

Silver Member
Sep 9, 2013
Apologies to those who may have been offended by my previous thread. It was inappropriate. I sincerely apologize.
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Apologies to those who may have been offended by my previous thread. It was inappropriate. I sincerely apologize.

Sorry I missed it. Was it the masturbation thing? If so, how is the question inappropriate when certain religious folks make the assertion that such a thing is sinful and an evil inclination while other people find nothing wrong with it and some even find it healthy?

whats the problem with discussing the morality or ethics of one position or another on the matter?

And why the hell are you apologizing?????
Apologies to those who may have been offended by my previous thread. It was inappropriate. I sincerely apologize.

Sorry I missed it. Was it the masturbation thing? If so, how is the question inappropriate when certain religious folks make the assertion that such a thing is sinful and an evil inclination while other people find nothing wrong with it and some even find it healthy?

whats the problem with discussing the morality or ethics of one position or another on the matter?

And why the hell are you apologizing?????

If you got a sticky keyboard the good Lord's got a spot saved for you first class and one way right to Satan's doorstep
Apologies to those who may have been offended by my previous thread. It was inappropriate. I sincerely apologize.

Sorry I missed it. Was it the masturbation thing? If so, how is the question inappropriate when certain religious folks make the assertion that such a thing is sinful and an evil inclination while other people find nothing wrong with it and some even find it healthy?

whats the problem with discussing the morality or ethics of one position or another on the matter?

And why the hell are you apologizing?????

If you got a sticky keyboard the good Lord's got a spot saved for you first class and one way right to Satan's doorstep

I bet when you heard the nuns say that if you didn't stop playing with yourself that you would go blind you thought they were talking about jerkin the gherkin and losing your vision, didn't you?

Sorry I missed it. Was it the masturbation thing? If so, how is the question inappropriate when certain religious folks make the assertion that such a thing is sinful and an evil inclination while other people find nothing wrong with it and some even find it healthy?

whats the problem with discussing the morality or ethics of one position or another on the matter?

And why the hell are you apologizing?????

If you got a sticky keyboard the good Lord's got a spot saved for you first class and one way right to Satan's doorstep

I bet when you heard the nuns say that if you didn't stop playing with yourself that you would go blind you thought they were talking about jerkin the gherkin and losing your vision, didn't you?


The devil has clearly snared your tongue and as a fine Christian I must begrudge you of your ways but hain't no restrictions of that kind placed upon our Lord and our Savior and come Judgement Day ye will reap what ye have sown
If you got a sticky keyboard the good Lord's got a spot saved for you first class and one way right to Satan's doorstep

I bet when you heard the nuns say that if you didn't stop playing with yourself that you would go blind you thought they were talking about jerkin the gherkin and losing your vision, didn't you?


The devil has clearly snared your tongue and as a fine Christian I must begrudge you of your ways but hain't no restrictions of that kind placed upon our Lord and our Savior and come Judgement Day ye will reap what ye have sown

Hey, if you are sexually dysfunctional as a matter of religious devotion, you have your reward already.
I bet when you heard the nuns say that if you didn't stop playing with yourself that you would go blind you thought they were talking about jerkin the gherkin and losing your vision, didn't you?


The devil has clearly snared your tongue and as a fine Christian I must begrudge you of your ways but hain't no restrictions of that kind placed upon our Lord and our Savior and come Judgement Day ye will reap what ye have sown

Hey, if you are sexually dysfunctional as a matter of religious devotion, you have your reward already.

Repent sinner!!!!! Your time is nigh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The devil has clearly snared your tongue and as a fine Christian I must begrudge you of your ways but hain't no restrictions of that kind placed upon our Lord and our Savior and come Judgement Day ye will reap what ye have sown

Hey, if you are sexually dysfunctional as a matter of religious devotion, you have your reward already.

Repent sinner!!!!! Your time is nigh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh please!


Some devil has clearly fucked up your mind, not the invisible kind but the one who will fill your head with garbage for a nominal service charge every Sunday.
Hey, if you are sexually dysfunctional as a matter of religious devotion, you have your reward already.

Repent sinner!!!!! Your time is nigh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh please!


Some devil has clearly fucked up your mind, not the invisible kind but the one who will fill your head with garbage for a nominal service charge every Sunday.

Yer confusing me with those devils whose holes you fill with garbage (your tiny inadequate garbage) for a nominal service charge... probably more often than only Sundays!
Repent sinner!!!!! Your time is nigh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh please!


Some devil has clearly fucked up your mind, not the invisible kind but the one who will fill your head with garbage for a nominal service charge every Sunday.

Yer confusing me with those devils whose holes you fill with garbage (your tiny inadequate garbage) for a nominal service charge... probably more often than only Sundays!

No, you are as fine a Christian as they come, as sanctimonious, duplicitous and pretentious as the very finest three dollar bill.

Repent sinner?

fuck you.
Oh please!


Some devil has clearly fucked up your mind, not the invisible kind but the one who will fill your head with garbage for a nominal service charge every Sunday.

Yer confusing me with those devils whose holes you fill with garbage (your tiny inadequate garbage) for a nominal service charge... probably more often than only Sundays!

No, you are as fine a Christian as they come, as sanctimonious, duplicitous and pretentious as the very finest three dollar bill.

Repent sinner?

fuck you.

I shall toss ash in your name and read aloud from Austin 3:16 in front of the morning congregation tomorrow in the hopes of your salvation.
You know, GISSY, you are driving me to have more sex with my wife.
She's cheering you on.
Guess it got deleted because of how it was worded. Too polarizing or graphic.

For the record Christians and others are not actually forbidden from self-pleasuring. Have links to sites about it (along with all manner of other things being a 14yo computer and bookmarks file.) What's forbidden for Christians at least is mental fantasies where you're visualizing a woman/man you're not married to as per Yeshua's thing about 'if you but look at a woman with lust you've commited adultery with her.' That's the operant sin, not the masturbation itself. So theologians who've written about this question say if you can do it without the visualization, you're fine. Link below to one such site discussing it:

Is masturbation a sin? | Masturbation and the bible | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
"The Bible does not discuss masturbation at all. This seems a little odd since it is such a strong and prevalent human event. And, given that Leviticus has so much to say about sexuality, one would think it natural that the subject would be covered. But it isn't. Masturbation is not specifically declared to be sinful. Nevertheless, we must be cautious to pronounce something to be sinful or not sinful when God has not discussed it. Therefore, we have to derive principles from scripture on related sexual issues and see if we can wisely apply them to the subject of masturbation.

But, is it sinful? Again, answering this question is difficult because the Bible does not pronounce it as sin. Nevertheless, there is the principle of purity that is obviously true. Does masturbation fall under the category of purity?

We can say this for sure. If masturbation involves sexual fantasies and/or pornography, then it is certainly not pure and is very sinful.
Guess it got deleted because of how it was worded. Too polarizing or graphic.

For the record Christians and others are not actually forbidden from self-pleasuring. Have links to sites about it (along with all manner of other things being a 14yo computer and bookmarks file.) What's forbidden for Christians at least is mental fantasies where you're visualizing a woman/man you're not married to as per Yeshua's thing about 'if you but look at a woman with lust you've commited adultery with her.' That's the operant sin, not the masturbation itself. So theologians who've written about this question say if you can do it without the visualization, you're fine. Link below to one such site discussing it:

Is masturbation a sin? | Masturbation and the bible | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
"The Bible does not discuss masturbation at all. This seems a little odd since it is such a strong and prevalent human event. And, given that Leviticus has so much to say about sexuality, one would think it natural that the subject would be covered. But it isn't. Masturbation is not specifically declared to be sinful. Nevertheless, we must be cautious to pronounce something to be sinful or not sinful when God has not discussed it. Therefore, we have to derive principles from scripture on related sexual issues and see if we can wisely apply them to the subject of masturbation.

But, is it sinful? Again, answering this question is difficult because the Bible does not pronounce it as sin. Nevertheless, there is the principle of purity that is obviously true. Does masturbation fall under the category of purity?

We can say this for sure. If masturbation involves sexual fantasies and/or pornography, then it is certainly not pure and is very sinful.

Have you ever studied the word Lasciviousness in the Bible? It might apply.

Wondering how sex outside of marriage is forbidden and this topic is not?
Guess it got deleted because of how it was worded. Too polarizing or graphic.

For the record Christians and others are not actually forbidden from self-pleasuring. Have links to sites about it (along with all manner of other things being a 14yo computer and bookmarks file.) What's forbidden for Christians at least is mental fantasies where you're visualizing a woman/man you're not married to as per Yeshua's thing about 'if you but look at a woman with lust you've commited adultery with her.' That's the operant sin, not the masturbation itself. ]

When Jesus said that if a person looks at a woman with lust they have already committed adultery he was pointing out the hypocrisy of punishing some people for doing what everyone else thinks about.. Remember? every action is preceded by thought. If the action is sinful so is the thought.

When Jesus said that only a perverse and adulterous generation seeks a sign he was not talking about sex outside of marriage.

Sex is not the subject of the prohibition against adultery. infidelity to God is.

That's why every single Christian out there who worships Jesus as if he was a god, (an unnatural and perverse relationship between men), and obsesses over other peoples sexuality is guilty of the same sins they love to condemn others for and in doing so condemn themselves.
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Guess it got deleted because of how it was worded. Too polarizing or graphic.

For the record Christians and others are not actually forbidden from self-pleasuring. Have links to sites about it (along with all manner of other things being a 14yo computer and bookmarks file.) What's forbidden for Christians at least is mental fantasies where you're visualizing a woman/man you're not married to as per Yeshua's thing about 'if you but look at a woman with lust you've commited adultery with her.' That's the operant sin, not the masturbation itself. So theologians who've written about this question say if you can do it without the visualization, you're fine. Link below to one such site discussing it:

Is masturbation a sin? | Masturbation and the bible | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
"The Bible does not discuss masturbation at all. This seems a little odd since it is such a strong and prevalent human event. And, given that Leviticus has so much to say about sexuality, one would think it natural that the subject would be covered. But it isn't. Masturbation is not specifically declared to be sinful. Nevertheless, we must be cautious to pronounce something to be sinful or not sinful when God has not discussed it. Therefore, we have to derive principles from scripture on related sexual issues and see if we can wisely apply them to the subject of masturbation.

But, is it sinful? Again, answering this question is difficult because the Bible does not pronounce it as sin. Nevertheless, there is the principle of purity that is obviously true. Does masturbation fall under the category of purity?

We can say this for sure. If masturbation involves sexual fantasies and/or pornography, then it is certainly not pure and is very sinful.

Have you ever studied the word Lasciviousness in the Bible? It might apply.

Wondering how sex outside of marriage is forbidden and this topic is not?

'Sex outside/before marriage' is complicated Scripturally.

"In Jewish law, sex is not considered shameful, sinful or obscene. Sex is not thought of as a necessary evil for the sole purpose of procreation. Although sexual desire comes from the yetzer ra (the evil impulse), it is no more evil than hunger or thirst, which also come from the yetzer ra. Like hunger, thirst or other basic instincts, sexual desire must be controlled and channeled, satisfied at the proper time, place and manner. But when sexual desire is satisfied between a husband and wife at the proper time, out of mutual love and desire, sex is a mitzvah."
Judaism 101: Kosher Sex

Complication arises in that Scripture makes numerous mentions of men and women having sex (directly, or by inference) sans marriage. As with ruling classes using prostitutes, concubines, courtesans, and the like. And a strict reading and literal interpretation of Genesis reveals Adam and Eve were not in fact married.

Could write tons more about this but will sum up: in Judaism, sex sans marriage is sinful. But interestingly, sex IN marriage is a commandment (positive mitzvah.) And my favourite commandment of any religion ever is,

Not to withhold food, clothing or conjugal rights from a wife (Ex. 21:10)

So so much for the myth that Judaism represses women. If your wife wants to get down, she can intiate it on a whim. :)
"We can say this for sure. If masturbation involves sexual fantasies and/or pornography, then it is certainly not pure and is very sinful."

I can say this for sure. Typical religious hypocrisy.
Opinion on masturbation has changed over time. In ancient times, noturnal emissions (wet dreams) or masturbation while asleep was thought to be the work of Lilith (according to folklore, Adam's first wife before Eve.) So methods to prevent her 'stealing men's seed as they slept' were devised. In medieval times, Christians came up with some very inventive solutions including metal rings worn around the penis with inward mounted spikes which prevented erection.

So if all you hear today is it's bad, consider that a better answer to what our ancestors had to put up with. :)

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