Apollo/Cyclonus: A Capitalism School [Eco-Christmas]?


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Sep 22, 2013
This Christmas, we might consider why/how 'TrumpUSA' has become a 'tower' of capitalism theory and practice, as we scramble to open our gifts under the tree and celebrate consumerism and shopping!

Apollo, the sun god, is an ancient mythology avatar symbolizing potency and magic (and war). Cyclonus, the fictional wolfish first-knight evil robot from the A.I. fantasy-adventure entertainment franchise Transformers (Hasbro) is a modernism avatar symbolizing terrorism and nihilism (and anarchy).

Apollo and Cyclonus are like 'avatar-foils' (both in terms of old world vs. new world axes and governance vs. anarchy axes!).

We might therefore consider how the Apollo/Cyclonus 'metaphysics axis' of politics-analysis or evaluation might help us delineate 'lifestyle-values' regarding this 'TrumpUSA Christmas.' After all, we don't want to be remembered as citizens who indulged in the morally lax policies of the Administration of a celebrity-president (Donald Trump), the same way citizens of the 'Big '80s' are criticized for indulging in the consumerism-frivolities of the symbolically speculative Administration of the last celebrity-president (Ronald Reagan)!

This TrumpUSA Christmastime patriotism-vignette was inspired by The Monkey Wrench Gang.



Apollo was concerned that all the 2018 TrumpUSA Christmas festivities was leading humanity to neglect the problems of commerce, capitalism, and industrialism/industrialization, especially the nefarious problem of manmade eco-pollution. Apollo, the great Sun God, decided to descend to Earth and observe American shoppers during the Christmas season and take note of how citizens celebrated capitalism and how they ignored 'social hygiene' in favor of 'lax consumerism morals.' Meanwhile, the underworld provocateur Cyclonus (a metallic demon and agent of Satan, the Devil) also was observing TrumpUSA Christmastime 'idiosyncrasies' and decided to ascend to Earth/America and take notice of Christmastime shoppers and how they neglected everyday social hygiene. Apollo/Cyclonus thought about the tangibility of consumerism-catalyzed moral laxness and America's love of 'cholesterol-culture' (e.g., Burger King).


Apollo and Cyclonus decided to both travel to Yale University and cloak themselves in invisibility and sit in on a graduate-level course lecture about the links between folk-literature and capitalism. As the teacher of the intriguing course, Dr. Thomas, gave a lesson on the links between folk heroism and commerce-paranoia in the iconic Arthur Miller novel Death of a Salesman, Apollo/Cyclonus thought about the ergonomics of commerce imagination and wondered if Yale was a 'beacon' of rational intellectualism in the otherwise seemingly 'commerce-obsessed' tower of TrumpUSA. Apollo and Cyclonus finally noticed each other and realized they were both at Yale representing Heaven and Hell and decided to engage each other in a debate/discussion about TrumpUSA Christmas and 'capitalism-aesthetics.'


APOLLO: It seems modern-day students are educated about capitalism theory!
CYCLONUS: Well, it also seems Christmastime shopping is rather 'frivolous.'
APOLLO: You wonder why 300 Sufi Muslims were killed in an Egyptian mosque on Black Friday.
CYCLONUS: Black Friday 2017, yes; Black Friday is the annual shopping-day after Thanksgiving!
APOLLO: That's right; every Black Friday, countless Americans shop for Christmas gifts (on sale).
CYCLONUS: Maybe Muslim terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11 as a pun on 9-1-1.
APOLLO: Maybe; 9-1-1 is the American police emergency phone-code and symbolizes urban traffic.
CYCLONUS: Maybe the Black Friday attack on Sufi Muslims in Egypt (by ISIS terrorists) was 'symbolic.'
APOLLO: Many have suggested there was some political message 'hidden' in that ISIS attack!
CYCLONUS: So, terrorists are using 'coded-language' to create tremors about commercial traffic.
APOLLO: So as capitalists embrace Burger King consumerism, terrorists create traffic tremors.
CYCLONUS: It's the obligation of TrumpUSA capitalists to govern this modern global 'spiritual bank.'
APOLLO: Well, numerous critics of capitalism cite eco-pollution as a neglected 'by-product' of industry.
CYCLONUS: Maybe more courses at schools like Yale about capitalism-theory reveal social compasses.
APOLLO: True; without moral guidance and education, there is little analysis of reform-potential.
CYCLONUS: Well, as a 'diplomat' of Heaven, you're a wise-man regarding the values of leadership.
APOLLO: As an 'agent' of Hell, you're shrewd about the profitability of subversion.
CYCLONUS: So which is more indicative of social imagination --- leadership or subversion?
APOLLO: The nature of man is to organize, and the spirit of man is to seek improvements/reforms.
CYCLONUS: In that case, 2018 TrumpUSA Christmas should be an 'Eco-Christmas Special.'
APOLLO: Capitalism is media-driven, and Americans 'learn' from symbolic films like Jerry Maguire.
CYCLONUS: Yes, Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) is a sports/marketing IQ film and reveals 'Americanism'!
APOLLO: Perhaps American athletes could endorse eco-friendly products and goods/foods.
CYCLONUS: Sure, natural energy-bars might be something an athlete finds...virtuous.
APOLLO: I agree; the Larabar is a nice example of such a 'capitalism-hygiene' product/food.
CYCLONUS: In other words, TrumpUSA capitalism should be a thing of...filtration.
APOLLO: Let's concede that filtration is the process by which commerce becomes philosophical.
CYCLONUS: We've disagreed, however, on the degrees of refinement regarding capitalism-fitness.
APOLLO: Yes, you believe TrumpUSA is a 'carnival,' and I think TrumpUSA is a 'spa.'
CYCLONUS: Maybe Americans love celebrities and candy, since capitalism promotes ornaments.
APOLLO: Let's return to our dominions confident that TrumpUSA Christmas is surely 'folkloric'!




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