Apparently Democrats are allowed to kill infants and wear KKK hoods...

The fact have been fixed around the talking point for the pseudo-conned.

What he was describing was what happens with a live birth of a fatally deformed baby. Apparently the child would be sedated to suppress the pain until he or she passes away, or if the parent(s) want the sedation can be removed and they can cherish their child as long as the want. I don't believe there was any language in the bill that would allow the euthanasia or infanticide, of the child.

The clip was edited and presented to the public to create fuel for the talking point. Just like the clip of Injun Joe banging his drum at the High School kid.

You're being played.

He was supporting a bill whose author admitted would allow an infant ready to be delivered instead to be killed.

The bill changed some of the wording and reduced the requirement for a second and third doctor's note, to just one. His statement was chopped up and fed to their (Pro-Life SJWers) hysterical masses as evidence of Infanticide. They ate it up like the other SJWers did on the Injun Joe v Smirking kid crap.

Somebody is playing with ya.

I heard the bill's author say it allowed for abortion during labor, and he was supporting it. That's enough for me.
The fact have been fixed around the talking point for the pseudo-conned.

What he was describing was what happens with a live birth of a fatally deformed baby. Apparently the child would be sedated to suppress the pain until he or she passes away, or if the parent(s) want the sedation can be removed and they can cherish their child as long as the want. I don't believe there was any language in the bill that would allow the euthanasia or infanticide, of the child.

The clip was edited and presented to the public to create fuel for the talking point. Just like the clip of Injun Joe banging his drum at the High School kid.

You're being played.

He was supporting a bill whose author admitted would allow an infant ready to be delivered instead to be killed.

The bill changed some of the wording and reduced the requirement for a second and third doctor's note, to just one. His statement was chopped up and fed to their (Pro-Life SJWers) hysterical masses as evidence of Infanticide. They ate it up like the other SJWers did on the Injun Joe v Smirking kid crap.

Somebody is playing with ya.

I heard the bill's author say it allowed for abortion during labor, and he was supporting it. That's enough for me.
Well you "heard" are you lying?) wrong.

The bill does nothing but reduce the numbers of doctors required to approve a third trimester abortion from 3 to 1.

Stop lying
The fact have been fixed around the talking point for the pseudo-conned.

What he was describing was what happens with a live birth of a fatally deformed baby. Apparently the child would be sedated to suppress the pain until he or she passes away, or if the parent(s) want the sedation can be removed and they can cherish their child as long as the want. I don't believe there was any language in the bill that would allow the euthanasia or infanticide, of the child.

The clip was edited and presented to the public to create fuel for the talking point. Just like the clip of Injun Joe banging his drum at the High School kid.

You're being played.

He was supporting a bill whose author admitted would allow an infant ready to be delivered instead to be killed.

The bill changed some of the wording and reduced the requirement for a second and third doctor's note, to just one. His statement was chopped up and fed to their (Pro-Life SJWers) hysterical masses as evidence of Infanticide. They ate it up like the other SJWers did on the Injun Joe v Smirking kid crap.

Somebody is playing with ya.

I heard the bill's author say it allowed for abortion during labor, and he was supporting it. That's enough for me.
Well you "heard" are you lying?) wrong.

The bill does nothing but reduce the numbers of doctors required to approve a third trimester abortion from 3 to 1.

Stop lying

She was asked if her bill allowed a woman who was actually in labor to get an abortion. She said yes, it would. They played the clip on a local radio show. You do know I live in Richmond, right, so it would make the local news? Anyway, here's a link to educate yourself with. Of course, you could also look up Kathy Tran and abortion bill if you refuse to believe fact.
Democrats are now toast !!

Trump will
Transform the whole European way of living life

By helping Putin ?

You've got no idea.

Trump is destroying liberalism

By exposing its hypocrisies.

Yep. Human nature gets upset with hypocrisy ...and their anger then stops it. The most wise will see the hypocrisy first and these would be white males

The wise white males has judged Muellers probe as blackmail to scare trump to over look the more serious crimes by democrats

Barr is soon to be confirmed and the investigations of the deep state will begin

And soon both investigations will be looked at side by side

Barr will declare the mueller probe as a blackmail crime to cover up more serious crimes

Trump has the white men with their highest logic ability who already had judged Muellers probe as blackmail

Barr or anyone cannot afford to go against the REAL POWER. The white males

The white males has never lost a war
She was asked if her bill allowed a woman who was actually in labor to get an abortion. She said yes, it would. They played the clip on a local radio show. You do know I live in Richmond, right, so it would make the local news? Anyway, here's a link to educate yourself with. Of course, you could also look up Kathy Tran and abortion bill if you refuse to believe fact.

Despite what you might have heard, at no point did Tran try to legalize infanticide.

When Tran appeared before a statehouse subcommittee, the Republican majority leader, Todd Gilbert, presented her with an outré hypothetical. Could a woman about to go into labor request an abortion if her doctor certified that she needed one for mental health reasons? Tran said that the decision would be between a woman and her doctor, but, evidently taken aback by the question, eventually allowed that it would be permitted under her bill.

Tran handled the moment poorly. She might have pointed out that legislation is not generally written with an eye to prohibiting ridiculous and unprecedented scenarios. It is inconceivable that a doctor would certify a need for an abortion while a woman is in labor; some doctors won’t even let a woman turn down a C-section if they think a baby’s health is at risk. But Tran’s impolitic answer to a ludicrous question gave abortion opponents grist for an explosion of self-righteous outrage.
Yeah, if Northam were a Republican, the media would still be screaming about his failure to resign. But I see that CNN has stopped covering the story on its website.
Trump will
Transform the whole European way of living life

By helping Putin ?

You've got no idea.

Trump is destroying liberalism

By exposing its hypocrisies.

Yep. Human nature gets upset with hypocrisy ...and their anger then stops it. The most wise will see the hypocrisy first and these would be white males

The wise white males has judged Muellers probe as blackmail to scare trump to over look the more serious crimes by democrats

Barr is soon to be confirmed and the investigations of the deep state will begin

And soon both investigations will be looked at side by side

Barr will declare the mueller probe as a blackmail crime to cover up more serious crimes

Trump has the white men with their highest logic ability who already had judged Muellers probe as blackmail

Barr or anyone cannot afford to go against the REAL POWER. The white males

The white males has never lost a war
Looks like we have the Russian troll point of view covered eh?
She was asked if her bill allowed a woman who was actually in labor to get an abortion. She said yes, it would. They played the clip on a local radio show. You do know I live in Richmond, right, so it would make the local news? Anyway, here's a link to educate yourself with. Of course, you could also look up Kathy Tran and abortion bill if you refuse to believe fact.

Despite what you might have heard, at no point did Tran try to legalize infanticide.

When Tran appeared before a statehouse subcommittee, the Republican majority leader, Todd Gilbert, presented her with an outré hypothetical. Could a woman about to go into labor request an abortion if her doctor certified that she needed one for mental health reasons? Tran said that the decision would be between a woman and her doctor, but, evidently taken aback by the question, eventually allowed that it would be permitted under her bill.

Tran handled the moment poorly. She might have pointed out that legislation is not generally written with an eye to prohibiting ridiculous and unprecedented scenarios. It is inconceivable that a doctor would certify a need for an abortion while a woman is in labor; some doctors won’t even let a woman turn down a C-section if they think a baby’s health is at risk. But Tran’s impolitic answer to a ludicrous question gave abortion opponents grist for an explosion of self-righteous outrage.

IOW, what I said. Note that I didn't say anything about infanticide, you did, so if you are trying to insinuate that I was accusing her of it, you're lying.
...because Northam is still Governor of Virginia!!!

Yup, they never get upset when clear signs of racism appear among Dems. They never believe the woman when she accuses of Dem of sexual assault. They never hold Dems responsible for what they said or did yesterday, let alone decades ago.

The fact have been fixed around the talking point for the pseudo-conned.

What he was describing was what happens with a live birth of a fatally deformed baby. Apparently the child would be sedated to suppress the pain until he or she passes away, or if the parent(s) want the sedation can be removed and they can cherish their child as long as the want. I don't believe there was any language in the bill that would allow the euthanasia or infanticide, of the child.

The clip was edited and presented to the public to create fuel for the talking point. Just like the clip of Injun Joe banging his drum at the High School kid.

You're being played.

He was supporting a bill whose author admitted would allow an infant ready to be delivered instead to be killed.

The bill changed some of the wording and reduced the requirement for a second and third doctor's note, to just one. His statement was chopped up and fed to their (Pro-Life SJWers) hysterical masses as evidence of Infanticide. They ate it up like the other SJWers did on the Injun Joe v Smirking kid crap.

Somebody is playing with ya.

I heard the bill's author say it allowed for abortion during labor, and he was supporting it. That's enough for me.

Of course is..... except....

When she was asked by a Republican lawmaker during the hearing whether the bill would allow an abortion to occur when a woman is in labor and about to give birth, Tran said yes.

But on Thursday, Tran, a mother of four, corrected herself. "I should have said: 'Clearly, no because infanticide is not allowed in Virginia, and what would have happened in that moment would be a live birth.' "

The edited video of Tran's testimony led some on Twitter to call Tran a "baby killer" or "a demonic creature." Trump also weighed in, saying he had seen the video, and called Tran's testimony "terrible."


Tran said she and her family have received death threats through telephone messages, email and social media, leading to extra police protection for her at the state Capitol in Richmond, and for her family in West Springfield"

After Getting Death Threats, US Lawmaker Says She "Misspoke" On Abortion
The fact have been fixed around the talking point for the pseudo-conned.

What he was describing was what happens with a live birth of a fatally deformed baby. Apparently the child would be sedated to suppress the pain until he or she passes away, or if the parent(s) want the sedation can be removed and they can cherish their child as long as the want. I don't believe there was any language in the bill that would allow the euthanasia or infanticide, of the child.

The clip was edited and presented to the public to create fuel for the talking point. Just like the clip of Injun Joe banging his drum at the High School kid.

You're being played.

He was supporting a bill whose author admitted would allow an infant ready to be delivered instead to be killed.

The bill changed some of the wording and reduced the requirement for a second and third doctor's note, to just one. His statement was chopped up and fed to their (Pro-Life SJWers) hysterical masses as evidence of Infanticide. They ate it up like the other SJWers did on the Injun Joe v Smirking kid crap.

Somebody is playing with ya.

I heard the bill's author say it allowed for abortion during labor, and he was supporting it. That's enough for me.

Of course is..... except....

When she was asked by a Republican lawmaker during the hearing whether the bill would allow an abortion to occur when a woman is in labor and about to give birth, Tran said yes.

But on Thursday, Tran, a mother of four, corrected herself. "I should have said: 'Clearly, no because infanticide is not allowed in Virginia, and what would have happened in that moment would be a live birth.' "

The edited video of Tran's testimony led some on Twitter to call Tran a "baby killer" or "a demonic creature." Trump also weighed in, saying he had seen the video, and called Tran's testimony "terrible."


Tran said she and her family have received death threats through telephone messages, email and social media, leading to extra police protection for her at the state Capitol in Richmond, and for her family in West Springfield"

After Getting Death Threats, US Lawmaker Says She "Misspoke" On Abortion

Yeah, I know. Death threats are par for the course for anyone taking a strong stand on virtually anything today. They come from the left and the right.

As for her "correction", how valuable is it when it is only offered AFTER the backlash begins? Why would she not seek to clarify what she meant after reflecting on what she said, given that it was part of the record? IOW, it's hard to take her seriously at this point. I believe she would have been content to let her statement stand uncorrected had there been no backlash, because I believe she is in the camp that refuses ANY restrictions on abortion at all.

How many of you would have believed Bret Kavanaugh had he, when first questioned about Ford, said, "Yes, I got too friendly with her", then, after getting death threats from outraged liberals, said, "Obviously, that would have been wrong. What I should have said was, "I did NOT get too friendly. I asked her to make out with me and when she said no, I wished her a nice evening and left her alone"?

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