral, inhumane behavior will be a part of their operating POLICY.

Immigrant teens say they were beaten and tortured at Virginia detention center


21 JUN 2018 AT 07:31 ET

The Associated Press reports that the teens, most of whom were caught crossing the Southern American border unaccompanied, say they were beaten while handcuffed, locked in solitary confinement for extended periods, and regularly forced to sleep naked inside cold concrete cells.

“Whenever they used to restrain me and put me in the chair, they would handcuff me,” one Honduran teen said in a sworn statement. “Strapped me down all the way, from your feet all the way to your chest, you couldn’t really move… They have total control over you. They also put a bag over your head. It has little holes; you can see through it. But you feel suffocated with the bag on.”

In addition to the sworn testimony of the teenagers, a former child-development specialist who worked at the detention center tells the AP that she personally witnessed children with bruises and broken bones — and she said they were a direct result of mistreatment by the center’s guards.

The Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center has formally denied all allegations of physically abusing the young detainees.

Immigrant teens say they were beaten and tortured at Virginia detention center


The poor conditions of Obama’s detention centers, particularly the overcrowding, were a result of his administration encouraging illegal immigration as touted by Central American newspapers.

“Almost all agree that a child who crossed the border illegally with their parents, or in search of a father or a better life, was not making an adult choice to break our laws, and should be treated differently than adult violators of the law,” then-Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson was quoted as saying in El Salvador’s Diario El Mundo.

Similar newspapers also touted Obama’s “de facto” amnesty; for example, La Prensa of Honduras said “children will be accommodated for between three and four months, while their parents or relatives are located in the United States.”

A good percentage of the children never made it to the US, however, having succumbed to dehydration, starvation, gang violence, rapes and.........

Obama’s Migrant Centers Overcrowded, Disease-Ridden, Topped With Razor Wire

View attachment 200114
This is the shit I KNEW WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. As sure as I will draw a breath today. The words I knew we would hear eventually were girls are raped and boys are beaten and abused. Too tucking bad, it was SO SOON!

The RIGHT WING AUTHORITARIANS are in charge now and PUNITIVE immoral, inhumane behavior will be a part of their operating POLICY.

Immigrant teens say they were beaten and tortured at Virginia detention center


21 JUN 2018 AT 07:31 ET

The Associated Press reports that the teens, most of whom were caught crossing the Southern American border unaccompanied, say they were beaten while handcuffed, locked in solitary confinement for extended periods, and regularly forced to sleep naked inside cold concrete cells.

“Whenever they used to restrain me and put me in the chair, they would handcuff me,” one Honduran teen said in a sworn statement. “Strapped me down all the way, from your feet all the way to your chest, you couldn’t really move… They have total control over you. They also put a bag over your head. It has little holes; you can see through it. But you feel suffocated with the bag on.”

In addition to the sworn testimony of the teenagers, a former child-development specialist who worked at the detention center tells the AP that she personally witnessed children with bruises and broken bones — and she said they were a direct result of mistreatment by the center’s guards.

The Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center has formally denied all allegations of physically abusing the young detainees.

Immigrant teens say they were beaten and tortured at Virginia detention center


The poor conditions of Obama’s detention centers, particularly the overcrowding, were a result of his administration encouraging illegal immigration as touted by Central American newspapers.

“Almost all agree that a child who crossed the border illegally with their parents, or in search of a father or a better life, was not making an adult choice to break our laws, and should be treated differently than adult violators of the law,” then-Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson was quoted as saying in El Salvador’s Diario El Mundo.

Similar newspapers also touted Obama’s “de facto” amnesty; for example, La Prensa of Honduras said “children will be accommodated for between three and four months, while their parents or relatives are located in the United States.”

A good percentage of the children never made it to the US, however, having succumbed to dehydration, starvation, gang violence, rapes and.........

Obama’s Migrant Centers Overcrowded, Disease-Ridden, Topped With Razor Wire

View attachment 200114
Infowars? You aren't even trying, are you you?
This is the shit I KNEW WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. As sure as I will draw a breath today. The words I knew we would hear eventually were girls are raped and boys are beaten and abused. Too tucking bad, it was SO SOON!

The RIGHT WING AUTHORITARIANS are in charge now and PUNITIVE immoral, inhumane behavior will be a part of their operating POLICY.

Immigrant teens say they were beaten and tortured at Virginia detention center


21 JUN 2018 AT 07:31 ET

The Associated Press reports that the teens, most of whom were caught crossing the Southern American border unaccompanied, say they were beaten while handcuffed, locked in solitary confinement for extended periods, and regularly forced to sleep naked inside cold concrete cells.

“Whenever they used to restrain me and put me in the chair, they would handcuff me,” one Honduran teen said in a sworn statement. “Strapped me down all the way, from your feet all the way to your chest, you couldn’t really move… They have total control over you. They also put a bag over your head. It has little holes; you can see through it. But you feel suffocated with the bag on.”

In addition to the sworn testimony of the teenagers, a former child-development specialist who worked at the detention center tells the AP that she personally witnessed children with bruises and broken bones — and she said they were a direct result of mistreatment by the center’s guards.

The Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center has formally denied all allegations of physically abusing the young detainees.

Immigrant teens say they were beaten and tortured at Virginia detention center


The poor conditions of Obama’s detention centers, particularly the overcrowding, were a result of his administration encouraging illegal immigration as touted by Central American newspapers.

“Almost all agree that a child who crossed the border illegally with their parents, or in search of a father or a better life, was not making an adult choice to break our laws, and should be treated differently than adult violators of the law,” then-Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson was quoted as saying in El Salvador’s Diario El Mundo.

Similar newspapers also touted Obama’s “de facto” amnesty; for example, La Prensa of Honduras said “children will be accommodated for between three and four months, while their parents or relatives are located in the United States.”

A good percentage of the children never made it to the US, however, having succumbed to dehydration, starvation, gang violence, rapes and.........

Obama’s Migrant Centers Overcrowded, Disease-Ridden, Topped With Razor Wire

View attachment 200114
This is the shit I KNEW WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. As sure as I will draw a breath today. The words I knew we would hear eventually were girls are raped and boys are beaten and abused. Too tucking bad, it was SO SOON!

The RIGHT WING AUTHORITARIANS are in charge now and PUNITIVE immoral, inhumane behavior will be a part of their operating POLICY.

Immigrant teens say they were beaten and tortured at Virginia detention center


21 JUN 2018 AT 07:31 ET

The Associated Press reports that the teens, most of whom were caught crossing the Southern American border unaccompanied, say they were beaten while handcuffed, locked in solitary confinement for extended periods, and regularly forced to sleep naked inside cold concrete cells.

“Whenever they used to restrain me and put me in the chair, they would handcuff me,” one Honduran teen said in a sworn statement. “Strapped me down all the way, from your feet all the way to your chest, you couldn’t really move… They have total control over you. They also put a bag over your head. It has little holes; you can see through it. But you feel suffocated with the bag on.”

In addition to the sworn testimony of the teenagers, a former child-development specialist who worked at the detention center tells the AP that she personally witnessed children with bruises and broken bones — and she said they were a direct result of mistreatment by the center’s guards.

The Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center has formally denied all allegations of physically abusing the young detainees.

Immigrant teens say they were beaten and tortured at Virginia detention center


The poor conditions of Obama’s detention centers, particularly the overcrowding, were a result of his administration encouraging illegal immigration as touted by Central American newspapers.

“Almost all agree that a child who crossed the border illegally with their parents, or in search of a father or a better life, was not making an adult choice to break our laws, and should be treated differently than adult violators of the law,” then-Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson was quoted as saying in El Salvador’s Diario El Mundo.

Similar newspapers also touted Obama’s “de facto” amnesty; for example, La Prensa of Honduras said “children will be accommodated for between three and four months, while their parents or relatives are located in the United States.”

A good percentage of the children never made it to the US, however, having succumbed to dehydration, starvation, gang violence, rapes and.........

Obama’s Migrant Centers Overcrowded, Disease-Ridden, Topped With Razor Wire

View attachment 200114
Infowars? You aren't even trying, are you you?

So, this happened when Obama was president.

Wonder if the OP will come back and acknowledge that he fucked up ?

AP report on alleged illegal immigrant abuse at detention centers omits Obama was president at time
by Eddie Scarry
| June 21, 2018 11:42 AM

An Associated Press report on Thursday detailed a lawsuit wherein a juvenile detention center for illegal immigrants was accused of neglect and abuse of its detainees. The AP report initially neglected to note, however, that the alleged abuse began while President Barack Obama was in office.

The original story said multiple teens have accused Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center near Staunton, Va., of forcing them to be "handcuffed and locked up for long periods in solitary confinement, left nude and shivering in concrete cells."

It also said many of the accusers, including the plaintiff, identified as 17-year-old Mexican "John Doe," suffer from mental health issues, some or all of which began after they were placed in the detention center.

AP report on alleged illegal immigrant abuse at detention centers omits Obama was president at time
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So, this happened when Obama was president.

Wonder if the OP will come back and ackniwledge that he fucked up ?

AP report on alleged illegal immigrant abuse at detention centers omits Obama was president at time
by Eddie Scarry
| June 21, 2018 11:42 AM

An Associated Press report on Thursday detailed a lawsuit wherein a juvenile detention center for illegal immigrants was accused of neglect and abuse of its detainees. The AP report initially neglected to note, however, that the alleged abuse began while President Barack Obama was in office.

The original story said multiple teens have accused Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center near Staunton, Va., of forcing them to be "handcuffed and locked up for long periods in solitary confinement, left nude and shivering in concrete cells."

It also said many of the accusers, including the plaintiff, identified as 17-year-old Mexican "John Doe," suffer from mental health issues, some or all of which began after they were placed in the detention center.

AP report on alleged illegal immigrant abuse at detention centers omits Obama was president at time

And crap like that is why people don't trust the media.
"In court filings, lawyers for the detention facility have denied all the allegations of physical abuse. The incidents described in the lawsuit occurred from 2015 to 2018, during both the Obama and Trump administrations."

Governor orders probe of abuse claims by immigrant children

Might as well put the facts out there and let the chips fall where they may.

The OP would have never posted this story if he would have known a y of this occured during Obama.
As an aside, it isn't Trump that set this system up. It was well in place before he came along.

I vaguely remember reading something about it a couple years back. The MSM wanted to bury it, and it was some independent reporter. It was one of those "2 days and gone" things. I just happened to be there and remember it.
Publicize it and spread the story around. Don't come here. You will be tortured. Send these young people back so they can tell their friends.

Too bad it didn't really happen.

Shot DEAD or RAPED there or forced to join gangs make a run for and MAYBE have better odds here. Sophies choice!

Remember, the entire REGION's pervasice corruption and brutality is the result of being the supplier for OUR AMERICAN DRUG USERS. Why doesn't anyone put it OUR feet?
They aren't forced to join gangs. It's no different than here. They are born into the gang. The same gang their father, brother, uncle and grandfather was in, they are in. Any claims of being forced to join a gang has to get a wink wink. The first thing these kids do, girls included, is find a gang to join.

What rock have you managed to stay under and not read about? One asylum seeker brought there last remaining son here to SAVE him. One kid got his (hand or feet, I forget which) CUT OFF. Here 2nd son was shot in the back and died.
This is the shit I KNEW WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. As sure as I will draw a breath today. The words I knew would hear eventually were girls are raped and boys are beaten and abused. Too tucking bad, it was SO SOON!

The RIGHT WING AUTHORITARIANS are in charge now and PUNITIVE immoral, inhumane behavior will be a part of their POLICY.

Immigrant teens say they were beaten and tortured at Virginia detention center


21 JUN 2018 AT 07:31 ET

The Associated Press reports that the teens, most of whom were caught crossing the Southern American border unaccompanied, say they were beaten while handcuffed, locked in solitary confinement for extended periods, and regularly forced to sleep naked inside cold concrete cells.

“Whenever they used to restrain me and put me in the chair, they would handcuff me,” one Honduran teen said in a sworn statement. “Strapped me down all the way, from your feet all the way to your chest, you couldn’t really move… They have total control over you. They also put a bag over your head. It has little holes; you can see through it. But you feel suffocated with the bag on.”

In addition to the sworn testimony of the teenagers, a former child-development specialist who worked at the detention center tells the AP that she personally witnessed children with bruises and broken bones — and she said they were a direct result of mistreatment by the center’s guards.

The Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center has formally denied all allegations of physically abusing the young detainees.

Immigrant teens say they were beaten and tortured at Virginia detention center
I got a good chuckle out of this story.

The worst part isn't their absurd lies; it's the fact that a news outlet would even print it, knowing full and well that it's bullshit.

Sure, WHY NOT? They just made it up. Out of whole cloth. To make Trump look bad. Sure that's it! Perfectly logical. That's what the AP does.
Gang related bet on it.
centerleftFL What do know about Mariana?

I was one step away from being sent to Mariana when I was a young man. I have a friend that went there.

These people are describing conditions 50% better than Mariana was. :abgg2q.jpg:
This is the shit I KNEW WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. As sure as I will draw a breath today. The words I knew we would hear eventually were girls are raped and boys are beaten and abused. Too tucking bad, it was SO SOON!

The RIGHT WING AUTHORITARIANS are in charge now and PUNITIVE immoral, inhumane behavior will be a part of their operating POLICY.

Immigrant teens say they were beaten and tortured at Virginia detention center


21 JUN 2018 AT 07:31 ET

The Associated Press reports that the teens, most of whom were caught crossing the Southern American border unaccompanied, say they were beaten while handcuffed, locked in solitary confinement for extended periods, and regularly forced to sleep naked inside cold concrete cells.

“Whenever they used to restrain me and put me in the chair, they would handcuff me,” one Honduran teen said in a sworn statement. “Strapped me down all the way, from your feet all the way to your chest, you couldn’t really move… They have total control over you. They also put a bag over your head. It has little holes; you can see through it. But you feel suffocated with the bag on.”

In addition to the sworn testimony of the teenagers, a former child-development specialist who worked at the detention center tells the AP that she personally witnessed children with bruises and broken bones — and she said they were a direct result of mistreatment by the center’s guards.

The Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center has formally denied all allegations of physically abusing the young detainees.

Immigrant teens say they were beaten and tortured at Virginia detention center

A more in-depth story shows these allegations have been made since 2015, indicating a systemic problem at that facility. Perhaps all prisoners should be taken out of there.

Young immigrants detained in Virginia center allege abuse
So, this happened when Obama was president.

Wonder if the OP will come back and ackniwledge that he fucked up ?

AP report on alleged illegal immigrant abuse at detention centers omits Obama was president at time
by Eddie Scarry
| June 21, 2018 11:42 AM

An Associated Press report on Thursday detailed a lawsuit wherein a juvenile detention center for illegal immigrants was accused of neglect and abuse of its detainees. The AP report initially neglected to note, however, that the alleged abuse began while President Barack Obama was in office.

The original story said multiple teens have accused Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center near Staunton, Va., of forcing them to be "handcuffed and locked up for long periods in solitary confinement, left nude and shivering in concrete cells."

It also said many of the accusers, including the plaintiff, identified as 17-year-old Mexican "John Doe," suffer from mental health issues, some or all of which began after they were placed in the detention center.

AP report on alleged illegal immigrant abuse at detention centers omits Obama was president at time

I'm BACK. I knew the DATES. It was your job to figure them out! Now. 2015-2018, at least 1 - 2 years under each PRESIDENT. 1 REP and 1 DEM governor. (Or bridging-2 governors of diff parties?) 2 DEMOCRATIC US SENATORS called for the investigation as well they should.

Sadly, I'm sorry to say this is 'state' or county run facility. I wish I could blame private penal systems for this one.. These kids were HARMED. And I will double down--this is what happens to KIDS who have no power. And yes, I think this is what happens when kids are BROWN.

Beware, this is only the beginning.
As an aside, it isn't Trump that set this system up. It was well in place before he came along.

I vaguely remember reading something about it a couple years back. The MSM wanted to bury it, and it was some independent reporter. It was one of those "2 days and gone" things. I just happened to be there and remember it.

This bridged Obama and Trump. Without knowing when these kids and 'what kids' were abused, I'm withholding judgement that this was EQUAL OPPORTUNITY abuse. I guess we'll see.

As for the 1 or 2 and DONE life cycles of stories, welcome to 24/7 news and without a doubt the fast moving, daily drama of 'this one's tweets, utterances and executive orders, missteps and general governing by chaos.

I heard a REPUBLICAN exclaim--loudly, after discussing some of Trump's latest antics, "I'm exhausted, I'm just plain exhausted."
Sorry, but I sincerely doubt you knew when you posted this story, that it extended back to the Obama era.
So, this happened when Obama was president.

Wonder if the OP will come back and ackniwledge that he fucked up ?

AP report on alleged illegal immigrant abuse at detention centers omits Obama was president at time
by Eddie Scarry
| June 21, 2018 11:42 AM

An Associated Press report on Thursday detailed a lawsuit wherein a juvenile detention center for illegal immigrants was accused of neglect and abuse of its detainees. The AP report initially neglected to note, however, that the alleged abuse began while President Barack Obama was in office.

The original story said multiple teens have accused Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center near Staunton, Va., of forcing them to be "handcuffed and locked up for long periods in solitary confinement, left nude and shivering in concrete cells."

It also said many of the accusers, including the plaintiff, identified as 17-year-old Mexican "John Doe," suffer from mental health issues, some or all of which began after they were placed in the detention center.

AP report on alleged illegal immigrant abuse at detention centers omits Obama was president at time

I'm BACK. I knew the DATES. It was your job to figure them out! Now. 2015-2018, at least 1 - 2 years under each PRESIDENT. 1 REP and 1 DEM governor. (Or bridging-2 governors of diff parties?) 2 DEMOCRATIC US SENATORS called for the investigation as well they should.

Sadly, I'm sorry to say this is 'state' or county run facility. I wish I could blame private penal systems for this one.. These kids were HARMED. And I will double down--this is what happens to KIDS who have no power. And yes, I think this is what happens when kids are BROWN.

Beware, this is only the beginning.

But you don't know what Mariana is, amirite? What's Mariana about? What is Mariana?
This is the shit I KNEW WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. As sure as I will draw a breath today. The words I knew we would hear eventually were girls are raped and boys are beaten and abused. Too tucking bad, it was SO SOON!

The RIGHT WING AUTHORITARIANS are in charge now and PUNITIVE immoral, inhumane behavior will be a part of their operating POLICY.

Immigrant teens say they were beaten and tortured at Virginia detention center


21 JUN 2018 AT 07:31 ET

The Associated Press reports that the teens, most of whom were caught crossing the Southern American border unaccompanied, say they were beaten while handcuffed, locked in solitary confinement for extended periods, and regularly forced to sleep naked inside cold concrete cells.

“Whenever they used to restrain me and put me in the chair, they would handcuff me,” one Honduran teen said in a sworn statement. “Strapped me down all the way, from your feet all the way to your chest, you couldn’t really move… They have total control over you. They also put a bag over your head. It has little holes; you can see through it. But you feel suffocated with the bag on.”

In addition to the sworn testimony of the teenagers, a former child-development specialist who worked at the detention center tells the AP that she personally witnessed children with bruises and broken bones — and she said they were a direct result of mistreatment by the center’s guards.

The Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center has formally denied all allegations of physically abusing the young detainees.

Immigrant teens say they were beaten and tortured at Virginia detention center

These, if true, are crimes against humanity and Trump is responsible in the end, as are all the people that participated or enabled it.
This is the shit I KNEW WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. As sure as I will draw a breath today. The words I knew we would hear eventually were girls are raped and boys are beaten and abused. Too tucking bad, it was SO SOON!

The RIGHT WING AUTHORITARIANS are in charge now and PUNITIVE immoral, inhumane behavior will be a part of their operating POLICY.

Immigrant teens say they were beaten and tortured at Virginia detention center


21 JUN 2018 AT 07:31 ET

The Associated Press reports that the teens, most of whom were caught crossing the Southern American border unaccompanied, say they were beaten while handcuffed, locked in solitary confinement for extended periods, and regularly forced to sleep naked inside cold concrete cells.

“Whenever they used to restrain me and put me in the chair, they would handcuff me,” one Honduran teen said in a sworn statement. “Strapped me down all the way, from your feet all the way to your chest, you couldn’t really move… They have total control over you. They also put a bag over your head. It has little holes; you can see through it. But you feel suffocated with the bag on.”

In addition to the sworn testimony of the teenagers, a former child-development specialist who worked at the detention center tells the AP that she personally witnessed children with bruises and broken bones — and she said they were a direct result of mistreatment by the center’s guards.

The Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center has formally denied all allegations of physically abusing the young detainees.

Immigrant teens say they were beaten and tortured at Virginia detention center
I've got some swampland and crap to sell you if you believe all of that
This is the shit I KNEW WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. As sure as I will draw a breath today. The words I knew we would hear eventually were girls are raped and boys are beaten and abused. Too tucking bad, it was SO SOON!

The RIGHT WING AUTHORITARIANS are in charge now and PUNITIVE immoral, inhumane behavior will be a part of their operating POLICY.

Immigrant teens say they were beaten and tortured at Virginia detention center


21 JUN 2018 AT 07:31 ET

The Associated Press reports that the teens, most of whom were caught crossing the Southern American border unaccompanied, say they were beaten while handcuffed, locked in solitary confinement for extended periods, and regularly forced to sleep naked inside cold concrete cells.

“Whenever they used to restrain me and put me in the chair, they would handcuff me,” one Honduran teen said in a sworn statement. “Strapped me down all the way, from your feet all the way to your chest, you couldn’t really move… They have total control over you. They also put a bag over your head. It has little holes; you can see through it. But you feel suffocated with the bag on.”

In addition to the sworn testimony of the teenagers, a former child-development specialist who worked at the detention center tells the AP that she personally witnessed children with bruises and broken bones — and she said they were a direct result of mistreatment by the center’s guards.

The Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center has formally denied all allegations of physically abusing the young detainees.

Immigrant teens say they were beaten and tortured at Virginia detention center

These, if true, are crimes against humanity and Trump is responsible in the end, as are all the people that participated or enabled it.
sure--Trump/whites/conservatives/Republicans/etc are responsible for all wrongs in the world
..the leftists/etc can do NO wrong at all--they are inhuman

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