Apostasy In America!And of course in another states of the western world


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Don't believe traitorous 'churches' and their corrupted 501(c)(3) greedy 'priests'
Almost 95% of them are dead now.

Anything is predicted in the Holy Bible, just read it and follow its advise.
Prey to God directly, without middlemen.

The Holy Spirit will help you.

America has forgotten God! Never before has America been in more dyer need of Billy Sunday style preachers who cry aloud and spare not against the wickedness of our day. If Billy Sunday were alive today, he would be preaching against abortion, homosexuality, witchcraft, government corruption, Hollyweird, MTV, dead churches, and of course—gambling, dancing and booze.

1st John 5:19b says, “the whole world lieth in wickedness.” The Bible sure hits the nail right on the head concerning the wickedness of mankind. The world is controlled by Satan (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Sadly, many believers are woefully ignorant of this fact. Most churches in the United States are apostate!

America has forgotten God! Never before has America been in more dyer need of Billy Sunday style preachers who cry aloud and spare not against the wickedness of our day. If Billy Sunday were alive today, he would be preaching against abortion, homosexuality, witchcraft, government corruption, Hollyweird, MTV, dead churches, and of course—gambling, dancing and booze.
And to what actions would Billy be exhorting his congregation to do to fight all that?

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